Alaska Black Gold Box Set (2 page)

Read Alaska Black Gold Box Set Online

Authors: Erica Storm

Tags: #BWWM African American erotic romance, #african american contemporary romance, #African African urban romance, #African American erotica fiction

BOOK: Alaska Black Gold Box Set
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I’m looking at my brother Jackson and trying to get through to him that we have a business to deal with and he’s acting like a teenager. He thinks with his dick all the time.

“Don’t worry Chance, this time I hired two women, if anything happens,” he coughs under his breath, “I will guarantee that at least one will be able to cook and clean.”

“I don’t want you fucking any of them. Or I’m sending you home and them with you.”

“What do you expect a man to do out here? You want the pipeline taken care of and inspected and there is nothing for the men or me to do. You built this cabin and those working cabins out in no man’s land.”

“When men work as hard as my men and me, fucking a woman, is the last thing on our minds,” I say to him.

“Speak for yourself. The only thing on your mind is making money. You can’t take money to bed and warm those sheets for you.” Jackson has a good argument but I don’t want to hear it. If I need a woman, I’ll order one.

“Money should be on your mind too. After the thousands I’ve thrown away behind you screwing every waitress and barmaid in Alaska, that you have impregnated, they could own this company if this doesn’t stop.”

“Look at it this way little brother, you will have nephews and nieces to leave your money to because I don’t see you getting anyone pregnant soon. Even your girlfriend in Seattle says she doesn’t see you enough to get pregnant. And every time you leave Alaska, you have to find another woman because no one is going to wait a year for you to come home.”

“The right woman will wait for me.”

“Who is the right woman? You can’t meet the right woman in this wilderness.” I guess Jackson had a point but what is the alternative. This is where I make my money. I couldn’t trust Jackson with running our grandfather’s company.

“I’m going out to check on the men. When will those women get here? I’ll be back in two days and I want the cabin clean and food on the table. ”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get them here as soon as they land at the airport. Remember you built this cabin twenty miles outside of town. The cabins you built for your men don’t have the luxuries you have. They just have a place to eat and bunk.”

“I pay those guys more than other companies. They know when their time is up they will make money that’s worth their time and their families.”

“I need this place supplied for a month. Food, water, and wood for the stove. Can I depend on you to take care of that?”

“When have I ever let you down?”

“Don’t ask a question like that if you don’t want me to answer it,” I say to him. I leave in the jeep and head out to the work station. I’m hoping Jackson follow my orders.

Chapter 4: Olivia

he flight was three and a half hours to Fairbanks. I had to listen to Carrie run her mouth about what we were going to do once we arrived. She acts as if we are going on a sightseeing trip or vacation. She said, “We can go camping.” To which I interrupted her.

“I’ve never been camping in my life. Black people have been camping all their lives. It’s in our DNA not to put ourselves in harm’s way, and it goes against our DNA to be anywhere it’s cold. Alaska doesn’t have a large population of black people if any because it’s cold here.” She glances at me with a closed smile and she’s amused at what I’m saying.

“When are we going to have the time to go camping or fishing and who knows how to fish anyway? And all the men you’re talking about meeting are probably married and if they aren’t they are looking for a quick fuck. There is no way I’m going to lie down and open my legs, and give up my virginity for any beard wearing, red and black flannel shirt wearing mountain man.”

“You are too hard on men. Why can’t you see them for what they are...?”

“Sex starved maniacs who want to fuck every second.”

“What’s wrong with that? You probably want and need a good fuck. Anyone who’s as uptight as you are, need a good fuck every day. I bet you would be a different woman if one of those mountain men got a hold to you,” Carrie says delighting in her words. I raise my eyebrow and twist my mouth.

I had to admit that I would like to meet someone I could fall for but I didn’t expect it would be anytime soon because my focus is working and surviving until I can get my first paycheck from my teaching job.

We departed the plane and headed to the luggage area. “Where is this guy supposed to meet us?” I ask Carrie. “I need him here to help me with the bags.” The bags are on the conveyer belt. We struggle with the bags and load them on a cart, and walk around where we can get some form of transportation to town if we have to.

“What were you packing for those bags are heavy?” I said lugging a shoulder bag and pushing the cart with barely any help from Carrie.

“It’s cold remember. We could freeze our ass off.”

We finally push the cart to the entrance and then we hear someone calling out to Carrie. He’s holding a sign. Carrie and I turn at the same time to see this tall handsome guy. He’s wearing a small dark beard, and there is a smile on his face. He has white teeth. I can tell he is not one of the locals. He’s wearing a red and black flannel shirt and dark pants, and black boots. He’s waving and calling out for Carrie. She smiles and waves her hand and nudges me in the side.

“Didn’t I tell you the men here are handsome and look at that body; he’s smoking hot. I wouldn’t mind keeping him warm on a winter’s night.” I glare at her.

“We’re not here for that remember.”

“Leave me alone. You’re not here for that. I came her especially for that and for him.” A big smile crosses her face as he nears us.

“Ladies, my name is Jackson Gold and I assume you’re the lovely Miss Carrie Albright.” I had never seen Carrie smile so wide and act so giddy as if he was the first man she ever saw. He’s handsome and Carrie is completely taken with him as he’s with her. They stand there looking at each other with their mouths open and I’m standing there watching them, wondering whether he’s going to take her on the floor in front of me.

“Excuse me, but my name is Olivia Grant,” I say stepping in front of the love birds.

“Sorry Jackson, this is the friend I texted you about. She’ll help me cook and clean for your brother.”
It will probably be me cooking and cleaning. The way Carrie is looking at Jackson, he’ll have her pants down and his dick in her mouth before sundown. It was downright sinful the way they were eyeing each other

When we arrived in this small town I jumped out of the truck. Carrie and Jackson were still gazing at each other as if they were the only two around. My eyes surveyed this backwater town in the middle of nowhere. There was a grocery store with a large sign, rooms to rent, in the window. A gas station, a restaurant with a bar set apart from the grocery store. There were rows of trucks parked outside the restaurant. In a distance I could see the snow covered mountains surrounding the town. It is a picturesque sight if you like that kind of thing.

Me, I wanted to see city lights from a warm bed.

Jackson bought boxes filled with groceries and water from a list. We loaded everything into the truck and when I got in next to Carrie, I asked, “How much further is the cabin?”

“We’re going to that valley at the foot of that mountain. Maybe twenty miles or so not much further.” I glance at Carrie and she has her eyes plastered on Jackson and he has his hand on her knee and Carried has her hand on his dick. I knew what that meant.

He turns to Carrie, “I’m glad you came. I thought if you got this ad from Craigslist you wouldn’t contact me but you did, and I’m glad you did,” Jackson says with a wide smile. His handsome face, with his dark beard and thick eyebrows, was overly cheerful. And why wouldn’t he be. He knew he was getting fucked tonight.

I hit Carrie in the side with my elbow and she turns to me and I mouth, “Craigslist? No you didn’t.” Another lie to get me in this hell hole.

“I’m glad you brought your friend. I fell for you the minute you sexted me, and I knew I wouldn’t let you slave for my brother. We can get to know each other. I have a private room I rent over the grocery store, and we can go back there after we drop off Olivia.”

I’m pulling at Carrie’s arm and I lean and whisper, “What the fuck, Carrie? You’re going to desert me when we have all this work to do?” I turn to Jackson, “Is the cleaning a big job and when are we expected to have the cabin ready for your brother, and when is the cooking to start?”

“You have two days.”

“See Olivia you have enough time,” Carrie smiles at me and I want to kick her.

“Don’t start Carrie. If I had known this was going to happen I would have...” I stop because I don’t know the sleeping arrangements yet. “Where will we sleep for the two months?”

“Carrie can stay with me... if you want to?” He looks at Carrie and she shakes her head agreeing. “And you of course will sleep in the extra room in the cabin. It’s not a big cabin.”

“Carrie, you can’t leave me alone with his brother,” I say loud for Jackson to hear.

“I can vouch for my brother. He’s not interested in anything but a home cooked meal.” That’s comforting. He’s vouching for his brother. He could be a pervert too. “How old is your brother?” I ask.

“He’s thirty. An old man.” I laugh because a man that age is just coming into his prime and he’s probably fucking anything and everything that moves and somethings that don’t. “I’m going to stay as far away as I can from him.” Jackson lets out a hardy laugh. Maybe he’s knows something I don’t.

Chapter 5: Olivia

e finally arrive at the log cabin. It’s huge and there is nothing but pine trees anchoring it and a lake that extends for miles. It’s getting dark and I’m tired from the three hour and a half airplane ride, not to mention driving another half hour out here, and stopping off and buying groceries. Carrie and Jackson pack the boxes off to the kitchen as I look around the house.

It’s a beautiful log cabin with a two sided fireplace setting in the middle of the large living room. Dark leather furniture sets around the cabin, stuffed animal heads on the walls, and bear rugs everywhere. I’m wondering whether this mountain man killed these animals.

Then Carrie and Jackson return and Carrie announce, “We put everything away and Jackson is going to build a fire and we’re off.”

“The house is equipped with radiant floors. It will heat the house just fine, but Chance, that’s my brother, likes the wood burning Eco friendly fire place in the bedrooms.”

“He would,” I mumble under my breath.

“I thought this was a small cabin. It’s big and I’ll need Carrie’s help to clean it,” I say to Jackson who’s bringing in more firewood for the fireplace.

“I’ll be back tomorrow to help you Olivia. You can count on me.” I roll my eyes at her and exhale.

“I’ll make sure she’s back tomorrow morning bright and early to help you,” Jackson says pulling Carrie into his arms, and they’re kissing and biting each other’s lips like two teenagers, standing in line at Disney World, and both his hands are on her butt. I walk out of the room before I get sick.

I wobble into the bedroom and gaze around. I’m tired as hell. The place is dusty and the furniture is covered with sheets. I pull the sheets aside and there is a large king bed. It looks like it was built by hand. I wonder about the man who sleeps there. I walk around the room and on a large dresser are pictures.

“That’s my brother Chance Gold and some of his girlfriends.” I jump because I didn’t hear Jackson. I’m mesmerized at this gorgeous man smiling back at me. I can’t take my eyes off of him. He’s riveting me to one spot.

I can’t move because he’s too handsome. His eyes are blue green and he has a wicked smile with perfect white teeth and he is handsome beyond measure. I can’t take my eyes away from him. I move on to the next picture and he’s posing with a different woman and another and another. This is a man who fucks and moves on but what is it about him that I want to be part of his entourage?

When I turn around and walk to the window, I see Carrie and Jackson driving off. I’m in the middle of nowhere and there are no lights except in the house. The house is warm but I can’t get over how cold it feels. Then I realize that it has snowed. It’s June for crying out loud.

To get warm, I do a little light housekeeping. I dust and change the sheets on the bed, wash the blankets, throw them in the dryer, and put them on the bed. I’m tired and sleepy and I don’t remember falling asleep under the covers. Maybe it was after I took a shower and covered myself with only a towel and laid on Chance’s large comfortable mattress.

All I remember is looking at the bed and being too tire to clean the other room. I’m thinking that Chance Gold won’t be back for two days, so I drag my tired body from the shower and climb into his bed underneath a mountain of blankets and close my eyes.

I’m too tired and I can’t move if I wanted to. I don’t know whether I’m sleeping or awake. I can’t be awake, that’s why I think I’m dreaming, and that’s why I wasn’t alarmed when I felt a warm body next to me.

I’m having one of those wet dreams I’ve heard Carrie talk about. A sexual dream where I’m having sex and it’s good. This is great, I think. The face I see in my dream is the beautiful and gorgeous Chance Gold. His body feels so strong and hard and I’m aroused and wet.

In my dream, I’m in love with Chance, and I’m calling to him to come to bed, and I’m waiting for him. He climbs into bed and he’s warm and his fine body is next to mine heating me from the cold. His body is drowning me in pleasure and desperation for him. I’m holding on to his muscled arms as he lay above me.

His warm lips are kissing my nipples, and I reach for his penis and it’s pulsating and the warmth of his flesh is intoxicating. I place the crown of his cock at my opening and he pushes into me as he’s sucking my nipples hard. He’s fucking me, and my hips are rising to meet his fantastic hard body. My arms are wrapped around his neck, and I’m biting his shoulder and raking my nails across his back.

I’m whispering in his ear. “Fuck me Chance. Don’t stop fucking me. Fuck me hard.” And he hammers into me because I’m tight. I’m a virgin but not anymore. His large dick is hurting me, but with one more push it’s all in and soon it doesn’t hurt any longer. I can’t get enough of him with him sucking my nipples and fucking me hard to open me up where he can fuck me with ease.

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