Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Breathing heavily, he wrapped his arm around Kate’s waist and Bran wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

“I knew I would have a bond with Kate as her mate, but I never thought ours would be this close. Do you think Landon and Lucas will feel a bond like this as twins?” Caleb asked Bran.

“I hope so. This is an amazing feeling. It’s like I know you’ll always be there to have my back,” Bran said as his breathing slowed down.

Caleb nodded. Just then the door to the master bedroom flew open and Riley stood there, eyes wide. Caleb quickly grabbed a blanket and tossed it over their waists where they were still joined.

“Can we help you, Riley?” Bran asked calmly.

Riley brought a cell phone up to his ear. “Uh… they… they are fine, Alpha Mother,” Riley stuttered, turning bright red. One second of silence then another went by before a high-pitched giggle was heard floating from Riley’s phone.

“Goodnight,” he said before pressing the End button.

“Sorry, sir, goodnight.” He raced out the door and slammed it behind him.

Caleb met Bran’s eyes over Kate’s head and they both began to laugh.

Chapter 7

The next morning Kate walked into the diner with Bran and Caleb. Rebecca, Nicholas and Ashby stopped talking and looked over at her before bursting into giggles. Rian was already there with the boys, feeding Lucas pieces of pancakes. Next to him Damian was doing the same with Landon. They had arrived early that morning to pick up the boys for the day. Kate rolled her eyes. She was willing to bet Rian couldn’t wait to call Damian this morning to gossip about last night.

“Oh God, please tell me you didn’t feel everything!” Kate pleaded.

She had been mortified when Bran had explained what had happened when she passed out.

Rebecca shook her head.

“No, but we felt it when you lost consciousness. I was freaking out thinking you were hurt, so I called Riley. When he told me what happened, I had to call Ashby and Nicholas back because they were blowing up my phone.” Rebecca was still giggling. Kate turned to Rian.

“Thank you for watching the boys so we could run errands. Caleb is giving notice at the bar and then we’re running over to Brighton for art supplies.” Kate grabbed a piece of bacon from Rebecca’s plate.

Rian nodded then smiled as he wiped the syrup off Landon’s chin.

“Wish I could go, but Aleks has me on probation. The only reason I was able to come out today is because I had a doctor’s appointment,” Rebecca said, frowning.

“And how is my itty bitty baby boy? Did you miss your Dada?” Liam said in baby talk. Rubbing her tummy, he leaned down, making kissy noises at her belly.

Rebecca laughed. “You keep saying stuff like that and I won’t feel bad when Aleks kills you.”

Liam shrugged nonchalantly.

“Get your hands off her stomach, cat!” Aleks growled from the doorway as he walked in.

Dr. Claybourne walked in behind Aleks. Rebecca jumped up and hurried over to give Aleks a kiss. Aleks leaned down and gave her a dry peck on the cheek. Her eyes narrowed.

“Kate got pounded into the mattress so hard she passed out last night.
How about we try for that?” Rebecca said, playing with his shirt buttons.

Aleks frowned. “Kate isn’t pregnant. You are.”

Rebecca stomped her foot before whirling around to face Dr. Claybourne, who sat at the counter waiting for his to-go order.

“Dr. Claybourne, can we have sex?” she asked.

Immediately Aleks began to
as he pushed Rebecca behind him and bared his canines at the doctor. Dr. Claybourne paled and rolled his eyes heavenward. Rebecca began pounding on Aleks’ back with her tiny fists.

“Stop that! He is the only doctor in town. If you piss him off, you’ll be delivering this baby.”

Aleks immediately calmed down. Dr. Claybourne let out a breath before turning to Rebecca.

“Are you trying to get me killed? Last week, in front of him, you said ‘You didn’t hurt me as much this week when you were inside me.’ His claws shifted then. I swear if you hadn’t explained it was the pelvic exam, he would have murdered me,” Dr. Claybourne said, taking a seat at the counter.

Behind them muffled laughter was heard from multiple tables.

“Maddox, I’m so sorry about my son. I’m afraid he will be like this through all seven pregnancies if he is anything like his Pa. Here, breakfast is on the house.” Ma handed him two boxes.

He waved his hands, as if to dismiss her worries.

“It’s all part and parcel of what comes with being a shifter doctor.” He got up to leave.

“Wait! What about my sexcapades!” Rebecca demanded.

The doctor turned to Aleks. “It is safe to have sex with your mate, mattress pounding and all.” He winked at Rebecca. With that, he turned and left.

“See! He said it was okay,” Rebecca said.

Kate watched the entire scene in fascination. Aleks turned red then white then a deep scarlet.

“I have to go back to work!” he said before he, too, turned and left the diner.

“Oh, dear, he forgot his lunch,” Ma said, chuckling.

“I’ll run it to him. The last thing anyone needs is Aleks grumpy and stressed-ass hungry,” Connor said, sauntering around the counter.

“Connor, language. And thank you for looking out for your grumpy brother,” Ma said, smiling.

“Humph! I’ll get him. Ashby, Nicholas, unfortunately our other coconspirators are babysitting. We’ll catch you up later, guys.” She waved at Damian and Rian.

“Let’s head to the library. I need to wrap up some paperwork, get some books shelved and then it’s time for another cake attack,” she said, hopping up and down.

“I want details! Until I find my own mate, I need to live vicariously through you and Kate,” Rian said, laughing.

“I’ll see what I can do because, right now, I’m not doing anything worthy of vicarious living,” Rebecca said.

“Can we get some of the cake this time? That coconut cake last time smelled divine,” Ashby said, sighing.

For the last cake attack, they had made nearly a half dozen cakes to help Rebecca seduce Aleks. Rebecca nodded.

“Come on, onward to the library and then you can drive me home since Mr. Prickly Bear is at work. He can come find me later. Bye, Ma!” she yelled, grabbing her purse. She, Ashby, and Nicholas stood.

“Come over tomorrow, Kate, and hopefully we’ll be able to swap stories,” Rebecca said, winking.

Kate laughed and smiled at Bran and Caleb, who were giving her worried looks.

“Deal! Save me some of that coconut cake. It sounds good,” Kate said.

“Sure thing!” and the three turned and left. Kate stood and walked over to the counter to stand between Bran and Caleb. She stuck her hands in the back pockets of their jeans, grabbed each of their asses, and squeezed. They both let out a low growl and turned to her before looking at each other, surprised expressions on their faces.

“Well, that’s new,” Bran said, shaking his head smiling.

“What?” Kate asked.

“I can feel the effect you have on Caleb. I’m assuming from the look on his face he can feel your effect on me, too,” Bran said.

Kate gave a wicked smile. “Double your pleasure, double your fun,” she quipped.

“Indeed.” Caleb leaned forward and captured her lips. She returned his kiss before stepping back.

“Come on, we have a lot to do today, including shopping! I want to get a ton of toys for the boys! I still have the credit card, Bran.” She patted her back pocket. She walked over to where the boys sat, waving their tiny blue plastic forks.

“Come here, boys. Give Mama a kiss, too,” she said, reaching for Landon.

“You’re not their mother,” Caleb said, frowning.

Kate froze and she turned to face Caleb, she felt her chest tighten painfully and her stomach begin to knot as she tried not to let the tears she felt forming in her eyes fall. Her body ran cold at his sudden rejection.

“I know I’m not their real mother, but I’m their mama now,” she said quietly, unsure of how to read Caleb’s abrupt, stony expression.

“It’s just that we had to move once to get away from the ones who killed their leap and mother. Now we had to move again because it wasn’t safe for us to be alone. They have had so much taken away from them already,” Caleb said sounding frustrated.

Kate stepped away from the table. “I understand. I’ll help Rebecca at the library and meet you at home later,” she said, and walked out of the diner.

Rian looked up at Caleb and gave a low, long hiss. Damian echoed with a low growl.

“Caleb, the only reason I haven’t put you on your ass is because I understand that you and the boys have been through a lot in a short amount of time. But that was not her fault. None of this is our fault. Don’t take your frustrations and insecurities out on the woman I love. Fate gave her to both of us for a mate, but that doesn’t mean instant love, trust, or understanding and it doesn’t make us mind readers. If you don’t tell us something is bothering you, we won’t know.” Bran stepped past Caleb toward the door.

“I’m heading back to the house to take care of pack business. Maybe you should take the afternoon and straighten your shit out because if you ever hurt her like that again, mate or not, I will punch you.” Bran stormed out of the diner.

Caleb looked up to see the entire diner giving him unfriendly looks. Rian and Damian especially were giving him the evil eye.

“Here’s a to-go box for Mojo. You were heading there anyway, weren’t you, Caleb?” Ma said, pushing forward a plastic bag holding four Styrofoam boxes. Caleb nodded. He picked up the bag and turned to Rian and Damian.

“Are you two still willing to watch the boys this afternoon?” he asked.

Rian turned his nose up and huffed. “Of course we are. Kate is our good friend and she asked us to do her a favor, so we will. Because, to set you straight, as much as we love the munchkins, we don’t know you from Adam and we’re not doing this for you.” Rian gestured to the boys. Damian nodded.

“Maybe when you’re out there pulling your head out of your ass, think on this. What would your mating be like if Kate didn’t want to be their mama or didn’t want to turn her entire life upside down for cubs that weren’t her own?” Damian said quietly.

Caleb walked over and kissed each boy on the head. He nodded to Rian and Damian and headed out of the diner.

* * * *

As Caleb walked to the bar he thought about Damian’s words. Damian was right. It would have been a disaster if Kate had rejected the boys. He let out a sigh. Man, he had screwed up. Soon he stopped and looked up at the bar where he worked. It was a country bar, complete with saloon style swinging doors. The wood planks surrounding the building made you feel as if you were in an old mining town. One of the things his artistic side loved the most about Arkadia was the diversity of its architectural styles that made this small town quaint and even more unique.

He pushed past the swinging doors before opening one of the glass double doors and heading straight to the bar. Since it was a weekday the place was deserted and the stage where the local bands played was as empty as the wooden dance floor.

Most of the tables had chairs stacked on top of them waiting to be taken down for Friday evening. That’s when this place made most of its money. During the week, it was the odd patron here and there, but mostly it was cleaning and stocking and getting ready for the weekend.

He spotted Mojo behind the bar cleaning glassware. The man stood at six feet eight inches. His head was shaved bald and he sported a well-trimmed beard that made him look as though he had a perpetual five o’clock shadow. They may have been the same height, but the man outweighed him by nearly fifty pounds and all of it was muscle. He was huge and intimidating, especially with the number of piercings and the visible tats exposed by his short-sleeved, V-necked T- shirt.

But he knew Mojo had a soft spot for those less fortunate. He had hired him on the spot without a background check when he found out he had two baby boys to support. He knew that he slipped money into the tip jar for the waitstaff when they weren’t looking and he would volunteer down at the school for field days and class activities. He was one of the best men Caleb had ever had the privilege to meet.

Caleb slid onto the worn leather and wooden barstool, putting the plastic bag on the bar.

“Where in the hell have you been? I was worried about you and those boys. You’re never here during the day, so it must be important.”

Mojo liked Caleb. The man was honest and dependable. The way he put the cubs of his first had won him a lot of admiration in his eyes. Not a lot of men could have done what Caleb had.

“I came to give notice since I mated, but now I don’t know if that is working out.”

Caleb reached behind the bar and picked up a bottle. He popped the cap and took a long drink. Mojo watched him closely. Though Caleb and been working there for six months, this was the first time he had seen him drink alcohol.

“Congratulations on your mating. Who is the lucky woman?” Mojo asked, taking a drink of his own beer.

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