Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (21 page)

BOOK: Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Lust took over, and she threw everything else to the wind. “Fuck me, Adam. Fuck me with your mouth.”

“That’s my girl.” And he did.

She sucked Raven’s hard, glistening cock back between her lips, her brazen command sending her into a wild frenzy of carnal need. Adam had her willing to surrender anything to him, just for him to relieve this sweet agony twisting inside her. He already had her heart, body, and soul. She didn’t know what else she could give him, but she would.

“Oh, Patti.” Raven fisted her hair and drove his cock deeper, increasing his pace as his drive for release took over. “Suck me. Oh, harder. That’s perfect. Sweet and fucking perfect. Yes. Ah!”

Hot streams of thick semen shot out the end of his cock and down her throat. She moaned in appreciation of the taste and sucked even harder the closer Adam had her to her own orgasm.

Adam sucked her clitoris between his lips and flicked relentlessly. She tried to scream as she exploded into a million pieces, but her climax was so violent it stopped the breath in her lungs and robbed her of her voice.

Raven leaned down and took a nipple into his mouth, scraping his teeth over the end and then gently biting down, and her climax came ripping back as wave after wave slammed into her.

Adam covered her other nipple with his lips, and she reached down to weave her fingers in her men’s hair as they feasted on her flesh. Adam then rocked his hips and slid his heavy cock into the slippery entrance of her pussy, and she hissed in a breath.

He thrust powerfully inside her, over and over, faster and faster. He growled, the sound one of primal lust, as he drove closer to his own release.

She lost all sense of reality. He powered faster, harder, slamming his flesh into hers. Her entire body jolted as their hips met over and over, his cock filling her, burning her in his furious, blazing search for release.

“Patti. Oh, Jesus. My baby. I love you. So much. My sweet wife. I. Love. You!” He erupted with a holler and threw his head back, pumping his life into her until he lost his rhythm and collapsed against her, gasping for air.

His drive for release had set her want for him on fire once again. They couldn’t be done with her.

She rolled Adam over and straddled him. He widened his eyes at her, but she didn’t explain a thing. Instead she kissed him, hard and hungry, conveying to him what she wanted.

“I love you,” she whispered against his lips.

He framed her face in his hands and lifted his head to really kiss her, taking control by consuming her with his lips. She felt his erection grow between her legs. He nudged his erection between her thighs, deep through the slick folds of her pussy, and tapped at her weeping entrance.

“Hold her still.”

Raven moved behind her and grabbed her hips, holding her in place. She struggled but couldn’t move. In a whisper of a whimper, she stilled to see what came next.

Adam barely moved his hips and slid the end of his cock into her aching pussy. “Do you like that?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Do you want more?” Raven asked behind her.

“Please,” she pleaded. “I need more.”

She needed them both inside her at the same time.

Raven easily lifted her off Adam. She whimpered her protest and tried to break free, but he had a firm hold on her. Realizing how futile her attempts were, she relaxed in his arms and turned.

“I love you,” Raven said before taking her lips with his, “my wife.”

She licked at his lips. “And I love you, my husband.”

“Tonight, we’ll love you completely.”

She frowned.
Weren’t they already doing that?

He then lay her down on the bed above him, taking Adam’s position, and Adam his. With eyes so dark and heated with lust, Raven stared at her, holding her there with nothing more than a look. Without looking away, he pushed his cock into her pussy, and she breathed out a moan in pleasure.

She tried to close her eyes, but he nipped at her lips. “No. Keep them open. Look at me, my Patti. My wife. I want to watch your beautiful face as we take you the way husbands should take their wife.”

Oh, dear Jesus.
She writhed on top of him, pushing back as she felt Adam’s slick penis press against her tiny back entrance. He retreated and then penetrated farther, pushing into her gently, slowly.

And it was killing her.

“Faster. Oh, Adam. I need it faster.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

She rocked back, forcing him deep into her rear.

“Jesus, fuck!” He slammed his hips into hers.

She screamed into Raven’s mouth and drove his cock into her by pushing down.

“Holy shit, Patience.” Raven sucked on her bottom lip.

Feeling a sense of power she’d never felt in her life, she set the pace and control who entered her and how fast. Rocking her hips out, she pushed Adam’s cock deep into her while withdrawing Raven’s. She then rolled forward, and shards of intense sensations shot through her as Raven eased into her while Adam pulled out.

“That’s it,” Adam groaned. “Fuck us, baby. Just like that. Nice and slow.”

“Just like that,” Raven crooned in agreement.

Each slow movement put her through agony and ecstasy. Pleasure burned inside her with every stroke. She pushed herself higher and higher, the burn hotter and more intense. Not able to stop herself, she moved faster, driving herself closer to her release.

The air ripped in and out of her lungs as she rocked harder, her body tense, tight, as the coil twisting inside her snapped. She exploded and literally cried, the tears streaming down her face, as she lost her rhythm, the intensity and pleasure too much to control.

Adam and Raven moved in perfect time to keep her crying, her orgasm at its peak. Her bones shattered, and she collapsed against Raven’s chest. Her body clenched her men, convulsing around them as she continued to cry out in her blinding ecstasy.

Raven drove deep and held his position as he gave into his own release, pumping thick jets of cream high inside her. Adam thrust hard and fast as he powered his way to his climax in long, smooth strokes. Faster. He set a violent pace and buried his cock into her ass, over and over, before stiffening and growling out as his release took over.

Patience melted on top of Raven as her knees gave out. She flattened out and laid her head on his chest, her body unable to move any more than that. Adam brushed her hair away from her sweat-covered face and lay down behind her, pulling her off Raven and over to him.

He curled to her, holding her tight, his entire body shaking from the aftermath. Raven turned to his side and backed up against her.

And she fell asleep cradled between her two lovers, her best friends.

Her husbands.

Chapter 12

Patience’s Journal, Monday, April 24, 1865

Port Steele, Washington Territory

Today is the day of the vote for the new ordinance. I already know how Miles Petty and Ron Arnett are going to vote. Sheriff Caleb Brock and Logan Gallagher have sensible heads on their shoulders and will vote against it, I’m sure. Which leaves Adam. Will the council allow him to vote now that they know his true heritage? If it passes, he will have to step down as the town mayor. There are some in town who are demanding he step down regardless. He says it doesn’t bother him, but deep down, I know it does. How can the people of this town turn their backs on the man who created it?

* * * *

Patience fixed Adam’s collar and then kissed him on the cheek. “You look magnificent.”

His eyes glimmered wickedly as he smiled down at her. “Thank you, my wife.”

“You’re welcome, my husband.”

“I wish you’d allow me to accompany you.” Raven stood in the corner, his arms folded in front of him, a stony expression on his face.

“He won’t even allow me to go,” Patience said with a pout.

“As I’ve already told you both, it’s too dangerous. The town is in a volatile mood. My brother, having you there could provoke those who support the ordinance.”

Raven narrowed his glare on his brother. “Then you are in danger as well. They know of your bloodline, Adam. It’s just as dangerous for you.”

“I’m the head of the council. I must be there to lead the meeting.”

“All the more reason I should be there. You can’t take on the entire town on your own.”

Patience watched as Raven’s protective nature surfaced. And then she understood. Raven didn’t present himself as Adam’s manservant to protect his own hide. He did it to protect Adam.

“I agree with Raven,” Patience spoke up. “Please, Adam. Listen to reason.”

He kissed her. “I’ll be fine. The Gallaghers will be there, and there isn’t one of them smaller than Raven or myself. The men who work for them are loyal. And Caleb Brock will be there. He’s a good sheriff and isn’t one to back down from a fight.”

She frowned as his comment sent a ripple of panic through her. Memories of the dance came flooding back. He’d nursed his bruised jaw for days after that. She couldn’t bear him getting hurt again. This time, he may end up with more than a bruised jaw.

“Adam, I’m scared.”

He clenched his jaw, and although he forced a smile, she knew better. He was scared, too. But, damn his foolish pride, he refused to back down.

“Not to worry, my love. Stay here and play a nice game with Raven. I’ll be back soon.” He gave her a final kiss and walked out the door, into the rain and darkness.

She stood there, shivering from the cool chills the wetness brought, and watched him until he climbed into his coach and pulled out. Only then did she drag in a breath and allow Raven to close the door.

“What if something happens, Raven? What if someone starts something and we aren’t there?”

He sighed and led her over to the sitting room. “I have to believe he knows what he’s doing.”

She wished she held the same belief.

But, deep down, she knew better. If her meeting with the brides was any indication of how the men would act when in the same room, arguing on the same topic, it would not end well. The brides nearly broke into a fight, and they were supposed to be the more civilized of the genders. She could only imagine how the men would react.

“Stop fretting, Mrs. Steele.”

She hated that he had to act so prim and proper in front of the staff. He was just as much her husband as Adam.
Why should they hide it?
She loved them both equally, proudly, and didn’t care who knew.

But if she hadn’t done enough to ruin Adam’s reputation, announcing that his wife was also having relations with his brother—at the same time—would certainly do it.

She hated society and its standards.

“Will you be wanting tea this evening?”

“No. My stomach is too upset to even think about putting anything in it.”

“Shall I ask Mrs. Chang to retire for the evening, then?” His eyes danced in silent mirth. But, even as he hinted at something that should have both their bodies heating in anticipation, their deep-seated worry for Adam won out.

If she remained here with Raven, eventually one of two things would happen. Her worry would give her a pounding headache and she’d retire early, lay awake in the darkness and wait for her husband to return unscathed. Or, and this was the much more likely scenario, she’d break down and cry over not being there for Adam. Raven would escort her up to her room, and then he would hold her. And then kiss her.

BOOK: Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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