After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series) (10 page)

BOOK: After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series)
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Lorimer blinked and turned to the red haired woman. “Another joke?”


“Of course,” Alice said as she poked Waldo in the ribs. “My husband never knows when to stop.”


“Well, we do sincerely thank you and promise to tell everyone about the heroic Waldo Rabbit.” Lorimer bowed once more as did everyone else.


“Wonderful.” Rubbing his side, Waldo turned to go. “Oh, and Unity, Justice, and Peace and all that.”




As Jenna’s mother was taking her home, the girl spoke: “Momma?”




“Master Rabbit says the White Mages are plotting to take over the world.”


“That’s nice, honey.”




Chapter 8


An Alterothan Tradition


They eventually found the main road and were finally on the way to Norwich again. As they went, they crossed paths with other travelers a few times. On each occasion, the folk would get one look at Gronk and either scramble off the road or turn and flee in the opposite direction. Apparently, the people in this part of Lothas were too terrified to get anywhere near an ogre, even when accompanied by a White Mage. It was obvious to Waldo he would need to do something about the situation before they arrived at the city.


As they walked, he pulled out his wand as well as one of his knives and began to do a little carving.




The horrible ball of fire began to sink toward the horizon. Waldo led them off of the road and into the forest. He found a small clearing surrounded by thick scrub brush and trees with low branches.


“This place should do.” He turned to Gronk. “Dig me a fire pit about four feet deep, five feet across, and bank the dirt around its edge, so it won’t give off too much light. Alice, I want you to gather firewood, enough for a bonfire.”


“Whatever you say, Master.” With the children gone, Gronk was back to using his high pitched, lisping voice again. Not bothering with any tools, the ogre began ripping up grass and dirt with his massive hands.


Alice didn’t immediately move to obey. Instead she put both hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing?”


“Well, obviously I want to build a bonfire, but without having people for miles able to see it.”


“Yes, I understand that part, but why?”


“Today is the solstice and I want the three of us to celebrate it.”


“Huh, that’s nice I suppose, though it would have been better if we could have stayed in the village.”


“It will be simpler this way. In any case, you and Gronk should both be grateful I am willing to allow you to join me.”


Alice chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Of course, darling.” She wandered off to start gathering firewood. As Alice and Gronk worked Waldo built a small separate campfire. He filled the cook pot with water. Waldo then reached into one of the many pockets of his robes for a cloth sack. Opening it, Waldo dumped the contents onto his hand: three stubby grey mushrooms with thick stalks and slightly wrinkled caps with black spots.


Wolfsbane mushrooms.


He brought them to his nose and took a quick sniff. There was a strong, distinctive scent reminding him of a mix between mildew and a piece of meat gone bad. The mushrooms had gotten their name because wolves would sometimes eat them. The creatures would then become insanely violent, lashing out and attacking anything near shortly before going into convulsions and dying as blood poured from their mouth and anus.


Waldo casually tossed the mushrooms into the pot and set it atop the fire.




By the time the fire pit was dug and Alice had brought in enough armfuls of wood, the horrible ball of fire had gone from the sky. The stars were shining along with a sliver of the moon. Waldo stood by the edge of the pit with his wand.


.” A steady stream of fire poured from the tip of his wand and washed over the pieces of wood. In no time, there was a roaring blaze filling the clearing with light and heat.


Nodding, he put his wand away and went back to the pot. The water had been boiling for well over an hour. With great care, he poured the water out, dousing the campfire. The mushrooms had puffed up some and become soft to the touch. Waldo spread a piece of cloth on the grass and speared each mushroom with a knife before placing it down. Choosing the most tender, Waldo sliced off the stalk and cut the cap in half. Then, holding one of the halves between thumb and forefinger, he very slowly and very carefully cut off two slivers that were as thin as parchment. “These should do.”


“Ah, darling?” Alice had been standing nearby watching. “Do we start dancing and singing around the fire now?”


“In a bit. First we need to get ready.” Standing, he undid his robe and let it fall to the ground. Waldo then unbuttoned his shirt.


“What are you doing?”


“Preparing to celebrate the Solstice,” Waldo tossed aside his shirt, trousers and shoes. “Well what are you waiting for? You and Gronk get naked, too.”


“What?” Alice choked out.


“Oooh, now this is the kind of party I like.” Gronk needed no further encouragement. His burlap loincloth was quickly gone, and he stood in all of his green skinned glory.


Alice’s eyes boggled when she got a clear look at what was hanging between Gronk’s thighs. The size and dimensions reminded her of a club carved from green wood. She swiftly turned her head to stare at her husband. By this time, all his clothes were off, and he was standing in front of her. She had seen his body plenty of times now, but it had always been in private.


“Well? What are you waiting for Alice?” Waldo asked.


“Why are you naked?!”


“I already told you,” Waldo impatiently reminded her. “I want to celebrate the summer solstice.”


“What does that have to do with taking our clothes off? People feast and dance with all of their clothes on.”


“I don’t care about whatever barbaric customs people follow here. We are going to celebrate the holiday in accordance with my traditions. Admittedly, this is less than ideal. There should be ginger cakes and slaves to oil us and play drums.” Waldo shrugged. “We will have to make the best of it.”


“I am not undressing in front of Gronk.”


“Oh, don’t worry about me. Sweetie. It’s not you I’ll be looking at.” The ogre sent a big smile Waldo’s way.


“That doesn’t make me feel better!”


“Alice, are you saying you’re not going to respect my culture?”


“Not when it involves me being naked in public.”


“There are only the three of us.”


“It’s still one too many.”


“Don’t worry, Master. If she wants to sit out. it’s fine by me. I don’t mind if it’s only us two.”


“I thank you, Gronk. I am glad at least one of you appreciates my efforts to include you in this celebration.” Waldo turned to the only person still wearing clothes. “Really, Alice? I expected better from you.”


“Hey! What’s with the tone? Most husbands would think their wives refusing to undress in front of others a good thing.”


“These would be the same men who would want to have you burned at the stake for being a succubus?”


“I never said they were perfect.”


“Alice, I don’t see what the problem is here. I just want to celebrate the solstice like I always have and would like you and Gronk to join me. I thought you would be pleased. I mean, look how happy Gronk is.”


“I’m so joyful I may burst into song.”


“You see?”


One look in his direction told Alice he was both happy


“Fine!” she snapped and yanked her blouse open. “But I’m only doing it to make sure something tragic doesn’t happen.”  Alice soon had all her clothes off and neatly folded on the ground. She pressed her knees together and kept her arms crossed over her ample chest. She didn’t really mind Waldo seeing her like this. Anyway, not too much. It was Gronk’s presence that bothered her.


“Nice ass,” the ogre lisped. “Mine is still cuter, though.”


“Shut. Your. Mouth.”


“Here.” Waldo handed her one of the thin slices of mushroom. “Chew it and swallow.”


She held it between thumb and forefinger. “Darling, are you sure about this? Everyone knows wolfsbane mushrooms are lethal.”


“Pretty sure.” He popped his portion into his mouth and munched.


She shook her head. “At least poisoning each other is a romantic way to die.” She bit down. “Auuggh! It tastes like rotten cabbage!”


Waldo swallowed his. “You don’t eat it for the taste. Here, Gronk,” he held out the remaining mushrooms. “Even for an ogre, this much should effect you.”


“Thanks, Master.” Gronk ate them without complaint.


Alice made a face but got it down. “What happens now?


“We dance around the fire howling until the wolfsbane takes effect, and we fall asleep. It will give us all the most vivid dreams about what we either want or fear most.”




Waldo nodded. “It would be better if our skins were oiled down and there were drums… but still…” He put his head back. “Ahhhhoooooo!!!!” Waldo shook his hands in the air and stomped about the bonfire.


“Woo hoo! Let the wild things out!” Gronk followed his master’s lead, jumping around and shaking his hips fervently.


“This is so embarrassing.” Alice halfheartedly walked about the fire as Waldo and Gronk kept shouting and gyrating.


Before long, the wolfsbane began to do its work. First Waldo, then Alice, and finally Gronk fell unconscious.


They dreamed.







Gronk found himself in a dungeon.


He was naked and bound face down to a massive iron rack. Thick chains and manacles held his wrists and ankles in place. He tried pulling free
, only to find he was trapped and helpless.


“Now, Gronk, I will teach you what happens to those who defy me.”


Gronk twisted his head to look over his shoulder. Standing behind him was his master. Waldo was all grown up, though, his blond hair cut short, and many scars raked across the left side of his face. Master was bare chested, his skin glistening in the torchlight. All he wore was a pair of skin tight leather trousers. In his right hand was a six-foot long whip.


“I think we’ll start with the Trapped Bear and then move onto the Lonely Shepard Boy.”


Master brought his hand back and delivered an expert strike to Gronk’s bare backside. It made the ogre feel all tingly and excited. “Yes! Punish me, Master! I’ve been a bad, bad ogre!”





Alice found herself in a large room. There was an arching ceiling twenty feet above
, the walls were all of gray stone. A thick, luxuriant brown carpet covered the floor. A pair of open balconies looked upon a rich green land. Instinctively, she knew she was in a castle, and it had to be her husband’s.


Laughter rang as six small children surrounded her, running about at play. Three boys and three girls, all of them with yellow hair and yellow eyes, perfect matches for Waldo’s. They were pink and plump and happy.

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