Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (33 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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“What if I told you there was no secret FBI initiative? What if I told you the whole thing was just a massive cover up story to spare the public the real truth of what happened there?”

Posed Adrian.

He quickly slammed both hands on the table and looked Roberto dead in the eyes to ask one last question.

“What if I told you that those ten people, all of the FBI’s Most Wanted fugitives were all caught by one single agent?”

“Get real puerco,” scoffed the boy. “That story’s just a myth. You think I’m going to fall for that shit?”

The boy was almost convinced of that himself. However, this wasn’t followed by his trademark laugh. He tried to brush it off coldly and get the S.A.C. off his back. That didn’t work and Adrian caught him dead to rights. The only thing he had left to do was create a connection between Mr. Simmons and the alleged story. Luckily, Adrian had already prepared to travel down that road.

“I know your type Roberto. Hackers are inquisitive by nature, aren’t they? Those were some pretty intense months. It was all the rage on the Internet for quite some time. A lot of conspiracy theories spreading followed with plenty of dissention amongst the people, your peers specifically, as to what was really going on.”

Adrian reached for a file on the adjacent chair and dropped it on the table. The resounding thud was cold and ominous as was the tone in the room.

“These are all of the IP logs we have from your home during that time. Two hundred unique search terms and over fifty thousand pings daily on the subject,” the S.A.C. smiled. “You must have really wanted that information if you went to the trouble of creating a program to continually search for anything you can find on the matter.”

Roberto didn’t defend his case nor did he care to. He was trying so hard not to let his curiosity get the best of him. Especially if it meant letting that pig-headed suit feel like he’s winning. Given the current scoreboard, it was hard to side with the young man at this point.

“I know you’re heavily invested in this Roberto. Most of your logs and forum posts indicate that you fully believed the story reported was a cover up.”

The boy’s eyes shot wide at that comment. He couldn’t believe they found this stuff on him. Adrian followed with another revelation.

“Please don’t look so surprised. Once we knew what we were looking for, it wasn’t too hard to find. Even easier when you make sure everyone knows your handle, Doctor Freak.”

“Whatever,” he sneered, “Doesn’t make the story true.”

The S.A.C. smile. His sinister grin cascaded a truly horrific presence for the story unfolding at this very moment.

“Oh but it is true Roberto. I know all of the juicy detail too. I even happen to know the agent personally. Hell,” smiled Adrian, “He just so happens to work in this very office.”

“Bullshit!” Shouted the young man while staring directly at the source of condemnation.

His voice cracked. Not a good sign for his defense.

The kid was on the ropes. Perhaps it was time to go for the knockout blow.

“Maybe you’re right Roberto. Maybe I’m making this all up just to try and intimidate you into giving me what I want. Besides, whether or not the agent exists is not the topic at hand.”

Adrian tapped the screen again and zoomed in on the list of names.

“What we’re concerned about is your future. You see, after we’re done here, you’ll be going back home to Florida.”

That received a puzzling look from Roberto but he was intrigued.

“You’re not just going to let me go. You’re not stupid.”

“Stupid? No we are not. But we are going to let you go. I grow tired of these games Roberto. Keeping you in this interrogation room as worn on my patience. So, once you’re back home in Florida, I imagine somehow you’re going to escape our custody.”


“Don’t give me that look Roberto. You’re a smart kid. You know what I’m talking about. After evading our team you’re going to go back home or perhaps even into hiding. We’ll search for a few hours but suddenly give up. This will give you more than enough time to figure out a good place to hide.”

Adrian grinned. He had to sell this part or else the effect would be lost.

“And believe me, you’re going to need all of the time you can get your skinny little fingers on.”

Too many thoughts began to swim in Roberto’s mind. None of them had the happy ending he was hoping for. All roads just pointed to the end.

“And you know what happens next?”

The boy was silent. He didn’t even have a drop of saliva in his mouth to swallow.

“Next, your name goes on this list. All of the charges we have against you pale in comparison to everyone else we have on here. We’ll have to bump your name to the top of the list.”

“You can’t do that to me!” He pleaded.

His eyes moistened with each passing breath.

“I’m sure you know by now the reason why our Most Wanted list is no longer public knowledge. That’s because ever since that operation, everyone else who’s appeared on that list has become very unlucky. Most turn themselves in. They don’t know if the stories are true or not but they’d rather not risk it. Some have mysteriously vanished while others committed suicide to spare themselves the pain of being caught.”

Adrian knew he was starting to get to the kid. He was visibly shaken. The metal chair continued to rattle on the tile floor at a rapid pace. Roberto was so lost in thought he didn’t even notice his mental stress had taken on a physical form.

“Unlike you Roberto, the people who end up on that list don’t believe the story of the single agent is bullshit. They believe it’s real.”

Adrian leaned in and whispered in the boy’s ear.

“They’re not wrong either.”

Metal slammed against the ground as Roberto fell off of his chair. The pain of gravity paled in comparison to the death sentence that was being laid out before him. Roberto didn’t want to believe it. He tried so hard to convince himself it wasn’t true. He was just lying to himself. There were hundreds of files and even a couple of candid photographs on the subject. Roberto knew it was real and he desperately did not want to be on that list.

While the young boy struggled to stand up, Adrian continued.

“That agent must be one bad person to get all of these crooks and criminals to turn themselves in.”

He shot Roberto and mind piercing glare. The boy didn’t even bother sitting down anymore.

“You’d think he’d be celebrated in our organization. I wish I could tell you that were true. Unfortunately, we have to clean our hands of the matter. The agent is a bit of a loose cannon. You see, while we have a lot of data compiled from his arrests. Well, those that lived through the ordeal to be arrested anyways. We just don’t know what exactly happened to all of those bad guys on our old list. The agent won’t talk to us on the matter so, we just let it go.”

Adrian pressed his hand against the wall and leaned in closer. He could see the sweat building on the young boy’s brow. Though it would normally pain him to see such a young kid in this situation, this was a necessary evil to obtain what they needed. It didn’t hurt to throw in a few embellishments, some weren’t that far off the original.

“Though our official position may be different, that agent still gets a lot of support here. The only problem is that he’s kind of a rogue operator. We never know where he is or what he’s up to until the job is already completed. Sometimes he’ll be gone for weeks at a time. He only comes back here when he needs a new target.”

Roberto’s back was firmly pressed against the wall as Adrian moved in closer for the final sell.

“Do you happen to know where that agent is right now Mr. Simmons?”

“What?” Stammered Roberto.

His words were chaotic and broken.


Adrian’s tone was filled with scorn.

“Neither do I.”

The boy dropped to the ground. His arms slammed over his head as he pleaded with the S.A.C.

“Alright! Alright! I’ll tell you everything.”

Tears welled in his eyes and soon pooled to the cold hard ground beneath his cowering face.

“Just don’t put me on that list.”

Besides the new stain of water dripping from the boy’s eyes, another smellier liquid soon followed. Adrian has heard the stories of Agent Madison getting guys to expend their bowls in this very room. His methods may have been a bit more extreme than the S.A.C.’s but at least it was all protocol.

Adrian picked up the chair the boy once sat in and stood it up straight. He gave the seat a gentle double tap and took one of his own on the opposite end of the table.

“Alright Mr. Simmons,” Adrian said reverting back to an air of professionalism. “Let’s talk.”


March 26th, 2013 12:10PM

Washington, D.C.

Beep after constant hideous beep blared in the otherwise lifeless area of the dock. The truck slowly backed up its precious cargo into the awaiting and solely open door making sure to take extra precautions. He was already late enough as is. The last thing he wanted to do was upset the client further.

The container gently landed in place. Fumes spewed out of the truck exhaust as the driver put it into park and turned off the engine. He kicked the door out and jumped down to begin the process to separate his vehicle from the trailer. Silence once more returned to the peaceful area. The only thing to break it was the sound of upcoming footsteps towards the driver.

“You’re late,” declared a voice from behind.

It was calm and cool with a hint of menace. The driver quickly turned around and prepared his defense.

“Yea, I’m sorry about that. Got delayed thanks all that tagging bullshit on the container. You’d think I was shipping drugs or bodies with the amount of attention the damn cops gave me.”

The man did not look amused. Upon observation, the driver could tell why this job paid so much. He was very well kempt and wore a fine grey suit. Even his glasses with their golden frames looked as if they cost thousands of dollars.

Air locked in the driver’s throat as the man reached into his jacket pocket. There was a noticeable bulge. Maybe his apology wasn’t good enough. Jerry was right. He shouldn’t have been late.

“Here,” the man said handing the driver a thick envelope. “Ten thousand, as we agreed.”

He turned his back on the driver and headed straight inside the warehouse. Before his voice was out of range he called out, “Please remove your vehicle from the premises.”

So much seriousness in such a little shell renewed the driver’s vigor as he quickly unhooked the trailer from his truck and climbed back in. While inside and out of view, he checked the contents of envelope. Thick stacks of one-hundred dollar bills kindly greeted him back. The money was good but that kind of experience almost put a sour note on the whole thing. He made a note to think twice before accepting another job like this even though it was worth twenty percent of his annual salary for two day’s work. The next timed shipment may not be as forgiving. The driver pulled out of the loading area and didn’t give the place a second look back. He wanted nothing more than to go straight home and forget this job ever happen. Although, the thought of stopping in Las Vegas did cross his mind. After all, he might as well enjoy the money while it still smelled fresh.


Three hard knocks slammed against the back of the trailer followed by the sound of clipped metal. The doors opened and revealed sunlight to Colonel Lee’s men for the first time in days. They peered out of the trailer with their eyes squinted as if they had just been granted vision for the first time.

Colonel Lee was the first to step up and walk outside. He silently gave orders for his men to

“Colonel Lee?” the man asked. He was greeted with a tight and respectful salute.

“Yes sir,” he replied while taking his hand down. “You must be Dr. Shin Jung-ho.”

The doctor extended his hand towards the Colonel. They both shook the other tightly and with a proper amount of force.

“There is no need for formalities Colonel. We are not on the mother-land’s soil anymore.”

Those words hit harder than Lee realized. This was the first time he or any of his men had been outside of their country. All of the nasty and dirty things they heard about this place only made the truth harder to swallow.

“I have been instructed to carry out your orders, sir.”

“And indeed you shall,” Shin looked behind the Colonel. “Where are the rest of your men?”

“Inside sir,” the Colonel turned around and shouted the order for them to appear.

One dozen strong Korean soldiers of the People’s Army rushed out of the container and stood in a uniform line behind their superior. They all offered a hearty salute to Dr. Shin before returning

“At ease men,” the doctor said offering a half-smile hoping the gesture would make them feel a little more comfortable around here.

He surveyed the group thoroughly. They spent days cooped up in that trailer but they didn’t look any worse for wear. If the war were to break out in the next ten minutes, these soldiers would gladly rush to the front lines. Shin appreciated that level of dedication. Their usefulness would be tested but upon first impressions, the doctor didn’t have anything to worry about.

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