After All (24 page)

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Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #suspense, #love story, #louisiana, #intrigue, #scandal, #reporter, #television news, #black romance

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The next two hours were spent in small
talk, eating, and drinking. Ike played the role of gracious host to
the hilt. He made sure everyone's glasses stayed full. A wide range
of foods were spread out on a large table buffet style. There was a
large pot of seafood gumbo sitting on a burner in the large den,
chilled jumbo shrimp, fried chicken, salads and desserts of all
kinds. The voices of Otis Redding, Charles Brown, and Luther
Vandross singing Christmas songs came from the speakers of his
compact disc system. Michelle was surprised how at ease she felt
after only a few minutes. It certainly was not what she had
expected. These were interesting, even engaging people. She had
been fully prepared to spend the evening pretending not to be
bored. Instead she found she was enjoying herself, with Caroline
especially. With a down to earth sense of humor, she kept them all
in stitches with stories of her family. It was clear Ike was
genuinely fond of her.

How long have you known Mr.
Batiste?” The reporter in Michelle came out. She was intrigued by
this intelligent, witty woman and wanted to gain insight as to what
she could possible see in Ike.

For over twenty years. And
yes, I know all about his other women.” Caroline had a naughty
glint in her eyes.

I didn't mean--, that is I
was just wondering--.”

You were wondering if I'm
an old standby or something. No. He is.” Caroline winked at her
over the rim of her wine glass.

You go, girl.” Michelle
laughed out loud.

Me and Ike go a long way
back. We understand each other.”

What about all those
wives?” Michelle's hand flew to cover her mouth. She tensed waiting
for an explosion.

Only four, sugar. He had
plenty of time for me,” Caroline said with a saucy lilt. They both
laughed long and loud.

Michelle finally caught her breath.
“You're something else, Caroline.”

Seriously though, Ike's
first wife was the sweetest person you'd ever want to meet. She
died of breast cancer. You met Ike's daughter? She looks just like
her. Portia was the love of his life. If you don't believe it, look
at this house.” Caroline waved a hand around the room.

I never thought of Ike
Batiste as being in love.” Michelle gazed at him across the room.
He sat on a bar stool gesturing wildly as he told a tall

He's got faults, plenty of
'em. But he's got his good points, too.” Caroline gave her a
knowing look. “You must be crazy about Anthony.”

What?” Michelle blinked at
the sudden twist the conversation took.

You've got guts to come
here and not cuss the rascal out after what happened between him
and your daddy. That means you care a whole lot about

Well, yes.” Michelle
blushed under her scrutiny.

Y'all make a nice couple. I
care about Ike, too. But he got his ways. When I get my fill of his
crap, I just ease on down the road. What I'm sayin' is, don't let
him come between you.” Caroline patted her hand.

These women over here
plottin' on us, Anthony.” Ike strolled over to where they

When I got something for
you, I'm gonna do it to your face, not behind your back,” Caroline

You can believe that.”
Macie Wilson barked a gruff laugh.

Sheila Bridges alone did not seem
amused. In fact, she remained tight lipped defying all attempts to
lighten her mood. She looked every bit the part of a proper society
dame in a teal blue tunic with tiny poinsettias in silver thread,
black satin pants and black satin pumps. “James, that's your third

Loosen up, Sheila. Me and
Buster will give y'all a ride home if James gets too boozed up.”
Macie slapped James on the back so heartily he grabbed the arm of
his chair to keep from toppling over.

Thanks, Macie. But I'm just
fine. Two of those glasses were only ginger ale, Sheila.” Bridges
spoke to his wife in a tight voice.

That's a change.” Sheila
lifted her nose in the air.

I haven't seen you in a
while, Sheila. I saw James at the Black and White Ball, but I
didn't see you.” Macie sipped her beer.

Macie, you want another
drink?” Caroline made faces at her behind Sheila's back, gesturing
furiously for Macie to be quiet.

I ain't finished this one
yet. That was a time, wasn't it?” Macie was having a good time and
missed her signals.

I wouldn't know. I was out
of town that weekend. Tell me about the ball, James. The one you
said you weren't interested in attending.” Sheila stared at him
with cold, angry eyes.

Uh-oh. Think I will have
that beer.” Macie sprang from her seat between them heading for the
refrigerator behind the bar on the other side of the

I changed my mind,” Bridges
muttered into his glass, his eye down.

Really. I have a
fascinating party game. Let's guess who changed his mind and what
his date wore to the ball.” Sheila wore a smile devoid of

Things are getting a little
tense.” Michelle murmured to Caroline.

Come on, pretty lady, you
owe me a dance.” Buster tugged Sheila onto the floor. He guided her
around to the sound of Nat King Cole.

Damn, that Buster knows how
to respond in a pinch.” Ike chuckled watching his friend charm the
frosty Mrs. Bridges. “He'll flirt with her enough until she's
gotten her revenge on James. At least that's what she'll

Macie won't like that very
much,” Michelle said.

Macie's a sensible woman.
She knows exactly what Buster's doing, heading off trouble.” Ike
laughed as Buster dipped Sheila causing her to smile in spite of

Caroline left to greet a couple who
were at the door. Michelle was dismayed to find herself standing
alone with Ike. Anthony was deep in conversation with another man
across the room.

Been watching those stories
on the projects. Very good. Some of those people are really trying
to pull themselves up. What you workin' on now?” Ike smiled at

Mostly following the new
school board members.”Michelle thought his question was not so
casual as his tone suggested.

I thought maybe you were
going to do some more on public housing. You know about the
repairs. I contract for some of that work. So does Buster. Those
people tear up as fast as you can fix stuff. If you supposed to
tell the whole story then you oughta tell that, too.”

Yes, there are a few
tenants causing problems for the rest.” Michelle glanced around the
room hoping to find a graceful way out. Anthony, still nodding at
something his companion was saying, smiled at her obviously. He was
pleased to see her and Ike together.

Ike's expression relaxed into a genial
grin. “But all in all, you did a fine job. Can't wait to see what
you do next.”

The smug sound of his voice scraped a
nerve. Michelle smiled at him. “Thank you. I hope you find my
future work as interesting.”

Michelle left him abruptly to join
Anthony. Laughing and talking, they moved from one group to the
next. Anthony proudly introduced her to those of his acquaintances
she did not know. Michelle caught Ike eyeing her curiously several

Thank you for a very
entertaining evening.” Michelle was quite sincere. This was the
closest she had been to Ike and the people of his world. She had
much to think about.

Thank you, darlin'. I'm
glad you decided to come. Say, I give a New Year's Eve blow out to
beat any party in town. We'll have it at the Century Club this
year,” Ike said proudly. “You be sure and bring her,

The Century Club was a combination
restaurant and private social club. Part of it was rented out for
special occasions. Over two dozen prominent black business and
professional men had founded it five years before. Ike took
Anthony's coat allowing him free hands to help Michelle into

Hey, that would be nice.
You'd love that, babe.” Anthony took her hand after putting on his

Yes.” Michelle fought the
urge to sigh deeply. The thought of having to spend another evening
resisting the temptation to wipe that arrogant smirk from Ike's
face was unappealing to say the least.

Later, at Michelle's apartment they
listened to Christmas music. They sang “Please Come Home for
Christmas” with gusto right along with Charles Brown and danced to
Otis Redding's “Merry Christmas, Baby” until they were breathless.
Turning the volume way down on the compact disc, the mood turned

Thanks, babe. I know
tonight wasn't the easy for you,” Anthony called out to her.
Michelle stood stirring eggnog in a small sauce pan on the

Actually I had a pretty
good time.” Michelle carried a tray with mugs of the hot, creamy
liquid into her living room.

You don't have to say that.
I know Uncle Ike's friends can be a little hard to take. But
they're nice when you get to know them.”

I love Caroline and Macie.”
Michelle giggled remembering some of their sassy talk. “And except
for that little scene Mrs. Bridges made, it was very

They can get a little
earthy sometimes. Not like your usual crowd of society folks. Mrs.
Bridges barely hides her contempt.” Anthony sniffed the aroma that
rose from his mug before taking a cautious sip.

Mrs. Bridges certainly has
no reason to look down on anybody. I've seen her at some of the
balls. Trust me; those `society folk' can be just as

All the same, what you did
tonight was greatly appreciated.” Drawing her close, he kissed her

Michelle shivered deliciously at the
sweet sensation of his full lips on hers. She cupped his face with
both hands, eager for more. With a simultaneous sigh, they

Merry Christmas, baby,”
Anthony sang in a melodious voice, his eyes shining. He turned off
the lamp on the end table next to the sofa.

Sitting in front of her Christmas tree
in the dark, they held each other and watched the lights blink on
and off. Michelle lifted her face to his. The warm, happiness
glowing in his mahogany eyes worked its own special magic. Michelle
forgot Ike and the rest of the world.




The Grand Oaks Hall was decked out in
finery for the New Year's Eve Gala. The women of the Omega Chapter
of Alpha Kappa Alpha had seen to its professionally decorated
splendor with an attention to detail that would put an army of
interior designers to shame. The room swam in a metallic
kaleidoscope of color splashing the formally dressed dancers with
enchanted sparks of light. As if in a dream, they swayed beneath
the large ball suspended from the ceiling.

Michelle clung to Anthony relishing the
feel of his muscular arm draped around her waist. The bass rhythm
pulsated up through the floor beneath their feet. Its power flowed
into her, causing her body to move as if a part of it. Burying her
face in his neck, Michelle breathed deep. She found the spice and
heat of his skin intoxicating. Anthony let go of her hand and
wrapped her in a tight embrace with both arms. Their bodies melded
together deliciously.

For the hundredth time, you
look absolutely ravishing tonight.” Anthony spoke in a throaty
voice close to her ear.

Thanks. And you can say it
as many times as you like, sugar.” Michelle smiled up at

I thought you said these
sorority dances were boring. This is great.”

Usually. Depends on who
you're with I guess.” Michelle brushed her lips on his chin

Anthony kissed her forehead. His chest
rose and fell rapidly as he moved his hips with hers to the beat of
the music. The song ended and they walked back to their seats
unsteadily. Michelle tugged at the gold blouse afraid any sign of
disarrayed clothing would tempt her friends to make bawdy

Excuse me ladies, there are
some business associates I want to say hello to.”Anthony was
swallowed up in the crowd that gathered on the dance floor again to
another song.

Girlfriend, that gold
blouse is something else. Sheer sleeves, low cut. And with that
black mini skirt, too. Flaunt your stuff!” Laree had crossed the
room from her table to visit.

Well, look at you. Lady in
red,” Michelle said. She gestured at the dress cut deep in the back
with a saucy bow at the waist.

Laree giggled. “Yeah, we both got it.
Whoa, but looka here!”

Hello, dears. Kiss, Kiss.”
Shantae strolled up with one hand on Cedric's arm. She wore a
strapless royal blue gown. Cedric was handsome in his black

My oh my.”Michelle gave a
low whistle.”Don't you both just put us to shame.”

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