Addicted In Cold Blood (32 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

BOOK: Addicted In Cold Blood
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His moaning grew louder, drawing her from her thoughts. She looked into his eyes, no longer bothered by the right one, now that she knew what it was. She strained to look between their bodies as he moved away from her, before he prepared to lunge even deeper inside of her with each beautiful pound. Pressing her hand against his taut stomach, she held him back when her curiosity peaked. He opened his eyes and stared down at her in wonder.

“What?” he finally uttered, his right eye focused on her. Now, he didn’t hide what it did. For the first time in her life, she felt slightly bashful about sex. Something so normal and natural—she’d never had a hard time with it before, but with him, she felt like a kid. She smiled, feeling goofy as a small laugh escaped her. He smiled back, his muscles relaxed against her. “What is it, baby?”

He picked up her hand and kissed it.

“I want...”

“ see my dick.” He finished the sentence for her, the smile turning wicked.

He is enjoying this shit.
He likes that I’m blushing.

Taking it slow, he pulled the rest of the way out of her and got on his knees, allowing her to get an eyeful.

It looks completely normal...what the hell was I expecting? Of course it looks normal. Nice size, too, just as I thought...a beautiful big dick. Damn.

She licked her lips in appreciation.

It matched the rest of his skin, but a shade lighter, with veins, thick and knotty, along the impressive length nestled on trimmed black pubic hair. His balls were soft to her touch. She ran her finger along them, but he waved her off impatiently and got back down on top of her, pinning her to the bed with singular purpose as he quickly re-entered her. Both gasped and clawed at one another as her pussy surrounded his vigorously pumping shaft during the sweet invasion. He reached down, cupping her ass cheeks, forcing her to meet his thrusts over and over.

As his need grew, the thrusts grew more urgent, making the bed to squeak under them. She held onto his plunging hips, where the muscles tensed and relaxed each time he entered her and withdrew. He increased his pace, driving her crazy, opening her further, making her cum again. This time, the pussy floodgates were wide open.

“Xzion! Mmmm! Oh God, oh God!” Her head hit the headboard, but she didn’t care, lost as she was, floating somewhere in outer space. Placing his arm over her head to cushion her crown, he continued to thrust deep inside of her, shoving her body to the brink, over and over again. She dared to look at him, and he was a sight to behold. Frightening the shit out of her. The intensity looked murderous, but Lord, it turned her on...

He doesn’t try to be sexy, he just is!

“You want more of my cock? Let me give you
,” he slurred, bumping against her with all of his might, fucking her hard and fast. His face flushed as he rode her hard, making her feel each dynamic blow.

“Ahhh! Jayme! Ahhh!” he said close to her ear. “I love how I feel inside of you...Ahhh!”


“Oh God, Jayme, I can’t...hold it...anymore! You’re making me lose it! Ahhh!” His eyes pressed close hard, his jaw clenched...

He’s gonna...

She braced herself, wanting to feel him, wanting to know if it, too, would be strangely beautiful...just like the way his cock danced inside of her.

“Mmmmm!” She clawed at his back while he took her there, lunging, pinning, diving, biting...

Her pussy began to fill with coolness, as if liquid peppermint was being delivered deep inside...strangely beautiful, just as she suspected.

“Oh God!” she screamed as she came again.

He kept on, pumping inside of her, releasing his seed—so much of it.

“Ahhh! Shit...” He tensed, then balanced himself on muscular arms to prop himself up. One hand rose to frame her face. The wrist had a strange indentation. She tried to look closer, but he moved it—and he was still cumming deep inside of her...

He seemed to be restraining, trying desperately to stop a runaway horse, but it was too late. She wondered what was on his mind in that moment.

“Ahhh....” He sighed one final time during his last lunge, and fell down on her, his hair slick with sweat. His muscles twitched intermittently.  After a few moments, she gathered her thoughts. He was awake, quietly holding her close, their legs intertwined. Her body felt relaxed, so very relaxed... as if he’d given her a sedative. She couldn’t recall the last time she felt that sexually satisfied, if ever...




Several hours later...


“I need to ask you something.”

Xzion flicked the scrabble square over and smiled at her. They sat naked on the bed. Whoever won this game got to pick the pay-per-view movie that night.

“I enjoyed tonight.”

“I did, too.” He shot her a rascally smile. “But that’s not a question...”

“Do you know how I feel about you?”

Xzion twirled a letter ‘J’ tile in his hand.

“I have an idea.”

“I told you, while we made love, that I love you.”

“And I heard you...loud and clear. The words are nice, but your actions and your body proved it to me. You know that I love you as well.” He picked up another tile. Letter ‘Z’.

He knew where this was going...and he had to think fast. This was the problem. There was a difference between finding someone attractive, and being mesmerized by them—Jayme did the latter to him. He’d never felt this way about a woman before, Earthling or Zarkstormian. He briefly reflected to when he came inside of her, how incredible it felt, the warmth flowing past the skin of his cock as she came...her hot liquor pouring down. This was a
type of heat...and it felt so protective. The Earth girls were always warmer, but she fit him like a glove  and a bond was formed at that moment, one stronger than before. He now felt naked without her. A surge of intense heat raced through him like an aftershock of her passion. She was a part of him now. His body yearned for hers, all over again.

So warm...damn, she was so warm...

He never craved warmth before, that prickly warmth, but now he did—a special blend, made only by her. He couldn’t help but think of their bodies, the differences. Human blood was warmer than theirs; he’d had his share of biology lessons and chemistry, too. Human blood temperature is 38 degrees C or 100.4 degrees F. His blood was 21 degrees C, which aided him greatly, made him an anomaly and perfect for this mission. Regardless of that, he had no information on sexual relations between Zarkstormians and Earthlings. No one ever talked about intimacy because that simply wasn’t supposed to happen between the two. He’d never heard of it happening, but he guessed it had.

It had to have.

Too many Zarkstormians had tried the same assignment before him. Some stayed for over a year, albeit at death’s door, and he found it highly unlikely that none of them engaged in sexual activities while here. Zarkstormians were sexual beings. It was a normal part of their everyday lives. Aton never discussed it with him, and he never brought up the matter. Maybe it was some hidden shame...but he wasn’t ashamed, not in the least.


She snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked down and saw she had spelled the word, “FOREVER.”

Yeah...forever, can we do that? Be like this, forever?

“Well what? I think we know how we feel about each other now. I’m glad it is out in the open.” He continued to stare at his game pieces. He debated on letting her win though he’d already won inside of his mind; he simply hadn’t laid all of his tiles down...

She sat back, with her legs neatly crossed, her pussy wide open for his viewing pleasure.

Don’t do that...You’ll make me throw you down on the bed and take you again...

“Hmmm, that’s odd.” She picked up another tile and looked at the board. “I’m winning.” She grinned and turned back toward the game.

He was relieved the subject was dropped. But what about the next time, and the time after that? And he
planned on a next time... He couldn’t tell her the truth, explain that he was seventeen degrees colder. The look on her face when he let loose, she’d felt that cold...

But that would lead to other questions and he didn’t want to keep lying. Telling her the truth would cause her to believe that he was crazy and if by some off chance she
believe him, she’d surely return to plans of deception and escape—and not being wanted again by her, truly would destroy him. He knew why he kept her there now, it wasn’t just love...he wanted the time to see if
love, the same way he in fact loved her.

And now she did and he refused to jeopardize it, no matter what.

“Let me ask you something.” He smiled at her as she placed another tile down. “What made you decide to become a police officer?”

She perked up. He knew immediately, from her reaction, that she loved her job and welcomed an opportunity to discuss it.

“Well, I was really close to my grandmother. She used to tell me stories about when she worked at the precinct. Funny stories, scary stories, hero stories!” she laughed.

“Your grandmother was a cop?”

“No, not quite. She was a secretary. She’d type up their reports.  She was like the mother hen around there. Everyone loved her, and after the stories she told me and my brother, I knew then, I wanted to be one, Xzion, especially the hero stories where some policeman or woman would save a child. I always had that in me.” She sighed at that, as she drifted into thought.

“I’ve always wanted to help people and I was never afraid, you know? Never afraid to risk my life to help another. You just have to be smart is all, and give a damn. I wanted to help my community, just like my grandmother. She took me and my brother shopping the day before Christmas one year.” She sat a little straighter. “Oh Xzion, you shoulda seen the snow!” He grinned as he watched her smile widen. Her happiness was his happiness. “She’d already moved back to Georgia, that was where she was from originally, but she came up to spend Christmas with us and that snow was almost up to my damn neck!” She laughed. “But I held my plastic shopping bag close; there was a brand new doll baby in there. Jayson had some toy cars. I don’t even recall what else because all I cared about was getting that doll baby home!”

Xzion loved her smile—he loved watching her light up as she talked about the old woman, the day, and how inspired she was.

“But before we got home, she took us into the very first place she worked at as a police secretary. That precinct had merged with another in a new building, but the old place still stood. She took us in there…boy, it was a dump, but you should have seen my grandmama’s face. You would’ve thought it was the Taj Mahal. To me, it looked like a great place to hole away a dead body, preferably an FBI agent’s dead body,” she teased, causing Xzion to smile in understanding.

“That’s what did it—that was the final straw for me, man. I knew, anything that made her that happy, and all those great stories, well, I wanted to be a part of it, too. I bet she is still in that building, somewhere. She loved it just that much. I still go there from time to makes me feel close to her, and it looks just as dismal as it ever did, but that was when I knew for sure, I wanted to be a police officer...right there in that building.”

... I’m never letting you go, Jayme...

He didn’t say it, but his eyes did and she caught his glance. She stared at him, her expression full of meaning and unsaid words. Their bodies slowly moved toward one another, and before he knew it, his arms were around her naked waist, his lips pressed firmly onto hers, and the scrabble pieces tumbling in all directions as he laid her abruptly on her stomach, opened her thighs and pushed deeply inside of her. They moaned, in unison, as his chest pressed into her arching back and they once again became one.

Forever, yes, that’s you and me. Let me be your hero...





Two weeks later...


For two days, he’d ignored Aton’s attempted contacts. He’d murdered one more person in the last couple of weeks, but after that, he couldn’t get out of bed anymore to finish his other assignments—things had gotten hairy and hectic. His last murder was sloppy. Xzion was many things, but disordered wasn’t one of them. The shit was embarrassing. He’d almost been seen and narrowly escaped down the fire escape of the drug dealer’s plush apartment, a blood trail on the bottom of his shoes. He’d had to quickly double back, and clear the evidence. He was in such a hurry to get back to his sexual love nest, he wasn’t thinking straight.

They’d made love so many times, it appeared he was even losing weight—not eating enough and doing the bare essentials to stay alive. He couldn’t stop. She’d get out of the bed to roam about a bit, exercise or simply eat. Now that she had more privileges, he’d grit his teeth, pulling at her nightgown incessantly, trying desperately to get her back under the sheets to consume her once more and swim in her addictive depths. He was draining her, and she was draining him—but she loved him, and he’d never felt anything like that before. He just had to have her...

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