Addicted In Cold Blood (51 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

BOOK: Addicted In Cold Blood
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Since the women’s breeding time was easily measured, unwanted pregnancies rarely occurred. It was a once a year occurrence, with tell-tell signs. Their world was much different. He was alone and had a horrible time trying to explain why his family couldn’t attend. His father-in-law dug deep, still mistrustful, and he couldn’t blame him. He did the best he could, however, and it would have to suffice. He let everyone know that they were in
Columbia, sent their well wishes and hoped to meet everyone soon, but it was a lie, an awful lie that he felt compelled to say. Truth of the matter, his parents never made any attempt to contact him after the trial debacle and he wasn’t even sure if they knew about the baby or wedding in the first place. If they were alerted of the circumstances, he was not convinced it would change his position with them.

He was in love with a human being—that within itself was a double whammy...

She was human,
he was in love...

He’d dropped his mission to be with her and he threatened Zarkstormian lives, including the revered Aton’s. His parents didn’t understand; how could they? But as his sentimentalities ripened and developed over time, he couldn’t imagine not loving his own child, especially now that he knew what it felt like to adore another being. He’d already formed a bond with the baby, and he was in awe at how Jayme’s body was changing. She was stunning, breath taking. She took his breath away—and the damn glow about her, he found it highly intoxicating and sexy. He could barely keep his hands off of her, as if he could beforehand... Pregnancy suited her. Never mind that they were making history. Yet, there was still a white elephant in the room.

The missions...

He had to go through with it. His race was nearing extinction and unfortunately, a part of him still wanted to finish, because was simply who he was. The warrior in him propelled him, but his newfound emotions drove him to think about things in a whole new way. He spent the evenings while she slept experimenting and running new formulas, and in the daytime, he read and studied. To appease Aton, prove he was a man of his word, he’d already taken out a man that was drug trafficking such vast amounts of crack cocaine, there was no way
possible that the airline personnel had not been aware of it.

People were being paid hush money, and it sickened him that the brute responsible even had young children strapped with dope. He enjoyed watching the man’s blood leak into the cracks of the uneven concrete—it awoke his dormant lust for vindication. This time, however, he was honest with his mate. As he got dressed, sliding on his black T-shirt and jeans, pulling down his black hoodie and lacing up his shoes, his laser given a ‘sound check’, he let her know in no uncertain terms that he was leaving the house to kill, and would be back in time for dinner.

He’d never forget her facial expression. A look of disbelief, remorse and disgust but...there was also love. That was the part he needed. It wasn’t required that she like it, but he did need her to accept it. They’d been through the discussions time and time again, and she understood. Besides, this wouldn’t continue forever, it was just to get things under control.

It was an uphill battle because the core of the issue had never been addressed.
Something she had told him a while ago, and she’d been right.

But his people were dying, and sacrifices had to be made...

All of those thoughts soon dissipated as the bend of his arm was gently caught by his soon to be father-in-law, who ushered him toward the front of church.

“It’s time.” The tall minister smiled, this time, without judgment in his eyes. He simply led his son-in-law inside to give away his daughter and though he knew the man would never admit that he was happy, he was. Xzion could see it on his face.




Jayson stood next to Xzion. Xzion’s fingers twitched at his side, brushing against the soft fabric of his best man’s pant leg. Jayson was Xzion’s best man, Jayme’s brother and best friend—and he’d come through. The father’s reaction was grave, but he didn’t make a fuss. Xzion needed Jayson, and the older man kept the peace. If he had twenty groomsmen, he’d still want Jayson as his best man. He owed so much to him, and liked him, too.

Jayson grinned and smoothed out his jacket. He must’ve seen Xzion’s awed expression, the one he had upon spotting Jayme walking down the aisle. Her father let go of her arm and took his place in front of them to recite their traditional vows. Xzion wished he could speak to her in his native tongue, tell her some of the old warrior poems about marriage that he’d read—the beautiful words, dripping with passion and burning desire—but right then, wasn’t the time.

The wedding continued, the rings exchanged amid tear-filled eyes and gentle smiles.

“...And I understand you wrote something for Jayme?” her father asked, his cheeks high from his huge grin.

“Yes.” Xzion looked into her beautiful, dark eyes. His gaze briefly drifted to her rounded midsection, and his heart swelled with even more love as he glanced back up at her and took her hand in his.

“You held my heart captive,” he began. He shot her a knowing look and she cleared her throat, no doubt bracing herself for what was to come. “You and I crossed paths many chilly nights before we truly connected. Jayme, you changed my whole outlook, showed me what love is, and that I was deserving to have it in my life. You melted the ice from my icy heart, showed me wonders I’d never seen or witnessed before in my entire existence.

“Though our initial contact may have been under fire, our love bloomed and grew to maturity until we were both consumed in the flame you laid before me. Thank you for becoming my wife today...thank you for breaking and entering into my heart,” he winked at her, causing her to gently laugh and blush, “... and for teaching me what living is all about.”

Everyone ahhed while Jayme tilted her head to the side and quickly wiped a falling tear.

Soon, they were instructed to kiss. Xzion lifted her face slowly upward and brought her softly parted lips to his. Cocking his head to the right, he leaned to her and let his mouth meet hers. Then, unable to resist, he slid his tongue inside. She reciprocated as he delicately wrapped his hands around her waist, feeling the lace of her long gown. With all of his might, he forced himself away, though his lips still seared from her caress.

Applause rang out as he took her hand, turned toward her family and friends, and walked down the aisle, finally, as husband and wife.




“When did you have time to do this? You were at the church all day...or were you?” Jayme’s brow rose as he carried her over the threshold.

Xzion laughed as he placed her on her feet, and enjoyed her amazed expression upon seeing the fragrant petal covered floor and hallway. He unhooked and unzipped her dress until it gaped open to her waist. Walking around, she let out delighted shrieks at the romantic scene. There must’ve been millions of them—white and pink fresh rose petals lined the baseboards and lit, strawberry scented candles were placed strategically around, creating swaying, hot flame shadows that accompanied the soft music that played.

He slid his hands casually in his pant pocket and leaned languidly against the white living room wall. Looking over her shoulder through the sheerness of her white veil, her dark eyes met his and her lips curved into a seductive smile. She licked her upper lip, reached for her dress sleeve and began to slowly push it down. He crossed his arms, enjoying the strip tease. Smiling, he watched her twirl and gyrate, the gown, shoes and bra now on the floor. Reaching up to her pinned up hair, she let the dark tresses loose, spiraling down like unraveling black ribbons that brushed softly against her shoulders. His eyes moved down to her areolas, darkened from her pregnancy and turning him on even further. His erection strained against his pants.

That’s right. Take it off, take it all off...

She slowly twirled and swung to the music, teasing him, working him up into a manic frenzy. Bending playfully at the waist, hands on knees, she shook her ass, giving him an eyeful of her clean-shaven pussy lips.

He ran his hand over his groin. Moments later, his clothing was in a heap beside his bare right foot.

Keep shaking that ass, baby.I can’t wait to slide this dick inside you...

His breathing grew labored and his body more heated. Having had enough, he unceremoniously picked her up—bringing forth tinkling laughter and more shrieks—and marched to their bedroom, where more petals and candles had been placed. He laid her among the red petals sprinkled along the bed, and followed her eyes as she peered at the heart-shaped ice cubes in the nearby wine flutes.

“They aren’t melted...but it’s not cold in here.” She turned back to him, confused.

“I know...” was all he offered. They were a wedding gift from home. He didn’t have time to get into a universal chemistry lesson, he’d explain later, but the gorgeous little things would last approximately twenty-four hours in a solid state, just enough time for him to make love to her until his body rebelled and begged for a rest...

Wrapping her hands around his neck, she pulled him down. He settled to her side, his body flush against hers. The intensity built, the emotions so deep, dull chest pains echoed from beneath his flesh. After a first peck on her sweet, soft lips, he kissed her harder until soon,  her tongue was inside of his mouth, probing, traveling against the hot fleshiness of his tongue. He ran his hands up and down her body, anticipating this wedding night, wanting it to match exactly what was inside of him.  “88 Ways to Love” by Jazz musician Marcus Johnson began to play, followed by Brian Culbertson’s, “Lights Off”.

He cupped her face with both of his hands, closed his eyes and pushed his tongue deeper inside of her mouth, soothed by her heat but not tamed. He wanted her so badly; every pore on his skin screamed and called out to her. He pushed her down flat against the bed, his hands roaming against her bared flesh...and then he saw it, a nervous spark in her eye. He found it erotic and titillating, almost as if it were her first time...

She ran her fingers through her messy hair, brushing it back while he caressed her breasts. His fingertips traced the soft, rounded mounds, his thumb plucking her sweet, chocolate nipples. Leaning further down, he engulfed one in his mouth, his eyes still pressed firmly closed as he explored her inner thigh with his palm.

So beautiful, baby...

He looked up at her, his resolve weak as his eyes blurred from the cool moisture building up, webbing his lashes with surprising wetness.

“Do you know how much I love you, baby?”

He took her nipple again in his mouth, making her coo and raise beneath him like a slow-motion ocean tidal wave. Then, he ran his hand back down between her legs, his long fingers pushing against her wet floral folds as he knocked gently against her rose bud with his knuckle. Suddenly, she shifted beneath him. He released her and she pushed him down, taking the lead, and his small nipple into her mouth.

“Mmmmm,” he moaned as her hands went slowly up and down his naked body. She sat up, and he followed suit, kneeling between her open legs. They kept on kissing him while they explored each other’s bodies, then he laid her down on her back, kissed her neck, collar bone and breasts as she massaged his back, sighing, emitting light, airy whimpers that propelled him forward in the sensual, lust-filled abyss. Her nipple grazed against his chest. He urgently flicked the tip of his tongue over it before making his way further and further down.

Xzion hooked his right arm around her thigh, letting his fingers roam and brush against her pussy. Looking lazily up at her, he opened her thighs as far apart as they’d go. His excitement rose to fever pitch then crashed and burned soon after when she snatched her legs closed. She kept at it...teasing him...playing with trouble.

“Don’t play with me right now, Jayme...”

He didn’t sound nice, but he could see from her facial expression she didn’t care—she had his ass by the balls. She smiled slyly as she kept those gorgeous thighs clamped shut. He looked away and grinned, forcing down what he really wanted to say. It was their wedding night after all; he was trying to keep things light, airy...pretty...but he didn’t want to fuck

He waited a couple of seconds. She squirmed about, still wearing that taunting grin, like a bully in a schoolyard.

Impatience knocked on his door. He reached for her, prepared to rip her damn legs open, but that was too easy...

“Spread your fucking legs wide open and let me lick all over your pussy. I’m


Her mouth opened but no sound came out; she was wishing...waiting...her pussy practically begging...

She grinned as she roughly ran her fingers over his shoulder.

He dropped on his stomach, daring her to go against what he told her to do. He wasn’t playing with her...

Give it to


Without a moment to lose, he sucked gently at her fleshy creases, his bottom lip bumping against her velvety entrance. He glanced up at her occasionally, working his tongue faster and faster over her saturated pussy, her moaning growing louder as the heel of her feet rested on the top of his heavily tattooed back.

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