Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (74 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“You need rest.... my love.” I knew he was right as I was exhausted but my stubborn nature came through. Also did he just call love? My inner-self was screaming out with glee but my exterior remained calm. A term of endearment that was all. I kept repeating this over and over. 

“I don't want to sleep.” I said timidly and he let out a small laugh.

“Your body is not used to all it has endured, you need time to adjust.” He said back to a soft velvet voice. I turned to face him as I couldn't hide from him any longer. He was smiling, all traces of the beast gone.

“I'm fine, but that was...well...different.” I said putting it diplomatically.

“I think they call it make up sex, Keira” He smirked at me.

“Does this mean we get to argue
every day
?” I said joking and I stretched out like a cat after along sleep. He laughed again filling the room with the sound I was quickly becoming addicted to.

“If you would prefer.”

“And you, how
would you prefer it?” I asked intrigued but also embarrassed.

“Keira, I would take you any way I can, but I would never want to hurt you...I know what my limits are.” He said and I took his words seriously having tasted his strength only on a minute scale.

“I do, however, apologise for your clothes. Maybe getting me roused up like that would be better for when you are already naked.” I laughed looking down at my once normal clothes now torn to shreds.

“It was worth it....I am sorry for hitting you.” I said sheepishly looking down and feeling guilty that I had been so worked up. He lifted my chin to see his wide grin.

“Keira, you have been the only one ever to be allowed to do that and if you so choose you could chain me up and beat me. I can imagine coming from you I would enjoy it immensely.” His grin changed into a cheeky smile and I hit him lightly on the arm, teasing him.

“Oh and you think I have a were down right terrifying!” He teased back. I frowned but it wasn't quite so effective when a yawn followed it.

“Come on now, you are tired, try and get some sleep.”

“I said I'm fine but there is one thing...I'm kind of starving.” I said and just then my stomach proved it by rumbling.

“Of course, I am sorry I forget that you need more food, especially after...well such a physical work out.”

“Is that what you call it?” I teased again but he replied by kissing me gently.
When he pulled his face away he looked more serious and I was instantly worried.

“Keira, you can't do that to me again, you have to start trusting me no matter what your own insecurities tell you. You must listen to me and know that from now on what I say is the truth.” He said and I felt ashamed with my behaviour, no matter how amazing the outcome had been. I think this had been enough to prove to me that I was here because he wanted me to be, because he really did care about me. After all, like he had said there were sadder cases out there, if he was purely doing this to feed off me than why me, why not someone even more messed up. I didn't say anything but I nodded in agreement.

He was getting up to leave when I stopped him.

“Where are you going?” I said sounding hurt that he was leaving me and shamefully feeling a little needy.

“To get you some food before you collapse, you need to get your blood sugar level up so that you won't feel so weak.” He said and once again by the time it took me to turn away and back again he was fully clothed in a fresh long sleeved t-shirt and jeans.

“How do you do that?” I asked shaking my head at him.

“Keira, there are lots of things I can do, being very fast is only one of them.” And to prove this he was back next to me holding out the bowl of fruit for me to choose. I hadn't even seen his body move, he was that fast. I picked a lush green apple out of the bowl and took a bite. He watched me, his deep eyes followed every move I made, making me

“What?” I asked

“I love watching you makes me want you all over again.” He said catching the juice that over flowed from my lips, he moved my hand that held the apple away from my mouth and kissed the side tasting the juice for himself. I shuddered feeling the sensations all the way down to my toes.

“Mmm it tastes better off your skin,” he said making me blush.

“Umm... I need to do something.” I said knowing what I was going to have to ask him, adding to the embarrassment I already felt. He nodded for me to carry on with my question.

“I need some
I have to do the whole girl thing.” And I pointed to the bathroom.

“Ah, well be my guest, it's not like I haven't st
udied every inch of you already
and there
is nothing you need to hide.” He was smiling knowing this was most definitely something I wouldn't do. Before I answered he got up and was back again with a long, red silk kimono over his arm. He passed it to me saying,

“I will give you a moment alone.” Like a perfect gentleman. I slipped it on as soon as I was alone and went over to get a fresh set of clothes wondering if they would last until the night...part of me hoped not!. Once I had used the bathroom and made myself respectable again I walked back out into the room, disappointed to find it still empty. I picked up some more fruit and poured myself some water.

Then I jumped at the sound of the massive grandfather clock that was stood in the corner.
wood held another carved warrior scene and it too, looked Japanese, matching the tapestries and other bits of furniture. It struck four times telling me that
it was almost evening and I still hadn't spoken to Libby. She must be freaking out. I started to search through my bag but then remembered that Draven still had my phone.

“Damn it!” I said out loud

“That's a sin you know.” Draven's voice made me jump and my hand went to my chest feeling it thump under my palm.

“This is never going to work if you keep creeping up on me and nearly scaring me to death!” I said realising how funny that sounded seeing as I was talking to a half Angel/Demon! He looked amused and came over to me, holding out my phone in his hand. I went to take it but he put it behind his back.

“And what do I get in return?” He teased looking playfully down at me. It was so surreal seeing Draven this way when the only way I had been used to him was such the opposite. 

“And here was me thinking that you were the type to just take whatever you wanted…oh well.” I said turning away knowing that I might win this round. But he was fast and by the time I turned he was in front of me again, grinning like the cat that found the cream.  He held out the phone again which I took from him but in turn he took me. He pulled me to him spinning me around so he was now behind me. His head arched downwards and he moved my hair back from my neck making my head spin.

“I do take what I want Keira...will that be a problem?” He asked whispering in my ear and then he moved his lips down my neck tilting it to the side with his hands. My hands however were shaking at the feeling and I dropped the phone. Like a flash of light, his fingers moved from my neck and his hand flew out in the
grabbing the phone before it could crash to the floor.  I turned to face him and took the phone. He was trying to contain his cocky smile but he wasn't doing a very convincing job.

“You know being too cocky isn't good for the soul.” I warned playing with him as I walked away putting a safe distance between us. I was never going to be able to ring Libby with Draven even standing this close to me, let alone kissing me.

“Maybe not but I know a lot of other things that are definitely on the list.” He replied winking at me which made me melt.

I flipped open my phone and pressed the quick dial to Libby's number.

“Kazzy, where the hell have you been? I have nearly gone out of my mind....I left you about a hundred messages and.....”

“Lib's calm down, I'm fine, I just haven't had chance to....”

“Oh what, spend five minutes calling your panicked sister!” She was not happy and I felt guilty that I had left it this long. I tried to reason with her without having to answer the most obvious questions that were no doubt yet to come.

“I sorry, but Lib's you’re on holiday I didn't want you to think I was scared on my own or anything!” I said hoping this would work. Draven was sat staring at me finding the whole thing very entertaining. I frowned at him and he bit back a smile.

have been at home?”

“Umm well yes and no...” I said trying to worm my way out of it.

“Well which is it Kaz?”

“Jeez Lib's what's with the interrogation, I said I'm fine, why are you so upset?” I asked as I could hear her getting a bit emotional.

“I was worried and I think that all things considered I have a very good reason to...” She was of course right and my guilt came through.

“I know, you’re right I... I should have called sooner, I’m sorry.”

“So where have you been?” And this was the question I was dreading so I tried to bypass it.

“So how's the family, is Frank enjoying himself?”

“Kazzy, why won't you tell me where you have been... where are you now?” She asked not believing a word I said.

“I'm at home.” I said way too quickly. Man why did I have to be such a rubbish liar! I could see Draven finding my lying funny and I shot him a look.

“Well that's funny ‘cause I just called there about five minutes ago and guess what Kaz ….no answer!” My God she was unstoppable!

“Well I just walked in.” I threw back at her but Draven shook his head warning me against where this was going. Because he knew that I was walking into a trap with a pro and I was about to get caught out.

“Really you’re there now?”

I said knowing I was busted.

“OK, so how many messages have I left on the answering machine?” DAMN IT! This question was too much for Draven to contain the roaring laughter that erupted from him. I only now guessed that one of his other gifts was great hearing!

“Who was that?” Libby asked as she to, had acute hearing!

“It was nobody, just the TV, one of those crummy sit coms...
nothing.” I said but she wasn't buying it!

“Was it Jack?” She asked and Draven replaced the laughing with a low growl at the sound of his name. Before I knew it he had my phone in his hand and to his ear. My dread doubled.

“Hello Libby, its Dominic Draven here.” He said with such ease and confidence that I was in shock. Why would he admit to where I was?

“No, she's fine, she’s obviously not at home but I think she was a little embarrassed to tell you herself.” He said and I couldn't hide my horror, what was he doing? I could just hear Libby ask, “Tell me what?”

“Keira and I are involved.” He said and I stood looking up at him like he had lost it. But just when I thought it couldn't get any worse it did! When Libby asked,

“Involved how?”

Draven replied that last thing I could have ever imagined out of his lips....

“I'm in love with her.”






Chapter 40




I couldn't speak. I
t was as if Draven had once again stolen my voice only this time it wasn't done intentionally. So when he had finished on the phone to my sister he passed me it back saying…

“She wants to talk to you.” He looked down at me but I still couldn't comprehend what had just happened...Did he just say he loved me? Why? How? When?! My mind was overloaded as if my mental dam had just cracked, flooding my mind with too many questions to process.

Draven said louder, bring me around but I was still in a semi daze when I put the phone that was now in my hand to my ear.

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