After Work Excess

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Authors: Samantha Davies

BOOK: After Work Excess
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Praise for After Work Excess


Reviewer: Democritus

This is Samantha (Sam) Davies' first book in a series. We first see Sam working in a responsible job for a high street bank. However unknown to her work colleagues she operates as a high class escort. This. surprisingly, is with the blessing of her fiance, who also works in the bank. The fiance dumps Sam when she confesses (silly girl) to cheating with another guy. This is a regular guy and not a client. One could assume that the fiance is a stingy bastard and not happy about Sam giving away freebees! However, not to give away too much of the story, Sam embarks on a boundless (pun intended) adventure of incredible sex including a steamy escapade where Sam relaxes her boundaries literately, when she consummates an act of revenge on her ex fiance. OK this is not top end literature, but the narrative is very straight forward and unrestrained, and written in a very `English' style. I recommended this first book unreservedly and after reading I am sure you will progress to her other books on the sexual adventures of the intrepid and highly sexed Sam.


Reviewer: Brad

For her first foray into erotic literature Samantha Davies has struck gold. 

I love her easy flowing writing style and how she sets a scene naturally and doesn't just go from sex scene to sex scene, you get a real flavour of the character and what is driving this young lady. 

I am looking forward to her other books.


Reviewer: Sarah Collins

I 'LOVED' Weston Super Blonde, it's great to read a well written and hugely sexy account of her life. It's got to become the new '50 shades'!!! I just can't wait for the next part!


Reviewer: Michael Booth

This is the story of Sam's journey into the world of high class escorting, from her first experience of being paid for sex, to the effect on her relationships. A sensitive, kind and caring girl who also knows how to be a naughty girl! It is a great read and I can't wait to read more.


Reviewer: Lyndon

This is a real story and very well told. It will appeal to readers of all ages both male and female. Highly sexed Sam is at first rather shy and living a 'normal' existence in Weston-super-Mare in England. She becomes the target of an older sexual predator and finds that she not only likes sex tremendously but also got paid for it. She tries to hang on to her responsible bank job and have a normal relationship with her boyfriend but sex just seems to complicate matters. The story has just the right amount of (very adventurous) sex and a very plausible plot, much of which I would guess is drawn from Samantha Davies' real life. I recommend this book very highly...

After Work Excess

(After Work Part One)


Samantha Davies


Revised and Extended March 2013


Published by Infomedia UK Ltd


Copyright © 2013 Samantha Davies




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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organisations and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. All persons and locations in this book are fictional. Any resemblance to actual events, places, organizations or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are eighteen years of age or older.





Thanks Lyndon - For all your encouragement and support


By day I would just seem like any another young blonde personal banker in your local branch, with my hair functionally tied back and with my minimal make-up you might not even give me a second glance as I give you a home insurance quote, and I’m sure that you’d soon forget me once you walked back out onto the high Street.

But you couldn’t be more wrong about me, as at the weekend, I lose the sensible glasses and corporate uniform and transform into my ‘alter ego’, no longer Samantha, a 22 year old working the 9-5, as I become ‘North-Somerset-Blonde’, a high class but part-time escort with my blonde hair tousled and free and my blue eyes fully ‘made up’, I take great pride in wearing any of a selection of either classy or damn right naughty outfits and meeting men to help them live out their ultimate fantasies!

How I got here is a bit of a mystery, even to me, but I guess I first got that
naughty glint
in my eye back when I was just 18, working as a Saturday girl in my local arcade and after falling for the charms of the Duty Manager, where I was offered £60 to have sex with him in his car. Don’t think that it just happened like that, he clearly seduced me, first offering me a lift home and then gradually offering me more money to do ‘just a little more’.

Once that ‘cash for sex’ barrier was broken, it never seemed an issue for me, there was no longer any ‘stigma’ attached to it.

It was a lot later that I ever did anything like that again and that was a few years later when a customer came into the Bank with a glint in his eye, but I’ll tell you all about that later in the book.

So there I was, 22 years old and living with my fiancée in a rented flat in Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, working in the bank, striving for my monthly bonus targets to make ends meet, but occasionally meeting up with guys for sex.

My fiancée backed me fully, he always knew that I had an extremely high sex drive and being ten years older at 32 he was happy to indulge and let me escort ‘occasionally’, knowing, or hoping, that it would be him that I would be home with and in bed with at the end of each booking.

He worked away during the week, often in Ireland, but for the same company, so once a week I’d meet up with my friends and have a mid-week ‘Girl’s Night Out’. I was happy, life was good, the money certainly came in handy and all seemed to be
going well
until one night when I made a huge error of judgement. We always had a lot of fun on our
girls nights
, but this night was different, this night things went a little
too far
, well that’s a bit of an understatement to be honest, things actually spiralled quite ‘badly’ out of control…and the events of that night would surely change my life forever.


I hope you’ll join me on my journey…

Chapter 1 – His Beautiful Young Fiancée

So I'll take a deep breath and, as they say - ‘Here goes...’ because although I was 22 at the time and you may argue that this isn’t really the start of my story, this is where the journey, for you – the reader begins…


All seemed to be going well in my life, after finishing college, I had applied for a job at my local branch of a well known high street bank in my home town of Weston-super-Mare, after deciding that University life just wasn't for me. After the initial jubilation of receiving a regular full-time wage, I was soon settled into the routine of being a small cog in an extremely large organisation. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't just turning up everyday for the fun of it though, as unbeknown to my fellow workers, I had spent the last two years planning my rise through the ranks, to hopefully - one day, become a Branch Manager. My perseverance eventually paid off, as on the first anniversary of joining the company, I was taken 'off the counter' and given the chance to become a 'personal banker' – the youngest in the branch. Although I was happy with my promotion, I have to say that it wasn't all
work work work
for me, as after hearing stories about what my college friends were up to whilst away at University, I was still keen to l
et my hair down
every now and then!

So, with me regretting that I was probably growing up a little too early, I still had a sense of passion for trying new and exciting things, when I was away from my
work life
. I'm not complaining about my job though, as my parents were extremely proud of me despite their initial disappointment at my reluctance to head off to University, but if I were to be totally honest, I'd have to say that work was ‘okay’, rather than amazing - which was probably as good as any 9-5 office job in a retail bank ever was ever going to be!

More importantly though, for me, was the fact that I was happy with my personal life after recently getting engaged to my boyfriend (and co-worker) of almost two years, in January. We had initially met at the branch, and on meeting me, he just couldn't help himself, forgetting his
professional code
and  asking me out for a drink at the end of my very first month on the counter. Our blossoming friendship, and then subsequent relationship slowly grew from there, despite him later being promoted out of the branch and into a regional sales job. He was soon travelling the country, but I had admired his progression from day one, and although he was ten years older than me, I couldn't help but to feel overwhelmingly flattered when he initially asked me out for a drink.

Everything in my life was falling into place, apart from the annoying fact that my fiancée’s new job meant that I didn’t actually get to see him during the week, as he was usually in the North of England or even in Ireland, and so this frequently meant that he was away from me, leaving me lonely and bored in our rented flat between Monday to Friday night, but on the positive side, this enabled us to really treasure our weekends together.

We'd just signed a 6 month lease on our flat in town, and I was revelling in the fact that I was
all grown up
, with a proper job, and at just 22, I was living with my fiancée in the centre of town.


Friday's could never come quick enough, and this Friday was no exception, as he was due to arrive home at around half past seven, which had given me time to take a long bath after work, and take the time to really pamper myself. His car pulled up outside the flat at about ten to eight, and I raced over to the front door, just as his key was turning inside the lock. As the door swung open, he was greeted to the sight of me, wearing a loosely fitted red summer dress and my black 'girls night out' high heels.

Wow, you look amazing!” he professed, as he placed his laptop bag in the hallway and wrapped his arms around my slender frame.

I leant upwards and kissed him, showing him just how much I had missed him, before breaking away to say “I hope you like my hair, as I've curled it for you?”

He stepped back, in-order to take me in, admiring my long blonde ringlets, that I'd spent a good hour curling, transforming my naturally straight hair into an entirely different look. He then noted my make-up, my dark red lipstick, a touch of blusher and my attempt at creating a
smoky eyed
look just for him, as I'd attempted to recreate a look that I'd seen in my fashion magazine.

I love it, and your blue eyes look amazing!” he responded, reaching forwards to kiss me again, and running his right hand behind my neck, stroking my hair and clasping my neck to pull me back towards him. Suddenly though, he broke away.

Have you been smoking again?” he asked sternly.

I smiled back disarmingly, and replied with “I've only had one, just before my bath.” before stepping back, and hoping that he would forgive my
moment of weakness
as I took him by the hand to lead him to the kitchen. I showed him the table that I had painstakingly laid, in readiness for his much anticipated return, complete with a bottle of white wine and candles.

I guess I'll let you off, this time!” he laughed, as he moved to take his place at the table.

We chatted freely as we ate our
lasagne, which was about the limit of my culinary skills at the time.


After dinner, he showered and came through to join me in the bedroom, as I laid on the bed waiting for him, whilst I flicked impatiently through a gossip magazine, still dressed in my summer dress. He lay on the bed beside me, wrapped in just his towel, and began to trace the contours of my hips through the red cotton material, before saying “I've been chatting to a guy online, and he's keen to meet you...”

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