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Authors: Ava Novak

Afflicted (12 page)

BOOK: Afflicted
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Kaden finally rested between her thighs, hip to hip. He lazily kissed Victoria allowing her to recover. Kaden reached between them and used his hand to stroke Victoria. He felt her hands against his own. She’d worked the button loose on his jeans and sought to unzip the zipper. Kaden reared backwards and settled on his knees. Victoria watched him though hooded hazy eyes. Quickly Kaden got his jeans off and threw them to the floor. He reached for his wallet and dug out a condom. With ease, Kaden ripped open the wrapper, tossed his wallet over his shoulder, and put the condom in place.

He eased his way back between her legs. Victoria shifted under him and drew her legs up. Kaden pushed a finger inside of her.

“Stop stalling,” Victoria stated breathlessly, as she shifted again under Kaden.  He chuckled as he withdrew his finger and grabbed his cock.

Victoria can take it. She is ready.

Kaden used his spit for extra lubrication as a backup.  Victoria and Kaden locked eyes as he positioned himself at her entrance. Slowly Kaden eased forward. Victoria whimpered as he pushed into her, she was slick but Kaden had a hard time sliding every inch fully inside of her sex. Victoria shifted again forcing him further inside.

“I can’t go back,” Victoria mumbled as her eyes fluttered close.

“What,” Kaden said, as he paused above her.

Victoria shook her head and laughed.

“Want me to stop?”

“No, don’t do that it. I was just talking to myself about how I don’t think I can go back to using a vibrator.”

No,” Kaden said as he pushed the remaining inches he had to give into her tight sex. Victoria bit down on her lip as he nails dug into Kaden’s sides. “You. Can. Have. Me. Anytime,” Kaden said each word to each powerful quick thrust. He meant every last word. She would never be denied. He would always take care of her even if it meant he didn’t find any relief.

He wasn’t bothered by the nails digging into his back as he pounded into Victoria’s sex.

God damn I can’t let you walk away.

Victoria cried out as she found herself reaching another climax brought on by Kaden.








Chapter Twelve


ictoria sighed blissfully as she stretched.  She smiled at the slight soreness between her legs. Victoria groaned and fought the urge to touch herself as she remembered the fullness of Kaden inside of her. If it wasn’t for her having to go use the bathroom she would have stayed right there in the bed snuggled up close to Kaden.  Reluctantly, she removed Kaden’s heavy arm and got out of bed.  Victoria pulled out a super baggy t-shirt from the top drawer of the dresser. She quickly put on the shirt on as she made her way to the bathroom. A glance in the basket next to the toilet filled with three used condoms caused Victoria to think about the satisfying sex from earlier. Sex with Kaden was something that was going to be pretty damn impossible to forget. She begged the man for more and he’d given her what she wanted. The last thing she needed was to get addicted.

Oh I could just stay here a bit longer and indulge myself.

Victoria laughed at the thought. She wouldn’t do that. It was just sex and not worth the trouble of delaying her plans to relocate back to North Carolina. She would just have a kick ass memory of today. Victoria walked back to the bedroom. She stopped in the doorway as she looked at Kaden. Victoria folded her arms and strolled over to the bed. It was getting late. He’d been here all day with her. She was hungry, required some food, and Victoria was pretty sure Kaden would be too. She slightly nudged Kaden to wake him up. Kaden seemed like he belonged here. In her bed. Victoria quickly pushed the thought away.

Vic you are not going down that road. Not right now.

She wasn’t even going to allow herself to think about a relationship with Kaden. Not even after the mind blowing sex and orgasms that followed.

“Yeah,” Kaden said groggily. Victoria bit the bottom of her lip. She wanted him again.

Damn it Vic. What makes him so special that you want him like this?

“Stop looking at me like that when I don’t have any condoms left,” Kaden growled. He sat up in the bed. Before Victoria knew it Kaden had yanked her down that she landed on top of him. She moaned into his mouth as he kissed her. Within seconds Kaden hands gripped her hips as she grinded against the hard hot jutting ridge between her legs.

She smiled against his lips. It dawned on her how quick he was to respond
to her
. She could easily get used to that type of reaction. Kaden pulled away, sat up in the bed, and quickly pulled the t-shirt off of Victoria. Her nails dug into his shoulder blades as he took a nipple into his mouth. Victoria moaned and continued to rock her hips. She found herself on her back with Kaden hovering above her with two of his fingers thrusting inside of her wet sex.

Christ he has magic fingers.

Kaden was a bad habit to develop and one she would be incapable of breaking. Victoria was not going to lie to herself. If she had Kaden again after this day she wasn’t going to be able to leave. For today only she would give in to this— whatever the hell it was. The man above her had already afflicted her in ways she couldn’t understand. There was something pulling her towards Kaden.

She bit down on her bottom lip as Kaden brought her to another climax. Victoria yelped as Kaden bit her neck. She shivered at the pain and pleasure of it. Kaden mumbled inaudible words against Victoria’s neck as he kissed the tender flesh.

“I was going to ask you if you wanted something to eat,” Victoria said weakly.

“I can always eat you Victoria,” Kaden growled as he slid down her body. Victoria laughed as she stopped Kaden as he forced her legs further apart.

“I’m hungry Kaden.” Her stomach rumbled at that moment.

“All right let’s get you something to eat.”

Kaden went and got the shirt off the floor and handed it over. Victoria placed it on and got out of the bed. Kaden stopped her from leaving out of the bed.

“If you walk out of here like that….with nothing underneath I will not be able to stop myself from attempting to finish what I was about to do.”

She didn’t doubt for it one second that Kaden was lying. Victoria laughed as she put on a pair of pajama pants.

Ten minutes later Victoria was seated in Kaden’s lap eating heated up leftovers.

“Victoria,” Kaden whispered against her neck. “I really need to come clean about something.”

Victoria coughed as a piece of the chicken went done her throat wrong. She frowned as she looked at Kaden. What did he need to come clean about? Her mind started to race as she tried to think what he could have meant about coming clean. Did he have a girlfriend or a wife? It was possible.

No… I am just jumping to wild extreme conclusions. He can’t be that guy. Please don’t be that guy Kaden.

“I should have told you sooner before I slept with you,” Kaden said while placing kisses on her neck. She tried not become affected by his light kisses. Victoria put the fork down and got up. She started to become sick. Victoria was highly afraid of whatever he was about to come clean about.

We used condoms so I don’t have anything to worry about in that department.

“What should you have told me Kaden,” Victoria asked, as she put a bit of distance between her and Kaden. She folded her arms defensively in front of her as Kaden stood up.

“I can’t just say it Victoria.”

“Let me guess you have a girlfriend who you just cheated on.”

“No,” Kaden said, as he chuckled. “It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

Kaden sighed heavily as he ran a hand though his untamed hair.

“I can’t just say it Victoria. You wouldn’t believe me unless I showed you. Come here.”

Victoria didn’t bulge. She wanted Kaden to say whatever it was he had to say now.

“Come Victoria,” Kaden said as he held out his hand. “I have to show you for you to understand so I can explain everything and why I can’t let you leave until you know.”

Victoria pushed her fear aside and walked over to Kaden. He smiled down at her as he grabbed her hand and headed for the door.  Kaden dropped her hand and told her to stay there in the doorway. She watched as Kaden walked into the yard a few feet away from the front door.

“I need to make you understand why I feel the way I do for you Victoria. It’s not easy to shake it. I never will be able too. You need to know why I can’t let you leave me. Victoria you are my fucking mate and I can’t let you leave for North Carolina.”

Kaden took a deep breath and slowly turned around to face Victoria.

“What are you talking about Kaden?’

Great I just had sex with a crazy person. Why does this sexy as hell man have to be crazy? Now would be a great time to run back inside and lock the door.

Before Victoria could take a single step Kaden transformed in front of her eyes. It happened so fast. One second she was watching Kaden and the next she was looking at a white furred animal. Victoria looked at the wolf and knew she wasn’t losing her mind. Kaden had turned into a freaking wolf. He did say it would be better if he showed her.  Kaden changed back. Victoria took her glasses off and placed them back on. She knew she saw something that was impossible. And she wasn’t crazy.

“Do it again,” she said, as she re-took off her glasses, and used the shirt to wipe the lenses.

She needed to make sure she wasn’t losing her damned mind.  Kaden didn’t object as he quickly shifted back into wolf form.

Holy Shit! You aren’t crazy Vic. You really did just see that. Now don’t panic….don’t panic.




aden didn’t say a word as he shifted back into his human form. He had to do it. At some point she had to know and he had decided now was better than later. So far she wasn’t running away from him. Kaden hoped that was a good thing, a really damned good thing.

“This is where I should close this door and lock it but I am having a hard time doing that.”

Maybe that is a good fucking thing. Shit please be a good thing.

“Now let me explain.”

“What is there to explain? You can turn into a fucking wolf. Yes, please explain this freaky crap to me, because I feel like I should be evaluated by a doctor, and thrown into a strait jacket. This is unreal.”

“Yeah and now you know,” Kaden said as he took a cautious step forward. He knew he had to be careful what he said and did at this point. “You are not crazy. I’m real and you really did just see me turn into a wolf.”

“Melody and Adam are like you aren’t they?”

“No just Adam.”

“Now it makes sense. There is no way in hell he was able to go against a mountain lion. I knew something was fishy about that damned story,” Victoria rumbled while pacing back and forth. “I just knew it.”

“There’s more Victoria.”

“What? Like vampires exist too,” Victoria said, as she stopped pacing.

“Yes, but that is not what I am trying to tell you.”

“What else, Kaden?”

“You’re not like me, so you won’t understand this attraction that I have towards you. Hell, it would have made this easier, but the chase would have been fun nonetheless.”

“What are you talking about Kaden?”

“You’re mine Victoria. Just listen and let me explain,” Kaden said, as he tried to stop her from closing the door. Kaden growled as the door shut in his face. He heard Victoria turn the lock.

Nice going Kaden. Good job dude. Now a locked door is between you and your god damn mate.

The door was not a problem. Kaden had the strength to rip the darn thing off its hinges but he wouldn’t. He didn’t need Victoria to be afraid of him. Dismantling the door was a bad idea period. No matter how much he itched to do it.

“Victoria, you’re my mate and I am going to stand here and explain what that means to me and my kind and why I can’t let you leave me. Not like this. Not after I have your scent imprinted in my fucking brain. ”

“Are you immortal? Is silver like your weakness?” Victoria bombarded Kaden with question after question.

Kaden rolled his eyes at the questions she tossed at him from behind the door. Yet he had to fight the urge to laugh at a few of them.

Hell, at least she is talking to me even if this door is between us.

“Oh my God I just had sex with you.”

“Victoria listen to me okay.”

Kaden heard nothing from behind the door. He knew she was still standing there and hadn’t moved a step. Kaden quickly explained to Victoria who he was, what he was, and how she was his mate. He even admitted his displeasure of having discovering he had a human as his mate. Kaden made sure to express how much he didn’t feel that way now. He’d accepted her as his mate.

“So is that what Melody is to Adam? Is she his mate?”

“Yes. It would seem Adam and I have found ourselves with humans as mates.”

“Gosh, now her damned questions are starting to make sense. She just kept prying and prying. Now I get it.”

Kaden sat down and used the door as support as he leaned back. He started explaining more. Victoria listened and asked questions here and there. Kaden hoped for the best as he told her about the world of shifters. He wanted this to work out in his favor and prayed that it did. So he sat there and talked. Kaden gave all the information Victoria needed to know.

“So, shifter families were living on those homes up for auction?”

“Yep. And I had to do whatever it took to make sure I won to keep it out of human hands. Our kind is littered all over that part of Collins. So, I am sure you can imagine the outcome of humans moving in and discovering shifters are right next door.”

“And it’s been fucking shifters that have been doing this crap to me in retaliation for that auction?”

Kaden blew out a frustrated sigh.

“Yeah it was, but when I came here, and found out about it, I put a stop to it. Trust me it’s not going to happen again.”

“You have to leave Kaden. I need you to go so I can think.”

“Okay, I will do that Victoria. Can you open the door so I can get my stuff?”

“I will get it for you, Kaden.”

Kaden heard her footsteps as she went off to collect his things. He stood up when he heard her return. Victoria unlocked the door. Kaden didn’t say a word as she handed over his shirt, wallet, and cell phone.

“This is unbelievable.”

“Victoria, we need to talk about this soon after you’ve had time to think.”

Kaden stuffed his wallet into his back pocket, his cell went into his other pocket, and he placed on his shirt with his free hands. Victoria shrugged her shoulders. Kaden ran a hand this hair. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and powered it back up.

“Just let me think Kaden. It’s a lot to take in, all in a day. Don’t you think? The man I just had sex with, is not a just a man, but a damned werewolf. Not only that, but I’m supposed to be your mate.”

“Okay, I will give you time to think.”

“I really need to Kaden. You just dropped one fat ass bomb on me and it’s some pretty heavy shit,” Victoria said with a nervous laugh.

“Yeah I know. All right I am going to let you have your space. I have pack matters I need to attend to. So, I’m going to head out,” Kaden said, as he turned around, and headed to his truck. He pushed all his worries aside as he jumped into his truck. Kaden was going to sit back and give her time to think. It was the only thing he could do without forcing anything on Victoria.

BOOK: Afflicted
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