Addicted to Nick (14 page)

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Authors: Bronwyn Jameson

BOOK: Addicted to Nick
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“Oh, I think it might be worth it.”

He sobered instantly, and she could feel the intensity of his gaze from across the cab. “You still haven't answered my question. Do you want to be tied to me?”

“I do.” She smiled hesitantly. “But only in whatever way you want that to be. I know that I'm difficult, and I know I don't like change, and I know I'm not always courageous.”

He stopped her by taking her hand, lifting it to his lips. “It took a whole lot of courage to do what you did tonight, Tamara.”

“Maybe, but I'm no prize, and I don't want you to think you owe me anything.”

This time he stopped her by kissing her lips.

“Will you stop prevaricating and get to the point? Do you love me? Is that what you are trying to say? Because that sure as hell is all I want to hear from you, sweet lips.”

But the look in his eyes gave the lie to the frustration in his words. They were smiling and offering exactly the right dose of encouragement. They invited her; they coaxed her; they gave her courage.

“I love you, Nick, but that doesn't mean you have to—”

“I love you, okay? Now will you stop trying to let me off the hook?” His touched a gentle finger to her lips. “You're what I've been searching for.”

“The ultimate challenge?” she asked wryly.

He laughed, the sound low and sweet and jammed full of his feelings for her. “Well, sweetheart, I figure you are looking like one hell of a lifetime challenge.” Then his eyes turned serious. “But I meant I'd been searching for the place I belonged. You are that place, Tamara. You are my home. I love you, green eyes.”

Tears pooled in those eyes and spilled over, sliding down her cheeks as Nick took her mouth, as he kissed her in the way only he knew how, and she didn't bother hiding them. She let them fall as she kissed him back, as she touched his cheeks, his hair, as she breathed against his lips, “Welcome home, Niccolo.”

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0318-1


Copyright © 2001 by Bronwyn Turner

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