Against All Odds (11 page)

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Authors: Thomas DePrima

BOOK: Against All Odds
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Jenetta breathed deeply before responding. "I was filled with many different emotions. I was upset that so many Milori citizens would be injured or killed, but I knew the attack was the only way to bring Maxxiloth down. Since he was the motivating force behind the invasions where so many of our people died, I eagerly anticipated his downfall. I was thankful Milor wouldn't be able to wage war against us again for a long time and I was hopeful the action would end the killing. Ultimately, it did."

"I'm sorry you're only going to be here for one more week, Jen," Admiral Hillaire said, "it would be great if you could visit the two Space Command Academies on Earth and address the corps of cadets."

"I've already promised these two weeks to my mother. I can't break my word now."

"Perhaps Jen can extend her trip to Earth," Admiral Platt suggested. "After all she's traveled such a great distance to get here and another week shouldn't make much difference. Even with an extension of her stay, the ships she's expecting at Region Two headquarters won't have arrived when she returns."

"That would be wonderful," Admiral Hillaire said. "I know the students at NHSA and SHSA would love the opportunity to hear you speak, Jen."

Unable to come up with a good reason why she couldn't extend her time on Earth by another week, Jenetta smiled and said, "I suppose another week here won't impact operations in Region Two."

"Great," Admiral Hillaire said, smiling as if he had just pulled off a coup, "I'll speak to the commandants at the academies this afternoon and have them make arrangements for your visits next week."

Over the next several hours, Jenetta answered a steady barrage of questions about her exploits. It was like all the dinners she had hosted while a base commander. You can watch vid logs and simulations for a year and never get the full flavor of a battle until you've viewed it though the eyes of someone who was there, especially when that someone had developed the battle plan and directed the action.

* * *

Jenetta was halfway home when she received a message from the Colorado that Quesann had forward an important communication. In the privacy of the Colorado's cockpit, she grimaced as she viewed the message from Exalted Lord Space Marshall Berquyth. It was already more than three weeks old. The contents of the message, combined with the conversation overheard in the Uthlaro Dominion, gave Jenetta a sickening feeling. The Raiders had a history of employing Tsgardi mercenaries, but in the Viceroy's message he spoke of dozens of ships surrounding Ekoqulith. 'Dozens of ships' would seem to indicate the Tsgardi Kingdom was behind the invasion in Region Two. They might be trying to expand their territory while Space Command was still substantially under-strength there.

With just eight ships at her disposal, Jenetta wasn't in any position to rush to the defense of Ekoqulith. The Milori had maintained control over the planets in its territory by forbidding weapons which could be used against their masters at a future time, so most of the planets in Region Two were defenseless. The Tsgardi ships were no match for Space Command ships, but she couldn't send one or two ships against dozens of warships, even if she had them. The problem might already have become one of digging out an enemy who'd become entrenched on a planet. Such an operation would take companies of Marines she didn't have.

The odd piece in the puzzle was the Raider conversation. Were they waiting for the Tsgardi to draw Space Command away so they could attack bases along the Uthlaro border without fear of intervention? If so, they had definitely gotten stuck with the dirty end of the stick because, unlike the planets, the bases were far from defenseless. They would fall to an overwhelming force, but they would draw a lot of Raider blood before that happened.

Jenetta leaned forward and tapped the record button on the com panel.

"Message to Exalted Lord Space Marshall Berquyth, Viceroy of Milor, Palace of the Emperor, Milor, with a copy to the Admiralty Board.

"Viceroy, I've just received your message regarding Ekoqulith. Unfortunately, this attack has come at a time when I've just returned to Earth for a brief visit. I shall be back at my new Region Two headquarters at Quesann in two Terran months and I'll address the situation at that time. I'm sorry I can't react sooner, but the distances involved preclude any earlier action. Since the transmission appeared to have been jammed during the attack, might I suggest you attempt to make contact with all your people and forces still off-world and warn them of potential problems. If you fail to receive answers, we might be better able to determine the level of the threat to your people.

Jenetta Carver, Admiral, Space Command ship Colorado in Earth orbit. Message complete."

"Computer, new message. To all base commanders in Region Two. Copies to the Space Command Admiralty Board and all ship captains in Region Two."

"I've just received word that a large Tsgardi task force has attacked and seized the planet Ekoqulith. According to a message from the Viceroy of Milor, the planet was encircled by dozens of warships just prior to the attack. Communication with the planet was lost soon after the Tsgardi began to land on the surface. An attack on a planet so far inside our border with such a large force means we must consider this a full-scale invasion. At this time we have no other information, so you should be prepared for anything, including evacuation of your base if an overwhelming enemy force approaches. It might be a wise precaution on the part of space station commanding officers to move all ordnance stored in the station armory back into your battleship to prevent it from falling into the hands of an enemy should an emergency evacuation become necessary. Two ships are certainly not adequate to defend a station against a massed assault, even with the station's defensive armament in support.

"I've also been apprised of a Raider conversation overheard in the Uthlaro Dominion where an attack on a Milori base was mentioned. Since ownership of all Milori bases was ceded to us as a result of the annexation, this might also portend a coordinated attack on our resources from the opposite side of Region Two. Again, be prepared for anything. It appears that forces from outside GA space intend to attack us while our position in Region Two is still very weak.

"Jenetta Alicia Carver, Admiral, from the GSC Colorado at Earth.

"Computer, append a copy of the Viceroy's message to the prior Admiralty Board message."

Jenetta pressed the button that would send the messages to the Colorado for retransmission to Milor, Region Two, and the Admiralty Board. She had less than a week left of her original vacation, but the new situation would weigh heavily on her mind from then on.

* * *

Fully expecting to be recalled to appear at the Admiralty Board once they received her message, Jenetta wasn't surprised when the summons came just one day later. As before, she met Lt. Commander Ashraf at the entrance to the hall.

"Not much of a vacation, Admiral," Lori said, "when you have to appear twice at the Board and spend a day at each of the academies."

Jenetta smiled. "It could be worse, Lori. They could have scheduled a medal ceremony, or required me to make an appearance before the Galactic Alliance Council where I'd have to listen to speeches for hours instead of merely giving a couple of short ones to a group of bored cadets."

"Since you didn't make it back for your class' twenty-fifth reunion, it may be nice to see our old alma mater again."

"Yes, I have to admit it'll be nice returning for a brief visit."

"And even nicer to come back as a huge success?"

"There's that too," Jenetta said, grinning.

Having reached the outer chamber of the meeting hall, Lt. Commander Ashraf waved her hand at the sensor, causing the doors to open. The same clerk from the previous visit asked them to have a seat until the session was ready to begin.

At 0945 the clerk invited them to enter the hall and take their seats. He once again reminded Jenetta that pets were not permitted in the hall.

"My cats will accompany me this time, Chief," Jenetta said as she walked towards the doors.

The clerk didn't argue or raise any objection whatsoever. Chief Petty Officers who argued with senior admirals could suddenly find themselves reassigned to positions considerably less pleasant and prestigious than working for the Admiralty Board.

Jenetta didn't take her seat immediately this time. As a stream of aides and clerks began to enter the meeting hall, she walked towards the entrance that led to the office side of the building. When the admirals came from their offices, she greeted them as friends, rather than merely as fellow officers. The meal they had enjoyed together in the private dining room had already instilled a sense of camaraderie that hadn't been there prior to her first appearance. Admiral Hubera was the only one who had been quiet and aloof, and he remained distant again on this day. A minute before 1000 hours, everyone took their seats.

"This special session of the Admiralty Board is now in convened," Admiral Moore said. "We shall dispense with the reading of minutes and move immediately to the topic at hand, namely the new threat from outside our borders. Admiral Carver's presence has been requested so she might personally offer her assessment of the situation. Jen, give us your appraisal."

"As you've learned from the message received from the Viceroy of Milor," Jenetta said, "the Tsgardi have apparently entered GA space with the intention of seizing at least one planet. It would be too optimistic to assume they intend to stop there. For them to begin an action of this sort has to mean they intend to seize a portion of our territory and annex it to their own empire while our hold on that part of space is still tenuous. Our intelligence on the capabilities of their warships is that they are limited to a top speed of Light-225, so it will take them quite a while to conquer even a small area. Once the Milori have had a chance to query their off-world contacts, we'll have a better idea of the scale of their invasion."

"How do you think the Raiders fit into the equation?" Admiral Bradlee asked.

"We know the Raiders have often employed Tsgardi in their operations," Jenetta said, "but this is different. This may be a situation of the Tsgardi employing the Raiders to create diversions. Neither the Tsgardi nor the Raiders should know the true size of our forces in Region Two, so it may be an attempt to divide our fleet by pulling half of it to the other side of the territory."

"Or the Raiders may be looking to establish their own territory where their bases will finally be safe from Space Command," Admiral Ahmed offered.

"Trying to seize part of our territory would be a foolish way to create their own region of space," Admiral Plimley said. "They have to know we won't stand for it."

"I suppose our dream of enjoying a few decades of relative peace was too much to hope for," Admiral Ressler stated sadly.

"Is Region Two even worth another war?" Admiral Woo asked. "We're only there to keep the Milori from attacking us again. The Tsgardi would probably keep them in check for us."

"It's too late to back out now," Admiral Moore said. "If we simply cede the territory it would send a dangerous signal. We can't have our neighbors think we're afraid of the Tsgardi, or that we won't fight for what we've already laid claim to."

"An even worse situation," Jenetta said, "would be if the Tsgardi got their baboon paws on Milori ship-building technology. They'd be able to double their speed, improve the strength of their hulls, and give us a rougher time with every encounter. Right now, a Tsgardi warship doesn't stand an even chance against one of our oldest warships still in service. That would change very quickly if they seized the Milori shipyard and enslaved their scientists, engineers and technicians, as they did with the Flordaryns."

"We know the Tsgardi warships don't match up with our own," Admiral Burke said, "but how much of a threat are they really? What I'm getting at is: What will it take to push the Tsgardi back behind their own borders?"

"I suppose that depends upon how many ships the Tsgardi have devoted to this effort and what ships I have for the counter attack," Jenetta said. "Our new scout-destroyers are easily the equivalent of three of their best destroyers and our new battleships are probably equivalent to ten or more of our scout-destroyers simply because the hull plating on the battleships is denser, their Phalanx defense provides better coverage than the small ships, and they can fire torpedoes much more rapidly."

"Our best estimate is the Tsgardi have at least three hundred warships," Admiral Bradlee said.

"Then I'd need a hundred scout-destroyers, or ten new DS Battleships, to repel a massed invasion force if I'm to feel completely confident we'd win the day."

"What if you must fight with just the ships already assigned to Region Two?" Admiral Plimley asked.

"The M-designate ships we captured in battle are among the best built by the Milori," Jenetta said. "Once they were repaired, and converted for our own use, we installed the new Phalanx defense system. Each should be more than a match for any two Tsgardi warships of equal size. Combined with the dozen older ships built at the Mars' facility that are on their way to Region Two, I'm sure we would win the day if we only had to take on a hundred fifty Tsgardi ships. With my seventy-four-ship fleet against three hundred Tsgardi warships, the outcome is naturally less certain, but we shall do our best."

"I asked you at our last meeting if the five scout-destroyers currently nearing completion at Mars would make such a difference and you said they would," Admiral Hillaire said. "Following receipt of this new information, we've decided to assign them to Region Two as soon as they're launched. The battleships will have to wait for their scout-destroyers until we handle this new situation."

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