After Hours Bundle (2 page)

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Authors: Karen Kendall

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Series, #Harlequin Blaze

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Wasn't it time to take back the planet from tree huggers and vegetarians? Was it too much to ask for a real cup of joe in the morning, a BLT for lunch and a steak after a long, hard day?

His gaze rested with more approval on the other restaurant in the strip mall. Benito's Bistro, an Italian place, seemed to be popular, judging by the constant stream of customers. So what if the owner shared his name with Mussolini—at least he wasn't a granola head.

Other businesses in the place included a mail and copy center, a dry cleaner, a gift shop and a small pharmacy. They were fine as far as Troy was concerned. He'd thought briefly about knocking out a wall between a couple of them and using the larger space for his new store, but he really wanted the large central one. And why lose two rents instead of one? Curiously, Newt hadn't charged After Hours higher rent, even though they had the biggest and best space. Why not?

His best guess was that Newt, a product of the Great Depression, had locked in the first paying customer to come along.

Troy had fond memories of fishing in the Everglades with Uncle Newt, but they had eaten everything they caught, and that meant
He'd almost gagged on the grilled salamander and he'd wondered if Newt ate the leftover bait when Troy went home to his parents….

His cell phone rang, interrupting his thoughts, and Troy flipped it open. “Hey, Jerry.”

His attorney said, “Hey, yourself.”

“Any luck finding a clause to break the lease?”

“I hate to disappoint you, but old Newt made sure the damn things were watertight. He didn't want anyone sliming out of their rent money.”

Troy cursed.

“But if you can catch them on some violation, then you're good to proceed with eviction.”

“What kind of violation?”

“Well, salons are notoriously regulated, and there are all kinds of little rules they might not be in compliance with. And remember, they have to have permits from the city for every single thing, from electrical outlets to drainage to cleanliness. See if you can get them on something. Maybe they snuck in an extra footbath somewhere, or a manicure table. Maybe they're not disinfecting the sink to standards. Or the pH in their shampoo ain't right. Hell, I don't know. You'll have to get in there and see.”

“How am I supposed to recognize what's code and what's not? Can you fax me the regulations for Miami?”

“Fax them? The regs will be the size of the phone book. You asked me to keep your bill down.”

Yes, Troy had. Jerry wasn't cheap. “Well, yeah, but I'm flying blind here! Can you overnight me a copy?”

“I'll get an intern on it. You'll have 'em by tomorrow morning.”


“How's the new house?”

“Peachy,” Troy growled. Real estate had gone sky high in South Florida, and Coral Gables was a primo location, so his three-bedroom shack was a great investment in spite of its appalling interior. Troy actually looked forward to the do-it-yourself challenge—it would distract him for the next year or so while he accustomed himself to not being part of a football organization. Until he got his sporting goods store going, he had way too much time on his hands.

Troy was also going to have to accustom himself to being on a budget. As a former strong safety for the Jacksonville Jaguars, he wasn't used to that. But the stock market had been performing poorly, he had his nieces and nephew to think about and he'd lost his coaching job in Gainesville after the team went on a losing streak.
Just business, nothing personal.

In a heartbeat he'd gone from being a big cheese in Jacksonville to a…cheese doodle. He was unaccustomed to being a nobody and, frankly, it abraded his ego. Hell, nobody in South Florida even recognized him, much less asked for an autograph.

But beyond that, Troy wanted to control his own financial future: he was sick of being jerked around like a puppet by various football organizations, just as he was sick of women who used him for his connection to them. It was time to change all of that.

He considered hiring Jerry's intern to snoop around After Hours, but decided to suck it up and do it himself. He'd park in the back, and hopefully the curvy redhead wouldn't recognize him in daylight. All she'd really seen was a head in a car.

He ended the call with Jerry, cutting off his banter about the Miami Heat and the unbearable mosquitoes this time of year. At a cool three hundred an hour, Jerry loved to have long conversations with his clients and then bill them for the pleasure. Once, Troy would have played along, but not now. Jerry could discuss free throws and insect larvae at somebody else's expense.

Troy glared again at After Hours and the hundreds of foo-foo bottles and jars in the window. Snooty, tooty-fruity place.

He pictured canoes, camping equipment, mountain bikes in that window. Hiking boots and parkas, wet suits and surfboards. Rugged, outdoorsy stuff.

He pictured a gathering place for sports-minded, manly men. Hell, maybe he'd install a wide-screen TV and some seating and serve beer himself! If the Pretty Palace could, then he sure as hell could. The vision grew in his head until he saw himself presiding over a retail version of
He'd have company all day and everyone would know his name…he'd be, if not a big cheese, a medium one.

Troy gave a mighty yawn and thanked the Guy Upstairs that he didn't have to play Peeping Tom again tonight. Being sleep deprived made him cranky.

But no matter what it took, he'd get this silly salon and spa off his property. He just had to get inside the damn place and figure out how.


reasoned at After Hours Salon and Spa, “how are you going to meet Mr. Right when you won't go out?”

Peggy Underwood, the spa's manager and massage therapist, rolled her eyes. “I'm going to buy him from a pet store, already housebroken.” She no longer believed in Mr. Right. She was pretty sure that he'd been dreamed up by Disney, like Donald and Goofy and Mickey.

“Peggy! You're so cynical.”

“Yeah. And I refuse to apologize for it. I told you about the weirdo staring at us from the parking lot last night.”

Shirlie looked uncomfortable. “He was probably harmless, but I'm glad you got rid of him.”

Peg twisted off the cap of a body mist and sprayed some into the air. She sniffed. “Nice. Breezy. Gardenias.” She squirted some under each arm of her white lab coat, recapped the bottle and stuck it onto one of the spa's shelves.

Shirlie laughed and tossed her short blond curls. Peg looked at them with envy. Why hadn't she been born tall, thin and blond, instead of short, curvy and carrottopped?

“Come on,” Shirlie urged. “This new club is fab. Hot men, cold drinks, great music!” She kept on blandishing. Shirlie was twenty-two, fresh-faced and eternally optimistic.

Peggy herself was twenty-nine, cynical and currently cranky, even though she kept reminding herself that she didn't like cranky people. “I think what you mean, Shirl, is gay or gruesome men, cheap, watered-down vodka and lip-synching to the latest prepackaged boy band. I love you, hon, but I think I'll pass.”

Men were of no interest to Peggy for the next fifty-two weeks; she was committed to finding her center. Before the year was out, she'd be floating in a state of total balance between mind, body and spirit. She'd taken up meditation, she was reading about Buddhism and she not only gave massages and treatments but underwent them regularly herself.

Peg popped the lids off some new erotic lipsticks from Sugar Lips and inspected them. Nice. High quality. Very kissable. The company was new, and she'd only recently discovered it.

Since the image for After Hours was oriented to sexy, evening fun she'd tested one and ordered some immediately. They glided on beautifully and tasted delicious.

She chose three different flavors and drew stripes of them on the inside of her wrist: one cinnamon raspberry, one pink and one deep slut red. “Hmm. Try this on, okay?” She tossed the red one to Shirlie.

She tested the pinky cinnamon one on herself, applying the Ride Him Raspberry generously.

Then she lip-synched—puckered up against an invisible microphone—to the Brazilian pop song on the sound system. She moonwalked to the reception desk while Shirlie laughed again. Peg scooped up a box behind the desk and cushioned it against her stomach as she gyrated back to the shelves.

Producing a utility knife from her pocket, she slit open the box with a dramatic, pseudosexual gesture and tore it open as if it were a man's shirt.

Shirlie shook her head at her and tossed the lipstick back, her mouth now fire-engine red. Peg evaluated the color, nodded and then continued to stock new products on the spa's curvy modern shelves, blinking under the bright halogen lighting.

Her heart-shaped, freckled face and red hair competed with bottles, jars and tubes for reflection space in the mirrors behind the shelves. Her skin was almost as pale as the white tips of her chipped French manicure. What had possessed her to move to sunny Miami?

Oh, right: the ability to spend more time outdoors, under an inch of SPF 30 sunscreen instead of two inches of wool.

“You have to get back into the swing of things sometime,” Shirlie urged. “Not all men are like Eddie.”

Ugh. Her ex-fiancé. Steroid-popping jock. Compulsive gambler. Borderline alcoholic. Cheap, lying bastard! She'd moved down here from Connecticut to make a new start.

Peg's hand tightened around a tube of hair gel so hard that it spit off the loose top and plopped some product onto the floor. She looked down at the mess, reached for a tissue and mopped it up.

“You deserve so much better than that,” Shirlie said. “And trust me, you have a better chance of finding it—him—while wearing a cute little miniskirt on a dance floor than wearing your baggy, ice-cream-stained pajamas on your couch.”

“Hey!” Peggy said. “There are no ice-cream stains on my pj's. I wash them regularly. And besides,” she added, “since they can now clone sheep, it's got to be a snap to clone a single-cell organism like a man. I'm thinking we'll be able to order men from a catalogue within about five years. I could be really into that.”

Shirlie wrinkled her nose. “That would take all the fun out of life. What about the thrill of the chase?”

Poor thing. She was still young enough that she got excited about the whole silly mating dance. “What thrill? Shirlie, I'd get a huge charge out of just ordering up a man without the burping or farting gene. Or the beer-gut gene! Can you imagine the possibilities? You might even be able to special-order one with an on-off switch. Or even better, an erect-limp switch!”

“Eeuuwww.” Shirlie's expression was priceless.

Peg stuffed an unruly curl behind her ear and said, “Oh, right. You're still too young to have had more than a five-minute-long relationship, so maybe none of these issues has come up. Or, uh, refused to come up, as the case may be.” She produced some fiendish laughter. “Mwah-ha-ha-ha, my pretty! Nothin' but good times ahead.” She winked.

“Peggy, I wouldn't date a…nonstarter.”

Peg scooped more bottles and tubes out of a box, her tongue in her cheek. “Well, here's the thing, honey. You don't always
at first. For example, take my advice and stay far, far away from any guy who's on steroids.”

“Oh, my God! You don't mean that Eddie…”

Peg nodded. “I could write a book called
Limp Lovin'
. The man popped so many pills that his dong had turned to linguine.”

Shirlie's expression was priceless. “Hey, at least you know he wasn't cheating on you, right?”

Peg choked. “True. Not without a Popsicle stick and some electrical tape, anyway.” She didn't feel in the least bad about revealing her ex's dark secret, since the creep had actually swapped the stone in her engagement ring for a cubic zirconia. Which brought her to another piece of advice for Shirlie. “And, hon, take it from me—don't date any guy who shows an affinity for gambling.”


“Then there are the ones who hate women, even though they like to have sex. And the ones who have inferiority complexes and have to bring you down so they can feel superior. And worse, there are—”

Shirlie clapped her hands over her ears and moaned. “Stop! Look, maybe it
a good idea for you to stay home tonight. I just want to go dancing and have a good time, Miss Wet Blanket.”

Peg grinned at her. “Yeah, well, it's better than being Mrs. Wet Blanket, married to a guy who's so cheap that his wallet creaks when he has to open it. Or—”

Shirlie was beginning to look a little wild-eyed when the door to After Hours opened and in walked The Man. Her eyes went from wild to glazed over within a nanosecond.

Peg observed this while running her own eyes over The Man. He was six feet, two inches of gym-terrorized perfection, she had to give him that. His wide, solid torso formed a perfect V as it tapered into his slim waist, which was the only thing slim about him. He had the biceps of a young Arnold Schwartzenegger, shoulders that made even Peg want to cram a fist into her mouth and long, lean-looking legs. She couldn't see his backside, but she'd be willing to bet that it was Grade A prime beef.

The Man smiled at her, displaying even white teeth.

Just as a spark of sexual awareness shot through her belly and zoomed lower, she recovered her mental capacity.
she sang to herself.
The guy is so bulked up he looks like he's made of rubber. He'd bounce if you threw him on the pavement. And he's probably a knucklehead, to boot.

Peg pulled her white lab coat closed against his gaze. There was something vaguely familiar about him, which disconcerted her. She didn't like his air of cool appraisal either—he stepped in as if he owned the place.

Shirlie beamed at The Man and got an instant case of the nervous babbles. “Hi, welcome to After Hours! I mean, I know it's not after hours right now, it's regular daytime business hours, but After Hours is the name of the salon and spa since we're open 9:00 a.m. to midnight. Isn't that fabulous? New marketing concept. Most people don't have time to leave work and come during the day, so we get them to come at night.”

“Oh,” said The Man, “I'm not particular about when I come.” He grinned at Peg.

She narrowed her eyes, but she couldn't find a trace of innuendo or sarcasm in his voice.

Shirlie's blue eyes widened and she squirmed. “Uh,
at night. Make evening appointments. I didn't mean, well, you know…” Shirlie blushed fire. “I didn't mean anything by—I just meant—Oh, God, just shoot me. But by the way, I'm Shirlie!”

Peg cringed for her.

The Man blinked, bit back laughter and finally said politely, “Nice to meet you, Shirlie.”

“You have an appointment for a massage?” She scanned the book, looking very much as if she'd like to close her face in it and die.

He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but the babbles took hold of her again. “You're here to have your back waxed, then! Of course. Don't be embarrassed—lots of men have your problem. We wax backs all the time. My brother has come here for that. No shame in it at all—”

“Actually,” The Man said, “I'm here to—”

“Your bikini area, then?” Shirlie blurted.

“God, no!” He looked alarmed.

Peggy decided that it was time she stepped in, to rescue both Shirlie and The Man from any more awkwardness. “What can we help you with?” she asked.

“I was, uh…” He looked up at the ceiling tiles, of all places. And along the baseboards. He squinted into the back of the salon, gazing…under the sinks?

Peggy didn't know what to make of him. Then he stuck his foot in his mouth.

“Listen,” he said. “Do any straight guys come here?”

Peg couldn't help it. She snorted.

He looked at her sharply.

She cleared her throat. “Sorry. Just getting over a cold. Yes, plenty of straight guys come here. Your masculinity is safe on our premises.”

“Are you making fun of me?” he asked.

Oh, hell. Yes, I was, and it was wrong, and it's certainly not good business to do that.
“No, no. Not at all.” She gave him her best smile. “We're running a special right now on spa packages, and as the manager, I can offer you twenty-five percent off. Would you be interested in booking our Qu—uh,
package? It's a combination of a sea salt body scrub and wrap, a hot stone massage and a warm mud bath. Very relaxing and rejuvenating—and men, straight men, get this package all the time.”

“Sounds great,” The Man said, looking uninterested and still inspecting everything but the decor, which usually riveted first-time visitors since it was so splashy and contemporary. Orchid, sea-foam green, yellow and pink walls surrounded übermod furniture and funky floor cloths.

After dark, the spa's lighting, music and atmosphere created almost a nightclub feel, where clients could have a cocktail or two while getting their nails or hair done. Part of Shirlie's job was to mix drinks after 5:00 p.m.

The idea was that the spa functioned as a relaxing, fun preparty spot where clients could start their evenings while being pampered and polished.

“Would you like to book your package all at once,” Peg asked, “or in three separate treatments?”

The Man hesitated for a moment. “Three separate treatments, please,” he said.

“All right.” Since Shirlie wasn't responding to the verbal cues, Peg took the appointment book from her apparently nerveless hands and flipped through the pages. “When would you like to come in?”

“Uh, tomorrow? Say, around six or seven?”

She scanned the book. Their part-time massage therapist was off tomorrow. She'd have to take the appointment herself. “Seven o'clock all right?”

“That'll be fine, thanks.” He continued to scan the premises. What was he, an engineer? Again, he didn't seem interested in the design, the multicolored walls or the distressed, hand-painted cement floor.

He did seem interested in
—she could feel it in his gaze—but it was as if he didn't want to be.

There was something about him that she didn't trust, though she couldn't put her finger on why. And why did he seem familiar? It wasn't just that his casual, cocky, muscular stance reminded her of Eddie.

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