After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series) (34 page)

BOOK: After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series)
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“Does it hurt?” He asked, his voice tinged with concern.


His hands were still red and raw. He had healed himself just enough to get full use of his fingers. Staring at him as he continued to poke and test certain parts of her shoulder and arm she felt completely at ease.


“I was able to set the bones but soft tissue damage is something I want to heal only after I see to Gronk. You shouldn’t be in any more pain. I need to conserve my mana until we’re out of this marsh. I am sure-”


Alice leaned over and kissed him.


He looked absolutely confused.


“What was that for?”


“You destroyed your third familiar to save me.”


“Well, it wasn’t just you. It wasn’t exactly cooperating and it would have also done who knows what to Gronk and me. I didn’t really have much of a choice. I-”






“Just say, ‘Yes, I did, my love.”


“But, you know I did.  I just said-“


“I know, just say it.”


“I just did.”


“No, say ‘Yes, I did, my love.”


“I don’t really see the point.”


Frustration began to build. “You will fight with a troll while it’s on fire to protect me but you won’t call me your love?”


“Fighting the troll was necessary. You already know how I feel, so why do I need to say it?”


“Just say it!”


“Fine! Fine! Yes I did my love. There, happy now?”


“Men!” Alice growled, turning away from him.


Sighing, Waldo admitted to himself that he was glad she was feeling better.


He went over to where Gronk was sitting, chewing on some relatively fresh bones.


“How do you feel?” Waldo put his fingers to the ogre’s face and they began to glow.


“Honestly? I’d rather poke a badger.”


“Remind me to avoid these badgers, they almost sound as scary as rabbits.”


Chapter 28


Trust Is


The room they were in was empty save for a pair of torches and a single straight back chair. On the stone floor were two large circles, one with runes chalked on the inside and one with them on the outside. Both magical inscriptions had been meticulously researched and written out. Celton was standing in the circle with the runes on the inside. His father was with him, seated in the chair. Both of them held their wands. Celton’s heart was pounding and a bead of sweat ran down the side of his face. Everything depended on tonight.


“Are the seals correct?”


“Yes father.”


“Check them again.”


“I have checked them twice.”


“Just do it,” Dante snapped.


“Yes father,” Celton bent over to inspect the runes inside the Circle. He knew they were perfect. No vampire would be able to enter.


“If this is a trick I’ll burn the vampire to ashes.”


“Do you really think he would come here if he wasn’t serious? I am sure he knows what will happen if he lies.”


“Where Lilith is concerned anything is possible.”


Celton finished looking over the runes and stood straight. “I am sure she is not going to sacrifice her familiar.”


“You don’t know a damn thing. I have known that miserable whore for close to thirty years. She is the most deceitful, clever, and ruthless person I’ve ever met. Nothing is beyond her.” Dante clutched his wand in both hands. “Lilith is a monster.”


Celton just gave a nod.


“I am not afraid of her.”


“Of course not father, no one thinks-”


“Yes they do! Do you think I’m an idiot? I see the looks, I hear the whispers. From you from the family from the Council members, I know what all of you think. That woman insults me and I am forced to swallow it. Her very existence mocks me! When she’s dead I’ll have her head made into a drinking cup.”


Just so long as someone else brings it to you.
Celton was reminded of how dangerous the situation was. If things went badly they would go very bad.


His father noticed. “Nervous?”


“Not at all.”


“Are you sure? If the vampire doesn’t show up, or if this turns out to be a trick it won’t end well for you. Sitting with the grandchildren will be the least of your worries.”


Father did love to make threats.


“What happens if I succeed? If Enver comes here tonight and betrays all of Lilith’s secrets?”


Dante gave an indifferent shrug. “You’ll be rewarded, once she is dead.”


Father enjoyed going into detail when it came to possible punishments. Rewards were always left ambiguous.


“Tell me something father, who do you think should be your heir?”


Dante scowled. “What a pointless question. Even if everything works out perfectly I won’t name anyone. You should know that.”


“I do, but we are alone, just this once, tell me who you think should follow after you.”


“Why? Do you expect to gain some sort of advantage once I’m gone?”


“I just want to hear you acknowledge all my hard work over the years. I have done everything you have ever asked of me, all the dirty, thankless tasks you never wanted to deal with yourself. You never once gave me my due, all I ever got was more work. Just one time, I want you to admit that I am the one who deserves to be your heir.”


“I owe you nothing.” Dante sneered exposing those rotten teeth. “Don’t stand there and pretend you had a choice. You did what I ordered you to. If you hadn’t you’d be dead now. I’ll admit that you’re competent. I suppose I’ll go so far to say of all my children you’re the most competent. That’s what’s made you so useful over the years.”


“Is that really all you’ll give me father? Can’t you even admit I’m the most deserving?”


“Why should I?”


“Because it’s the truth.”


“The truth?” Dante chortled. “When has that ever mattered?”


“It matters father, though I know you’ve never thought so.”


“That’s where you’re wrong. When you are the head of the family you get to decide what is important and what’s not.”


“Then tell me, what matters to you?”


“Why are you asking me all these questions?”


“It’s rare when I actually have your full attention. I want to take advantage of it.”


“By asking useless questions?”


“I don’t think they’re useless.”


Dante leaned back into his chair. “What is it you expect to hear? You know what matters to me; my pleasures, my reputation, my revenge. It’s pointless to ask something when you already know the answer.”


“What about the family?”


“What about them?”


“Don’t we matter?”


“The ones who are useful do. The rest of you are just mouths to feed.”


“Don’t you care even a little bit about our House? Even if you don’t love the members of it doesn’t Poisondagger matter to you?”


“I am Poisondagger.”


“Only until you die. What happens to the family then?”


“I don’t care. Once I’m gone let the Dark Powers sort it all out.”


Celton wasn’t surprised by any of the answers. It wasn’t as if his father had ever bothered to keep his opinions a secret. The fact there was no designated heir told you all you needed to know. That had nothing to do with being ruthless. Every head of a Great House was ruthless, but the others named heirs for the good of their families. Father’s refusal to do the same was a matter of pure selfishness. He would gladly let the House fall apart if it meant he could survive just one more day.


Yet Celton felt disappointed that father wouldn’t acknowledge his worth. Not even here, when they were completely alone. He really would have liked just one word of thanks. But it wasn’t going to come.




Not long after a frail figure climbed in through the open window. The vampire was near silent as he arrived. He gave his cape a dramatic swirl as he offered the two of them a bow.


“I trust I have not kept you gentlemen waiting?”


Dante sat with his hands folded in his lap. The wand not pointed at the vampire, but still at the ready. Celton stood directly behind him. Both within the circle warded against vampires.


Dante considered the vampire standing before him. He didn’t look like much, not even in his true form. Enver seemed small and emaciated. His appearance would lead you to believe he could not be much of a threat. The vampire’s reputation was something very different. In the city of Alter he was considered the second deadliest creature alive, second only to Baldwin’s familiar Zereul. That was why he had taken such care with the Circles.


“No, you are right on time.”


“I trust that you have kept our meeting a secret as I requested?”


“Naturally, I know how smart Lilith is. I wouldn’t risk her finding out about any of this. Even my personal guards know nothing. We three are the only ones who are aware of this meeting.”


“Excellent.” Enver’s eyes drifted from his face to the one behind him.


In that instant he knew.


And it was too late. He could feel the tip of his son’s wand pressing against the side of his neck.




It was a basic attack spell. One single ball of compressed mana fired out of Celton’s wand. From fifteen yards away his protective wards would have dissipated it. From as close as ten they might have still been effective. At point blank range even the strongest protective wards were worthless.


Dante felt the spell rip out most of his throat. His mouth was filled with hot blood, drowning him. He managed to get to his feet and turn his wand on his traitorous son, but he could no longer speak. The boy knew it and stood there unafraid.


“It had to be this way father.”


He reached into one of his pockets for a dagger.




Dante was tossed out of the circle and landed hard on his side. He tried to stand, to get up and take revenge, but there was no strength left. Dante collapsed and closed his eyes.


The Dark Powers would judge him.




Celton stood there and watched as his father stopped moving. The blood from his wound was beginning to form a pool around him. There was absolutely no regret or guilt at what he’d just done. Celton only wished he could have done it ten years earlier. What flooded through him was mostly relief.


“It’s finally over.”


“Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say it’s begun?” Enver made a point to step around the body without getting any blood on his shoes. “This is the beginning of a new era is it not?”


Celton nodded. “True, it’s the end of the start of a new day.”

BOOK: After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series)
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