Again (Time for Love Book 3) (11 page)

Read Again (Time for Love Book 3) Online

Authors: Miranda P. Charles

Tags: #beach read, #sexy romance, #steamy romance, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Again (Time for Love Book 3)
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“Where are you going?” he asked, pulling her in his arms and nuzzling her neck.

She giggled. “Nowhere, I guess.”

“Good answer,” he said, kissing her lips.

“Don’t be surprised if we get an interruption in the next few minutes,” Amanda said.

“What do you mean?”

“Remember I told you the other morning that Ash might be wanting to meet for a late breakfast today?”

“Has he called yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Well, maybe we have time for a quickie.”

Amanda’s phone buzzed.

He groaned. “Tell your brother he has lousy timing.”

“Shh,” Amanda said, grabbing her phone from the bedside table. “We don’t want Ash to know about us yet.”

He settled himself in bed, actually agreeing with Amanda on that. What they had was all too new. The two of them hadn’t even verbalised where they wanted to head from here. There was no point telling anyone anything yet, least of all Ash, who was quite protective of Amanda.

“Great idea... Okay... See you,” Amanda was saying on the phone.

“So you’re meeting for breakfast?”

“Yes. And—”

His phone rang.

“That’ll be him,” Amanda said. “He said he’ll ask you too, since you’re in the area.”

He grinned, gathering Amanda close before answering his phone.

“Hey, Ash,” he greeted cheerfully.

“Hey, Connor. How are you going?”

“Good, thanks. And you?”

“Good. Hey, I’m meeting Amanda for breakfast in half an hour. If you’re not doing anything, I thought you might want to join us. We’re meeting in one of the cafés close to her place.”

“Sure,” he said, planting a soundless kiss on Amanda’s lips.

Amanda gasped, pushing him away forcefully.

He swallowed his chuckles, entertained by her expression.

Ash was saying something, but he wasn’t listening. He was too busy play-wrestling with Amanda. She was trying to get out of his arms, and he was trying to keep her there. He was winning, too.

“Connor? Are you there?” Ash said.

“Yes. Sorry. What did you say?”

“I said do you know where that place is?”

“Yup, I know where that is.”

“Good. We’ll see you then.”

“Cool. See you soon.”

He hung up and turned his attention back to Amanda. She was trying to look mad, but failing miserably.

“You’re so naughty,” she berated.

“That, I am. You want me to get naughty again?” he asked, kissing her neck.

She giggled, pushing at his chest. “Stop. We don’t have time. We’re supposed to meet Ash in half an hour.”

“Where are we going?”

“He just told you, didn’t he?”

“I wasn’t listening.”

“You told him you knew where the place was.”

“I lied. I was too busy stealing a kiss from his sister.”

Amanda swatted his arm playfully and got out of bed, sticking her tongue out at him.

He grinned as he watched her go to the bathroom. Damn. He missed her already.


onnor spotted Amanda and Ash sitting at one of the outdoor tables, nicely bathed in the warm morning sunshine. He’d gone home to have a shower and get changed, which was a perfect disguise for not turning up at the café at the same time as Amanda.

“Hey, guys,” he said as he approached.

“Hey, dude.” Ash stood up to give him a man-hug.

“Hi, dude,” Amanda said from her seat, her eyes sparkling.

“Amanda! Great to see you again!” He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek before settling in his seat. This would be hard—pretending Amanda was just a mere friend.

Ash asked him about his car service centre, and he updated him on the latest developments. He enjoyed catching up with Ash. Amanda’s brother was a kindred spirit who shared his passion for cars. It was great to talk about his fledging business with someone who was as interested in it as he was.

“Seriously, Ash,” he said. “Why are you an ophthalmologist when you seem so interested in cars?”

Ash laughed. “Cars are just my hobby. And like I said, if you do plan to buy a Jag let me know. I want to have a look around too.”

Amanda rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

Ash patted her shoulder. “Are we boring you, sis?”

“Where are you gonna put a new car, Ash? You don’t have room in your garage. You still have boxes of stuff in there.”

“I’m not getting another car. I just want to have a look and live vicariously through Connor.”

“You know, you should still get rid of those boxes even if you don’t need the space. They’ve been there since you moved into your house three years ago,” Amanda said. “My offer still stands. I’ll sort them out for you anytime you want.”

“No way! You’ll chuck everything away, even the ones I want to keep.”

“It’s called decluttering.”

“Only my garage is cluttered,” Ash contended.

Connor smiled at the siblings. Their closeness was plain to see. It was heartwarming. “So what’s in your garage that you don’t want to throw out, Ash?” he asked.

Ash shrugged. “Some old stuff.”

Amanda laughed. “That’s the thing. He can’t even remember what’s in the boxes. All he knows is that he doesn’t need what’s inside them.”

“Well, I stored them there for a reason. I’ll remember why when I get around to checking out the contents.”

“You’re just a hoarder, Dr. Ashton Payne,” Amanda said. “Are you a hoarder, Connor?”

“Um, I wouldn’t say so,” he answered, thinking of his stuff that his parents had been storing for him for seven years.

Ash laughed. “I’ve seen your parents’ garage, bro. Your dad said they’re all yours.”

“Well, I was hardly home for many years. Like you, I can’t remember what’s in those boxes anymore. I did promise my mum I’d finally get them off their hands when I move to my apartment, so I’ll have a lot of sorting to do from next weekend,” he said with a grimace. Although he couldn’t wait to move to his own place, he wasn’t looking forward to all the unpacking.

“There’s an easy solution to that,” Amanda said.


“If you don’t know what’s in the boxes, send them straight to the tip. If you haven’t used them for seven years, then you don’t need them.”

“What if there’s something of sentimental value there?” Ash asked. “You never know. Connor could be keeping some old pictures, or he could be hiding a girlie magazine collection from his teenage years...”

Amanda scowled at Ash.

Connor laughed. “If I do have some girlie magazines in there, I sure don’t need them anymore,” he said, looking at Amanda.

“Could you guys go back to talking about cars?” she said, glaring at him in warning.

Connor chuckled, realising how much he loved teasing her.

“Yes. From what I’ve heard, Connor, you certainly don’t need them at all,” Ash quipped.

Connor glanced at Ash sharply. “What do you mean?”

Ash chuckled, shaking his head. “Never mind. I’ll tell you later.”

“Why later?” Amanda asked.

“You don’t need to know.”

“Why can’t I know?” Amanda persisted.

Ash sighed. “It’s nothing, snoop.”

Connor stared at Ash, wondering what he was keeping. It was making him jittery.

“Anyway,” Ash continued, “did you know that Lori’s thinking of visiting Sydney?”

“What?” Amanda and Connor asked at the same time.

Ash snorted. “You both sound very excited about that,” he said sarcastically.

“Why is she visiting? And how did you know?” Amanda asked.

“She’s still just thinking about it. She rang me yesterday to see if she could talk to me about laser eye surgery if she did come. She said her vision’s getting worse and she refuses to wear glasses.”

“She wants to come to Sydney to see you about her eyes?” Amanda asked. “Couldn’t she see someone in Melbourne? Unless of course she wants you to give her a freebie.”

Ash shrugged. “Maybe. I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“What else did she say?” Amanda prodded.

Even with the nonchalant way Amanda asked the question, Connor noticed that she was less relaxed, more nervous. Just like he was becoming.

“Funnily enough, she didn’t want to talk about
,” Ash said to Amanda.

“That’s good then,” Amanda murmured.

Connor didn’t miss how Ash’s gaze flickered to him, strengthening his suspicion that Lori had said something about
. There were things that Lori could be aware of that he wasn’t keen on Amanda discovering—like Lucas’ challenge that he’d verbally agreed to but had never intended on taking up.

Ash leaned back in his seat. “Hey, Connor,” he said. “I wouldn’t mind having a look at your shop after breakfast, if you have time.”

“Sure,” he answered. “It’s just three streets away from here. We can walk there after.”

“Oh, I can’t go with you. I have a few things to do at home,” Amanda said, sounding disappointed.

“No worries, sis. It’s a man thing anyway,” Ash said.

Connor swallowed. He had a feeling he was about to find out what Ash didn’t want Amanda to know.


ongrats, Connor. I can already imagine what it’s going to look like after the re-fit,” Ash said as Connor finished giving him a tour of his empty shop.

“Thanks,” Connor answered. “I had the option of keeping the place open for existing customers of the old owners. But I really want to upgrade and modernise the facilities so I can attract the clientele I want, so I’ve decided to close it for business in the meantime.” Fortunately, he had a good stash of liquid assets in the form of cash and shares to support the weeks where more money would be going out rather than coming in. But he had to keep everything running to schedule to make sure he didn’t deplete his reserves.

They left the business premises and started walking to where Ash parked his car.

“So where are you moving to next week?” Ash asked.

“That’s my building over there,” he said, pointing to the structure. “I’ve got one of the two sub-penthouses. Did you know that that’s a Carmichael development?”

“Really? I didn’t know that,” Ash said.

“Actually, they still own the penthouse.”

“Who lives in the penthouse then?”

“It’s rented out fully furnished to those who could afford it. Mainly short-stayers who are only in Sydney for a brief period, like international celebrities.”

“So you’ll be neighbours with some famous people.”

“Yeah,” he said with a laugh.

“You missing Formula One at all?”

“Nah. I’m too excited about my new business that I hardly think about it now,” he answered.

“Not missing the lifestyle?” Ash asked in a teasing tone. “Like have girls from all around the world drop on your lap when you snap your fingers?”

“What?” Connor asked with a snort. “Who told you it was like that? Lori?”


“I don’t even remember talking to her at all. What would she know?”

“Your friends must have said something to her. She sounded very impressed with your title.”

Connor groaned out loud.

“Seriously, dude?” Ash said with a chuckle. “Mr. Fuck King? You must really have one hell of a reputation.”

that title,” he said with feeling. “Please don’t go around telling

Ash laughed. “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me. I must say I’m impressed though. You apparently still hold the title even though you’ve now quit the team. All because that girl you slept with the night Lori and her gang invaded your party has refused to give your competition a chance.”

Connor’s breath hitched as he stared at Ash. Obviously, Ash had no idea he was talking about his sister. “Did Lori tell you who that woman was?” he dared ask.

“She said it’s someone I don’t know—just like you said to me back at the Hunter Valley.”

Connor quietly exhaled his relief.

“You know, I thought for a while it was Amanda you’d slept with,” Ash mused.

“Would that have been so bad?” he asked lightly.

Ash snickered. “You wouldn’t have gotten her to agree to participate in some crazy game.”

“Geez, Ash. Do you think I’d sleep with your sister because of a game?”

“Well, the night they crashed your party, you guys did agree on a game, didn’t you? For the record, I’m not judging you for it. It seems like you only pick the women who are all for those games anyway, so that's fair. I’m just saying that Amanda wouldn’t have participated in something like that. But if you did lay a finger on my sister that night, I'd have to kill you,” Ash said jokingly.

Connor ran his hand through his hair, agitation simmering. He wished he’d never said yes to Lucas’ challenge. It could blow up in his face, big time. “For the record, Ash,” he said, “My intention was to—”


They turned their heads. Connor silently groaned. It was Sonya, walking toward them with a friend.

“Hi,” Sonya said. “Remember Sheila, Connor?”

“I think so,” he answered. “Sorry, Sheila. It’s been a long time.” He turned to introduce Ash to the women.

“I woke up and you were gone, Connor,” Sonya said. “I’ll be out all day. Sheila and I will be going shopping and doing other girly things, so I’ll be home late.”

“Okay,” he said, uncomfortable that Ash was hearing this conversation.

Sheila chuckled. “I can’t believe that you two are back together.”

“We’re not,” he said.

“We’re just living under the same roof,” Sonya said with a giggle. “Anyway, I’ll see you back home tonight, Connor,” she said, tiptoeing to kiss him on the cheek. “And good to meet you, Ash.”

“I see why you’re not missing your old lifestyle,” Ash quipped, when the women were out of earshot. “Living under the same roof with an ex?”

“Technically, she isn’t an ex. We only had a fling two years ago,” he said, not wanting Ash to see his setup with Sonya as something with emotional entanglement.

Ash just laughed, shaking his head in wonder, then brought the conversation to the challenges of moving houses and setting up a business at the same time.

Connor sighed, reluctantly letting go of the topic of his reputation and sex life for now. It was all too muddled to satisfactorily explain anything to Ash anyway.

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