Read Against The Odds Online

Authors: Senna Fisher

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #contemporary

Against The Odds (11 page)

BOOK: Against The Odds
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Rebecca, has this ever happened with another man?”

No, never. It is a bit disturbing for me.”

And you?”

Never. That is every man’s fantasy, I might tell you. I am
afraid I am going to have to keep you forever.”

was smiling, but she was not
. If only,
she thought.

Clayton had seen the shadow pass over her face.
Okay, she has a
problem with long term plans.

“Clayton, can you come over for a bit tonight? My parents
are leaving in the morning and my father seems to have taken a
liking to you. Com
e for a drink and my mother would have
cooked for an army. Can you?

Yes, of course. I would like to see him again.”

Clayton was very pleased at the opportunity to meet the man
again. He could observe things a lot better now that he had spoken
to his criminal
lawyer friend. He would pay more attention
to detail. Jonathan had told him to look for patterns that seemed
That I can do.


When he arrived, the old
er couple were sitting in the garden, having drinks. They
looked so relaxed and happy that he envied their easy, comfortable
life. He could be happy with their daughter like that, if only she
would let him. Rebecca was so relaxed around them that she did not
have that look of fear or anxiety when they were near. He paced in
the garden, looking at her plants and herbs, intoxicated by the
scents. He was particularly drawn to the smell of jasmine, which
filled the air. He sat next to a
large hedge where it flowed
untamed over a pillar. That was her smell. That is what he
remembered the most the first time they had met, how the smell of
jasmine had interrupted him, sitting on the terrace trying to get
some fresh air.

Clayton noticed that George was always the dominant
speaker, telling them stories and teasing Rebecca. The mother was a
far more passive person, who observed everything and everyone. When
they went inside to eat,
George sat next to his wife and held her hand. That was
when he noticed their rings. Rowena had a large amethyst ring,
which looked like a small piece has been broken off. George had the
exact missing piece on the ring on his finger. The pieces clearly
fitted together.
How odd.
It had
been so carefully done that it was not obvious to a casual
observer. He noticed also, that George liked to touch his wife, not
on her back, but her hands.
Okay, that is familiar, the need to

Relax, my boy. You seem so consumed today. Anything

“No, just an observation.
I see your rings. They
seem to fit, is that so?

Yes, it is a symbol of our love and commitment to each other.
Each of us with a piece of it. You will see her stone is much
larger and that should tell you who holds the power.”

was laughing at his wife’
s mock surprise.

wish I had more power. He is always trying to tell me what to do,
or rather what I must
not do.
‘Rowena, stop interfering, stop
being a nag, stop thinking so much’,... and so it goes.”

They started arguing about which one of them had the power,
but t
hey were teasing each other. George got up suddenly and
went to the door. He opened it
and then closed it again.

Sorry, I could have sworn I heard the bell.”

No, Dad. Who were you expecting?”

“No-one, dear. It must have been in my head. Your
drives me crazy.

About 10 minutes later, the bell did ring. It was Rebecca’s
neighbour, looking for her cat. She had stepped in, not expecting
other people and stopped dead in her tracks. She was staring at
Clayton, clearly impressed. Rebecca introduced her
everyone and she apologized for interrupting them. Clayton did not
even notice her interest in him.

He simply said, “it is in the garden,
under the far bench.”

He had not thought about it, but
assumed he had seen or felt the cat there. She collected her cat
and left.

Thank you Clayton, I can never find her cat. It creeps in
somewhere and it takes hours to find it.”

was relieved that it had been found quickly, because she did not
want her wondering around, looking at Clayton with such keen

Well, it takes one cat to find another, don’t you

Shut up, woman.

After they had eaten, Clayton and the
George went into the garden. George wanted
to have a cigarette and took Clayton with him.

Well, Clayton, it has been very interesting to meet you. I am
glad that Rebecca has you at her side.”

Yes, it has been interesting. But you should know that I am
not at her side. She pushes me away all the time. It has made me do
strange things. Even my dreams are getting strange.”

Really, how so?”

have dreams about her, afraid and me, trying, but unable to help
her. I wake up and
my body is hot like I have a fever, even
if it is cold outside.

“How awful for you.”
God, Nana was laying it on

George, I have watched you with your wife. What is it that
binds you two together, so...clearly and tightly?”

“Love, of course.
The first time I saw Rowena, I was
drawn to her. I knew I would never be happy without her. She knew
it too. I was a young man.
hot-shot lawyer and she was a fancy-pants accountant. I knew it as
a certainty. You know, it was odd that we had never met
before that day, because her office was two buildings away from
mine. I had thought I knew all the pretty girls in the area, but
one day, her green eyes flashed at me, as if telling me to get out
of her way and it hit me. I followed her home. She lived with her
mother and I just went straight there and asked her out. She stared
at me for a while and then said ‘
sure’. No excitement, no fanfare. The interesting stuff
later. We fought a lot those
days. She would attract men like flies to her and she would
simply smile at them. I hated when she did that. She still does it
now, just to make me mad.

He was
laughing now.

“Rebecca has that same look. She simply smiles and a father
can go crazy trying to protect his daughter from leering men. Her
mother would
simply tell me to bugger off. When they went
shopping together, I would worry so much about my two beautiful
women smiling at strange men, especially because they seemed to
enjoy the attention.

I can imagine. That would drive any man crazy.”

“If you love her, Clayton, then listen to y
heart, not your head. It is the only way.

got up and led the way back inside. He had nothing more to say and
Clayton knew that was all he was going to get.
The only
way for what?
He wanted
to ask, but he knew George had finished.

, Rebecca and her mother were sitting on the
couch giggling.

What’s so funny?”

Nothing. Girl talk,” the mother said.

Come, husband. I want an early start tomorrow.”

they were alone, Clayton said, “girl talk?”

“Yes, she was telling me secrets on how t
o get a man
to behave. Think I need those tips Clayton?
” she said softly.

Hmmm, I wonder what you have to do. It might be interesting
to find out.”

She walked up to him. “Well, she says I must stand really,
really close to you, like this and look into you
r eyes,
touch you lightly like this.... and watch your eyes....

bent down and kissed her.
Ah, this is
. He kissed her over and over again and wanted to claw her
clothes of her.
Yes, that’s what I need to do.
He grabbed her blouse.

“No, Clayton
, you are supposed to behave


cupped her breasts and felt their warmth in his hands. There was no
shocking this time, but a gentle wave that carried them away.
Rebecca clung to him.

Oh Clayton, if only ...” and stopped.

broke the spell for him

What, if only what, Rebecca?” His eyes were dark blue

I don’t know what I was going to say. I don’t

moved away from him and turned away.

Clayton started pacing now. He wanted to shake her until
she answered
all his questions, to pin her down on that
couch until he was satisfied with her. He wanted her and wanted to
know everything. He was battling for control and it did not help
that she stood there, silently, not moving. She looked worried
again and it eased some of his tension.
Go easy, don’t push
he persuaded himself. But he could not let it

Rebecca, show me your butterfly again.”

She turned and stared at him.
Shit, Jonathan and Jackie are going
to kill me. I raised the butterfly story again.

“It is very beautiful. Please I
want to see it

She turned her back and lifted her blouse. It sat on the
edge of her jeans and he stared, transfixed.
Yes, this is definitely my

moved his finger and touched it and the shock that hit him almost
knocked him off his
feet. It had hurt him this time, but
seemed not affect her too much. She just tensed and pulled her
blouse down.

Clayton’s face was white. For in that moment, he had heard
the voice again,
use your hands, Clayton. Please use your hands.
It was the voice of his

Are you okay, Rebecca?”

No, but then I will never be okay. Do you understand?
Clayton. I am different. I will never be okay,” and she started to
cry. Clayton went to her, holding her tight. For once, his mind was
not filled with questions to ask her.

I need to sleep Clayton. I am so tired. So tired.”

Okay, Princess.”



Chapter 12

When he left, his emotions were raw and his mind in
Shit, I am not going to sleep again tonight, and that dream
is going to wake me as soon as I do manage to fall asleep.
He also felt so tired. His body
could sleep, but his mind would not. He drove straight to Jonathan
and Jackie. They were watching television and were happy to see
Clayton. His life was better than any television show they had ever
watched. They wandered what he had done this time. He
the evening and Jonathan s
poke calmly and judiciously.

“Okay, we confirm that you are like George. You are to
Rebecca what George is to Rowena. We further confirm that the
butterfly exists and that it has some effect on the both of you.
Also, Rebecca knows something, but not everything
. She is
also in the dark about some things. Further, Clayton, I am now
convinced that you have psychic powers. Question, why have you
never displayed them before? Why now?

“Because he only needs them for Rebecca. I don’t know. He
needs you to do something for her. But
I don’t think she
knows. She thinks it is hopeless. Does she perhaps have a terminal
illness? She is concerned about long term plans. Is she dying,

“No! No! That will never be. She is

Clayton’s eyes were flashing, their white colour
beaming on them. He looked like he would tear them part.
Jackie has brought the lion back
. They stared at him, but were
not afraid.

Clay, you are being the lion again darling”, she said

“Yes, when he feels he must protect her, he becomes a
ion. Protect her from what?

Jonathan thought but did not say the words. Clayton was
getting back to normal and he did not want to see that lion thing
It is
very disturbing, especially when his hair spikes
. Jonathan was
concerned. He hoped
this thing could be contained, because
it would not do well for Clayton’s professional career if he
started behaving like a lion in court, or in the board room. This
thing could ruin his perfectly constructed career. He had thought
to tell him to come to court with him tomorrow, because she was
testifying. But under cross-examination, when her opposition was
hostile to her, Clayton might easily become the lion.
No, I will
not tell him. Too risky.

BOOK: Against The Odds
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