Adira's Mate (9 page)

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Authors: April Zyon

BOOK: Adira's Mate
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He pulled her onto his lap when
she stood to move his way, his arms wrapping around her to hold her close. “You
have me forever. We still have many things to go over between us, but we will
get there.” Fin pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Let me tidy up the dishes so
brings the clothing can take all this away for us.”

Okay. In the meantime can I go
ahead and have a shower? I can get cleaned up while you take care of what you
need to take care of?” So that it would give him time to clean up and also talk
to his friend without her there.

He shook his head, squeezing her
closer. “Wait for me,” he said softly. Stroking his fingers over her arm
gently, he nipped at her ear. “If you wash my back for me, I’ll wash yours. But
if you want to get undressed now, I won’t argue. Stay in the sleeping room,
though, if you would.”

I will.” She hesitated only a
moment and grinned. “Please hurry? I have a powerful need to see if you are as
beautiful as I thought you were when you dropped your clothes on my craft.”

I should be slightly less
bruised, at least,” he muttered. Giving her another squeeze,
helped her off his lap. Once she was up he started
to pile everything back onto the tray. “I will be there as soon as the clothing

Thank you.” She moved away from
him and into the sleeping quarters. The door slid closed and she took a deep
began to undress. Once she was naked she
settled onto the bed and watched the door, waiting for him.

She heard the door chime again,
then the low hum of voices speaking for a time. A few moments after it went
silent the door to the sleeping quarters slid
walked in with an armful of clothing.
“They found you a few things to wear, from pants to a couple of skirts that
should work if you get a little creative. Our home world is warmer than yours
is, so the clothing is a little different than what you’ll be used to. Unlike
the uniforms which cover most of our bodies, the personal wear is less

She looked at the clothing that
he had put into her hands and frowned. “These?” she asked and tried to figure
out what it was that she was seeing. “They don’t cover a great deal, do they?”
She held the clothing against her body. “I don’t understand how these would go
on me.”

When she glanced at
, his lips were curled up slightly. “I’ll assist you
in figuring that part out,” he said. “For now, though, we should have our
shower. Then we’ll get you into one of the outfits and we can figure out our

Good idea.” The contract made her
nervous. She was worried she would make bad choices in helping him create the
contract that would help guide them through the rest of their lives.

With a little effort and a lot of
wiggled his way free of the shirt.
Tossing it aside, he glared at it before he pushed the too short pants down his
legs. Straightening, he stretched his arms over his head slowly with a groan,
headed for the bathing room. “
are you coming along?”

She just stared at him, her mouth
suddenly dry and nipples rock hard. “Yes. I will be coming along very shortly,
I hope.” She touched her hand to the middle of his back and stroked him gently.
“God, I have this deep need, this burning desire to have you making love with
Blunt and to the point.

He shot her a look over his
shoulder. “We shouldn’t until we have our contract settled. I’ll admit, though,
I’m having a hard time remembering why exactly, especially when you are
touching me.” Stepping into the shower stall he started the water, made an
held a hand out to her.

She stepped into the shower with
him and moved in closer. “What exactly will be covered in the contract? Perhaps
we can come to a verbal agreement right now?” she suggested.
was eagerly waiting to see just what it was that
would suggest in their contract and what she could
add to it as well.

It will be an agreement between
us about what I expect of our relationship, and from you, and what you expect
of me. We will add in all our wants, desires, and the things we will never do,
for whatever reasons we may have. It will have the rules and anything else that
we feel will ensure our relationship works the best that it can. Not something
we can come to verbally, I fear.”
arms came
around her waist, drawing her in tight to his body.

Her hands moved up his chest,
then wrapped around his neck. “Darn. I was ever so hopeful that you would bend
your rules. But you are
we should make sure
that we have everything down so that we aren’t taken by surprise in our

It’s beneficial to us both,” he
said quietly. Lowering his head, he pressed a kiss to her lips. “I don’t want
you getting hurt, and this helps to ensure you’re not. It also allows us a
chance to air everything we need to, talk about every detail, and make sure
we’re both on the same path.”

It will protect you as well. We
need to ensure that you are also protected. Please promise me that no matter
what you’ll ensure that you are protected as well?” That meant more to her than
she could possibly express.

We will both be protected by the contract,” he
said. Nibbling on her lips, he slid his hands slowly down her back. His palms
cupped her ass, pulling her up closer against him.

Good.” She felt the length of his
cock against her stomach and bit her lower lip. “How long will it take us to
pull out this contract? No, that didn’t sound right. Sorry.” She was thinking
about him inside of her and how good it would feel for him to pull out and
thrust in. God, she was a hot mess.

No need to apologize for your
distraction.” His thumbs were rubbing over her ass, his fingers occasionally
squeezing lightly. “You are permitted to be a little distracted,
. I’m quite distracted myself by your lovely body.”

Good.” Her breasts moved against
his chest. She ached for him. “We need to hurry. We need to get ourselves
cleaned up so that we can get out and get our contract done. I need you,
.” Which was the truth, she had never before needed
anyone as much as she did this man in this moment in time.

Then you need to wash up quickly,”
he said. “Wash as much of yourself as you can reach, while I do the same. Then
I will do your back, and you can do mine.” He let her loose then, stepping back
a little,
hands sliding over her hips before
letting them slide off.

That sounds like a plan.” She
pulled back from him and began to wash herself. Once she was clean she turned
so that her back was to him, looking over her shoulder at him. “Please?”

ducked his head under the spray
and, wiping a hand over his face, he turned to her. He washed her back quickly.
Once he was done he turned to allow her to do his back as well. She was ever
careful of the injuries on his back and the rest of his body.

Once his back was clean as well,
her hands only twice running over his ass, she stepped back from him. Grabbing
one of the drying towels, she passed him one and moved so that they could both
dry off. “Do we need to get anyone to witness our contract?” She hoped not, but
one never knew.

No, it’s for you and
alone. It’s an agreement only between us. No one else has
any right to know what is in it unless we both agree they do.” He patted down
his arms, chest, and legs. “I’ll need you to dry my back since I can’t rub it
dry as I normally would.”

She nodded and looked at him.
turn around so that I can dry your
delectable body.” She wanted to lick him from top to bottom. “I want you.”
Which was the truth.
God, she wanted him. “We need to hurry
and make this contract, because I’m burning with need.”

He turned to give her his back.
“We won’t rush it,” he said. “I want this to be right, for us both. To do that
it will take a little bit of time, some consideration, and likely some
negotiations. First, though, you need a small lesson on
women’s fashion.”

Yes, if I’m going to wear the
garments that were brought in for me I will definitely need a lesson, please.”
She dried his back,
passed him his towel back. “I
don’t necessarily want to dress right now, though. Can we have that lesson
later?” She was seeing how far she could push when he had given a directive and
knew it, but she was truly curious what this relationship would be and this
would help her make that determination.

Turning, he took the towels from
her and hung them up to dry. He seemed to be considering her words, or she
hoped that was what his silence meant. “In this instant, yes, we can delay the
lesson. I prefer having you naked, so I don’t mind waiting.”

Thank you for allowing that. I
appreciate you taking the time to help me through all of this, Fin. It means
something to me,” she whispered to him. “I rather like being naked with you and
around you. I think we should do it often.”

In private we can as often as you
wish,” he told her. Slipping his arm around her waist, he walked with her back
to the bed. He released her and moved the clothing off the bed to a chair.
“Climb up and get comfortable while I grab a data pad for us to work on for the

She climbed into the bed and
leaned back against the wall at the head of the bed. She put her head on her
fist and watched him. “Gracious I really enjoy watching the way that you move.”
She had just met him, had just been torn from all that she knew and loved, but
she couldn’t be upset. She couldn’t find it in herself to do anything except
appreciate being there with him.

He shot her a heated look before
turning away to look for the data pad.




Chapter Eight


Over an hour later they were both
frowning at the data pad before them. They’d been figuring out what to put in
the contract, and now they were giving it the final read through.
had pointed out many things she’d never have even
considered. On some
had questioned him, some
she’d even argued over, but in the end they’d come up with a pretty solid
contract. Fin suggested doing it as a trial for six months, then revisiting it
again to make changes and adjustments. Not that he wanted her to bottle up any
problems, of course, or so he’d made it abundantly clear. If the contract, or
some portion of it, wasn’t working for her he wanted her to tell him. Just as
he’d talk to her about anything he found not to be working as it should be.

A partnership was how he’d put
it, a term
liked. They would be bonded, but it
would be even more than that. Fin assured her that he wanted their relationship
to be a full and true partnership. While he had some relatively strict rules
for when they were in public, some of them being
laws, in private he had proven he was willing to be a little more lenient.
To a degree.
He would be her Dominant, and would hold her to
a certain measure, but he very plainly had said he wasn’t her Master.
didn’t like the idea of her being his slave. He told
her it didn’t sit well with him.

I think we have it,” he finally
said. “Is there anything further you want to add before we sign this?”

She looked over the data pad once
finally shook her head. “No. I believe that
this fully spells out what we are looking for together, what our limits are,
and what our relationship will be.
She wanted
it to be very clear what she was to him so that she didn’t make assumptions on
their relationship status.

He turned to her, running his
fingers over her leg slowly. “You still have questions in your eyes,
. If you have something to say, or to ask, say it. I
cannot read your mind. So you need to say the words out loud.”

What will I be to you? When you
introduce me will I be your submissive?” She didn’t want there to be any
questions at all in what they had together. “I know what you are in my heart, I
feel it in my soul, but I need to know what you feel and think as well. That
part was left out of all of this, so that’s my question.”

You’ll be my wife,” he told her.
“Not only through the bonding, but also a ceremony if you would
It’s small, intimate, and only has a couple of witnesses.
don’t do anything over the top. We’re not that
type of people.” Taking the data pad from her, he made a couple more additions
to the contract,
handed it back to her. She saw
he’d added a section stating she’d be his wife, which would be how he
introduced her. “The fact you are my submissive isn’t for anyone to know. It’s
only for you and

Her lips curved up in a smile,
and she nodded. “Then I do believe that this contract is perfect.” She attached
her signature and fingerprint to the device and passed it back to him. “There
will be no secrets between us, other than what you need to keep for your
position, that is.”

Correct,” he told her. He added
his signature and thumbprint before saving it. He added a code to the document,
showing it to her before he saved once more. “Only the two of us have access to
it,” he said.

Thank you for that, for
protecting me as you do.” Only he would ever think to put her before himself;
not even Petr would do that for her. “I’ll do my level best to ensure you are
as happy in this relationship as I know that I will be.”

set the pad aside before
wrapping his arms around her loosely. “We can only do our best, try our best,
and that is all I expect. It will take time to find our rhythm together,
. The contract, and the terms set out within, will
help to guide us on our path. Each day we’ll learn more about one another, and
hopefully ourselves. It will help us to grow closer and become a better couple.
You can’t guarantee anything, any more than I can, but if we’re both working
for the same goal then that is all that matters.” He tipped her chin up to
press a kiss to her lips.

shifted so that she could wrap
her arms around his neck and open her legs to hold him close. “Now that we’ve
signed our contract, what should we do?” She was ever hopeful he would have the
same answer she was feeling in that moment. She wanted him, ached for him in

I was considering a nap. It’s
been a very long few days.” She couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. With his
facial expressions and body language, it was awfully hard to tell. “But I have
my woman in my arms, in a real bed, and naked so maybe the nap should wait a
little longer. You wouldn’t mind, would you? Waiting I mean.”

I think that you could persuade
me to do something other than napping.” She wiggled a little with him. “So what
should we do instead of nap? What would you like to do?” There was a moment’s
hesitation before she tilted her head slightly, baring her throat to him, and
waited for what he might want to do.

I believe I should learn my
woman’s body from head to toe, and everything in between. It will take a little
it will be quite intensive

I hope you will bear with me for a time.”
lowered his head so his lips brushed lightly over
her skin.

I do believe that I will be able
to bear with you on just about anything,” she assured him and licked her lips.
“I am yours to do as you wish. I belong to you.” He belonged to her as well,
but at this moment it was all about him. “I look forward to everything with
you, my husband-to-be.”

You most definitely are mine.” A
moment later he sank his teeth into her shoulder, holding her tight. He didn’t
press hard enough to break the skin, but the bite was intense and soon began to
build even more as he stroked a hand over her breasts. His palm scraped lightly
over her nipples.

moaned, her leg lifted and
wrapped around his thigh.

The bite was just short of punishing; it was perfect. “
please?” she asked hopefully, the question ending on a gasp. She had never felt
anyone bite her before and loved it.

Leg down,” he said. “I want you
open to me. Spread your legs wider and lift your knees.
over your head.
You can hold on to the bedding. Do not move unless I
tell you that you may.”

nodded and followed his
instructions. Licking her lips, she asked, “Like this, Sir?” It had been a
point in their contract and she was more than willing to give that to him. “Is
this what you need from me?”

Very good,” he told her. He did
move her feet out a little more, small adjustments.
eased away from her, sitting back on his knees between her legs. His gaze
roamed over her slowly. Reaching out he slowly slid a finger down her torso,
from her throat to her pubic bone. “Lovely,” he said in a rougher tone.

Thank you, Sir.” She was fisting
the blanket under her hands, her arms up and over her head just as he had
demanded. “What more would you like?” She felt her pussy wetting for him, an
aching need building more for him.

For you to
there,” he said. He put his hand palm down on her belly. “Don’t move,” he
warned. Slowly he slid his hand up her body to cup first one breast, then the
other, giving each a squeeze. He moved in closer so he could put both hands on
her breasts, his fingers slowly working her nipples, rolling and pinching them.
He began to tug lightly, giving them an occasional flick with his fingernail.

The pressure was building inside
of her and the slight hint of pain that he caused with the pinching of her
nipples was exactly what she needed. “Thank you.” The pain rode right on the
edge of pleasure, just enough that it had her pussy weeping desperately.

He gave her a harder pinch,
pulling her nipples, and held them for a time. When he finally released them
her nipples were throbbing.
slid his hands
down her body until he could rub the seam of her thighs with his thumbs.

felt the touches more with each
tease that he gave her. She felt the burning ache driving her crazy. “More,
please?” She was repeating herself over and over again but she enjoyed the
touches far too much to not ask for more.

hands stilled, and his chin
lifted until he was looking at her. He didn’t say anything, only lifted a brow.
It took her a moment to remember. She was allowed to ask for anything she
wanted, she was allowed to ask questions, and she was allowed to make comments
to better help him learn how she liked to be touched. He only had one rule, and
that was on how he was to be addressed in their bedroom at all times.

felt her face heat. “
sorry, Sir.” She had been so caught in the moment that her mind blanked on how
she was to act in their bedroom. “Do with me as you wish, please, Sir. I am
yours to do as you will.”

Yes you are,
You are mine. All of you
mine.” With his gaze still
locked on hers,
shifted until he was
between her spread legs, his face even with her
could feel each of his exhales on her
wet folds.

was panting, her fingers
squeezing the blankets with her hands that were still up and over her head. She
couldn’t think of anything in that moment except the way
was teasing her, the way that he was touching her.

Lowering his head,
rubbed his nose to her inner thigh, his gaze still
locked with hers. Then he moved his head until she felt the brush of what she
assumed was his tongue over her clit. It was quick, all too quick,
it was gone. A moment later another quick flick over
her needy nub had her whimpering. She couldn’t have stopped the sound if she
had tried. “Yes, Sir, that feels amazing,” she told him with a moan.
“So very good.”
His teasing her body was something that she
hadn’t ever experienced before, the feelings of his lips and
against her intimate folds causing her to gasp over and over again.

felt him shifting around, then
the press of his fingers to open her pussy more to his view, baring everything.
let out a breath when his gaze dipped down to
take everything in. With a low murmur of something she didn’t understand, he
put his mouth onto her fully, his tongue sliding along her slit in a leisurely
move. His eyes drifted closed. The low growl he let out had a shiver racing
over her body.

She shuddered and arched
slightly. A sob tore from her lips when his mouth finally closed over her wet
slit. The low growl, however, was what had her sobbing loudly. “
, Sir,” she cried loudly and tossed her head from
side to side.

His tongue pressed into her
opening, stroking her in quick little flicks. He wrapped his hands around her
thighs for a moment, squeezing her quivering muscles, before he moved them over
her flesh. One slid up to toy with her aching nipples, and the other moved to
replace his mouth when he latched onto her clit. Strong pulls from his mouth
matched the playful movements of his finger in and out of her body.

had never allowed anyone to be
this intimate with her. She licked her lips and arched slightly so that she was
able to press her nipples against his hand. Pleasure rolled through her as his
fingers pushed in and out of her body and his mouth teased her clit.

bit her clit lightly,
lifted his head. Twisting his hand, he pressed his
thumb to her clit and drove his fingers deeper into her pussy. He seemed to be
focused on her nipple though, teasing the tight bud and driving her levels of
insanity higher.

Biting her lip,
closed her eyes and simply felt. She was rocking
hand, moving closer to her impending
orgasm. “Please, Sir, may I orgasm?” She was panting, the pleasure right there
on the edge, only her fragile control keeping her from climaxing.

Look at me,” he demanded. “Look
at me,
. I want to see how close you are, to
watch you when you finally go over. You’re so responsive to the smallest
I need to see you as you fall apart.”

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