Addicted In Cold Blood (26 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

BOOK: Addicted In Cold Blood
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“Is it okay if I ask you questions?” Jayme looked at him as she placed her menu on the table.

“We’ve been talking, why not? I won’t discuss my job with you though.”

“Okay, fair enough.”

He looked back down at the menu, irritated that there appeared to be no ice cream listed in the dessert section.

“Are your parents still alive?”

He hesitated for a moment, then slowly placed his menu down beside hers. He took a sip of his water with crushed ice, enjoying the cool sensation as it rolled down his throat.

“Yes. Yours?”

“Yeah. My parents are still married. Are yours?”

“Yes.” He coughed into a napkin then stared back at her.

“Do you have any brothers and sisters?”

“I have a sister.” He took another sip of water. “You?”

“A brother, Jayson.”

“Are you close to him?”

“Yes, very much so.” And there came the pain in her expression. He hadn’t seen it in a while, that genuine agony. She missed her brother. He had never missed anyone before, at least, not to the extent that he was currently witnessing. It made him his flesh crawl. Thankfully, he was saved by a much wanted interruption when the waitress took their orders.

What if she tries to signal someone in here, tell them I have her against her will? Well, that’s the chance I took.

He shrugged that off, surprised by his lackadaisical attitude, but he had to be this way to get what he wanted. She kept asking him all the weeks prior, what did he want, well, he knew he had to give something, to get something. That is how his world worked, and hers as well. They were making the deal she’d offered, only, she was a third party in the entire matter. The results would be clear. If she did try to escape or alert someone, he’d have to wipe everyone out, erase the Waffle House tape, well, at least the part where he killed ten or so people and simply go back home...and then Aton would know that he’d gotten himself involved with a woman. And that this was what had brought him down and the entire operation, just like the story of Adam and Eve.

“...And it wasn’t an apple. They didn’t even have that sort of fruit in that part of
Africa at the time...and there were other humans there, too. My ancestors saw them.”


Did I just say that shit out loud?!

He burst out laughing and waved at her, causing her to smile back at him.

“Oh, never mind. I was just thinking of something. Anyway, so tell me about your brother.”

But it was too late, the food came. A platter full of powdered waffles, fried bacon, sunny side up eggs and a bowl The waitress gave Xzion a side-eye glance as she put it before him, asked if they had everything they needed then walked away. He noticed Jayme picking with her food. She showed more interest in his bowl of frozen water, and clearly fought her urge to stare but lost miserably.

“You sure like ice...” she said around a mouthful of syrupy waffles.

She took a sip of her coffee and watched the waitress return with a small bowl of vanilla ice cream.

“You’re in luck. We did have a little ice cream left.” She set it down in front of him, smiled, then walked away.

“You know, you have me looking like a drag queen.” Jayme laughed. “This make-up job you did is crazy. You blend eye shadow well though. The rest, well, don’t quit your day job, whatever that is.” She turned back toward her food, squirming in her booth seat.

“Yeah.” He cleared his throat and plunged his spoon into the bowl of creamy dessert. “Well, can’t have you being spotted.” He smiled weakly at her as they caught each other’s side glance.

Things were more awkward than he’d anticipated. She was more guarded, and appeared to be struggling with something—with what, he wasn’t sure. She kept opening up, then slamming the door closed, as if she were hiding something. It didn’t feel like her typical mind games…no, this was different.

“So, what’s it like in Colombia?”

“It’s beautiful. There is some poverty, as to be expected.” He re-lived his most recent visit there to paint the picture for her. “But there are also beautiful parts, like Villa de Leyva. It’s an old city that maintained it rustic charm—gorgeous.”

“What made you move away?”

Okay, you’re asking too many questions, Miss Officer. Ask me no secrets, I tell you no lies...

Instead, he opted to simply shake his head and smile, making it clear he was evading the question. She cocked her head to the side, her inquisitive nature to the fore. Her lips parted then closed again as she squelched the burning desire to keep on digging. He shook his head again, a friendly warning, and she grinned, took a sip of her coffee and nodded, understanding that he wasn’t going
with her.

“Okay, well, do you like it here?” She smiled wide, this time showing her teeth...all of them perfect but one that resided on the bottom row. It crowded a bit too closely to the others. He liked it, liked that she looked real, unlike the magazine spreads across his living room floor as a youth when he spent hours gleaming at Earth girls, but slightly disgusted with their uniform appearance. He had no idea they’d been airbrushed. When he’d actually arrived, he was pleasantly surprised to see that they were in fact flawed, even more so than his own people, and it warmed his heart.

“It’s okay, you know.” Taking a big scoop of ice-cream into his mouth, he felt slightly orgasmic as it slid down his throat. “Your food isn’t so healthy here, but it’s fine.” He wished he could say more, but then the floodgates would open. He enjoyed speaking with her, conversing, but it always led to somewhere uncomfortable, or to a kiss...a wet, tongue sliding against tongue kiss. His heart sometimes pounded so fast it was almost painful. Then, he reminded himself of his mission. No, not that one, the other one...the one with
He gritted his teeth and pushed forward.

“I, uh, like some of the cars, too. I like the big houses here, especially the ones in
California, next to the palm trees. I also like some of your clubs here,” he said sincerely. “American music is good. I like, what do they call it…” He scratched his head. “Neosoul, yes. And I like some of your R&B, but my favorite, I believe you call it grunge rock.”  He rubbed his hands together. “Not the nicest name, but I like it.” She laughed lightly and he felt his face flush as he fidgeted, unsure where to rest his hands. “Um, and toilet seat covers.”

“Toilet seat covers?” Jayme burst out laughing. “What?”

“Yeah.” He tucked his hands under his armpits and rocked forward, laughing even harder.

I feel like I’m on a first date or somethin’. I read about this shit, like butterflies in my damn stomach, that’s what they call it—cheesy romantic stuff. Last week, too...when we played Candy Land...and she kissed me, pushed her breasts into my chest, damn, that made me so horny, like a damn sixteen year old...

“Yeah, not every place has that. Sometimes, you have to go, you know? And it’s out in public, but you don’t want to sit your bare ass on the damned seat. Awesome invention. I don’t know if it is an American invention, but I’ve seen them available here the most.”

Jayme burst out laughing again and he could see his ref
lection in her big brown eyes. There it was, what he’d been waiting for...she was happy, truly happy. He had made her happy.
did it, and he enjoyed every moment. So he loosened up a bit, scoffed down his ice-cream and waited impatiently for her to finish her meal. He wanted to touch her for his erection rose, insistent, strangled under his jeans.

I guess we’re friends again, huh? Not right now, though. She isn’t quite ready. I’ll tell you when...
and then the tent softened in his pants, slowly subsiding but not before giving him a resounding, ‘fuck you’ from his nether regions...

Now I’m having mental conversations with my dick and he just cursed me out.Jesus, I need to get out more...




“Wait, how does it go again?” The gleam of her smile lit the night as they walked arm in arm along the street. Her blond wig blew in the slight breeze, and a swirl of cool air escaped her lips, those perfect lips he kept longing to touch with his own.

“Okay, one more time—it goes like this, ‘Three little men in a flying saucer flew ’round the world one day. They looked left and right but they didn't like the sight, so one man flew away...’ and then it just keeps going until all the men are gone.”

“How cute! Strange, but cute. Your mom sung that to you?”

“Yes.” He sighed, trying to stifle his laughter at the irony of the whole thing. It all began when she asked to take a walk around after their meal, to enjoy a bit of time out in the cold, open air. They walked and walked, passing closed shops, then she looked up at the star-filled sky and asked him if he believed anything was up there...just like that. Initially, it sort of freaked him out.

Did she understand the maps and grids she’d found? Did she overhear me speaking to Aton? No, impossible.

He believed he’d played it off. But hell, what was there to play off? What in the world could he possibly say to a question like that?

Why yes, Jayme, I do because you see, I’m a mother fucking alien who can kill others with my eyeball and I like you, matter of fact, I love you, so let’s go fuck and live happily ever after.

With an inward laugh, he said the first thing that popped into his mind
all of the above, that his mother used to sing him a lullaby about aliens...because she had.

“You’ve never heard of it?”

You should have.It’s an Earth song, not ours...

“No, I don’t believe I have. I think I’d remember that.”

He stopped walking and squeezed her closer to him. She gulped nervously as they stood there, gazing into each other’s eyes, under an old, worn advertisement for men’s clothing on a large brick building. Just them and the whistle of the wind. And a black street light right nearby, spotlighting them.

Desire shook him to the point of no return. Backing her against the wall, he let his hands roam hungrily over her body, cursing the layers of clothing, cursing his fucking insane need for her. And she never backed off, which made it worse. Instead, she explored him, dipping her hands under his coat and raking fingertips over his sweater. He may as well have been naked—the fact that her body told him she wanted him tore down what was left of the barrier between them.

She ran her fingers along the back of his head as he sank his tongue deep inside of her mouth, and he groaned with longing, his cock stiff and no longer giving a damn what his master had to say. God, how he wished for a bed right now, with her on it, naked, ready for him…

He gripped her head and deepened the kiss, and he loved it...his heart loved it, he
...period. His body yelled in relief, sweet relief. This was real, not some show or game, her body told on her. Sliding his hand under her sweater, he felt her hardened nipple and tweaked it between thumb and forefinger. He pressed his body against hers so she could feel him, all of him—and he touched her, urgently, as if he only had minutes to live. Random, hedonistic, desperate and simply stunning.  She moaned out beautifully before he squelched her again into silence with his probing tongue.

“I want you,” he panted, sucking hard on her earlobe, in between erratic breaths. “I want you right here, right
.” Snatching the button of her jeans open, he yanked them down until they puddled around her ankles. Her pink and white polka dot panties followed—the same pair he’d picked out himself for her. Without a moment to lose, he ran his hands across her pussy, feeling the soft fleshiness of her labia, the swollen lips moist to his touch.

“Ahhh, God,” he shuddered as he slid her up the wall, holding her in place, while he slipped a finger insider of her, making her shriek and buck against his hand.

“I want you too,” she admitted, probably pissed at herself, but too turned on to stop. The anger was still there, but her desire for him was stronger. It would do, this would simply have to do...

He pushed another finger deep inside of her, circling counter clockwise, moving just the right way to make her squirm against his vibrating hand.

“Mmmm! Oh God,” she mustered between gritted teeth as she gripped the back of his neck. He looked into her eyes, now glazed, as he continued to finger fuck her, lunging in and out of her, hard, but monitoring her expressions, making sure she was enjoying it. Soon, she enveloped his gyrating fingers with her wet appreciation... shaking and screaming in his grip.

“Mmmm, baby.” He smiled into her hair, experiencing things he’d never even dreamed of. His heart smiled...

So this is what foreplay, when you love someone, feels like? When it goes beyond the physical... Interesting.

“Let me feel you.” He kissed her, pressing his lips firmly into hers, “I need you so fucking bad.” Before he could reach down and undo his pants, she gripped them. He heard the zipper come down and his ‘boy’ sing a song of freedom.

I’ve got to stop with these silly images.

He smiled and reached into his boxer shorts to hold the swollen member in anticipation.  Gripping her hips, he readied to enter her, but felt her shake, heard her gasp. When he looked into her eyes, his heart sank.

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