Actually (4 page)

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Authors: Mia Watts

BOOK: Actually
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“I’d be happy to rectify that.”

Ian’s smile faltered. His gaze heated, and he parted his lips as though his flared nostrils weren’t getting him oxygen fast enough. It seemed adorably innocent to Aaron. Like he’d just called Ian’s bluff, and the man’s nerves were getting the best of him.

Aaron leaned on the table. “Would you mind if I satisfied my curiosity?” “Depends. What are you curious about?”
“A lot of things.”
“Like?” Ian pressed, playing along.
“Like do your lips feel as sexy as they look? And if I kiss them, I mean,
kiss them,

can I make the owner ask for another one?”
“Guess you’ll have to find out,” Ian rasped huskily.
Aaron watched his expression carefully as he got up and circled the table. Ian tracked

him, pushing back his own chair when Aaron reached him. Aaron meant to lean down, test the waters, but his former teacher seemed to have another plan and he dragged Aaron to his lap. “Well, this is new,” Aaron said.
“Sorry, I’m new at this.”
“At kissing?”
Ian laughed. “At kissing someone like you.”
Taken aback, Aaron sat up suddenly. “Excuse me?”
“I mean,” Ian said, shaking his head. “Someone I’ve been thinking about kissing for a long time, like you.”
“You’ve thought about me?”
“More than I should. Way more than I should,” Ian breathed, catching Aaron’s shoulders and drawing him in. “I think you should report me for mentally stalking you. The last time I was with another man was college. What I felt then doesn’t even compare to how I feel about you.”
Aaron laughed. “It’s only stalking if it’s unwanted.”
“God, I’m glad to hear you say that.”
Aaron thought Ian would make the first move, but he still seemed uncertain. Taking the situation into his own hands, he smoothed his lips over Ian’s. His gut tightened as he watched his former teacher’s eyes drift shut, his face soften and his lips moved with Aaron’s.
Aaron laced his fingers into Ian’s hair, finally touching the dark blond strands like he’d wanted to for so many years. He could hardly believe he was being permitted to do it now and half-expected to be shoved off Ian’s lap for pushing too far beyond the man’s comfort zone.
Surprisingly, Ian didn’t draw away. Instead he lifted his chin, bringing his lips into firmer contact. Aaron caught his breath feeling the warm thrill of desire curl around him, pleading for more, then he shifted, straddling Ian’s lap.
Ian accepted the new position without question. His hands swept downward to Aaron’s waist. With a soft moan, he tugged Aaron closer. He gasped when his groin brushed over Ian’s arousal. Ian took advantage and invaded his mouth with a deep, searing kiss of possession. Aaron lost all sense of gravity, caught up in the tide his former teacher created for them.
Aaron couldn’t stand wearing his shirt anymore. He needed the man’s hands on him. Aaron let go of Ian long enough to pull off his own shirt and tug impatiently at Ian’s. Ian lifted his arms, refusing to break the kiss until that brief moment fabric came between them. Then he resumed before his discarded top had hit the kitchen floor.
Aaron could hardly believe his luck. Not only did his former crush want to be a part of his life, but he also seemed to be interested in seeing how far Aaron’s interest continued. But how far before Ian pulled away? And if he pulled away, would it be in disgust?
Aaron rocked his hips against Ian’s. Ian’s fingers clenched on his waist, holding him in direct contact over his cock. Aaron shuddered with lust.
“How far?” Aaron said between kisses. He didn’t have the sense about him to clarify his question and prayed Ian understood it.
He must’ve, because suddenly Aaron was lifted. He wrapped his legs around Ian’s hips. He hung on and closed his eyes, letting Ian take him wherever he wanted to.
His world tilted and the couch pressed his back. Aaron opened his eyes and smiled through the next kiss.
Ian went for Aaron’s neck. Everything was happening so fast, but he had no interest in stopping it or slowing it down. Yet when he felt the tug at his beltline, heard the pop of his jeans button, his soul silently rejoiced that things were getting serious, and it was Ian who took it there.
“Wallet,” Aaron said urgently. “Condom.”
Ian looked up, his lips swollen, his beautiful blue eyes glazed with lust. Aaron’s heart locked up. How the hell had he gotten so lucky that this man could want him like this? What had he done right that the gods had given him this gift: his crush on a silver platter?
“Never mind, I got it,” Aaron whispered roughly.
He shoved his hand in his back pocket, pulled out the fold of leather and found the silver square inside. He held it up. Ian’s eyes clouded slightly.
“Jesus, yes,” Ian growled snatching it from him and tearing it open.
Any question Aaron had about who topped ended when Ian unfastened his pants and shoved them down to mid-thigh as he readied the condom for his long, swollen cock. Aaron stared at it, reached for him and wrapped his hand around the gorgeous piece.
Ian thrust his hips forward into Aaron’s hand, his eyes closing on a blissful, strangled sound of pleasure.
“I can’t believe you want me the way I want you,” Aaron mused aloud.
Ian’s eyes flew open. “I’m glad you came back to town, even if that makes me selfish.”
He rolled the condom on and climbed off the couch to rid himself completely of his pants. He grinned naughtily and tugged Aaron’s off too.
“I had no idea you were even gay,” Aaron confessed.
“No one does, but I did. At the risk of sounded crass, I had a hard time not noticing you when you were a senior.” He crawled over Aaron.
“You wanted me in high school?”
“I knew you were trouble to my sanity in high school. That’s a completely different thing. I’m smart enough to keep my distance. I
keep my distance. I wasn’t interested in losing my career or in hooking up with someone who hadn’t lived life yet. You were a kid. It wasn’t a question.” Suddenly he frowned. “No lube.”
“The condom is, just do me a favor and take it slow?” Aaron glided a hand down the other man’s chest, loving every muscular rise and fall his fingers traced.
Ian gave him a goofy grin. “I’ll do my best, but you make it hard to slow down.”
“I make it
, huh?” Aaron teased.
Ian’s smile faded to heat. “Every time.” He dropped lower, carefully hooking Aaron behind the knee and drawing his leg up. “You make me hard all the damn time.”
Lust didn’t begin to describe what Aaron was feeling. He lifted his other leg over the back of the couch and breathed out as he felt the first nudge of Ian’s cock at his hole. It was going to hurt in all the right ways, and his ass tingled eager to have the man of his fantasies penetrate him. It had to be a dream. It had to be a spectacular daydream he’d wake up from—
He gasped as Ian pushed in. The stretch of Aaron’s body burned. He breathed through it, pushing out as Ian carefully continued. His gaze went to Ian whose face was a study of far-away concentration. Finally, he felt the tickled of genital hair on his ass and saw the successful smile shyly spreading across Ian’s face.
“You’re so hot inside.”
“Ninety-eight point six,” Aaron joked.
“Feels so good.”
“It gets better or had you forgotten?”
“Like I said, I haven’t been with anyone since college, so maybe I did forget.” Ian grinned.
Aaron grabbed the other man’s ass and tugged. “Ian, it’s time to stop talking. I’ve wanted this for too long to do anything but
“Me too,” he answered softly, honestly. He kissed Aaron with tender command, opening Aaron and pushing inside just as he mirrored the action with his hips.
Hunger slammed into him. It was happening. It was really happening. No dream. All real. He thought his head might explode with the truth. His throat felt tight, and Aaron refused to weep with the joy of having this moment with the man he measured others against.
Ian pushed faster now that Aaron’s body had relaxed. Aaron lifted his hips into every thrust. He watched Ian’s face, not wanting to miss a moment. His own orgasm approached faster than he wanted it to. His fight to hold back became difficult when Ian’s gaze locked on Aaron’s cock, his lips parted like Aaron was the sexiest man he’d seen.
“Come for me,” Ian whispered.
Any residual control Aaron had ended. On command, cum raced up his dick and exploded over Ian’s chest.

,” Ian rasped reverently.
His body worked harder, faster. His muscled bunched and released and his breathing escalated with his pace. Ian came with a shout. His body stiffened as his hips reflexively pulsed against him a few more times.
They stared at each other in the aftermath. Aaron smiled widely. Ian did too. He didn’t know who started it first, but suddenly they were both laughing.
“Wow,” Aaron said when he could finally talk. “That was intense. The evening went from,
hey I didn’t know you were gay
let’s have amazing sex
“Amazing huh?”
“Don’t you think?”
“Better.” Ian lowered himself to Aaron’s chest. “Spectacular.” He kissed Aaron between words. “Fantastic. Mind blowing.”
“Repeatable,” Aaron suggested.
“Please, yes.”
Ian held the condom as he pulled out. They went to the bathroom to clean up, alternately kissing and fondling each other’s asses with playful gropes as though having sex had opened the doors to permission.
Though they both pulled their pants on, Ian seemed as loath to cover his chest from Aaron as Aaron was. So when Aaron suggested they finish dinner, they did it filling their eyes with each other as much as they filled their stomachs with food. They ate in silence, Aaron lost in thought about all the ways he could devour the other man.
“When do you think we should start to get concerned about Mike?” Ian asked.
Aaron’s mind had been somewhere else. With more than a little guilt, he thought about the question.
“He’s done this before. The first time, the cops told me that if he wasn’t abducted, I had to give him twenty-four hours before calling in a missing person.”
“How many times has he done this?”
“In the three months I’ve been here? More than five, less than ten,” Aaron answered.
“But he comes back before the twenty-four hours?”
“Yes. Usually I’ll hear him come up the stairs in the middle of the night. He’s still asleep when I leave the next morning. It’s all about avoidance.”
“I’ll stay,” Ian offered reaching across the table to cover Aaron’s hand with his. “If that’s okay.”
“You’d do that?”
“Of course. I’ll sleep on the couch so I hear him come in, but his behavior needs handling, and you have a job.”
“I can deal with my brother,” Aaron said.
“I’m not suggesting you can’t. I’m saying that you have a lot to deal with and he’s not making it easy to communicate. I can’t do a lot, but I can help with this. I’d like to.”
Aaron studied his face, looking for pity or disdain. He didn’t find any. Before his parents died, he wouldn’t have given an offer for help a second thought. He’d have accepted it. But since August, there’d been very little that had been offered without some reference to Aaron’s inability to manage. And he hated that.
He did have to work the next morning. Fortunately only until noon, but he’d planned on going to city library for Internet access to the legal books back at school. As long as Mikey was away, he wouldn’t leave the house longer than he needed to. The last thing he wanted was for Mikey to feel replaced by Ian.
“Please?” Ian pressed.
Slowly Aaron nodded. He’d rather Ian want to stay to be near
, but he could use the help with Mike. “The couch would be safer for him to see, I guess. Will you come up and tell me when he gets here?”
“Sure, if you want me to.”
“I want to know he’s safe.”
“Then I’ll wake you before I leave.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Ian smiled suddenly. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Harder than you’d think,” Aaron admitted.
“Get used to it. I plan on being on-call to you and your family until you’re through the rough parts.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I love that you want to hang around us, but what family? Our family fell apart last August.”
Ian’s expression grew serious. He pushed his empty plate back. “Yours. You and your brother. You’re a family.”
“Are you saying size doesn’t matter?” Aaron quipped preferring humor to the lump forming in his throat.
“Ha, ha. Funny guy. I guess that’s exactly what I’m saying. You think you lost your family, but you still have them. It’s just redefined a little.”
“It feels a lot less structured than that.”
“And maybe it will for a while,” Ian agreed. “You’ll figure it out. Until you do, I’m not taking no for an answer. I’m here for you and Mike.”
“Okay,” Ian repeated. “Now, let’s clean up. These dishes won’t take care of themselves.”
“And then?” Aaron hedged.
Ian slapped his ass. Aaron yelped, but he was laughing too and it felt damn good to laugh after so many months of grief.

Ian grinned at Aaron’s back. He shook his head as he watched him sway between the soapy water and the rinsing sink. His lean back and low riding faded jeans made him look sexier than any man had a right to be.

Ian had always felt like a lumbering buffoon, borderline pedophile for thinking about his former student they way he did. He’d managed not to think about Aaron during his high school years, forcibly moving off the topic the minute Aaron’s image came to mind. He didn’t allow himself to go there no matter how appealing the target.

He’d continued to put Aaron from his mind the years following, though he wondered how he was and where he was. It was safer for Ian that way. Not just for his sanity, but for his career. He’d managed to quell most of his desires to date men after college because there hadn’t been anyone around to tempt him.

Then Aaron had come home. Knowing it had made his hands sweat when he thought about it. It had made concentrating in school harder too, wondering if he’d accidently run into his former student. He’d known Aaron was gay. Everyone had, and no one in the school had cared. They almost seemed to like him more for it. It made him more popular.

But that wouldn’t happen for a teacher.

He moved behind Aaron, swaying with him. Aaron looked back at him over his shoulder, a happy smile softening his handsome features.
“Hey, sexy,” Aaron said.
Ian nuzzled his neck. “Hey.”
He inhaled the younger man’s scent, needing to fill himself with it. Part of him worried that the moments on the couch had been baseless passion. That it was nothing more than two men getting off for Aaron. He said all the right things to make Ian think differently. After being alone for so many years, Ian didn’t want to let go of any opportunity to be with him.
Aaron rolled his head forward. “Right there. Yeah, that feels amazing,” he encouraged when Ian kissed the base of his neck beneath the hairline.
“I can’t get enough of you,” Ian told him.
“I’m not complaining.”
Ian groaned. He wanted him again, but he’d already been selfish by taking Aaron’s body. The fact that Aaron had come too had been a bonus, but it hadn’t been because Ian had done anything for the other man. He wanted to change that.
Dishes be damned.
Ian sank to his knees. He grabbed Aaron by the hips and spun him around.
“What the—?”
Ian didn’t let him finish. He had Aaron’s pants down in seconds. How had he neglected to admire Aaron’s naked body last time? He was perfectly formed.
“You really are gorgeous,” Ian said, looking up at Aaron.
Undefined emotion passed across his face. He thought Aaron’s eyes might have grown watery, but he definitely saw the bob of his Adam’s apple. The gentle way Aaron stroked Ian’s hair, left him no doubt that the compliment had been appreciated.
He smiled, then resumed his perusal of Aaron’s svelte anatomy. His balls were hairless, hanging low and pink beneath a rising cock. His tanned head plumped under Ian’s regard, turning from flesh-toned to a blushing rose.
Straight and pale, Aaron’s cock beckoned Ian with a tantalizing pearl drop of fluid at its tip.
“You’re driving me crazy, Ian.”
He looked up at him under his lashes and with a mischievous smile, then he darted out his tongue to taste Aaron.
Aaron’s eyes widened. “Dear God.” He grabbed the counter top on either side of his hips and his knees trembled.
Ian loved knowing he had that effect on him. It felt powerful having the erotic advantage. He hoped to see Aaron in this way a lot in the next weeks. In fact, he wanted to make it very difficult for Aaron to think of him as anything but relationship material.
He flicked out his tongue a second time, delving into the tip before closing his mouth over the top and sucking. Aaron swore. His knuckles whitened and every muscle in his body tensed as he watched wide-eyed for Ian’s next move.
Ian didn’t want to disappoint. He swallowed around him, sliding all the way down his shaft and hollowing his cheeks on the withdrawal. He watched Aaron, enraptured by the look of helpless lust in his eyes and the harsh rasping breaths that told Ian he was on the right track.
He cupped Aaron’s balls in his palm, stroking over them with his thumb pad, as he fisted the base of Aaron’s cock with his other hand. He picked up his pace, hearing the wet sounds of sex. He fell a little more in love with the man staring down at him as Ian’s hips pushed his cock deeper still.
He could tell Aaron was trying to hold himself back, as each thrust was abbreviated. Ian made it his mission to break through the control. He pushed a finger into Aaron’s hole and unlocked the last of Aaron’s reserve.
Aaron cried out raggedly. He thrust hard, Ian sucked.
“I’m coming. Ian—coming.” He squirmed.
Ian wasn’t having it. He pushed hard, taking Aaron deep when the younger man meant to pull out. He swallowed several times and popped Aaron’s anal ring with the tip of his finger. Aaron bellowed. Cum shot down Ian’s throat, and he swallowed that too.
When Aaron finally relaxed, Ian cleaned off Aaron’s cock and sat back on his heels. “That’s what I should’ve done before the couch.”
“Holy shit.” Aaron shook his head dumbly several times. “No, no you did that perfectly. If you’d gotten on your knees before the couch, I might’ve raped you. Just sayin’.”
Ian laughed. “We can try that later. I had to taste you.”
“You will never have to ask my permission to do that.”
Ian slowly stood, placing a chaste kiss on Aaron’s lips. “Good to know.”

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