After School Activities (8 page)

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Authors: Dirk Hunter

Tags: #Gay Romance, #Contemporary Romance, #dreamspinner press

BOOK: After School Activities
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After School Activities

massaging my balls, pulling on my hardening shaft, swirling the precum

around the head of my cock with his thumb. Throughout it all, we never

broke eye contact.

This time I used Adam’s pajama pants to clean us off before casting

those too on the floor.

By then, I was exhausted. I felt Adam lightly kiss my eyelids. I

hadn’t realized my eyes had closed. I snuggled in closer to his chest,

breathing the mingled smell of sweat, cum, and pure Adam. I realized I

had this feeling, deep in my gut. But unlike the ache I had felt with Kai,

this was different. It was warm.

I fell asleep with a smile on my lips, cradled in Adam’s arms.


Dirk Hunter


I AWOKE to the sensation of soft kisses on my collarbone.

“Good morning,” Adam whispered in my ear. I could feel his

morning wood pressed against my back.

“We’re spooning!”

“Uh, yeah.” Adam chuckled. “Obviously.”

“No,” I said, “I mean I just realized. Last night when I woke up, I

thought… I don’t know, really. That you had accidentally grabbed me in

your sleep, or something, for some strange reason. But it was intentional.

You were
me.” I smacked my forehead. “Oh man, and the whole

‘we can share the bed’ bit! How did I not see through that? Last night is

starting to make a
more sense.”

“You really didn’t know? I thought you were teasing me.”

I laughed. “No idea.”

“I thought you knew. I’m always afraid everyone knows. That they

can tell I’m….” He trailed off.

I turned so I could look at him. “It’s okay,” I said. “You can say it.”

Knock knock knock.
My room rang with the sound. Someone was at

the door.

Adam’s eyes grew wide, his mouth agape. “What?” I called, doing

my best to make my voice sound like I had been woken up.

“Wakey wakey,” my dad’s voice came through the door. “Can I

come in?”

I groaned loudly, a superb impersonation of it’s-Saturday-let-me-

sleep-in, if I do say so myself. “Let me put on pants.” I said, crawling out

of bed and searching around for something to throw on. Adam clutched

the blankets to him and slid off the bed, falling to the floor with barely a

thump. He rolled under the bed.

I found a pair of sweatpants, plastered a sleep-befuddled expression

on my face, and pulled my door open.


After School Activities

Dad stood there, arms crossed, amused expression on his face.

“Since when do you lock your door?” he asked.

“Since I started sleeping naked.”

“Since when do you sleep naked?”

“Since you started turning the thermostat up to, like, ninety.” Even I

was a little impressed with my nonchalance, the ease of my answers.

“Uh-huh. I see.” Was that a smirk on my dad’s face? What did he

find so funny? “Well, Mom’s making waffles. Would you like any?”

“No, thanks. I think I’m going back to sleep.”

“How about your friend? Would he care for any waffles?”

For a second, I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my face.

At the very least my jaw was bound to fall out of its socket and hit the

floor any minute now.

The silence stretched on until finally, in a teeny tiny voice, Adam

said, “No, thanks, Mr. O’Connor.”

The breath I didn’t realize I had been holding burst out of me in a

rush. “How did you know?” I asked my dad.

“I can see him under the bed. You kids should really learn how

perspective works. Line of sight and whatnot. Besides, he parked his car in

the driveway. Not the masters of stealth, you guys.”

I heard my mother’s voice drifting down the hall from the kitchen.

“Ask him who it is!”

“Your mother wants to know who it is. She thinks it’s that boy you

played soccer with back in the sixth grade. What was his name?”

“It’s not Tommy. She thinks—” I raised my voice, yelling down the

hall, “You thought Tommy was gay?”

“That boy was
too pretty to be straight,” she called back.

“For the record,” my dad interjected dryly, “I don’t believe that’s

how it works.”

“I—wait. You’re not mad?”

“You know, I’ve put a lot of thought into this over the years,” Dad

said. “Wut?”

“The big reason,” Dad continued, “why I’m supposed to be mad here

is ’cause if you got some girl pregnant this young, you’re almost

guaranteed to ruin at least one life. But the whole gay thing kind of

upended that logic. So really, the only real reason I can come up with to be


Dirk Hunter

upset here—and trust me, I have tried—is that, honestly, all this makes me

feel old. Like really,
old. And that’s not much of a reason, it seems to me. Besides, there’s only so much parental hypocrisy I can handle. The

veggies were one thing; this is an entirely different story.”

Mom appeared at the end of the hall, stirring a bowl of waffle batter.

“Yeah, your father was a real slut in high school. Like you would not


Dad’s grin turned wicked. “Your mother, on the other hand, didn’t

become a slut until college. It’s amazing how many dicks I had to pull out

of her before I could convince her to go out with me. At one point she was

even knee-deep in pussy.” Mom threw the whisk at him, which only made

him laugh. They began arguing—loudly, I might add—about whose

sexual adventures had been the most embarrassing.

“Gross.” I closed the door to my room, shutting them out.

This was, for better or for worse, the parents I was stuck with. The two

things they seemed to like best in this world were trying to one-up each other and laughing at my discomfort. Put those things together and, viola, you have one of their patented TMI fests. I actually stil wonder sometimes how much

of what they told me was even true, and how much was just extravagant lies

for their own amusement. God knows half of what I say fal s into the lat er


Dad called through the door. “Let us know when your mystery man

is ready to leave. We can all look the other way while he pretends to sneak

out through the window.” Mom laughed. “I could even burst in with a

shotgun, shouting about despoiling my little girl.” Mom was no longer

laughing. No, by then it was definitely a cackle.

“Oh man,” I said, turning back toward my bed. “I can’t believe that

just happened.” Adam didn’t respond. In fact, I couldn’t even see Adam.

He hadn’t gotten up off the floor. I walked around to the other side of my

bed and found him, lying still half under the bed with a look of sheer panic

on his face.

Oh fuck
, I thought. And he had just been telling me how scared he

was of being found out. My parents: perfect timing as usual.

I fell to the floor and cradled Adam’s head in my lap. “It’s okay,” I

said. “They don’t know it was you. No one will find out. I promise. You

don’t have to be afraid.”


After School Activities

He smiled weakly. “I know. That was just… a little too sudden. I’m

all right. Really.”

He pulled himself the rest of the way out from under the bed and

stood up. When he got to his feet, the blanket, which had been loosely

wrapped around his body, fell to the floor. For the first time, I got to

behold Adam, by the full light of day, in all his naked glory.

He stretched, at first oblivious to my wide-eyed staring. His

incredibly well-defined muscles rippled under his skin. You know, I think

it is entirely possible I had underestimated the worth of a well-defined


Watching the sunlight play over Adam’s abs, I found myself

reassessing his place in Oak Lake’s hotness scale. And that wasn’t even

mentioning his crowning glory, the fat tool that hung between his legs

under a thick, blond bush. I had noticed the night before how large it was,

but I had only been going by the feel against my hip and in my hand. But

looking at it now, full in the face so to speak, I was breathless. It was by

far the biggest dick I had seen, outside of Internet porn videos. And his

balls, refusing to be outdone, hung equally low, swaying slightly with his

every movement. It was like an erotic pocket watch, swinging back and

forth, hypnotizing me.

Adam finally noticed my scrutiny. For a second, he got self-

conscious. His shoulders slouched slightly, and he turned away from me,

growing red in the face. But this only managed to bring me the sight of

even more of his body. His broad shoulders, which I had always thought

made him look kind of oafish, now only furthered my arousal. But it was

nothing compared to the perfection that was his ass. It was like it had been

sculpted out of marble by a Renaissance master to encapsulate the ideal

behind. And through his legs I could still see his balls, dangling, enticing.

If Kai had been the Vitruvian Man, then Adam was Adonis.

He peeked over his shoulder and noticed my still rapt gaze. His

blush deepened but, instead of trying to hide again, he began to flex. He

started with his ass, one cheek, then the next, grinning as I gasped with

desire. Then he flexed his shoulders, turning his torso to flex his arms,

his pecs, even his abs, but kept his hips turned away from me, giving

me only the occasional tantalizing glimpses of his cock.

Abruptly, Adam stooped and picked up the blanket, wrapping it

around himself. I moaned in protest.


Dirk Hunter

“This is hardly fair,” he said. “After all, I still haven’t had the chance

to look at you.” With that, he sat down at my desk, turning the chair to

look at me expectantly.

Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. I mean, I didn’t think I was

attractive or anything—quite the opposite, actually—but compared to Adam….

For one thing, everything was smaller. I was shorter, fewer muscles,

smaller dick. I also lacked his healthy tan, hairless chest, and sculpted abs.

Sure, I had been naked in front of Kai, but then, he had never looked at me

quite like Adam was doing now. With impatience, and hunger. What if he

didn’t like what he saw?

Slowly, I stood up. I was still hard from Adam’s show, and the front

of my sweatpants bulged outward. I refused to look at Adam. Tentatively,

I pulled down my pants, kicked them off, and stood there, unsure what to

do. Should I do a little show like Adam had? I mean, I didn’t really have

many muscles worth flexing. Maybe I should, I don’t know, wiggle my

dick suggestively at him? Was that a thing?

I worked up the nerve to peek at Adam, to see how he was taking the

sight of me by the cruel light of day. To my surprise, his eyes were wide,

drinking in every inch of me.

“Wow,” he said, gaze fixed firmly on my cock. He stood up, letting

the blanket fall away. He too was hard, just from looking at me. I felt all

self-consciousness melt away as he stepped up, grabbed me, thrust out

bodies together, and began kissing me with a greater passion and intensity

than ever before. I broke away and started to get down on my knees,

determined to take Adam into my mouth. But he stopped me.

“Not—” He spoke, breathlessly, between kisses. “—until I—make

up—for—every kiss I wanted—but was too afraid to take.” I melted, just a

little. Adam wrapped his hand around both our cocks, stroking them as

one. I moaned. Without breaking the kiss, he grabbed me by my waist and

lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his hips, feeling his hard cock

poking against my ass.

“So strong,” I said, bending my head to kiss the taut muscles of his

biceps. I could really get behind this whole “muscles” thing. That was

becoming clearer by the second.

Adam grinned wickedly at me. He carried me across the room,

dropping me onto the bed on my back. He got on top of me, arms on either


After School Activities

side of my head holding himself above me. For a while, neither of us

moved. I stared up at him, marveling at the sight of him above me, the

strong muscles of his chest and arms working to hold him up, his bed-

tousled hair and bright blue eyes. He stared down at me with a look I

didn’t understand. Almost like disbelief. I reached up to touch his cheek,

feeling the hints of beard stubble.

“What is it?” I asked.

“It’s strange. Seeing you like this. I’ve only ever looked down like

this on girls….”

“Ew. Way to kill the mood there, guy.”

He laughed softly. “No, I mean I usually have to imagine… a guy.”

He hesitated for only a fraction of a second, but I noticed it and wondered

what it meant, what he had been about to say. “It’s weird to actually have

a guy under me.”

“But good?”

He smiled so large it almost split his face in two. “Oh yeah.” He

dropped down onto the bed beside me, staring up at the ceiling.

The tone of the room had definitely changed. The lust and passion

that had been there seconds ago seemed to have drained away, a more

introspective feel replacing it. Inwardly, I raged a little, but gave no sign.

Instead, I took his hand, twining our fingers together. He squeezed tightly.

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