Addictions of a Sex Demon

BOOK: Addictions of a Sex Demon
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Addictions of a Sex




Jaye Shields



Addictions of a Sex Demon

Copyright © 2013, Jaye Shields

ISBN:  9781937325510

Publisher: Beachwalk Press, Inc.

Electronic Publication: February,

Editor: Leigh Lamb

Cover: Fantasia Frog Designs


eBooks are not transferable. No part
of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission, except in
the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews.


This book is a work of fiction and
any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is
purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination
and used fictitiously.


Back Cover Copy


Sephina is about to trade one addiction for another—and his
name is Axel.

Sephina Antara has gotten into a lot of trouble as a sex
demon with a drug addiction. Moving to a new village was supposed to help her
get clean. But when she relapses, it comes with a side of hot dragon man.

Axel Stavros may be a drug dealer, but he’s also the town
healer. Half-human, half-dragon, his blood can cure just about anything, but it
has some erotic side effects for its user, as the new beauty in town is about
to find out…


Content Warning: graphic language, hot foreplay, and even
hotter sex, including light bondage and some girl-on-girl action.




As always, this book is certainly dedicated to my mother. Mom,
I will take every dedication in every book of my career to thank you for being my
champion, my number one fan, and of course, the best mother one could hope for.
I love you.

To the rest of my family, thank you for your constant,
unconditional love.

To the demon of first kisses: J.G.C.

For the fans, you have a huge piece of my heart. Thank you so
much for loving my Sex Demons as much as I do.



An enormous thank you to Pamela Tyner, the incredible lady
in my corner and the visionary behind Beachwalk Press.

For my editor, Leigh Lamb, I adore you. I consider you my
champion and my friend.

And of course, to my beloved crit partners who told me
whether or not this story sucked, Maggie Amada and Lisa Posillico-Filipe.

Since this is the conclusion of my trilogy, I’d like to take
a moment and thank the blogs who help spread the word about my very first
Confessions of a Sex Demon
. A big shout out goes to A Tasty
Read, Unwrapping Romance, and Scandalicious Reviews for giving me a wonderful
start to my first release day back in September 2012.


Chapter 1


Axel Stavros inhaled the spicy, cinnamon-twanged smoke as he
listened in on the conversation unfolding in the dark alley. The fiery cloud
filling his lungs was a pleasure in which he seldom indulged. As a doctor, he
knew it wasn’t a healthy habit. As a dragon demon, he didn’t give a damn. After
all, if there had to be a perk to being the rare demon breed known as the
quetzalem, surely it was having insides charbroiled to perfection and an outer
body built to house fire and brimstone. So, one narcotic smoke now and then
wouldn’t kill him.

“I’ll end you, motherfucker.” The low growl bounced off the
walls of the alley toward Axel. Enveloped by the shadows, he could easily
continue to remain unseen, his steel skin tone effortlessly fading into the

When a pained cry followed the cruel words, Axel stepped out
of the darkness toward the obvious escalation of a drug deal gone wrong.

“Find yourself elsewhere, stranger.” The demon speaking was
over eight feet tall and fairly human looking, save for two green horns
escaping through a short crop of red hair. The extra foot added to his
opponent’s height by the pointy lances didn’t intimidate Axel. The gun directed
at him did. But only a little.

Axel took another long drag of his smoke and blew the red
haze toward the demon before offering a warning. “I’m the only dealer in this
town. It is you who should find yourself elsewhere.”

His opponent’s gun still dripped with blood from where it
had been used to knock the villager to the ground. Axel eyed the weapon. In
response, his soft flesh hardened into thick scales. Although they usually gave
him the edge in a fight, he rarely took chances with firearms. Getting shot was
no fun.

Axel dragged his smoke against the nearby wall and put the
remainder of the extinguished blunt in his back pocket. “I can see you are a
traveler. I’ll give you one more chance to leave my town. Now.”

“Fuck you.” Horn Boy cocked the gun, but not before liquid
heat billowed up Axel’s throat. Red-hot spirals burst forward over five feet,
closing the distance between them.

As the dealer fell, grasping at his face and screaming in
agony, Axel swallowed the flames and smiled.
Nothin’ like being the good
Although the demon with bubbling flesh on the ground probably didn’t

“Thanks, man.”

Axel turned and glared at the villager on the ground. Just
last week he’d denied him access to Charred Freesia, a downer with some very
aggressive side effects. He would not allow violence in his town. A perk of
being the only dealer—controlling what came in and out of the city. “The next
time I catch you going behind my back, you’ll feel the same heat. I doubt your
tender, human flesh will recover as nicely as that horned scum over there.”

The villager nodded, fumbling to his feet in a rush. He ran
off into the town clutching his still bleeding forehead from where the demon
had hit him with the gun.

As the horned chump continued to writhe on the ground, Axel
strode toward him and reached down to grab him by the throat. The burning flesh
would have seared into human skin, but as a dragon demon, he welcomed the hot
brand. “You. I never want to see you in this city again. Leave Orescia and do
not come back.” Choking the creature with one hand until he gasped for air,
Axel dragged his other wrist over one of the sharp scales jutting out from his
own body. Blood formed in a thin, crimson line and he shoved it against the
demon dealer’s mouth. “To ensure you never find yourself in these parts again.”

He forced his livelihood down the brute’s throat; the other
perk of being a quetzalem was blood that held very unique abilities when
consumed. If a woman drank of a quetzalem she’d experience intense dreams of
pleasure. In contrast, if a man consumed the blood of a dragon demon, he’d be
haunted by terrifying nightmares of violence and unnaturally submissive to the
particular dragon demon. Just a bit of insurance that the guy would not return.

Turning away from the scene, Axel made his way back into the
heart of town, where he lived. Tomorrow would be a long day. The cooling chill
of a dragon’s heat was almost upon him. The goose bumps taking over his skin
meant it was nearly that time of the year when only constant climax could
refuel the brimstone within his body. Yes, it was going to be a long week indeed.

* * * *

The town may have been foreign to Sephina Antara, but all
dark alleys looked the same. The rank stench of vomit, urine, and unidentified
demon filth made her nose wrinkle. Her fingers shook beyond control, so she
jammed them into her back pockets. Her hands trembled, but not from fear. No,
there were things far worse than the scumbags she knew hung out in deserted
back streets. For starters, the hollow feeling carving away the inside of her
stomach and the sensation of tiny needles stabbing at her skin. Her greatest
tormentor was the withdrawal eating away at her body.

“Greetings, little fairy.” The low voice sneered at her and
Sephina spied the figure lurking not too far away by a large dumpster—the kind
that tiny bodies like hers got thrown into, the kind she’d been found slumped
against, passed out on, and puking into on many occasions. Those were not her
finest moments. Neither was this.

“Enough with the sweet talk. I’d like three palms of ground
fae wing.” Her voice shook, but only a little.
Nothing a little powder won’t

“That won’t be cheap.”

“Then you’re in a good business, aren’t you?” She glared at
him and drove her trembling fingers through her hair.
Don’t let him see how
badly you need it.

“I’d recognize eyes like that anywhere, sex demon.”

“That’s succubus to you,” she snapped back at him as chills
laced over her usually hot body temperature. Her forehead tickled as beads of
sweat formed. The effects of withdrawal were nothing new to her. This time
she’d been sober a whole month. She had almost made the hurdle since her last
dangerous relapse.

“I’ve met a sex demon before, I was not disappointed.” The
human leered at her through the darkness.

Seph walked up to the dealer and grabbed his crotch. Her
quivering fingers squeezed tight until he choked in pain. She wasn’t one of the
strong breeds of demon, but she was desperate. “I don’t fuck my dealers.” She
released him to reach into her back pocket and pull out a large roll of cash.

The human eyed the money before extracting her purchase from
the depths of his trench coat. “If you change your mind, my balls might be
recovered in about an hour.”

She started to walk away, but paused to glance over her
shoulder through the dark alley and at the supplier within it. “In an hour,
you’ll already be forgotten.”

Turning the corner and hurrying back through town, Sephina
tried to recall the way she’d come. Her small family was only in the city for
one night. They wouldn’t reach their final destination for another two days’
travel. Her eyes darted around the city, desperately seeking out a safe place
to use. Impatience got the best of her, pain searing through her brain from
need. Her entire body shook, clammy with sweat, yet she was freezing.

Sephina slumped down into an alley and pulled
out the small baggie. The powder was so fine it was nearly invisible, save for
a shiny rainbow-like glint. Ground fae wing was the strongest drug available in
the realm and the only thing that could make Sephina’s nightmares stop. Tonight
she would disappoint her family, and betray herself, in order to forget for
just one night. She wanted the pain to stop.

* * * *

The next day, Sephina waltzed into the room where her
makeshift family had stayed for the night. In the bedroom slept her older
sister, Zahra, and Zahra’s soon-to-be husband, Lennox. Zahra wasn’t actually
Seph’s flesh and blood. In the town where they both grew up, Sephina and Zahra
were from the only sex demon families in the village. Zahra knew the horrors of
Seph’s home life and forced her to move in with her when she was only fifteen.
Thank gods, because her father was a vile excuse for a creature.

“Good morning! I made you guys breakfast in bed.” Sephina
beamed at her sister and almost brother-in-law who lay tangled in the sheets

Zahra uncurled from within the nook of Lennox’s strong arms.
The blankets dropped lower and she clutched the blanket against her chest, her
ample cleavage becoming more prominent. Nothing Seph hadn’t seen before, but
Lennox, a human, still wasn’t completely used to being surrounded by succubi
and became a slave to a light pink flushing his cheeks.

“Smells delicious.” Zahra stuck her nose into the air to
take a couple more whiffs of the approaching breakfast.

“I found some pheasant eggs at the town’s market, so I made
egg-soaked toast smothered in ginger cream.” Sephina set the plates down on
Zahra and Lennox’s laps. “Oh boy, looks like Lennox has a hard top of his own.
No need for a tray here, I suppose.” Lennox blushed even more and sent a glare
her way. Sephina knew he loved her though.

“Seph, this looks delicious. Even this bit.” Zahra chuckled
and dragged her finger across Sephina’s cheek, retrieving a dollop of ginger
cream Seph hadn’t realized had splattered onto her face. “Yum!”

Lennox pulled the covers closer to his muscular chest,
grabbed a fork, and dug in. “You look well this morning. Your color is
beginning to return. I am glad for it.”

Seph nodded, too ashamed to speak. She’d thought about
leaving her family to avoid disappointing them in the future, but Zahra and
Lennox were all she had. They were the only thing standing between her and the
addiction that could someday kill her. Using had already gotten her into many
situations that were worse than death.

“Go ahead and try it already.” Successful subject change.

Zahra spooned a bit of the moist bread into her mouth. “Of
course a succubi’s food would be orgasmic.”

Seph couldn’t help but beam. She might be a complete
disappointment most of the time, but the little things got her through, like
making her family smile. If pheasant-baked toast was the only way she could do
that, then so be it.

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