Agon (15 page)

Read Agon Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #angels, #paranormal romance, #erotic romance, #protectors, #mystic protectors

BOOK: Agon
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What transpired, you
moron, was I forgot to turn the kiln on so that there would be no
evidence of anything. Mother fuck.” He glared at the television
more as the woman droned on and on about what was suspected. “All I
had to do was go down there and turn it on. I could have even put
the chair and rug in there too and been done with the whole thing.
But oh no, I had to answer the door and now look at this

Jerry got up to go to the bathroom to
see his face. When he’d been running out of the house he’d cut his
cheek badly. He knew that it needed stitches, but right now he was
too hot to go and find himself a good doctor to sew it up. And the
worst part was, he’d left his DNA all over the fucking house where
Judith was. Jerry carefully pulled the gauze off and looked at the
long gash.

It was perhaps four inches long, from
his nose to just below his ear. And deep. He could have sworn at
first he could see his teeth and gums through it, but it was just
raw muscle. And the swelling was bad, too. Every time he tried to
chew, it hurt him so badly that he wanted to sob. He was going to
kill the fucking bitch if she didn’t die from his beatings. And
from all accounts, she wasn’t going to, either.

The paper said she’d been in critical
condition when he’d first heard about her. Then an hour later, she
was upgraded to guarded. Today, not forty-eight hours later, she
was being released. What the fuck was that all about? He

And here I am, a pillar
of the community, suffering all kinds of pain, and she’s being
treated like a queen. The fucking cunt should have never been
born.” Jerry sat back down on the bed and glared at the now muted
television. He was frankly sick to death of hearing about each
little thing they came across at his home, too. What were they
thinking a man like him would have? Flowers and tea parties? Or
were they thinking he’d been running a half-way house for
degenerates or something?

I’m a fucking thief and
murderer.” He moaned at the pain when he screamed at the television
again and laid back. “This fucking sucks. I need my house. There
are things there that they’ll never find, and I want

Like his passports and money. He could
go anywhere he wanted with the seven or eight false identifications
he’d made long ago. There was the safe, too, the one he’d bought
the house for. It was hidden so deeply in the basement that not
even a metal detector could find it. Laughing to himself, he looked
at the television again. He reached for the remote when he saw


to the house in a good
many years. I think that when I was a child I might have been here,
but there has been so much tragedy in my life that I could be
Her face was badly bruised
still, and that made him smile, but she continued before he could
do more than gloat a little.
“I know that
at one time there was a large vault in the sub levels. I’m going in
now to help the investigators find it.”


Jerry screamed at the camera again and
again as it followed Judith into the house. She was followed by a
large man, and Jerry knew that he was the man who was going to
marry the bitch. Standing up, he decided that laying there wasn’t
getting him anything. It was time to go out and get his

It took him over an hour to find a
taxi company willing to take him out there, and then a forty-minute
drive in the smelliest vehicle he’d ever been in. By the time he
was let off in front of the drive a block from his home, he was
sure he reeked of the dirt in the back of the thing. Jerry walked
down the street bemoaning what had befallen him.

I just wanted to help her
make ends meet. Why am I the bad guy in all this?” He laughed at
himself. Making ends meet had never been a problem for him. He’d
always had money and, when he didn’t have enough or thought he
didn’t, he’d simply taken what he wanted. It had been a very good
system his entire life. But that wasn’t all it was. He knew as
surely as he was standing there that it had never been enough.
“Because I always wanted more than I needed and would kill anyone
to get it. Even if I really didn’t want it. And be damned the
person who would dare tell me no.” It was what made him the man he
was, not listening to people when they told him it was impossible
or couldn’t be done. Or worse yet, shouldn’t be done. “But that is
neither here nor there. What’s done is done, I always

The entire driveway to his house was
overrun with cruisers and vans. Most of the vans were television
crews, but there were also county vans…three coroner vans as well
as a large station wagon-like vehicle. He wanted to see if he could
sneak in, but there was no way he was going to get past this shit.
The television program he’d been watching had shown there were
people there, but not to this extent. Jerry decided to try the back
part of the house and made his way to the opposite side of the
drive. Christ, it was like a zoo, and he hated it.

There were only three cars back there.
After tramping through the knee-high grass and brambles, he stood
watching as a large dozer moved lazily over the field. The cows
mooed at them but didn’t do anything to stop their progress, and
Jerry decided that if he ever got out of this, he was going to have
them ground up as burgers. They weren’t even fit for steaks as far
as he was concerned.

Stupid animals.” He
pulled out his gun to shoot the one closest to him, but something
must have startled them because they moved deeper into the field.
Jerry wondered again why this was happening to him of all people.
He was a thief sure, even a murderer, but he didn’t kill anyone
unless they needed it and if they pissed him off really bad. Jerry
put his gun away and watched the progress of the slow

The dozer stopped after a few minutes,
and several people moved to the hole they’d been working on. After
a few seconds, three more people rushed to the same hole. Jerry
figured they’d found the body of the last butler he’d had. The man
had been a religious zealot and had left pamphlets all over his
house. And no matter how many times he’d told him to stop, he
continued until Jerry took matters into his own hands and killed
him. See? He’d been warned, Jerry told himself. That in and of
itself should count for something.

An hour and a half passed, and Jerry
relieved himself twice as he watched. Where he needed to go was
less than a hundred yards from where the people were now working,
and he could wait them out. He only wished he’d have thought to
bring a drink and some food with him.

As he settled down near one of the
larger trees to pass the time more leisurely, he thought about his
niece and her mom. Her name had been Diana English before she’d
married his dumbass brother. And Diana had loved Lindale too much,
he’d always thought, and had not cared for Jerry at all. He also
knew that Lindale had killed his wife because Jerry had told him
that he’d fucked her and that she had come on to him. In reality,
he’d never touched her. But Lindale had heard that Jerry was seeing
someone else—another man from somewhere else—and he needed to make
Lindale see that he wasn’t gay. Not his brother, Lindale had said
over and over. He would not believe that his brother might be
different. Like his own fucking daughter wasn’t.

Judith had been strange from the very
first, he’d always thought, and ugly too back then. He’d not seen
her since she’d been born the week before, and that had been when
they’d been there at the hospital…the day they’d finally pulled the
plug on her mom. He’d gone to see if Lindale would join him in his
adventures now that the ball and chain around his neck was gone,
but he’d been holding this wrinkled thing in his arms.

What the hell is

Lindale had looked up at him. He could
see that he was stoned out of his mind as well as scared shitless.
Not that he blamed him much. Christ, he’d killed his wife and now

Are you going to keep

Yeah, I think so.”
Lindale had looked over at the sheet-draped bed that his wife was
under. “When the baby was born, they told me it was time. She
didn’t even open her eyes. I’m glad; do you know what sort of
trouble I could have been in if she’d waked enough to tell them
what I’d done?”

I doubt very much that
Diana ever knew you are the one that killed her.” Jerry had looked
at the baby and decided it was the ugliest thing he’d ever had the
misfortune of looking at. “You should just drop it in the dumpster.
No one would blame you. It’s fucking ugly.”

I’m going to keep her.
She will have the women falling all over me to fuck me. What do you
think?” Jerry had never been one to keep his opinion to himself
when someone was stupid enough to ask, but he had that time. There
was no way a woman would want to come within two inches of this
thing, much less fuck his brother.

I was wondering if you
had time for a job or two for me. I know you been here a lot,
making sure that she didn’t wake and spill the beans, but now that
she’s gone, maybe we can take up again.” Lindale was shaking his
head even before he finished. “You’re telling me you’re going to go
straight? I won’t believe it for a second.”

Hell no, I’m not giving
up my jobs. I just want to give the appearance of being a sorrowful
husband. I have to wait to collect on the insurance anyway. They
said it would be about thirty days.” Jerry nodded, knowing that
there would be a nice payoff for Diana’s death. “Come back in a
month and we’ll get some things settled. I’ll be flush

By the time Jerry needed his brother
again three years later, he’d let some dick invest all the money
into some kind of scheme. Or so Jerry had thought. It turned out
that not only had the guy been honest, but he’d been good, too.
When Lindale had been killed, he’d been worth millions, and he’d
given it all to his kid for some reason. And he still had the brat.
That was when he found out the kid was a freak. She was turning the
channels of the televisions by moving nothing but her finger. The
remote had been in the kitchen.

A noise to his left had Jerry looking
around and bringing him back to the wooded area around his house.
He saw a man coming his way, but he didn’t look like he was
searching for him but for a place to piss. Jerry watched as he
pulled out his dick and played with it a bit before pissing like a
fucking race horse next to a tree. The man had no manners
whatsoever. When he started to jerk himself off, Jerry watched him
for a few seconds before he felt his own cock stir. It had been a
very long time since he’d been fucked, and he wanted a

No one had ever guessed he was gay
except for his brother. He thought that Judith had known, but who
the hell cared what she thought of him so long as she gave him what
he wanted? Jerry had never taken a lover that he didn’t kill
afterwards, and he always made sure that he made himself fuck a
woman at least once in a while so there would never be any
questions. But he’d been celibate for too long, and freed his cock
while the man down from him pulled his pants down to his

His cock was small in comparison to
the man’s. Hell, Jerry knew that he had a small dick, but he could
use it like a pro, he’d always thought. Jerry had tried twice to
have his penis enlarged but had never found anyone who would do it
for him and would hide the paperwork. Who wanted the world to know
that you had a pencil dick? He watched the man again, hoping to
come when he did.

As the man moaned and groaned, Jerry
imagined himself sucking him. Licking his lips, Jerry put his
finger into his mouth and imagined it to be Mammoth Dick’s cock.
Mammoth Dick, a name that suited his lover more than any other name
he could think of.

His balls were tight as he continued
watching, and when the first shot of cum sprayed the tree in front
of Mammoth Dick, Jerry nearly cried out too when he released in his
hand. Christ, the man could come, and Jerry felt his cock fill
again while the man continued to squirt himself over and over. When
he leaned against the tree, holding his limp cock in his hands,
Jerry wanted to go to him and lick him clean, and that caused him
to come again. He’d not had this much fun in ages, and certainly
not from a distance. Finally, when the man walked away, Jerry
cleaned himself up with leaves and put himself back together.
Closing his eyes, he smiled as he laid there, relaxed, and decided
a short nap was in order.


Do you know where?” Agon
looked around the house that had been done up in so much glitz that
his eyes hurt. He looked at Judith when she didn’t answer him.
“Judith, you said he was here. Do you know where?”

Not really. I was…I’m
more concerned with the vault in the basement. I have no idea why
that keeps running like a loop in his mind, but it is. There must
be something in there that he’s willing to risk coming here

Agon nodded and looked at the men
digging where she’d told them to.

What do you suppose is

Agon was still trying to figure out
what a man who had had so much would want with more. The entire
house was packed full of things that had more value than some of
the biggest museums he’d been to. And there were even more
collectables in the basement where they were now. He looked at the
shelf that held artifacts from the thirteenth century and thought
about that time of his life and shivered. This was beyond

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