Affairs of the Heart (3 page)

Read Affairs of the Heart Online

Authors: Maxine Douglas

Tags: #wisconsin, #paranormal romance, #civil war, #bull run, #nashville, #hawaii, #world war 2, #wwii, #contemporary romance, #inspirational romance, #ghost hunting, #madison, #scrooge, #professional wrestling, #christmas romance, #timetravel romance, #wwe, #iron brigade, #truck driving tales, #jousting knights, #2nd wisconsin, #maxine douglas, #rising star, #country music romance, #bristol ren faire, #rms queen mary, #the grey ghost, #black hats, #christmas carole, #nashville rising star, #squared circle, #the queen mary hotel

BOOK: Affairs of the Heart
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Please, call
me Emma.” Circling the room, she absorbed everything she could.
Mentally, she painted a picture of every crook and cranny. “Yes, it
was. I knew exactly what I was looking for in a home. Thankfully
you answered my ad.”

Emma paused at the window
seat, then sat on a cushion that looked as worn as the carpet on
the library floor. The grimy bay window around the seat played host
to the same pattern of tattered lace curtains hanging in the

As for the
Kinsmans, I knew of them. Everyone in town did. The family was well
known for their festivities, and all in the neighborhood were
always welcome. I don’t recall any stories of a Kinsman turning
someone out. That is, not until Royal Kinsman decided to move on
and rent out the family homestead,” Kate mentioned.

How long has
the house stood empty then?” Emma traced the delicate lace threads,
hoping they didn’t crumble beneath her touch.

too long. It’s far too expensive to heat during the winter, and
then there’s the rumors.” Kate’s voice held an edge of uncertainty
as she made her way out of the room.

Rumors? What
kinds of rumors?” Emma circled the library for one last look, then
joined Kate in the hallway.

It’s an old
house, Ms. Sorenson…ah, Emma. Rumors always accompany an old home
like this.” Kate led Emma through the rest of the main floor.
“Stories trumped up by the local kids about ghosts.”

Emma followed Kate up the
staircase to the rooms on the second floor. She looked in every
direction, unsure of what it was she was searching for.



* * * *

know a ghost when they see one, Emma dear,” a voice whispered in
Emma’s ear.

Maybe even
one or two,” it continued. Shivers soared through Emma. The
sensation caused her to rub her arms for warmth.

Samuel! Stop
it or you’ll scare her off,
said a scolding female voice that neither Emma nor Kate
I didn’t send Manda’s
journal to her sister for our health, Samuel.

Why don’t
you speak your words instead of think them, Josie?” Samuel Kinsman
looked on in disbelief, frustrated by his partner’s method of

Because I
don’t want to take the chance of them hearing us. So think to me,
Josie Kinsman stood
on the balcony, bound and determined to make her wishes clear to
her husband.

Isn’t that
the idea here, Josie? Didn’t Royal ask us to keep watch over our
Samuel stood
defensively in front of Emma and allowed her to pass through him

Yes and
no—you know full well that he really wasn’t speaking to us. We
never did let him know we were here—or has your memory faded, as
Josie gently reminded
him, then placed her hand lightly on his shoulder.

Marie! Just what is that comment supposed to imply?

Oh, come on,
Samuel, ever since we’ve been in this state of spiritualness you
haven’t been yourself.
lovingly teased him in hopes of getting his attention off their
house guests for a moment. She knew that Samuel believed his manly
needs had not disappeared through the years, even if he couldn’t
follow through. The man carried the lust for life strong. It was
one of the things that hadn’t died when his body had given into old

Josie, my
love, why don’t we retire to our bedroom and we’ll just see if I
have ‘it’ or not
, Samuel
teased, wrapping his good arm tenderly around Josie’s

Stop, Samuel.
We have business to take care of here. As much as I’d enjoy
re-experiencing your ways of lovemaking—

Okay, then
let’s get rid of them NOW,
Samuel responded with urgency.

No! I like
Josie pleaded. She
watched as Emma’s eyes admired the interior of the house.
Didn’t you notice the way she
touched my curtains?

No, Josie, I
didn’t. I have been too busy trying to figure out how to get rid of

It was with
such tenderness, it nearly brought tears to my eyes.
Josie looked on as Emma strolled
down the hallway, and lightly touched the woodwork along the way.
She traced the faded wood left by paintings long ago locked away.
It was as if she could see what had hung in the place years

Josie, you’re
a ghost. You’re not supposed to have those ‘earthly’
he reminded her,
then gave Josie’s ear a whisper kiss.

Not now,
Samuel. Hush now, please—they’re just about there,
she anxiously pleaded. She followed
Emma and Kate, knowing she had delayed Samuel’s actions.

It had been a long time
since they’d allowed someone other than family in the house.
Usually by the time prospective guests got to the top of the
stairs, they were visibly shaken.

Not Emma,

Josie was more than
pleased with Emma’s reaction to the house and its contents. There
appeared a deep appreciation for the Kinsman homestead in her eyes
and touch. Josie wanted to see how Emma would act in the next room,
their bedroom. Emma’s actions would determine whether she and
Samuel had made a mistake about Samanda’s journal.

This is the
master bedroom, Emma,” Kate said. She escorted her into the
spaciously furnished room. “It has remained undisturbed since the
death of Samuel and Josephine Kinsman.”

Ahhhh” was
all that escaped from Emma when her eyes caught sight of the huge
four-poster bed. She seemed to stroke the carved bedposts with her
eyes. There came a sensual light from her green eyes that reached
out, caressing the crevices of the wood; a look equal to that of a
lover appreciating the object of her passion before foreplay

Emma walked over to the
bed, and softly fingered the yellowed satin drapes that hung
gathered at each bedpost from the canopy.

Her fingertips followed a
pleat until they met a dusty, satin comforter.

Look at how
her eyes sparkle, Samuel,
Josie pointed out with joy.
Watch her, Samuel. She’s perfect—so full of passion. Just
like Samanda when Henry first brought her home.

Emma’s hand breezed over
the silky material and left a path in the dust that had settled on
the bed cover over the years. She sighed deeply. She looked as if
her mind’s eye had taken her to another place and time. She
appeared to be at peace and relaxed as she sat upon the bed that
had once been Josie and Samuel’s.

Josie sat down next to
her as a tear slipped out of the corner of Emma’s eye and a smile
played on her rose-colored lips. The earthly desire to place a hand
upon Emma’s overwhelmed her.

quickly before she feels your presence,
Samuel coaxed. He took her by the arm and led her over
to the window, away from their marriage bed.

Emma rose and slowly
scanned the rest of the room. It was then that her eyes came to
rest upon the portrait hanging above the mantel of the room’s

Samuel Royal
Kinsman,” Kate told Emma with a touch of pride. “He’s Royal’s
great-great-grandfather and namesake.”

Emma looked into the
handsome face and blue-gray eyes. Her face became flushed before
she shyly looked away for a moment, only to return her gaze upon
his face. She became overwhelmed with the warmth the painting had
captured. She tilted her head slightly to the side then pulled
shoulder-length hair across the back of her neck. Emma’s hand
gathered the hair and gently brought it straight down to the side,
her gaze never leaving those in the painting.

Ha, she’s
flirting with me!
You’re not
jealous, are you, Josie?

Of what,
Samuel? She’s alive. What sort of a threat could she possibly be to
me in her current state?
Josie teased.
perfect for Royal—just like you are for me.

Hello! Kate,
are you here?” The voice bellowed through the house.

Up here, in
the master,” Kate called.

Royal’s here,
Samuel whispered
excitedly. He stopped to allow Royal Kinsman to pass through them
in a flurry after having taken the steps two at a time.

door was opened, and I wasn’t sure―”
Royal looked questionably at Emma, who was still enthralled by
Samuel’s portrait. “Kate, is everything okay?”

Yes, yes, of
course, Royal. This is Emma Sorenson. She’s here about the house,”
Kate answered. “I was just showing her―”

Turn around,
Emma,” Josie whispered in her ear, lightly touching Emma’s
shoulder. “We want you to meet Royal, dear.”

A smile
appeared on Emma’s lips as she turned to meet the
great-great-grandson of Samuel Kinsman. A gasp escaped from her
roat and her eyelids
fluttered briefly before her body began to slump.

Oh, no, catch
her, Samuel!
Josie cried,
just as Samuel reached out to hold Emma up in an off-balance

Royal!” Kate
screamed, just before Emma collapsed into Royal’s arms, having
passed through Samuel’s unsuccessful grasp.

Royal scooped her up in
his arms, carried her over to the bed, then lightly brushed the
hair away from her pale face as the back of her head rested upon a

She’ll be
fine now, Josie,
Samuel said.
He reassured Josie as well as himself that everything truly was
well and good.

Yes, Royal’s
with her now,
Josie murmured
in reply.
Now, let’s go and
try out some of that re-experiencing you were thinking about
. Suggestively, she
took Samuel’s hand in hers and led him away from their marriage

* * * *

She looked like an angel
with her hair spread over the dusty satin pillow. A hint of pink
colored otherwise creamy-white cheeks, as if she were

Royal brushed away the
stray strands of hair caught in her lashes. His gaze traveled from
the long-lashed eyes, down a delicate nose and onto rose-colored
lips. His heart skipped a beat as he watched the quiet motion of
her breasts move in unison with her deep breathing.

Kate, get
something cool to place on her forehead,” Royal all but commanded.
“Where did you come from?” he asked Emma in a whisper while Kate
was out of the room.

Who are
Royal fought back the
urge to travel down Emma’s neck with the tips of his fingers, to
the round mounds that moved slightly under her blouse. He wanted to
touch the lace only just visible through the white

It was more than the
lace. It was the woman herself that drew out the desire in him. And
all she did was faint into his arms as if she belonged in

Kate’s voice broke in his vision. “This is all I could find. It’s a
little worn, but should do.”

Kate.” He took what had once been part of the parlor curtains from
Kate. He placed the cool fabric on Emma’s forehead, after gently
wiping off her face. He was careful not to make any sudden moves
that may cause further harm.

I thought
you were out of the country,” Kate remarked. A mixture of concern
and surprise sat on the edge of her voice. “What’s been going on?
Is everything okay with you?”

Tell me what
you know about her,” Royal said.

He sat next to Emma and
took in every curve of her figure. An uncontrollable desire ignited
in the depths of his being. The more he fought the lust, the hotter
the fire became. He wasn’t one to give in to such pleasures. This
one would have to run out of heat and the sooner the

Her name’s
Emma Sorenson. I got a call saying there was an advertisement in
the paper. Someone was looking for a piece of property to rent.
They wanted one dating back to the late 1880s fitting your home’s
description,” Kate informed him. “I got in contact with her and
we’ve been here in the house for the good part of an hour

Why that
time period? Why my house, Kate?” Royal glanced from Emma to Kate,
his brow moist from not knowing all the answers to so many
questions popping up in his head. He had to find out who this woman
was and why she was interested in his home, the home bestowed upon
him by his parents to bring the next Kinsman generation into the
world. Like that was going to ever happen. Never as long as he had
some say in his future.

I don’t
know, Royal.” Kate wrung her hands as she paced back and forth at
the foot of the bed. “We hadn’t talked about the ‘whys’ of her
hunt. Seeing the house seemed to be her focal point. I got the
feeling we never would have made it as far as we did if she wasn’t
interested. Or if they didn’t like her.”

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