Adduné - the Vampire's Game (71 page)

Read Adduné - the Vampire's Game Online

Authors: Wendy Potocki

Tags: #Fiction, #Horror

BOOK: Adduné - the Vampire's Game
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He remembered that ghastly creature – Peter Adduné – coming to his home on a pretext. Why couldn’t he have talked to Figgs? Or Pinckus? Or even Connie? As Reginald learned, all it takes is someone to put a bug in your ear for you to start imagining things all on your own. Miranda had been right about that one. It could easily have happened.


He got up from the chair and sat next to his wife. He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him. She rested her head on his broad shoulder and wrapped her arms around the waist that he tried so hard to keep from growing bigger. He kissed the top of her head.


Bonnie, you haven’t been having any bad dreams, have you?”


No, darling. Only good ones of you and me and how happy we are.”


She turned her face up towards him. Her sparkling blue eyes danced with affection.


We are happy, aren’t we, Reginald?” she asked breathlessly.


Yes, Bonnie. Deliriously and deliciously,” he said before giving her a long, ardent kiss that lasted long into the night.












After ending the call to Reginald, Miranda retreated to the balcony. She put off the inevitable – telling her mother. Instead, she sat like a coward with her head on her hands on the chaise lounge. She thought the fresh air would do her good, but it did nothing to clear her clouded thoughts. She tried to imagine her mother’s reaction to what she’d done. She couldn’t tell her. Her mother had been the epitome of decorum and comported herself with dignity at all times. Even in her raucous days of modeling in New York City. The times had been pretty swinging, but not her mother. She considered modeling a business and never deviated from approaching it from a professional standpoint. Her attitude made it possible for her to escape nefarious photographer’s clutches. She’d never gotten caught up in lover’s trysts and scandals. Luckily, she’d soon met her future husband who’d scooped her out of that scene fraught with pitfalls.


Miranda caught herself. It wasn’t luck. Her mother had chosen her life. She had taken responsibility for her actions, and her actions directly played into the life that she alone should take complete credit for creating. Giving any credence to luck was ridiculous as was acting as if things fall out of the sky. They didn’t. We create our reality. We choose the life we want to lead.


There you are!” Tiffany yawned stepping into the bright sunlight.


Because she’d been sitting on the balcony, she didn’t know that Tiffany was up and about. Miranda picked her head up and saw her friend looking better than anyone had the right to look that early in the morning – especially after having had very little sleep.


Oy vey!” was the only thing Miranda could answer in response.


Tiffany laughed. She walked over and leaned down over Miranda. She gave her a friendly hug and tickled her under her ribs. “Is that the best you can do?”


Miranda tried to grab for Tiffany’s hands, but couldn’t find them nor prevent them finding all the susceptible spots for a sneak attack. Miranda laughed while crying inside. “You are in trouble now! Making me laugh when my life is collapsing around me.”


Tiffany backed away and stretched out on an outdoor chair. She threw her head back and let the sun beat down on it. “Is that what’s happening?”


Worse. He was a cad and couldn’t wait to put me up for public viewing. You were so totally right about him. No more excuses.”


Tiffany opened one eye and squinted through it at Miranda. “I know, chickie. I did a web search before I came out here. Next time you ask me
you sleep with someone.”


You think I’m ever going to have sex again? Not likely!” Miranda said putting her hands up and making a giant X with her forearms.


The remark elicited a smile. Tiffany shielded her face with one hand. “You say that now, but you’ll be back for more with someone that is going to be a hell of a lot nicer than this jerkinheimer. May his dick fall off in the toilet and may it be flushed to kingdom come. Or at least into the sewers where a crocodile can eat it.”


Probably film that also. Provided it falls off when he’s spanking his next victim.”


You have breakfast?”


No, just coffee.”


Good. I think I’ll run out and get some of these little cheesy, chocolaty croissants at this place down the block.”


Great! Why not add gluttony to my wealth of sins? Shamed and soon-to-be fat. That Miranda Perry is going nowhere fast! Well, at least I’m eating the fattening stuff now – after my film debut. My brother says I have a lot of takers amongst his friends. Nice to know my dance card will be filled.”


Yeah, I’ve met some of Chase’s friends! The ones that are interested probably all have cameras hidden in their closets.”


I’ll do a surveillance sweep. I wonder if there’s such a thing as camera sniffing dogs?”


Well, if there isn’t, there should be. I take it that you’ve talked to your brother then? I hope he acted like the loving brother that he is and not a schmuck?”


Yes, on both counts. He was actually human for a change. He did manage to give me a rousing bad time about it though.”


Of course! That’s what brothers are for! All mine would do the same. I think they would beat up any of their friends that they knew watched though.”


Yes, unfortunately Chase is totally non-violent. Oh, except for the offer of putting a hit out on Peter.”


I hope you took him up on that!”


I’m considering it. Then there’s calling my mother. I have to tell her before anyone else does, but it is just so hard!”


Tiffany pushed herself up to a seated position.


Miranda, that would be difficult for anyone so don’t be too hard on yourself. We all love you and sex is a normal thing. You didn’t know it was being filmed and can’t possibly be held responsible for making a bad choice in men. I think 99% of women have gotten involved with a loser at least once.”


All I know is that I will listen to you from now on. And no more blanking out when you’re talking to me either. If I hadn’t, I’d have heard about the surreptitious videotaping.”


Now that part you should be ashamed about. Everyone should stop doing everything when I speak!”


They both laughed. Miranda suddenly stopped.


You know, I seem to recall there was another time, recently, that I did the same thing,” Miranda said suddenly thoughtful and trying to prod her memory.


When was that?”


After that dinner I had with Stroker. When we were at the table, but I just don’t remember. You were saying something and I cut you off. Probably by saying something completely idiotic when I should have been listening to you. What the devil was it?”


It wasn’t E = mc
?” Tiffany asked with a wry grin.


No! That one I know unless you’ve had time to revise it.”


Look, you keep thinking. Me? I’m going to throw something on. Can’t go out in this,” she said tugging at her cropped, semi-transparent top.


Aw, why not! Compared to what I was filmed in, you look positively overdressed.”


Tiffany mussed up Miranda’s hair and kissed her on her forehead.


Be right back, chickie, with the goodies.”


Miranda took a deep breath and hit speed dial. Like it or not, she was facing up to her mistakes.




Hi, mommy. Sorry to call you so late. Hope I didn’t wake you.”


No, not at all, dear. I was just doing some late night reading. How are you, Miranda? Having a good time in New York?”


I was.”


That sounds ominous. What happened? I hope not a fight with Tiffany.”


No, no! Tiffany and I are friends forever.”


Not problems with the exhibit?”


No, the exhibit came off without a hitch. Which reminds me, I have to check on Jake.”




Jake Monroe.”


Oh, yes, I remember. Is he ill? Or hurt?”


Ill. Happened suddenly and landed in the hospital.”


Hospital? That is serious.”


Yes,” Miranda said knowing she was avoiding the issue, “and so is what I’m calling you about.”


Miranda, dear, you’re scaring me. You’re not ill are you?”


If you mean sick to my stomach, I’m afraid I am. But it has more to do with my behavior.”


There was lilting laughter from the other side of the ocean. “Your behavior? Darling, you never do anything wrong!”


Well, you won’t be able to say that about your darling daughter any longer. I’m afraid I screwed up – royally. Mommy, I am so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am that I’m bringing this to your doorstep.”


It can’t be all that bad, darling. I think I know my little girl.”


I don’t think you do, mommy. And yes, it is that bad. I met this man – at the exhibit opening in Fairfield. And, he showed up in New York and …”


Miranda took another deep breath. She was finding this even more difficult than she imagined.


It sounds promising! Is he a good-looking, nice man?”


No! He looks like a hyena and has bad breath. And he’s a complete bastard to boot!”


Just your type, then?” her mother teased.


You mean, you know that about me, too?”


Of course, darling. You have perfectly dreadful taste when it comes to men. Everyone knows that.”


Miranda threw her hand up in the air.


But why … why didn’t you …”


Ever say anything?”




What good would it have done? The worst thing is for parents to interfere in their children’s choices. Only makes them do it more. You’re a smart girl. I figured you’d learn on your own.”


Well, you should have tied me up! Or imprisoned me!”


Constance laughed at her daughter. She always enjoyed Miranda’s sparkling wit. She loved her daughter so much. She’d grown up to be such a talented, engaging, charming girl. If only Miranda could see what others saw, she’d never take up with a scoundrel again. She’d know she was worth so much more than what these cads offered her.


I will arrange for some rope and a key. Feel better?”


Not really. Then again, getting tied and locked up are about the only things I didn’t do.”


I see,” Constance said pausing, “I think this is becoming clearer. Are you pregnant, dear? Is that what you’re trying to say?”


I wish. I mean, usually that would be a huge problem, but an innocent little, bouncing baby doesn’t sound like the biggest mistake in the world right now.”


Miranda stopped. She was gathering her thoughts and choosing her words, but which ones to use? Which ones would express her deep remorse?


Okay, here goes. He was in New York and we met … again … at this club … and one thing led to another … and we had sex.”


At the club?” her mother asked hesitantly. Miranda knew it was because she was shocked.


Yes, at the club – in a private room – that had a security camera. And, we were taped and … the tape was stolen by this idiot, and … the tape is now up on the internet.”


Miranda waited for a response that was not forthcoming. She wondered if her mother had fainted deadaway or whether she didn’t understand.


Mom? Mommy? I hope you’re still breathing because, in case I wasn’t clear, the tape shows everything! I mean, everything! I was nude and being spanked and taken from all sides. Oh, mommy! Please do say something! Yell at me! Call me a slut! Something!”

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