Adams, Eve - The Banished Bride [Brides of Bachelor Bay 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Adams, Eve - The Banished Bride [Brides of Bachelor Bay 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Spikes of hunger attacked her senses and took over her sanity. She reached up and touched his face. It felt like rough silk stretched over marble. The sensations of his kiss weren’t exactly foreign to her, but the intensity of the feelings was. She’d never had such extreme feelings of ardent need, penetrating pleasure, and burning hunger all fighting for dominance.

She lost herself in his touch and arched against him, pressing her breasts against his hard chest. Reaching up past his face, she weaved her fingers into his hair. When she ran her nails along his scalp, he shuddered and released a groan.

“Amelia,” he breathed against her lips. “I’ve wanted to touch you, to taste you, since the moment you stepped off that boat.”

He kissed her again, pulling her deeper into this blissful spell of erotic sensations. She was only distantly aware of him shifting them around and him leading her toward the parlor doors. He broke their kiss by trailing his lips across her jaw and down her throat. Delicious chills peppered her skin.

“I want you in your room,” he rasped, never slowing the dance of his lips against her flesh.

Oh, dear Lord. That could only mean one thing.

Fear slammed into her and sent her heart rate spiking. If they went to her room, they’d most certainly end up in her bed. Did she want that? Did she want to give herself to Noah not knowing whether she’d be anything to him more than what she was right now?

She thought of Andrew. Why wasn’t he here, right now, in Noah’s place? Why didn’t he want her, yet Noah did?

And why did that bother her so?

Before she knew it, Noah had led them out of the parlor and down the narrow hall to the last room on the left, the room she used to share with her sister before Olivia married. She was the only occupant of the room now and about to invite a man in for the first time.

Her back met the door, and Noah surrounded her, kissing her deeply as his hands went exploring. He released button after button of her robe. She should protest, slap him across the face, or at least make some attempt to stop him.

But then he somehow opened the door behind her and they both fell into the room, crashing to the floor. He pulled her around just in time to land on his back, holding her tight as she landed on top of him.

Amelia couldn’t breathe. Not only did the fall startle her, but she felt his erection, long and hard, pressing against her hip. She’d never seen a man’s penis, let alone felt it so hard and swollen.

Noah opened her robe ever so slightly. The warm evening air whispered against her skin, and she closed her eyes.

“Don’t be shy,” Noah soothed as his hand ran along the exposed skin. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to love you.”

She fluttered her eyes open and studied the sincerity in his eyes. “Love me?”

He grinned and it made her smile in return. “Of course, baby. I’m going to love you long.” He delivered a kiss. “And hard.” He delivered another kiss. “Do you want to love me as badly as I want to love you?”

“Noah!” she cried out when he brushed the pad of his thumb across her nipple. It sent a rush of pleasure coursing through her and centered a growing burn between her legs.

Sliding his hands down, Noah spread the robes, leaving her naked from the front. “You are beautiful, Amelia.” He rolled the two of them over, pushing her back to the floor as he moved on top of her. “Simply beautiful.”

When he covered the hard, sensitive peak of her nipple with his mouth, flicking at it with his tongue and scraping at it with his teeth, she arched her back and cried out. A gush of blistering liquid drenched the curls covering her sex, and an angry throb pulsed between her legs.

“Let me love you.” He kissed her tummy. “Please, Amelia. I’ll die if I can’t taste that sweet flesh between your legs.”

Shock and fear plunged through her. Men put their mouths down there? He opened the lower part of her robes more and dove between her legs. When he kissed the inside of her thigh she cried out.

Another cry tore from her lips, a combination of excitement and fear, when she felt his tongue flick against the tender flesh. He licked and teased, consuming the hot syrup that had flooded down her channel. She arched and reached blindly for something to hold on to.

And then he slowly, gently, eased a finger into her virginal entrance. A surge of wild heat slammed into her, and she writhed. Noah didn’t slow his assault on her pussy. Instead his pace quickened as his finger started to move in and out.

“How’s that, baby? Do you like the way this feels?”

“Oh, Noah! I can’t stand it.”

He stilled. “Does it hurt?”

She shook her head and then realized he couldn’t see it buried between her legs. “No. Oh, please don’t stop.”

He worked his finger deeper inside her, pulled out, and then inserted two. She twisted and cried out. His wicked tongue continued to flick and consume her demanding flesh.

“Come for me, Amelia. I want to taste more of your sweet juices.” He increased his pace and lapped harder.

The coil fisting her womb tightened, torturing her as something built inside her, something wild and white hot. Noah pushed her higher and higher, her body tighter and tighter, until something snapped and a thousand bright lights flashed behind her eyes.

“Oh, God! Noah! Ah!” Her bones shattered, and she screamed out from the intensity of the pleasure ripping through her. Wave after wave crashed into her, and still Noah never slowed. He thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy as he attacked her clit.

Only after she fell back to the floor, completely limp, did he slow and, after delivering a few final kisses, emerge from between her legs with a grin.

“How’d that feel?” His gaze danced wickedly.

She didn’t want to admit that she’d never experienced an orgasm before. After hearing stories Hattie shared with the women willing to listen, as well as stories the women shared with each other, Amelia knew what an orgasm was and had even tried to touch herself the way the women described, but it never worked.

“I’ve always enjoyed orgasms.” Technically it wasn’t a lie. She certainly enjoyed her first one. A tremble washed through her when he grinned and jerked her robes from her body, leaving her perfectly naked. She shuddered.

“Amelia Prescott, I had no idea. What would your sisters say if they knew?”

She didn’t want to think about them. They’d both be appalled at her actions, lying here on the floor with Noah Gallagher. She’d allowed him to touch her, to taste her, in the most intimate way possible without any promise of a future with him.

What did that mean?

“My sisters don’t know everything,” she told him.

“I feel the same way about my brothers. They are always telling me what I can and cannot do.”

“Whom I can see and cannot see.”

“They’ve planned my future for me without any regard to what I want.”

“They won’t allow me to live my life the way I wish to live it.”

Noah grinned and lowered his mouth to hers. “Let’s have this moment, just the two of us. No brothers. No sisters. No one to tell us what we can and cannot do with each other.”

She liked the sound of that, but something still held her back. “What if they find out?”

“They won’t.”


He shrugged. “You aren’t going to tell them. I’m most certainly not going to. Andrew would have my”—he stopped and looked at her—“head.”

Andrew. Just the mention of his name had the weight of what she’d done with Noah close to crushing her.

“Noah, perhaps we should think about this.”

“What’s there to think about? I want to love you, sweet Amelia. There’s no crime in that.”

He sat up and quite literally ripped the remaining buttons from his shirt. Amelia dropped her jaw as she watched him undress, completely mesmerized. She’d never seen a man without clothes on.

Removing his ruined shirt, he then went to work on his trousers. Without permission, Amelia reached up and touched his chest. The coarse hairs tickled the tips of her fingers, and she weaved them into the hair. She was so taken with touching him she didn’t see that he’d removed the rest of his clothes.

“Touch me, Amelia. Feel how hard I am for you.”

Touch him. He wanted her to touch him, his rigid flesh, and the what? She licked her lips as she dropped her gaze to the enormous erection between his legs. Did he expect her to put her mouth on him as he did her? “I can’t.”

“Why not? It’s no different than any of the other men’s you’ve been with. The anatomy may be the same, but the similarities end there, baby. I promise you, our time together will be your basis of comparison from here on out. I’ll make you forget about every other man in your past.”

Disbelief sent her reeling back. Immediately she realized how exposed she was and jerked her hands up to cover her breasts as she crossed her legs. She’d only dreamed of being one of Noah Gallagher’s quests, but when he thought she’d done this before, the epiphany of what she was about to do crashed into her.

“Get out!” She scrambled to her feet, still struggling to cover herself as she pointed at her door. “You rounder! Get out of my chambers.”

“Amelia, wait.” Noah stood and backed away from her, his hands up to ward off the attack. “What did I say?”

She spotted his erection, purple as it bobbed in front of him, and slammed her eyes shut as she turned away. Tears of humiliation stung as they filled her eyes before spilling down her cheeks.

I thought…” He trailed off and then muttered, “Oh, shit.”

She whipped around and followed his wide gaze to the door. There stood the man she was meant to marry, the one man she should have stayed home and waited for as Lizzie had said, his piercing blue eyes unyielding as he pinned her with a glare.

Andrew Gallagher.

Chapter 4

Patience Steele’s Journal, Saturday, August 12
, 1865

Port Steele, Washington Territory

Oh, Journal. I’m so scared. I’ve been sick for several weeks now and I know my husband is beside himself with worry. Raven does his best to calm Adam, but deep down I know they are both helplessly watching as their wife’s sickness slowly robs her of life. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, only that I’m sick every minute of every day. I have no energy. I haven’t been intimate with my husbands since I first started feeling like this. The doctor doesn’t seem concerned but I think he is just trying to comfort us all, preparing us for the inevitable. I’m so ill that I haven’t even had my menstrual cycle this month. I don’t know what my…wait. I recall Heather, one of the first brides to marry, felt sick for weeks before she realized the reason why. Oh, Journal! Could it be that I’m pregnant? Could my future son or daughter be growing inside me at this instant? I must go. I have to talk to the brides who are either with child or have already had their babies. I have to know if Adam and Raven are going to be fathers or widowers.

* * * *

“Andrew! Wait. It isn’t what you think.” Noah hollered after him.

Andrew stormed down the hall, ignoring his brother’s shouts for him to stop and Amelia’s sobs begging for the same. After realizing what he’d done by releasing her and coming to his senses, he couldn’t wait to return home and finally take her as his wife. Hell, he actually believed that she could change. He’d even turned down a drink with the ship’s captain to get home to her as quickly as possible.

And for what? To see the woman he loved fucking his brother. What a fool he’d been thinking any man would be able to hold Amelia Prescott’s attention with any sense of permanency.

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