Adonis and Aphroditus (7 page)

Read Adonis and Aphroditus Online

Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #adventure, #action, #gods, #valentines day, #sci fi

BOOK: Adonis and Aphroditus
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“Ticklish?” he whispered his hot breath
hitting her sensitive skin.

He laved her belly button with his tongue and
continued downward not waiting to hear the answer she never gave.
He finally placed his face right on her pussy and breathed in deep
enjoying the sexy scent and feeling his cock swell outward in
response. His mouth watered and his tongue itched to sink inside
her. He flicked out his tongue tracing her nether lips and she
shivered. He slid across her crease again this time pushing inside.
He moved his fingers into her channel stroking in and out
leisurely. His tongue swirled around her little nubbin worrying it
until she writhed. He held her immobile as he pleasured her to his
personal satisfaction.

“Adonis!” she gasped as he brought her to the
edge. His every touch lit a fire inside her that only he could

“Mm,” he responded and the vibration sent her
over the edge. She shrieked as her orgasm rolled over her she
jerked and her hands tangled in his hair pulling him up against her
sex as she arched up against him.

“Oh…oh…oooh,” she screamed out her release
and had she thought about it, she would have died of embarrassment
realizing every god on the plane could hear her.

She lay there just a quivering pile of flesh
unable to think or move. He was now laying over her, but he only
pressed his body lightly against her. She had just had the
grandmamma of all orgasms and she didn’t think she’d feel need or
desire for a while. Adonis kissed her brushing her lips lightly as
she still lay there panting away. She tried to calm herself and
breathe, but she had never felt so many sensations at once. He
moved his mouth to her neck and she moved her head so he had
access. She felt a pinch but couldn’t even get excited about being
bitten, that was how wrung out she was over her explosive climax.
Her breath was finally slowing, her heart was no longer pounding,
and she felt languid. Her skin was once again sensitive and she was
responding to every move Adonis made and he was making a lot of

He kissed her and their tongues dueled
slowly, sensuously. Her desire started to simmer and her hands
moved over his body exploring gently. His hands moved over her like
silk with a couple callouses. They only made things interesting.
She looked up at his face, so handsome and endearing. He was
sliding into her and her desire ramped up as she arched to meet
him. He rolled them over letting her take control and she liked it.
She sat up so she was astride him and he sank in so deep. She
rocked and rolled grinding her clit onto him making it slide so
beautifully across him. She shuddered from the perfect way it felt
and the effect it had on her.

He was arching, pushing into her and his
hands spanned her hips helping her lift and move. She was in heaven
and a bubble of warmth was filling her heart. It was something
she’d never felt and didn’t understand. She was feeling a
connection to the man, no the god that was in her and all around
her, that was even more personal than the act they were completing.
The tension built and she would blow any moment. He slammed her
down on him just a little harder than before and that was all it
took. Her mouth opened but the scream was frozen as her body was
completely overwhelmed with all the emotions and sensations that
hit her at once.

It was beyond fantastic as the joy bubbled up
and ran over her. She was hit with so much feeling that her brain
couldn’t process it all and just shut down. She felt his hands
catch her and guide her to his chest. Shock ran through her as the
realization that she’d just been fucked unconscious hit her just as
she passed out.

Chapter 6


Adonis felt a giddiness rush through him. She
had to have felt mighty fine to pass out from pleasure. The mated
gods spoke of it but he’d thought it bragging and not really true.
He’d seen her look at him and her eyes had rolled back in her head.
It was a little freaky, but he had caught her and saw to it she was
unhurt. He didn’t know what to do now except take a nap so she
could stay where she was and he’d be there when she woke. It was a
good plan, but outside forces in the form of a tiny babe changed
the plan.

She cried, not very loud but Lucy needed to
rest after the session of love making he had put her through. He
rolled her gently off him and onto her side. He slid out of bed and
pulled on some pants. Paisley stopped crying as soon as she saw he
was coming to her. He changed her diaper then he got her a bottle
when she was still fussy. He’d swear she smiled at him just before
she dug into the bottle. It even looked like she winked at him but
he’d never admit that to a soul since she was just an infant. He
liked the way she felt when he held her, there was a sense that she
belonged with him as well as with Lucy who also belonged to

He let her nurse until she fell asleep and
then he put her over his shoulder and he rubbed her back until she
burped. He kissed her soft little cheek and placed her back in the
carrier. He strapped her in because they would be landing soon. He
placed her carrier in a seat and strapped it in too. He checked on
Lucy who was sleeping just like the baby. He had anywhere from
thirty minutes to an hour before landing. It didn’t seem enough
time to try to sleep, but the place next to Lucy called to him. He
gave in to its lure. He slid into bed next to Lucy, pressed up
against her, and wrapped his arms around her. He wasn’t sleepy so
he lay there relaxing, breathing in the seductive scent of his
mate, and reveled in the warm, soft feel of her body.

He knew she would resist him even though he
hoped she would give in. He was falling in love, hard and fast. It
felt both exciting and scary as hell especially since he had no
clue what his mate would do. He’d hold on tight enough for both of
them and hope that was enough. He cuddled her a little tighter and
closed his eye just for a moment.

Sounds of activity woke him. The plane had
slowed a great deal and he concluded they were preparing to land.
Paisley was strapped in, but he and Lucy weren’t. He gently shook
her while whispering in her ear. “Lucy, sweetie, you have to wake

“Wha-what?” she asked as she started to wake
befuddled and cranky.

“We’re landing.”

“Adonis? Where are we?”


Her eyes clouded with confusion for a moment
and then memory came back full force. Her skin tinted pink and he
knew what she was remembering them making love. He wanted that
passion to be enough to convince her to stay. Her lips pursed and
her eyes narrowed as she thought. It worried him but they were
landing and they needed to get into the nearby chairs.

“Come on. Let’s get you strapped in.” He
helped her find something to wear so they could both dress. She
dressed then he helped her into the chair and snapped her belt into
place before doing the same for himself.

Lucy was quiet and reflective saying not one
word until the plane was on the ground. She watched Paisley who
slept through the whole thing. Adonis didn’t like this new silent
Lucy who seemed to be plotting and planning in her head. He wanted
to pull her into his arms, kiss her breathless, and convince her to
stay with him forever. Forever seemed to be slipping away minute by
minute if the distant look on her face was anything to go by.

They landed and he heard the other gods
bustling about unloading and seeing to the other
. He
stayed where he was letting the others get out of the way before he
escorted his family inside. She was his whether she knew it or not,
her and the child. They would go straight to medical where he would
have his suspicions tested out. He would make her stay, one way or
the other. If it was the other, he would find a way to make her
forgive him later. The plane was nearly quiet now.

“Are you ready to go in?” he asked in a
hushed tone. Paisley was still sleeping but she moved restlessly
from time to time. Such a tiny thing but she had already stolen his
heart just like her mother had.

Lucy nodded and went to get Paisley. “You
need to let me carry her we’ll be going through a short stretch of
snow and it can get deep.”

She handed her off and they went to the main
section of the plane. Some one had left them each a coat and zip up
cover for the baby that would go around her carrier. They donned
their coats, hats, gloves and clear face shields. The weather was
brutal here and every bit of skin as well as the eyes had to be
covered if one ventured outside. The walk was short, the facility
visible from the plane but precautions were still necessary.

They were all prepared and Adonis had double
checked to be sure nothing would be exposed to the elements. He led
them to the door where two other gods helped them exit. The snow
wasn’t as bad as it sometimes was, but Lucy had a hard time.
Humans, especially small ones, usually did. Adonis had Paisley in
her carrier in one hand and he was practically carrying Lucy with
the other. They made it to the large double doors and out of the
snow. The doors opened as soon as they were in front of them and
two more gods were there to greet them.

Adonis pulled off his face covering and
greeted the gods in return. “Who are your guests?” asked the
tallest god.

“I have Lucy and Paisley with me. I need to
get them settled in and see Zeus. I’ll introduce you properly
later,” Adonis explained as he pulled Lucy along behind him.

He wasn’t jealous of the interest he knew the
other gods would have in a female as attractive as Lucy. He was
just in a hurry that was all. He escorted her and Paisley into the
elevator, down one floor, and to his old room where they all shed
their winter gear. “We’d best go to medical first. They want to
make sure Paisley’s been taken care of properly.”

Lucy nodded and she followed as he carried
Paisley out the door. Medical was on the top floor and close to the
elevator. Doc was there waiting for them. It shouldn’t have
surprised him since Doc knew they were landing.

“Hello, there. Who do we have here?” Doc

“This is Lucy and the little one is Paisley,”
Adonis proclaimed like he was introducing a queen and princess.
That’s what they were to him, they were his world.

“Why don’t we start with Paisley and that way
you and Lucy can meet with Zeus. He and Sierra are waiting for you
in his office.”

“Is that alright Lucy? I know you just got
her back, but it won’t be very long and Doc needs to make sure
she’s healthy,” Adonis urged. She looked so torn, he knew she
wanted to talk to Zeus, and she knew Paisley needed to be checked
out. After all, she‘d been in the hands of criminals. Finally, she
nodded reluctantly and Doc smiled at her gently.

Adonis set the baby in the carrier on the
counter and undid that strap. He lifted her and gave her a quick
hug and kiss, before handing her to Lucy so she could do the same.
Lucy handed her to Doc, it was a big sign of trust. The baby made
restless motions, but never seemed to wake fully. With Paisley in
Doc’s care, they left to go see Zeus. Adonis knew she would demand
to go home. He didn’t know what he would do then, he loved her so
he wasn’t sure if he would play his ace in the whole. He honestly
wasn’t sure he had an ace but he would find out soon.

The office wasn’t far and the door stood open
in welcome. At least that was the way he looked at. He glanced at
Lucy and she didn’t seem to feel the same way. Her face was screwed
together in worry? Fear? Or maybe she was angry, all he knew was
the emotion was a negative one. It didn’t sit well with him that
she clearly didn’t want to be here but he told himself she’d not
had time to get use to things. He knew deep down that no matter how
long she was here it might not matter.

“Hey, Zeus, Sierra. This is Lucy, she was the
one that called us for this mission. Her daughter, Paisley is with

“Won’t you please sit down?” Sierra asked as
she gestured to the seats across from them. She sat in a chair
pulled over to Zeus’ side of the desk. “I’m glad everything went

Zeus said nothing while he and Lucy were
involved in a stare off. They were taking the measure of each other
and nether was backing down. Lucy was strong willed, few beings of
any kind could stand up to Zeus. He knew he couldn’t but he was
raised to defer to him and she wasn’t. He’d like to think that was
the difference because a strong female like Lucy needed an equally
strong male. He wanted to be, hell no, he
that male!
They were bonded in the ways mates were because he could feel the
fear she was hiding so well.

Empathy wasn’t his gift either. Gods came
with a variety of gifts and his group, the ones his age that had
been made at the same time, hadn’t fully realized their abilities
yet. Some had telepathy, he had telekinesis. Neat huh? No, not so
much. He could move objects but only those the size of a ping pong
ball. He worked with it when he wasn’t busy and remembered to do
it. The level his skill was at, made it more of a party trick than
a useful tool. He’d prefer Hermes speed or Hercules incredible
strength. Zeus’s thunderbolts and Hades death powers were a bit too
scary to own.

“Why don’t you tell us what worries you,
Lucy?” Sierra asked.

Lucy broke her gaze away from Zeus
reluctantly. “I want to leave this place.”

“Okay, why? Surely you realize there isn’t a
safer place on this Earth for Paisley than here. Origin will hunt
her to the best of their abilities which in the past have proven to
be great indeed. Are you willing to risk the life and welfare of
your child so you can leave here?”

“I have some skill at hiding in plain view. I
had plans set in place to protect her.”

“Better than hiding here?” Zeus broke in, his
voice deep and commanding.

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