After the Sky Fell Down (57 page)

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Authors: Megan Nugen Isbell

BOOK: After the Sky Fell Down
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“Fine.  Tell him to come in,” she relented as she straightened the crucifix in the mirror.

The door opened and Luke appeared
.  Kathryn felt her stomach knot as she stared at him in his black tux.  She couldn’t recall a time he’d looked more handsome.  Luke stared back and she blushed as his eyes spanned up and down the length of her body.

“You…look…there are no words to describe how you look,” he said quietly, a soft smile spread on his face and she blushed again. “Can we talk alone for a minute?  You, me and Sarah?” he asked.

Kathryn’s mother and Lacey exchanged quick glances and then excused themselves.

“Don’t you know it’s bad luck to see me before the wedding?” she asked, trying to sound angry, when in actuality, she was happy they had this quiet time together before the ceremony.

“I don’t believe in luck, not with everything we’ve been through,” he smirked and she had to nod in agreement. “I wanted to talk to you before all the craziness ensued.”

He stepped closer to her and gently ran his thumb and forefinger over the lace of her veil.

“My God, you’re beautiful,” he said and she thought she saw a tear in his eye.

“You ain’t so bad yourself.  You clean up nice,” she said brushing her hand over his lapel.

Then his gaze shifted to Sarah who stood beside her mother beaming up at her uncle.

“And you Miss Sarah, look gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” Sarah said doing a little curtsy.

“I see you got my gift,” Luke said lifting the crucifix off Kathryn’s neck for a moment.

“I did.  Thank you so much,” she said softly, a lump forming in her throat.

“It just seemed right,” he said.

“I couldn’t agree more.”

“I know you still miss him,” he said, the doubt she knew he sometimes still felt forming on his face.

“We both do, but rest assured Luke, I love you,” she said taking his hands with hers. “I love you so much.  Ben taught me to love, but you are the one I’m supposed to be with.”

The doubt left his face and he leaned in for a kiss, but she put one finger over his mouth to stop him before their lips met.

“Uh-uh.  You’re already seeing me before the ceremony.  You aren’t getting a kiss as well.  That will have to wait,” she laughed and he grinned back at her.

“I have something for my niece,” Luke said a moment later, reaching into his jacket and pulling something out.

“You got me a present?” Sarah asked excitedly.

“Yep,” he said crouching down on his knees.

“What is it?  What is it?” she said clapping her hands together.

“It’s a necklace,” he said holding it out to her.

“Mommy got a necklace today too,” Sarah said taking it.

Kathryn bent down and looked at the silver heart shaped pendant Sarah held in her hand.  In the middle of the heart was a familiar diamond.

“Is that…from the ring?” she asked quietly balancing the pendant between her fingers as Sarah still grasped the chain.

“Yeah,” Luke answered and a
tear fell down Kathryn’s cheek.

“Why are you crying again?” Sarah asked puzzled.

“Because I’m happy,” she said wiping the tear away.

“You’re weird,” Sarah said and Luke and Kathryn both started laughing.

“Turn around and I’ll put it on you,” Luke said taking the necklace back from Sarah. “Now Sarah, this is a very special necklace,” he began as he laced it around her neck and clasped it.”

“Why’s it special?” she asked touching it.

“It’s special because you see that pretty diamond in the middle?  The shiny circle?” he asked and Sarah nodded. “Your dad gave that diamond to your mommy before you were born.”

“Geez, Daddy gave you a lot of stuff,” Sarah said and again, they laughed.

“This was very, very special though,” Kathryn added.

“He gave this to your mom so they could get married.  It used to be on a ring, but I thought you might like a necklace better.”

“I wish you could’ve married Daddy,” Sarah said sadly. “I wish Daddy didn’t have to go away.”

“Me too,” Kathryn said hugging her.

“He’s still here Sarah,” Luke said. “He’s with you all the time and when you wear your special necklace, you can remember how much he loves you and how much he loves your mom.”

“But Mommy loves you
,” Sarah said.

“I know she does, but she loves your dad too,” Luke told her and Sarah looked at her for confirmation.

“I do,” Kathryn said nodding. “I’ll always love your dad even though I love Luke too.”

dad wants your mom and me to get married so I can take care of you guys.  I love you and your mom more than anything else,” Luke said tapping her on the nose and Sarah started giggling.

an I show my necklace to Grammie Sharon?” Sarah asked excitedly.

“Sure, go ahead, but come right back.  It’s almost time to start,” Kathryn said. 

Sarah skipped out of the room, leaving just Kathryn and Luke.

“That was really sweet to have that necklace made for Sarah,” Kathryn began.

“I thought she’d like it.”

“She’ll love it.  Something tells me she’ll be wearing it on her wedding day.”

“I hope so,” Luke said and then looked at her with a smile. “You really do look beautiful Kathryn,” he said stroking her bare arm, causing her skin to explode in goosebumps. “I can’t tell you how happy I am today.”

“I love you, Luke,” she said softly, gazing up into his eyes. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

“I love you too, Kate,” he said and she could feel the pull of a kiss growing between them, but she backed away, adamant the kiss would have to wait.

“Now get outta here,” she said playfully.

He smiled and squeezed her hand before leaving her alone in the room.

“Can we come in?” her father’s deep voice echoed from outside a few moments later.

“Come in, Dad,” she called and he ope
ned the door and stepped inside, followed by her mother, Sarah and Lacey.

He stared at his daughter and froze, unable to believe this was his little girl in front of him. 

“Wow,” he said, his eyes gleaming from the tears that instantly formed in them. 

“Doesn’t she look gorgeous?” her mother asked fr
om behind.

“Yes.  You look amazing Kate,” he said reaching up and dabbing his eyes.

She looked at her father and as their eyes met, she knew he was happy for her, but was also struggling to let her go. 

“Are you ready?” he said suddenly. “The ceremony’s about to start.”

“Yes, we need to get going,” her mother said glancing around the room to make sure they had everything.  “I’ll see you in the chapel,” she said kissing Kathryn quickly on the cheek. “C’mon Sarah.  Are you ready?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed excitedly.

“Get your basket,” her grandmother reminded and Sarah grabbed the basket of purple pedals she’d be sprinkling down the aisle. 

“Bye Mom,” Sarah said as she followed out the door.

“See you in a few minutes,” Kathryn waved back. 

“I need to get going too,” Lacey said as she grabbed her small bouquet of white tulips and winked at Kathryn as she walked out of the dressing room to take her pl
ace, leaving just Kathryn and her father in the room.

“Are you ready for this?” her father asked walking over and taking her arm once they were alone.

“I am,” she said confidently, reaching over and picking up her bouquet, which was a large collection of deep purple tulips. 

“Are you sure?  Forget all the money and everything else. None of that matters.”

“Do you not want me to get married?” she laughed.

“Of course I want you to get married. I just want to make sure this is what
you want,” he said protectively and then his voice dropped. “Especially after everything you’ve been through.”

“It is want I want,” she said strongly.

“Does he make you happy?”

“Yes, he does,” she replied
honestly and without hesitation before adding. “More than I deserve.”

“Then let’s go,” he said taking her arm and leading her out of the dressing room. 

The hallway of the church was empty and she could hear the music of the organ starting to play.  Holding firmly onto her father’s arm, they made their way to the large double doors that led to the chapel.  She peeked inside and saw Lacey was finishing her walk down the aisle that had been peppered with Sarah’s purple pedals.  She was now eagerly standing at the front of the church waiting for her mother.  Kathryn’s stomach began to fill with butterflies when the bridal march began to play and she heard the congregation stand in unison waiting for her entrance.

“Here we go,” her father said supportively, patting her arm.

She took a deep breath and they stepped through the doors and began their slow march down the aisle.  Her eyes spanned the crowd of friends and family, many of whom she assumed wondered if she would ever have a wedding day after losing Ben and they all smiled warmly and encouragingly. 

As she walked, her gaze found
those of Luke’s family.  She smiled to Sharon who looked as if she had found some peace in the last few years, but it was obvious she was not fully healed and never would be.  She looked happy though and was ready to welcome Kathryn eagerly into their family, even if it wasn’t the way everyone thought she would become a Bradley.  Then her eyes met those of Grandma Val who smiled at her, silently acknowledging the connection the two shared and Kathryn smiled warmly back at her.  She subtly raised her hand and waved to them before turning her attention forward to the man who was waiting for her at the end of the long aisle.

She looked ahead and locked eyes with
Luke, who looked even more handsome than he had earlier.  He looked different than he had a few minutes ago in the dressing room.  He looked more serious, in awe that this was really happening.  His smile was beaming from ear to ear and he seemed to devour every inch of her as she drew closer to him.  She thought she saw him reach up and wipe a tear from his eye, which caused her to tear up too.  Lacey and Allie were also waiting at the end of the aisle.  Lacey was beaming, overwhelmed with happiness for her best friend.  Allie smiled contently at her new sister-in-law.  It was obvious she still missed her brother, but was glad Luke had found happiness.  Sarah stood beside both of them, smiling so big, her grin barely fit on her face.

Her father led her to
the end of the aisle, where Luke anxiously waited for her.  His eyes pierced hers in a way they never had before, telling her a million times over of his love and devotion to her.  She stared back, silently promising the same. 

stepped down from the altar to meet Kathryn and her father.  Her father leaned down and kissed her sweetly on the cheek before taking her hand and placing it in Luke’s outstretched palm, sending chills down her back.

“Who gives this woman to be married?” the priest asked, his voice echoing throughout the old church.

“Her mother and I do,” her father said, his voice cracking.  Her father squeezed their hands and then turned to join his wife in the front pew, leaving his daughter in the care of another man for the first time in his life. 

“You l
ook even more amazing than in the dressing room,” Luke leaned in and whispered to her, “Mrs. Bradley,” he added with a cute laugh.

“Thank you, Mr. Bradley
,” she whispered back smiling at him.

They turned a
nd he led her to the altar, where they would be joined together as husband and wife.She turned and handed her bouquet to Sarah and kissed her on the cheek before rejoining hands with Luke.  She couldn’t take her eyes off of him.  He had stepped in and saved her when she thought her life was over.  He had been there through everything, accepting everything about her, loving her through it all and embracing all the best and all the worst.  It didn’t matter to him, because he loved her, all of her, and because of that she wanted to give her heart to him, her whole heart, and be with him forever. 

They continued to hold hands as the priest began to speak.  As Kathryn looked intently at the priest and listened carefully to the words being spoken, she tried to wrap her mind around how she had ended up at this moment.  Her thoughts drifted to Ben, her hand rising up, gently brushing the silver crucifix and she felt a familiar burst of warmth consume her, sending chills throughout her body.  Ben had
been her first love and had given her Sarah, the greatest gift, but Luke was the man she was destined to be with and she knew that now.  Ben would always be with her and she would always love him, but as she stood next to Luke, she knew this was where she needed to be and she was finally happy.

e must have noticed her momentary distraction because he squeezed her hand as if he understood what she was thinking about.  She squeezed his hand back, assuring him how much she loved him and they turned their focus back to the priest who was asking them to turn and face each other to exchange vows.  Their eyes locked and she was overcome with the love she felt for Luke at that moment and the love she knew she would always have for him.  He had healed her when she thought she was incapable of healing.  He had loved her when she thought herself to be unlovable.  He had been her support when she didn’t think she could go on.  And he had shown her how to give her heart again when she thought it had been broken forever. 

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