Acts of Courage (3 page)

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Authors: Connie Brummel Crook

BOOK: Acts of Courage
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Laura shivered into her long wool stockings, and fumbled over her knee garters with cold, stiff fingers. She drew her short gown over her shift, tied on her two pockets, which were held by a drawstring around her waist, and covered them as fast as she could with her two petticoats. The outer thick one was quilted. She looked across the room at her sister, who was sleeping soundly in the morning light. Mira was warm and snug in her bed, not like Red, who even now might be freezing in the potato hole with Thomas. As soon as she was fully awake, Laura could only think of the rebel boy and how she would have to get over to the Mayos’ to see how he was doing. She sat down and put on her calf-high moccasins. On her way past the dresser, she took a needle and a spool of tough thread from the top right-hand drawer and tucked them into one of her pockets. She’d mend that boy’s clothes.

Bett was already in the kitchen, singing as she kneaded dough on the baking table. “Help yourself to some porridge, child,” Bett said without turning around. “Your father came home last night, or I should say this mornin’. He was plenty done in. He’d been huntin’ down them rebels all night. Seems they had quite a fight yesterday.”


“Down somewhere near Egremont. Their leader was wounded pretty badly, they say. Five men was killed, including two government men—and also that teacher from over Stockbridge way. Poor devil. He wasn’t any part of it at all. He’d begun his day peaceful in his own classroom afore he was dragged off. But they caught most of ’em.”

“What’ll happen to them?”

“They’ll hang ’em sure. What with their thievin’ along the way, folks has no sympathy for ’em.”

“When did Father come home?”

“I don’t rightly know, but it wasn’t long ago. He said the storm had blown out all tracks, and he’d best wait till mornin’ to carry on the hunt. He’ll probably be up soon, though the poor man looked plum worn out. I hope he sleeps for awhile.”

Laura walked over to the washbasin that sat on a wooden stand near the back door. “He won’t be here long,” she said gloomily. “He never ever is.”

“One of these days, your father will be home more. He will.” Bett patted Laura’s shoulder. “It just takes time after a war to return things to normal. He’s workin’ on it. He’s had his own trouble, too. What with your mother passin’ away so sudden, and now married again and his young wife ailin’ so much, it’s not been an easy life for the captain.”

Laura knew that, but still she wondered about her father’s part in the battle that had gone on the day before. “Did he say much about yesterday, Bett?”

“Not much. Just said they still had to find some of those fellows.”

“Maybe those men have a right to rebel.” Laura sometimes thought out loud when she was talking to Bett, but this time she even surprised herself with her boldness. What if her father had heard her?

“Your poor father is terrible torn up, sympathizing with the farmers ’bout here and their situation and all. Still, it’s no excuse for lawlessness. An’ your father’s not ’bout to put up with it.”

Laura finished her porridge silently. When Bett was busy cutting the bread dough into pieces for loaves, she grabbed her cloak and slipped out to the front hallway. She could feel the extra mittens and stockings she had stuffed in the pockets of her cloak the evening before.

“Where are you goin’, Laura?” It was surprising how Bett could always see behind herself.

“To feed my calf,” Laura said and stepped out the back door to the woodshed before Bett had time to ask any more questions.

Grabbing her snowshoes from their hooks in the shed, Laura slung them over her shoulder and hurried out the back door. The snow from the night’s storm had piled up in deep drifts against the barn and the fences. She made her way into the barn to make it look as if she were really doing chores, and tiptoed along the side of the small stable, past the switching tails of the cows. Then Laura slipped out the back barn door to a stone landing protected by the roof overhang. She stopped there just long enough to put on the two extra pairs of heavy wool stockings and her boots, which she fastened to her snowshoes with leather thongs.

In twenty minutes, she was plodding into the Mayos’ front yard when she heard someone behind her. Turning, she saw Levi coming along from the barn with a pail of milk.

“Morning, Laura,” he smiled. “Are you looking for Red?”

“Well, I was wondering—”

“You’re too late. He’s long gone.”

“But he didn’t have any—”

“Oh, he ate lots of potatoes last night. Then this morning, Ma prepared him a bag of bread and cheese, and a jug of hot coffee. He’ll be fine.”

“Only if they don’t catch him.”

“They’re not looking for kids, Laura. Anyway, he’s a plucky lad. He’ll be fine. C’mon in and have a bite of breakfast with the rest of us.”

“Thanks, but I’d better hurry back. Father came home this morning, and he won’t like it if I’m out wandering around. Bye, Levi, and thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Bye, Laura.”

Disappointed, Laura plodded more slowly across the fields again. When she was still a few hundred feet from the gate, a loud bell started clanging. It was their house bell! She knew Bett only rang it if there was an emergency. And she knew what the emergency was. She, Laura, was missing! She couldn’t rush too fast or she’d trip over her snowshoes. She soon reached the shelter of the barn, pulled them off, and hurried to the house.

“Laura Ingersoll, where have you been?” Bett boomed as Laura stepped into the kitchen. “Your father’s callin’ for you. Sam couldn’t find you in the barn, and we’ve been lookin’ high and low.”

Laura flung her cloak onto the couch and started to untie her iced boot laces. “I went for a walk in the fresh snow. It is truly magnificent out there.” She handed Bett her cloak.

“Well, my magnificent lady, this is a fine time to be appreciatin’ the snow. Your father’s waitin’ in his study and wonderin’ where on earth you’d gone. Now, here’s your stockings.” Bett handed Laura clean, dry stockings and moccasins, and hung her dripping ones by the fireplace.

Laura slipped them on and hurried down the hall and into the study. Her father, a tall, wiry, man, was sitting stiffly in a chair in front of the fireplace. He did not see her. With his head tilted sideways, he was gazing into the flames, his deepset brow and bushy eyebrows shaded his hazel eyes.

“Good morning, Father,” Laura said as she spread her hands before the blazing hearth.

“A bit early for a walk, isn’t it?” he said gruffly. “And anyway, it’s not safe today. There are still fugitives from the battle around here. I wish I could stay home and keep an eye on things, but I must leave now to continue the search.”

Laura sighed and stared into the glowing flames of the fire. She didn’t believe her father anymore. He always said he wanted to be home, but he always found some reason to leave. And it had been happening ever since 1775, the year she was born, and the year the American colonies had declared war against Britain. As a rebel soldier, he had been away for most of the war.

He had been stationed closer to home when he became a captain, and Laura could remember his visiting a few times. She could still see him in his dark blue uniform with the red lapels and cuffs, rushing in the front door and hugging Mother. Then he would grab Laura and throw her up in the air and catch her. Mother was always so happy, and they would go for sleigh rides, just the three of them. But in the summer, he was always away fighting, and he was away the summer Mira was born. When the war finally ended, he moved home and Laura truly felt that this time he would stay but, before long, he was called away again.

“So, where did you go so early in the morning?” Father asked sternly.

Laura lifted her eyes from the hearth and said, “Father, before you leave, you should check in on Mother Mercy. She’s very sick.”

“Bett told me she had a cold but that’s nothing to worry about. Just because your mother died is no reason to believe Mercy will. There’s no need for you to get upset about these things. Bett and Sam are capable—I hear you’re doing very well in school these days.”

“Yes, thank you—and I must dress for school now.”

“Don’t go out again today, Laura. School’s been cancelled. We’ve got to flush out the rest of these fellows, poor devils. Then it will be safe for school to open again.”

“Father, it’s not fair!” Laura burst out.

“Laura, do not shout. Now, tell me. What’s not fair?”

“Hunting all these men! You should be

“That is quite enough, Laura. Now listen. These men have broken the law.”

“Will this end it all?”

“I don’t know, Laura. I hope this will stop it. When I ride out to preside over the local courts, I never know if they’ll come along and lock me out. It’s very aggravating.”

“Sam heard that these men are only robbing because they’re starving.”

“I hope it’s not that bad. But just between you and me, I hate rounding up these men. I don’t think the law is fair. But, as a captain, I have no choice. I have to obey orders from my superiors. And now I hate to leave home so soon again, but Shay’s rebellion has got to be stopped. And you, young lady, try to behave yourself while I’m gone. Bett and Sam have enough to do without hunting all over for you.”

Then her father strode brusquely across the room and out the door. Laura sighed. Father never stayed home very long, and who knew when he’d be back this time.


Elizabeth was back. Father had asked Laura to invite her on a picnic with herself and Mira.

The April sun shone on the three girls as they walked along the cow path that ran from the Ingersoll’s barn to the Green River at the back of their property. Laura stared at Elizabeth as they made their way across the meadow next to the Mayos’ woodlot. Why would she wear a light mauve satin gown with all the lace trimmings to a picnic? And she had mauve ribbons looped through her hair and a puffy bow at the back of her head. Laura was wearing a dark brown cambric outer petticoat and a woollen short gown that draped down over her waist. She could move about freely in the full petticoat with no fear of dirt showing. Because of her practical clothing, however, Laura had been given the job of carrying the picnic basket, and it was heavier than it had looked when Bett gave it to her at the house.

“Ooo, oh, oh, I saw one! Get it out!” Elizabeth jumped sideways off the path and tugged her skirt in toward her as if something were biting at it.

“What are you shouting about, Elizabeth?” Laura tried to sound polite, but was not succeeding.

“That! It’s—it’s a snake. I saw it. It was coming right for me.”

“Where? Show me. Maybe we can take it home.”

Elizabeth looked as if she was going to be sick. “Just get it away from me. Take it away.”

“I don’t see any snake. Did you notice what direction it was going?”

“Toward me! Can’t you hear? It was sitting about over—”

A loud crack came from the direction Elizabeth was pointing, followed by a puff of smoke. Mira screamed and grabbed Laura’s arm. Laura dropped the picnic basket but tried not to look scared. It was definitely a gunshot, but there was no sign of anyone around. All the same, the woods were nearby and anyone could be lingering there. She pushed Mira on ahead down the cowpath and told Elizabeth to get moving, too. Elizabeth rushed along so close beside Mira that she nearly tripped over her.

“What’s your hurry, girls?” shouted Thomas Mayo. He stepped out of the woods, his hands in his pockets, and flashed his usual teasing smile.

“Was that you shooting?” Laura turned and confronted Thomas.

“Yes, doggone it! I missed a rabbit.”

“You might have hit me,” Elizabeth said hotly.

Thomas brushed his straight brown hair back from his forehead and, still smiling, said, “Awful sorry. I sure didn’t mean to frighten you.” He walked over to the girls with his musket over his right shoulder and his powder horn and ball dangling over the other one.

Elizabeth’s frown relaxed as she smiled back. “We’ve come to pick flowers from your woods, Thomas.”

“I’m afraid it’s a little early. But next month there’ll be plenty.” He turned to Laura. “See anything of Red?” he mumbled.

“No…not since he left.”

“Who’s Red?” asked Elizabeth, stepping between Laura and Thomas.

“A friend of Laura’s, from out of town.” Thomas smirked at Laura.

Elizabeth stared at Thomas and missed Laura’s glare. She turned to Laura and said, “You never told me about your beau.”

“He’s not a beau. He’s just a…” Laura was furious with Thomas, for he knew how curious Elizabeth would be, and that Laura couldn’t explain about Red. She could see that Thomas was enjoying himself immensely. She had to stop him from saying more.

“Would you like…to join us for lunch?” she stammered. Bett had packed more than enough.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Thomas answered speedily. He was familiar with Bett’s picnic baskets.

Thomas and Elizabeth walked ahead together through the grass and underbrush, back toward the woods. Laura held on to Mira, who said she needed Laura to protect her from snakes. In a few minutes, they stopped at the spot where Laura had dropped the picnic basket, but it was nowhere in sight.

“I thought it was here, too, but maybe it was a little over there,” Laura said, stepping a few feet nearer to the trees. A trail led to the woods.

“Maybe Levi is playing a joke on us. Maybe he took it,” Thomas replied.

Elizabeth looked up surprised. “I didn’t see Levi. Was he hunting rabbits, too?”

“He was still cleaning out the stables, the last I saw of him,” said Thomas. “But you never know. He could have started out later. The land’s not quite dry enough to cultivate. So maybe Dad let him go.”

“I can’t think of anywhere else the picnic basket could have gone,” said Laura, “and I don’t think it’s very nice of Levi to snitch our food.”

“Oh, for crying out loud, Laura, if Levi took it, he’ll bring it back any minute now. And I don’t really think he did. You two stupid girls probably just lost your own picnic basket.”

Laura’s eyes narrowed into slits. “Thomas Mayo! You have no right to say that.”

Mira ran over and gave him a kick in the shin.

Elizabeth looked down her nose at Thomas. “That was a horrible thing for you to say.”

“Well, I can see I’m not wanted here.” Thomas turned away, his powder horn hanging against his side. The three girls watched him disappear into the woods.

The sun was high now as the girls looked back across the meadow. “I had planned on eating down by the river bank,” said Elizabeth. “But let’s go and sit awhile, anyway.”

“I’m hungry,” shouted Mira.

“We’d better look some more,” Laura said, as she wandered back to the place where she had last seen the basket. In the trampled grass, Laura spotted a piece of blue cloth that looked like the handkerchief she’d given Red. Was Red nearby? Her pulse was starting to beat a little faster. It would be just like something Red would do.

“Well if we’re going to spend all our time looking for the stupid basket, I’m going home,” said Elizabeth.

Laura could barely hide her pleasure. If Red were in those woods, he would never come out with Elizabeth there. The sooner she left, the better. “How would you like to take Mira with you?” she asked. “She’s hungry.”

“No. I’m staying with you,” said Mira, grabbing Laura’s hand.

“I don’t want you, anyway, Mira,” Elizabeth grumbled. “Goodbye, Laura.” She turned and marched sedately back to the main path.

When Laura saw Elizabeth’s flat straw hat disappear behind a knoll, she walked over to the woods and shouted, “Hello there.”

The sun, now at high noon, was warm, and Mira happily picked wild violets while Laura ran on into the edge of the woods.
Was Red really there?
She stood still in the shadows of the trees, listening for the scampering sounds of small animals.

“Not so loud,” said a raspy voice behind her. She spun around and saw an unshaven man standing a few inches away.

“Who are you?” Laura shot back. The man was carrying a musket in one hand with a powder horn slung over his right shoulder and, in his other hand, he had their food basket. At the sound of movement between the trees, Laura turned again. Another man with scraggly brown hair came toward her. Laura thought of running home, but she did not want to leave Mira. She could not outrun these men if she carried her sister. Besides, they had her basket, which she was not going to give up without an explanation.

Just as the second shaggy-haired man approached her, Red came running up behind them. “This is Laura,” he said. “She’ll not give you away.”

Laura was relieved to see Red, but she backed away from the men a little. “Why did you take our food?” Laura stared furiously at Red. She wouldn’t mind feeding Red, but she didn’t want to feed two strange men who might be dangerous.

“I went to the other side of the woods to look aroun’. I just got back.”

“But your friends took our food.” Her voice trembled.
Who did they think they were, anyway?
The first man settled himself down on a tree trunk, tore the white linen cloth from the top of the basket, and threw it on the ground.

“There’s lots of food there,” said Laura. “Help yourself. But you’d better leave the basket for me to take home or my father will be asking questions. I’ll be back for it soon.” She stood staring at the men for a few seconds.

The first man was eating a turkey drumstick with one hand and one of Bett’s delicious buns with the other. The other man was chewing with his mouth wide open on a huge piece of white meat and a sandwich—both at the same time.

Laura glared at Red and motioned him over to a beech tree a few feet away from his rude companions. “You’d better explain yourself and those men fast, Red.”

“I just found them there—honest,” Red began.

“I don’t believe you, Red.”

“Well, they
my friends. I sorta told them you’d help us get food. They haven’t eaten for three days.”

“Are they Shay’s men?”

“I’ll not be tellin’ on my friends.”

“They are, aren’t they!”

“If you promise you won’t tell about ’em, they’ll leave tonight, and no one’ll be the wiser. I need your promise, though. And I’ll vouch for you.”

“Do they know who my father is? He’d go after anyone who harmed his daughters.”

“No, they don’t know who your father is, and I certainly wouldn’t want them to find out.”

“Why? They say the fugitives are afraid of my father.”

“You’d be in even more danger if they knew. There’s a lot of them bitter toward your father. And remember, both those men are armed. It’s best they don’t know.”

“I want to leave as soon as they’ll let us. I suppose we’re being watched.”

“You are that! Do you promise me you’ll not reveal their identity?”

“I promise.”

“Cross your heart and hope to die?”

“I didn’t tell on you before, did I? And I won’t tell on them if they’ll just go and leave us alone.”

Red scanned the fields and glanced back at the men. “Come dark, they’ll be away from here, but I’d like to stay in your barn overnight.”

As Red walked over to tell the men his plans, Laura wondered what part he was playing in the rebellion now, and why he had to hide out alone. Maybe the less she knew, the better!

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