Albany Park (52 page)

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Authors: Myles (Mickey) Golde

BOOK: Albany Park
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Making a soft noise as if clearing her throat she continued, “I think it is important that you know my husband is currently in jail. He did something very stupid several years ago and has lived to
regret it

She paused again, a small wrinkle appearing on her brow, as she tried to read his face and gather her thoughts. “Our marriage has always been a little rocky, but we managed. I guess our son David, who now is a doctor, was the glue that held us together. We never had any other children. . David’s always been a very bright, handsome boy, who was a good athlete and well-liked in school. Having him has always made our life alright in our eyes.”

Vic shifted in his seat. “Shirley, what does this have to do with,”

Shirley held up her hand. He exhaled moving back a little. “Victor, this is very difficult for me. Please let me continue. When I’m finished I’m sure you will understand.”

She took a sip of her wine and looked up. “We recently found out that David has leukemia. The doctors have told us the prognosis is not good. His only hope is for a bone marrow transplant and even then, they can’t guarantee he will recover.”

Vic put his hand on hers. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”

The touch of his hand felt comforting as she continued. “For the last several weeks, the doctors and I have been trying to find a match for him. We’ve tested my husband’s family and mine, as well as all other possible sources with no luck.”

Vic shook his head. “Shirley, my heart goes out to you, but I’m not sure why you’re telling me this. “

Shirley sat up straight and pulled her hand away. “Please, let me get to that,” her expression suddenly became very serious. “Last week, David’s doctor was upset and told me something incredible. He had discovered when going over the results of the latest blood test that my husband was not my son’s father. Their blood types did not match, and the doctor wanted to know why we didn’t tell him.

Stopping briefly, she took a deep breath and some wine. “I was so shocked that I didn’t know how to respond, He also told me he wasn’t interested in my personal life in any way which was why he wanted to talk with me before discussing his findings with David or anyone else. His only concern was his patient and finding a donor quickly. The important thing, he said is that the biological father be contacted immediately to be tested as a possible donor. I couldn’t believe what he was saying, but he assured me it was true. Before we parted I begged him not to discuss his findings with David or anyone else and promised I would get back to him within a few days. So you see Victor….,that is why I am here.”

Vic gasped as his hand flew to his mouth. “What kind of craziness is this? C’mon, Shirley we’re not in high school anymore. Are you saying that you think David is my son?”

“Believe me, Victor, I was as surprised as you are.”

“But how, ….when could this have happened? This has to be some kind of joke.”

Shirley reached for his hand but he snatched it away, stuttering, “Oh no, don’t pull this on me.”

He started to get up but she tugged his sleeve. “I wish it was a joke, but believe me. I wracked my brain before I realized what had happened. Remember that afternoon when we were at my folks’ apartment right before graduation? I was going with Howie at the time. When I found out I was pregnant, three months later, I naturally assumed he was the father and we got married.

Breathing deeply, Vic settled back down, his hands spread flat on the table, the color leaving his face.

“No one thought too much about it at the time,” Shirley continued, “because Howie and I had been talking about getting married, but I’d put it off because I wanted to go downstate to the U of I for at least a year. When this happened, he was thrilled and our folks agreed that we should push up our plans. It never crossed my mind that he wasn’t David’s father, although I do have to admit that there’ve been times when I looked at David, I thought how much he reminded me of you. Now I know why.”

Coughing nervously and taking a few deep breaths, Vic swallowed and stuttered in a low shaky voice, “Shirley, I don’t know what to say or believe with you showing up here and telling me this. It sounds too crazy to be true. There’s got to be a mistake.”

“I know. I felt the same way, but Victor, I swear that other than Howie, you were the only one that I slept with at that time. I wouldn’t have ever known this was possible if it hadn’t been for David’s illness. Please Victor… I need your help and more importantly he needs your help.”

Vic felt like the wind was knocked out of him. Could it be possible? His head was spinning. Did he have another son and did this boy need him. Thoughts of Darlene flashed across his mind. How would she react? He looked at Shirley, leaning forward, in her elegant clothes, eyes looking up and pleading with him. Shirley Siegal, all these years later and she’s still looking for a way to trap me.

He glared at her. “I can’t believe what you’re saying. This is too far-fetched—you showing up after all this time, claiming I’m the father of your son. It doesn’t make sense. I can’t get involved with this.”

She stared back, her eyes compressed into slits. “Victor I don’t like doing this, but you have to be tested. It may be the only way to save my son. If I am forced to hire a lawyer and go into court to claim you are his father, I will.”

Vic looked down, putting his hand to his chin, a deep crease forming on his forehead. He shook his head.

Leaning forward, she clenched her teeth as she spoke. “Before you say anything, I want you to know I have powerful friends and if I have to sue you for paternity, it won’t be pretty.”

He frowned. “Are you threatening me?”

“No, I’m only telling you how determined I am to save my son. I will do whatever I have to. I don’t want to make anything awkward for you, but this is bigger than anything in our past or now.”

“Yeah, so, I’m listening,” his breathing steadier, he looked her way.

“My son has a promising career as a research doctor. He is emerging as a respected leader in the new field of Invitro fertilization and has written articles and been a featured speaker at three medical conferences in the last two years. I am very proud of him. I am also desperate and will do anything to see that he gets this transplant.”

Vic looked up. Shirley met his eyes and said, “Victor, I promise you that I will do everything I can to keep this conversation and anything that comes of it very confidential. No one, not even my son knows that I am here. I don’t want to hurt or embarrass you.”

Vic nodded. “Is there anything else I should know? If not, I think I should go. I have a lot to think about.”

She shook her head and wiped at the corner of her eyes. Retrieving a card from her purse, she handed it to him. “Call David’s doctor, or ask your doctor to call and mention my name. He’ll be able to tell you what’s necessary for the test. If you need me for anything, call me at the number on the back.”

Standing, she reached for his hand and he rose, their eyes meeting for an instant.

“Will you help?”

Vic opened his palms out at his sides and said, “I can’t answer you now. Give me some time to think.”

Looking down and then back at her, he said softly, I’m sorry we had to meet this way.”

She nodded. “Me too, but please call the doctor as soon as possible. Time is running out.” She stepped away from the table. “And thank you, Victor, for coming here. You’re a good man. I know you won’t disappoint David and me.” Turning to leave, she stopped. “Don’t worry about the restaurant, I took care of it earlier,” she said, and headed for the door.

His heart was pounding heavily and his brain was swimming as he pondered their conversation.. Ten minutes later he pulled out of the lot and headed back to Wayne Construction. Once there, he closed the door and sat at his desk, not leaving until everyone else had left for the day.

He called the doctor in Florida the following morning. An hour later, the doctor called back and Vic gave him the name of his doctor in Chicago who could set up the test as soon as possible..


Chapter 37

The Wednesday morning staff meeting at Wayne Construction lasted longer than usual due to a report of damage to a load of wallboard at one of the job sites. It concluded with the project manager stating that he had a shipment of board to replace the damaged goods coming in Thursday and the installers scheduled to go back to work Friday.

Frank stopped at Vic’s office afterward. “You okay?” he inquired. “You seemed a little quiet at the meeting.”

“I’m alright. I guess I didn’t sleep too well last night.”

“I was surprised you didn’t question the guys about the wallboard. You usually get more involved.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, but I’m sure it’ll be okay. I’ll check Thursday afternoon, to make sure the shipment arrives.”

“Good, by the way, I think you’ll be glad to know that I’m having lunch with the two guys who head the group that took over the building across from that large insurance company on Wabash. They’re talking about building a multi-use structure to replace it, with retail, offices and apartments on the upper floors.” Frank smiled, backing toward the door. “That should make you feel better.”

“Sure does,” Vic chuckled. “Go get ‘em.”

The rest of the morning passed with some routine phone calls and interruptions from people in the office seeking answers or advice. Thinking about the bone marrow test results, Vic was having difficulty concentrating.

After a quick lunch alone, Vic returned to the office at one thirty. He began working on a proposal he and Frank had been preparing for a children’s clinic in Hyde Park for the University of Chicago hospital. It was a complex job and one they were anxious to get, because previous projects like this highly specialized medical construction had been profitable and could lead to more opportunities. The numbers and complex jargon however swam in front of his eyes, as he awaited news of the test, until he finally had to set the paper aside and close the door to his office.

At four-fifteen, the call came from David Rabin’s doctor. Sounding upbeat, he told Vic he was a perfect match and would be an excellent donor for his patient’s transplant.

Returning the phone to the cradle, Vic loosened his tie and reached for the bottle of scotch in his bottom drawer; poured himself a drink and leaned back, his fingers drumming nervously on his desk as he sipped. How would he tell Darlene? Even though he had been with Shirley before they were married, he knew she would take it hard. He pictured her, her dark eyes tearing up as she tried to think of what to say in response to his startling confession. Or possibly she would react scornfully, in a voice pierced with anger and disbelief. He shuddered, realizing how the revelation would affect what was left of their marriage.

Leaning forward, shoulders sloping and hands holding the scotch tumbler in front of him , he pondered the possible outcomes.

There was no way that Darlene would be sympathetic. It had always bothered her that Shirley had been his girlfriend when they were young. She had teased him enough times about Shirley in the past, and sometimes let it slip that she worried that she hadn’t really been his first choice. It wasn’t true, but like a lot of women, even after many years, old jealousies surfaced. Knowing that he had been with her while he and Darlene were going steady might put her over the edge. And ever since Darlene had found out about Mitzi Rubin, there’d be no way to get her to believe that he hadn’t known about Shirley’s son.

Lastly he thought of Frank and the business they had built on integrity and reputation; and his supporters on the Crime Commission, who were encouraging his bid for Congress. What would they all think about Shirley being the madam of a whore house, with a husband in jail and he being the father of her child? He had always made such a big deal about being so proper and honest about everything. Now they would find out he was deeply involved with a woman that most people would consider a tramp or worse and think him a hypocrite. It wouldn’t help that he hadn’t known of Shirley’s profession until this week. If the story came out, he and his “Mr. Clean” reputation would go right out the window. Draining the glass, he got up and walked into Frank’s office, closed the door and sat in front of the desk; biting his lip as he waited for Frank to finish a call.

“What’s up? You look terrible,” Frank said, hanging up and turning
his way

Sighing, Vic cleared his throat. “I need a favor and you’re the only one I can trust.”

Frank’s eyebrow curved up quizzically, as he replied softly, “What is it? Whatever you need, you know I’ll do it.”

“You remember my old girlfriend Shirley from high school?”

Franks eyes widened. “Yeah, so,” he said, sitting quietly. Then listening and shaking his head as Vic unburdened himself.

When he finished, Frank sat still for a moment, then sighed. “I can’t believe it. Jesus Christ, what a goddamn mess. So what are you
gonna do

“That’s what I need you for. I’ve thought about it and there’s no way I can tell Darlene. It’ll break her heart.”

“I understand. Women can’t handle that kind of shit.”

Vic made a soft sound, straightened and set his jaw. Focusing hard on his brother, he added, “I have to go to Florida to donate bone marrow for this kid.”

Are you sure? Isn’t she the same broad who lied to you when you were in high school?”

Closing his eyes, Vic nodded, “yeah, that’s her and I’m sure, or at least the doctor told me I’m a match and can save his life. So I’ve gotta do it.”

“Absolutely, I agree. What can I do to help?”

“I need you to go with me when I donate the bone marrow. I’ll probably be a little weak or sore and will need some help. But it shouldn’t take more than a few days. We can tell everyone we’re going on business. When we return, we’ll just say the deal fell apart.”

Walking around the desk, Frank settled in the chair next to Vic.

“Okay, so when are we goin’?” he said resting a hand on his shoulder. “Hey look, it’s not the end of the world. Nobody has to know what’s goin’ on. The kid’s 36 years old. You can make him and his mother sign some kind of confidentiality agreement before you’ll consent to be a donor. Remember, they need you more than you need them.”

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