Aint too proud to beg sfdg-1 (4 page)

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Authors: Susan Donovan

Tags: #love_contemporary

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He cocked his head and asked, A mistake? Why?

Because I went to the store to find out why the handsome dog groomer blew me off, only to discover youre the employ/er,/ not the employ/ee/.

A faint smile appeared on his lips. Does that matter?

I guess not.

Then wheres the mistake?

Look, I convinced myself there was something special about you. Its a long story. But the bottom line is, I was trying to be more proactive about the whole dating thing and it seems I got carried away.

One of Ricks eyes squinted.

Well, take care. She turned toward the elevator but stopped, thinking she couldnt end things so rudely. No hard feelings, okay? Ill still shop at Celestial Pet. I get all my dog toys there. And now I have the free groomings! She forced a smile. Good-bye.

Rick rubbed his beard stubble, obviously trying to hide a smile. Wait.


Out of curiosity, could you please describe Josephine Sheehans usual approach to dating? I dont think Ill be able to sleep at night unless I know.

She caught the sarcasm in his voice, but it was a legitimate question, and Josie had to think through her answer. She recalled what Bea had said about her lack of initiative and standards. I never had an approach before you.

Is that so?

She nodded with certainty. Yep. But I took one look at you that day at the grooming salon and I said to myself,?Make it happen, girl, or youll always regret it. But like I said, I think I just got carried away.

A shadow passed across Ricks eyes. Please accept my apology for not calling you.

She shrugged. Its okay.

No, its really not, Josie. His voice softened and he reached for her hand, cupping it gently. Never accept that kind of bullshit from a man/ever/. You deserve better. Every woman does.

She laughed. Well, arent you gallant!

His expression narrowed and he shook his head almost imperceptibly. I try my best not to hurt anyone, thats all. A look of puzzlement came over him. Whats wrong with your eyelids?

Inside, Josie had curled up into a fetal position and wished to die.

Outside, she sported a carefree smile. Allergies.

Rick studied her cautiously. Well, Miss Sheehan, how can I can make this up to you?

Josies eyes got big, her lips parted, and her mind began spinning with possibilities. A cup of coffee now seemed way too humdrum a request for such a charming and courteous pet-supply tycoon. Her imagination jumped around from a jaunt to Cabo aboard his corporate jet, to a weekend in wine country, to introducing him to her parents while on a private cruise down the Nile. But instead, she went for something really outlandish.

You could start with a kiss. /My God, where was all this bravado coming from?/ He tugged on her hand until she bumped up against his bodyfull-frontal contact! Her thighs tingled. She got a head rush to end all head rushes.

She raised a hand to his rough cheek. His gaze went directly to her mouth.

Thats the moment he leaned in, angled his head, and the elevator binged.

Three uniformed men burst through the door with their guns pointed at Josies head. Got her, one of them said into a radio clipped to his shirt.

She thought shed pee herself.

Stand down! /Now/! Rick blocked her with his body. She hooked her arms around his waist and ducked. Shes not a security matter, he said. Shes a friend.

Josies legs really did collapse at that point. She began hyperventilating at the idea that real guns with real bullets were pointed at /her/. Since when was she a security risk everywhere she went? Was it the make over? Rick reached behind him and steadied her, preventing her from collapsing to the Berber carpet.

The guards holstered their guns, but Josies buddy from the lobby didnt sound happy about it.

Mr. Rousseau, sir, she was supposed to go to public relations. When she didnt show, I knew I had to stop her before she found a way to get to you.

Rick chuckled. He pulled Josie around and hoisted her up by her armpits.

Too late for that, Im afraid.

Josie gazed up at him. He anointed her with a smile. She wanted to smile in return, but she was so nauseous from the adrenaline crash she decided not to risk it.


really dont mean to hound you about this. Teeny took a slurp of herbal tea from his delicate china cup and sighed. But Rick, I gotta ask you, man. Seriously… /what the fuck/?

Rick laughed. He stretched his legs out over the porch railing, leaned back in the old rocker, and folded his hands on his lap. Twilight had begun its slide over Samhain Ranch, pushing the sun west beyond the vineyards, throwing gold light down onto the grapes and red streaks up into the sky. This was his favorite time of day. This was his favorite spot on earth. And he was counting on a weekend of Sonoma Valley solitude and silence to help him come up with an answer to Teenys question.

Point taken, he said.

Shes cute. Okay, fine, not my gender of choice, but I can appreciate cuteness when it shows up, despite the mark-of-Zorro eyebrow wax. Teeny held his teacup in midair. But Ill be honest with you, man. Im baffled.

There hasnt been a woman in your life for almost seven years! Ive watched you make an art form of turning women down! I mean, Gwen Anders is /still/ trying to get in your chinos! After all these years!

Wax? She told me she had allergies.

Teeny chuckled. Hell, no. That was a wax job gone terribly wrong, no doubt about it.

Why are we discussing Gwen Anders? Rick closed his eyes for a moment and searched for patience. The woman runs my foundation. Shes smart and conscientious. I dont want anything more to do with her, not now, not ever, as you are well aware.

Yes. I am. Which brings us right back to my original questionwhy /Josephine Sheehan/? Are you sure about this?

Rick gave his head a quick shake, closing his eyes to concentrate on his breath. In, out, searching deep for some kind of reasonable response.

This wasnt a question for his mind, that much he was sure of. It was a question for his heart, and Rick and his heart hadnt been on speaking terms for a very long time, even before the accident. He opened his eyes and looked at Teeny. Nothings happened with Josie Sheehan.

Yet. Teenys frown deepened. When his dark brow crumpled it made the old football scars look all the more menacing. Lets keep it real, Rick. I saw the way you looked at each other. /Damn./ Teeny set his cup down into its fancy saucer, which was perched on a white wicker table. The eighty-year old Spode china had come with the place, along with the wicker table and the rockers they sat on and everything else the eye could see. When Rick purchased Samhain Ranch from a real estate investor a year ago, he bought a piece of Sonoma Valley historythree thousand acres of vineyard with its own manager, sixteen rooms full of antiques, vast gardens, a state-of-the-art horse stable, and a live-in family that had been running the Victorian-era ranch house and keeping the grounds for four generations. His Pacific Heights house was fine for when he was in the city. But in the last year, Rick had come to see the ranch as home.

What Im asking is, are you chucking the plan? Teeny turned toward Rick and braced his elbows on his knees. Because if you are, well need to expand the background searchmove further into her family and her friends and her job. All the old boyfriends, too, and thats a healthy list. Well have to go deeper into her financials, as well. I want to be absolutely sure theres no connection to our man. You know Bennett Cummings is a sly muthafucka.

Rick blew out a puff of air. /Right. The plan/. It was nearly seven years ago that he made a pledge to himself, and hed stuck to it. Since the morning he woke up in agony and heard the news about what hed done to Margot Cummings, he hadnt let a woman anywhere near him. No dating.

No flirting. No nothing. What was the point? Hed done enough damage to the female species to last several lifetimes.

His last hurrah was the accident. Hed smoked a joint, snorted some coke, and thrown back a few Sam Adamses, just in time to take his motorcycle for a spin in the dark and the rain. Hed convinced Margot to come along.

He hadnt seen her since college, but, as he knew well, she was good-looking and a good lay. Back then, those were his only requirements.

He took the turn too fast, skidding into a guardrail. He died on the operating tablesoared over his own twisted body and looked down upon the scene in awe. Then he woke up. Alive. On fire with pain. Bennett Cummings was at his bedside, telling Rick what hed done to Margot.

Cummings leaned close to Ricks face and whispered, /Some day, you will pay for my daughters life with your own./ After seven years in a coma, Margot died. Rick had traveled to Rhode Island for her funeral two weeks ago. It was the right thing to do.

Bennett Cummings approached him at the service. Its time to collect, was all he said. Then he walked away.

Teeny cleared his throat. Rick looked up, noting the concern on his friends face. He knew Teeny had a legitimate pointwhy now? Why Josephine Sheehan? What in the hell was he doing?

There was no way he could tell Teeny the truththe way the energy had crackled through him the instant he saw Josie, how his heart sat up at attention when he first heard her laugh. Teeny was sensitive, but every guy had his limits.

I like her, Rick answered matter-of-factly. It feels different somehow with Josie, very strong, but good. Almost wholesome. I know that might sound ridiculous, but its the truth.

Teeny blinked, his lips parting.

I dont want to play her, Teen, I just want to get to know her.

Teeny seemed to recover from the shock. So youre chucking the plan?


Teeny nodded. With some difficulty, he pushed himself to his feet. He let out a deep groan and shifted his weight gingerly.

The media had once proclaimed it was a miracle that Syracuse University cornerback Timothy Worrell was up and walking six months after his injury. Rick knew better. Hed been there to see Teeny fight for every minuscule success, every bend of his knee, every raise of his shoulder.

They never gave up on each other in the eighteen months they spent in rehab. They saved each others lives.

Im hitting the barn. You coming?

Rick had converted half of the cavernous old barn into a state-of-the-art fitness facility, complete with a steam room and Jacuzzi. In addition to being his personal assistant, security chief, and best friend, Timothy Worrell was his official ass-kicker. Rick wasnt up and walking because of a miracle, either. Like Teeny, his body was a testament to grueling rehab, orthopedic surgical skill, and cutting-edge plastics and metals. And all of it required daily upkeep. Be there soon.

Teeny took a few steps across the wooden porch floor, then turned, laughing. His deep guffaw silenced the crickets, and his huge white smile lit up the twilight. /Wholesome?/ Damn, Rick. I cant believe you just said that. If it had been anybody else Id say they were full of shit. Teeny winked before he limped off.

Maybe he was right, Rick thought. He could be fooling himself. But why?

There was no reason. Hed been perfectly comfortable tucked away in his private world before Josie and her dog strolled into the store and zapped him. The way all that energy sizzled between them was bizarre, but not unwelcome. What was the word for that kind of reaction? Rick wondered. Smitten? All he knew was that after years of saying no to a string of beautiful, accomplished, and persistent womenof which Gwen Anders was the epitomehed said yes to a cute, funny, and awkwardly honest obituary writer who hadnt exactly been lucky in love herself.

Rick rose from his rocker and took one last look at the dramatic twilight world before himrugged mountains, groves of towering live oak, vineyards as far as the eye could see. Maybe someday hed bring Josie here. She struck him as the kind of person whod appreciate it. /I will not hurt her./ The mantra was only in his head, but it came at him so hard it knocked his breath away. For seven years now, hed been in hiding. Every moment had been about getting his life together, repairing the damage hed done to the world and himself. For seven years, he hadnt dared trust himself with a woman. So why in Gods name did he think he could be trusted with Josephine Sheehan?

When Rick reached down to collect Teenys cup and saucer, the china rattled in his hand. He was trembling.

Josies mother slammed down a wooden spoon and turned away from the stove. Would you please put that dog out in the yard! And for Gods sake, get that underwear away from him!

Josie scrambled from a kitchen chair to catch Genghis before he wore out his welcome. Like he did most Sundays. She lunged, but missed, and the dog was off on another lap from kitchen to dining room to formal living room to family room to hallway. He flew back to the kitchen, ears blown back, delight shining in his little beady brown eyes, Fruit Of The Looms flopping from his jaws.

Josies father shouted from the family room, his voice rising above the Giants game on TV. If that damn dog keeps this up, Ill have to go to work commando!

Ohmigod, Beth said. Not a pleasant visual. Josies sister went back to tossing the salad.

Josie dropped to the floor and closed off access to the dining room.

Genghis skidded to a stop and changed course, his claws flailing on the kitchen tile. Once he regained traction, he was greeted by Josies brother, Donald, who had body-blocked the hallway in preparation for the dogs change of direction.

Got him! Donald laughed as Genghis lay down in defeat. Give it up, dude, he said.

Josie felt a swell of pride as her dog dropped the drool-soaked boxer shorts on command. Maybe Bea had been wrongthose six weeks of dog-training classes had not, in fact, been a complete waste.

Good boy. Donald ruffled Genghiss fur. You really need to get this dog a haircut, Joze, he said, standing up. The Tito Jackson look is so yesterday.

Beth chuckled. And we all know how trendy Josies gotten lately.

I didnt think you noticed, Josie said sarcastically.

Cant you girls spend an afternoon without all the snarky comments, for crying out loud? Josies mother bent down, rattled around in a cupboard, and continued talking, her reprimand muffled by clanking bakeware. I dont think youre any better then you were as teenagers. Anyway, Josephine is looking stunning lately!

Beth rolled her eyes. Mom, did you want me to put the feta cheese on top of the salad or put it in a separate bowl on the table?

Josies mother straightened, turned, and stared at her youngest child in disbelief. Your father has detested feta cheese all his life. Trust me when I tell you he hasnt changed his opinion and never will, not about feta, or politics, or the church, or sex, or anything else in this mortal coil. She picked up the wooden spoon and waved it around. Men dont change. Mark my words.

Josie caught her sisters eye as she pushed herself up from the floor.

You know its bad when she breaks out the Shakespeare, she whispered to Beth.

I heard that. Im not deaf. Ann Sheehan put the lid on the potatoes and leaned up against the kitchen counter, crossing her arms over her chest.

She was still beautiful at sixty-three, Josie thought. The red in her hair had been washed out by silver, but it created a lovely frame for her smooth skin and gray eyes.

Everything okay, Mom? Josie walked to her mother and rubbed her upper arm. Is everything all right with you and Dad?

I think Ill take Genghis for a walk. Donald grabbed the leash off the hook and snapped it to Genghiss collar.

Were eating in twenty minutes! Josies mother called after Donald, then raked a hand through her hair with a sigh. I hate the way you girls snap at each other. After thirty years, you think you could move on.

Josie patted her moms shoulder. Sorry. But everything else is okay?

Her mother sighed. Im fine, Josie. Your father and I are fine. Perfectly fine. Everythings fine.

Thank God theres one thing I can always count on to stay the same. Beth made this pronouncement as she walked out to place the wooden salad bowl in the center of the dining room table, then continued her thought when she returned. It seems like everyone I know is getting divorced. I mean, its not like I blame them. I think about divorcing Howie at least three times a day.

Beth! Josies mother looked horrified. Does Howie know how you feel?

Beth shrugged, opening the pantry door and finding a small cut-glass serving bowl. Oh, I change my mind by the time I get the kids to bed.

Usually. I dont know… She spooned the feta cheese into the bowl.

Maybe it isnt even about Howie. Maybe its the kids. Or maybe its just me. All I know is sometimes I want to commit hara-kiri after a day of changing diapers and wiping off the kitchen counter. Beth looked up at her sister and mother, offering them a blank stare. Seriously, I must wipe off the kitchen counter seventeen times a day. While cooking breakfast, then cleaning up after, then while preparing a mid-morning snack, then after, and the same process over and over again with lunch, snacks, dinner, snacks…

As if on cue, Howard Fleischek popped his head into the kitchen. Josie was struck by what a sweet, open face her brother-in-law had. He walked over and planted a kiss on Beths cheek.

Anything I can do to help?

Beths head snapped back. Youre supposed to be watching Chloe and Calvin!

Theyre asleep on Grandpas lap.

What? Beth stared at him in shock. Theyre not supposed to nap now!

Theyll be off schedule! They wont go to sleep at bedtime if theyre sleeping now!

Howies face fell and his voice sounded injured. Jesus, Beth. They fell asleep on their grandfathers lap. Its a Norman Rockwell moment, not the Armageddon.

As tears welled in Beths eyes, Ann intervened. Lets go in and relax while the potatoes finish boiling, she told her son-in-law, guiding him out of the kitchen and into the family room. Howie glanced back at his wife, frowning.

Whats with you, Beth? Josie returned to the table and sat down. She watched a wave of confusion wash over her sisters pretty face. Beth was four years younger. She was the Sheehan daughter whod inherited the full monty of their mothers beauty, along with her auburn hair. When they were kids, Josie was always referred to as the cute one, while Beth was such a beautiful girl.

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