Aftermath (17 page)

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Authors: Sandy Goldsworthy

BOOK: Aftermath
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Chapter 43 

Ben's Story


The quietest section of Lake Bell was the inlet on the southwestern end.

Three houses were neatly tucked amongst the thick, dense trees. The Crandon family home, empty since Neal’s dad moved to an assisted living center, was last on the dead-end road. The home beside it was vacant. It was where I grew up and came to visit, even years after my mother transitioned.

The house at the mouth of the channel was a rental ever since I could remember. It had the most waterfront, but the least amount of acreage. It was low, flat, and often flooded, but that was decades ago. Lake levels in recent years weren’t as high as back in my day. Nonetheless, the property came cheap.

Drew and his mom were its current tenants. She was a workaholic single mom, a nurse who accepted double shifts at the hospital in Westport to make ends meet. It gave Drew plenty of unparented time for socializing.

That gave Drew the reputation most parents despised.

I stood on the wraparound porch. The water was calm and peaceful at this time of night. The moon shone bright, reflecting on the water’s surface. Muffled music could be heard out here, but with no occupied homes in the vicinity, there was likely no chance Drew’s underage party would get busted by the cops.

I sipped my beer and took in my surroundings. It was quiet now, but if the rumors were true and if Victor was lurking somewhere in rural Wisconsin, the calm serenity of lake living would soon change.

With the knowledge of Victor’s presence came other problems. Claire was openly fearful of the infamous villain. Molly was headstrong and risky, despite his century-long threats to follow her. Then, there was Emma.

I had to protect her. No matter what.

My thoughts were blinded by her and overwhelmed by my duty.

What if Victor found Molly? With his chameleon-like disguises, he could impersonate anyone—including a teenager at an underage drinking party. He could blend in with them.

With us.

The thought of him and his motives were frightening, even to me. I took a long pull of my beer, but I really wanted a cigarette to calm my nerves. Old habits I developed undercover were hard to break. Drinking was easier to control than smoking. With alcohol, I could at least cure my hangover ailments.

That was what I told myself, anyway, when I played along with the guys earlier.

Drew passed around a bottle of Bacardi 151. It was a guy’s drink, and the wimpy boys that made a face after taking a swig were belittled by the group of athletes. Grunts and cheers encouraged high school boys to chug-a-lug before handing it off. Guys tried to impress the girls and earn their place amongst the men-boys. As small as Drew was, he could hold his liquor.

When the bottle came to me, my competitive side kicked in, and I chugged double what any other guy drank before me. Of course, being an immortal, I could really hold my liquor. And when, or if, I ever let my human body get drunk, I simply fixed it. Placing my hand over my eyes would bring clarity to my vision. Running it over my stomach brought soothing sensations to any digestive issue, and gliding my hand over my arms and legs improved my stability and reduced my blood-alcohol content. I knew the tricks. I worked undercover with drug dealers for years. I could indulge with the best of them and come out sober.

Smoking, on the other hand, was a toxic habit. Even though I could cure the damage done to my lungs, I couldn’t eliminate the addiction or the impact tobacco had on my senses. Instead, I took to chewing on toothpicks or eating Altoids.

The creak of the door and the increased volume of music brought me back to reality. I felt her presence, despite the darkness between us. Her blood pressure was elevated, and her thoughts swirled as she made her way to the railing. She stared up at the moon and across the lake.

I wondered if she remembered.

After a few moments of silence, I couldn’t resist. “Not your thing?” I asked.

“Um, no. Well, I mean… you scared me. I didn’t see you out here,” Emma answered. Her heart raced.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to alarm you.”

“No, that’s okay. It’s just warm in there. Hot, actually.”

I nodded, though in the dim lighting, I doubted she realized it.

“Um, what about you? Not your thing?” she questioned.

Impressed, I chuckled. “Just getting some air. Like you.”

“Oh, yeah. Of course.”

“Hey, I meant to apologize for interrupting you and my sister this morning. I had a doctor’s appointment and had to leave.”

“Oh. No problem,” she mumbled. “Did you say
?” she asked. “I didn’t realize Claire was your sister.” I sensed relief.

“Yeah. Fraternal twins.”

The door creaked and slammed open against the siding, distracting us. TJ charged past, pausing to ask if we saw Lucas.

“He left about ten minutes ago,” I answered. “Took Steph home.”

He grunted a response and took the path around the side of the house.

Ben, can we talk?
Molly asked.

When I looked up, I noticed she was standing in the open doorway. Emma noticed too.

Sorry. I didn’t realize,
Molly mumbled.
she added. By the look on her face, I knew it was important.

I hoped it wasn’t another bulletin from Jorgenson I missed.

Chapter 44 

Emma's Story


Claire was Ben’s sister.

The words were still sinking in when the brunette from my history class summoned Ben from the doorway. Well, she actually didn’t say anything, but the look she gave him meant more than words and within minutes, he followed her inside.

They had to be dating. Right? I’d have to find the right time to ask Claire. At least, I knew Claire wasn’t. When I headed back inside, I lingered in the doorway, between the kitchen and dining room. The house was still packed, and I couldn’t see Claire, Hannah, or anyone I knew well enough to talk to.

Feeling like I didn’t fit in was awkward. I pulled out my phone and checked for new messages, but there weren’t any. Melissa already texted me about the football game and, last I heard, she was going to a party.

“Hey, how’s it goin’?” TJ asked behind me.

“Hey,” I said, startled. “It’s goin’.” I turned to look at him.

“You hiding, or bored?”

“Both.” I was surprised with my honesty. “I just don’t know many people yet, that’s all.”

He nodded and stared at the back end of the living room.

“Something wrong?” I asked.

He shrugged, though he didn’t look at me and didn’t answer.

I followed his glare. Ben was leaning against the mantel, talking to the dark-haired girl who summoned him. She stood with one hand on her hip, focused intently on Ben. He took a drink of his beer and glanced my way. As soon as he did, she turned and looked at me, too.

She had to be his girlfriend.

When I realized TJ was still staring at them, I asked. “What do you know about Ben?”

He was silent longer than normal for a conversation response, and when he finally answered, he didn’t take his eyes off Ben and the girl. “Well, he’s a good athlete… plays soccer. He and his sister, Claire, transferred,” he said and paused. “…and apparently, he’s making the moves on my girlfriend. Well, my


“We broke up tonight,” TJ said. “She did it... said there were extenuating circumstances.”

I turned back to look at Ben and the dark-haired girl, who were both staring at us.

“That’s Molly?”

“The one and only,” he answered.


Chapter 45 

Ben's Story


“You broke up with him
?” I whispered.

Molly stood in Drew’s living room by the fireplace.
What did you expect me to do?
She had panic in her tone.

Seriously, Molly? Extenuating circumstances? What the hell does that even mean?

She shrugged. Her thoughts were silent.

Look at that poor kid. You dumped him at a party, in a crowd of peers. What’s wrong with you?

It’s for the better,”
she finally answered in thought.
Would you prefer I used you as the excuse? You know that’s what they are thinking right now.

I shot her a look of warning.

Besides, you and I both know I’m the bait to capture Victor.

Yes, I do. But I also know this kid’s devastated. You just broke his heart.

What did you expect me to do?
she asked in her British tone, the tone I seemed to hear a lot lately.
Should Victor find me, anyone close to me will be victimized.

Molly, you should go back home and leave this problem to me and the rest of our team. You need to stay where you’re safe.

Safe? How will I ever be safe from Victor Nicklas?
Molly eyes were fierce.

You’ll be safe back home. Victor cannot get through security, no matter what disguise he uses. He can’t use the portals undetected.

She took a sip of her drink.
We both know he’s not going to stop until he has me.
Flipping her long hair, she glanced at TJ.
And for the record, I will not go back home to hide. I’m staying here and working with you.

That was just what I needed, two women to protect. I shook my head and took a chug of the cheap beer Drew gave me. Emma was staring at me. She’d seen me with Molly too many times. I didn’t need to read her thoughts to know she suspected something was going on between us.

TJ grabbed Emma’s hand and led her to the kitchen. He handed her a beer and slammed one himself.

I knew it was a bad idea to get mixed up with a human,
I said.

She was quiet. No comments aloud, no sarcastic thoughts. For once, I got the last word in and the peaceful feeling I had was overwhelming.

TJ drank a second beer slowly. Drew was flirting with Claire, who ignored him and whispered to Emma instead. Justin propositioned Hannah, while Trent was too high to proposition anyone.

It was the epitome of adolescence.

Is that what’s holding you back from Emma? You’re afraid of getting hurt yourself?

Molly’s words were like a sharp knife to the heart. I should have known she couldn’t be silent for long. I ignored her comment, but it didn’t stop her.

Instead, I finished my beer, ready to go.

Chapter 46 

Emma's Story


TJ handed me an open beer.

I didn’t want to drink it, but he looked so sad that I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, either. One beer wouldn’t hurt, right? He must have recognized the look on my face.

“Not a big drinker?” he asked. We stood in the kitchen.

I shook my head.

“Drink slow.”

I took a big gulp instead. I squeezed my eyes shut, as the cool bubbles burned my throat when they went down. TJ laughed at me, shook his head, and slammed his beer.

I couldn’t get over that the dark-haired girl was Molly. I kept glancing at Ben and wondered how long they were together and keeping secrets from TJ. Ben had to know she was dating TJ, right?

When a popular song came on, Hannah and Courtney started dancing and singing into their beer bottles. Hannah’s boyfriend, Justin, laughed, while TJ rolled his eyes and smiled. Not only was it the first time TJ smiled that night, but it was also the first time I remembered him smiling since we were twelve years old.

“My sister’s drunk,” TJ whispered in my ear.

“Yeah. It looks like it,” I answered.

Great. Now how was I getting home?

Before I could think about it for too long, Justin handed TJ a beer and offered one to me. I passed, glancing around, looking for Claire, who was deep in conversation with Drew.

“He’s been into her since she moved here,” Justin said, noticing Claire and Drew.


“Yeah, Drew’s got it bad,” TJ added, and then glanced at Molly before sipping his beer. He had to have realized similarities in what he said, because a few seconds later, he turned his back and joined another conversation.

“Speaking of bad,” Justin mumbled under his breath.

I glanced at Justin.

“So I see Molly’s moved on, now that she’s single,” Justin added.

“Yeah, I heard. So what’s the word on them, anyway?”

“Molly and Parker?” Justin grimaced. “Just neighbors. Parker’s never said anything about her. I mean, everyone knows Molly is TJ’s girl.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“You know Molly?”

I shook my head.

“Her mom’s a teacher at Westport?”

I shook my head again. “TJ just told me her name tonight. I saw her before. She’s in my history class.”

“Who do you have for science?” he asked.


“That’s Molly’s mom… Molly Preston,” he said.

“Oh… I had no idea.”

He nodded.

“Hannah really likes her,” I said and took a sip of my beer.

“Yeah. Molly’s pretty nice. She lives on the cul-de-sac.” He said it like that meant something to me.

“Oh, I… um. Should I know where that is?”

“Well, she lives on the golf course. You know, your aunt’s place?”

“Yeah, I know what you meant.” I was suddenly embarrassed.

Justin smirked. “She’s on Snob Hill.”

“Huh? I don’t get it.”

He laughed. “You’ve never been there, have you?”

I smiled and shook my head.

“It’s just the richest section of the subdivision, that’s all. My mom’s a realtor.”


“Mega-mansions are on Snob Hill,” he said. Then, he quickly added, “I mean… there are mansions on Lake Drive, too. These are just the new ones.”

It reminded me of Highland Park with the rich and super-rich kids. “I’ll have to drive by,” I said. “Do you live there, too? On Snob Hill?”

He shook his head. “No, I live near you, actually. Near Lucas.”

“Oh… I don’t know where Lucas lives.”

He wrinkled his eyebrows. “Really? I would have thought you did.” I must have had a bewildered look on my face because he continued. “Well, with your aunt and everything. I think she designed the renovation plans.”

“Really? Well, she doesn’t talk about work much.”

“That surprises me,” he said. “Well, maybe not. Lucas’ parents are divorced, and his mom lives in Riverside. I doubt you would have met her, with your aunt and everything. But his dad got the house and started renovating it.”

“What do you mean,
with my aunt and everything
?” I asked again, feeling stupid.

He squinted and scrunched his eyebrows. “Neal?”

“Yeah, what about him?”

“Neal Crandon?”

“I know, Neal Crandon. He’s a police officer, my aunt’s friend… or more than that, I guess. I don’t really want to know.”

“Lucas… Crandon.” He led me where I hadn’t gone before.

?” How could I have not known this? “What? You mean… Neal is his

“Yeah… I thought you knew,” Justin said.

“At your service,” Lucas said, coming up behind me. “Did I hear my name?” He smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulder.

I shrugged away.

“Emma didn’t know Neal was your dad,” Justin jumped in.

“Yeah… Ems. How ’bout that? Your aunt… my dad... Nice, huh?” he joked. I smelled beer on his breath when he spoke. “Hey Drew! Got some snacks?” he yelled. Drew picked up a bag of Doritos from the coffee table and threw them at him. He caught it in his elbow, like a football. It was obvious he thought he was cool, having caught the winning touchdown.

I didn’t.

Lucas opened the bag of chips and started to devour them. I wouldn’t doubt he smoked pot and had the munchies. He offered the bag to Justin and me, but we both passed.

I couldn’t believe I actually thought he was cute and flirtable at school. I glanced away and noticed Ben was no longer standing by Molly. Instead, he had a jacket in hand and was headed toward Drew.

“So, Em… what do you think of your aunt and my dad?” Lucas laughed.

“Yeah… I didn’t know that Neal was your dad. He seems okay.” I shrugged. “How long have they been together? I mean, are they a couple?” I was so clearly out of my element. I had no idea about the life Aunt Barb had here. I wondered if Dad knew all of this… or any of it, for that matter.

“I guess… He sleeps over.” He said it so casually that it gave me the creeps.

“Huh. Like
?” I asked.

“I don’t know, every couple of days, I guess.”

“How long have they been together?” I couldn’t believe it.

“Since last school year… sometime back then, I guess. It really doesn’t matter to me. She keeps him off my case.” Lucas turned to face me. His light blue eyes sparkled, as his lips curled into a grin. He was trying to be cute, but I didn’t find him flattering.

“Hey, where’s Steph?” Justin asked.

“I took her home,” Lucas answered.

“She okay?” I asked.

“She’s fine. Just really fucked up.” He smiled at me, staring into my eyes, not breaking the gaze. I could see how some girls found him attractive, but I wasn’t one of them.

When I finally pulled away from his stare, Ben was shaking Drew’s hand and Claire was by my side.

“We’re leaving,” she said, giving me a hug. “Do you need a ride?”

“Ah…” I began to answer and nod.

“I got it,” Lucas said quickly. “She lives a few blocks from me. I’ll take her home.”

“No. She’s coming with us.” Ben’s firm voice startled me. “I’ll get the car,” he said before I could get nervous thinking about driving with wasted Lucas.

Instead, I got nervous thinking about being with Ben.

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