Active Duty: Gay Military Erotic Romance (17 page)

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Three solid strokes later, Gideon came. His entire body seemed to clench as he grunted his way through the most intense orgasm of his life. He was dimly aware that Doug had quit thrusting and instead had buried his cock as deep inside Gideon as he could get.

“Shit,” Gideon said, once his brain started working again. “Holy shit.”


Gideon felt Doug slide out of him, and he dropped his legs off Doug’s shoulders. He watched as Doug tied off the condom and threw it in the wastebasket next to the bed.

“That was pretty incredible,” Gideon said, as Doug flopped down on the bed next to him. “I think you’re right. I am going to need another bath.”

“Me, too. You gave me a workout.” Doug leaned over and kissed Gideon on the shoulder.

“My tub’s pretty big,” Gideon said. “If you want to share, that is.”

“I could do that.” Doug turned over on his side like he had at the track. “When did you say you’re going to MEPS?”

“Two weeks.” Gideon turned toward Doug. “How long’s your leave?”

“Another ten days,” Doug said.

Gideon trailed a finger down Doug’s chest, playing connect the freckles. “Anything else you think I should know about Army life as a not-so-young, gay enlisted man?”

“Yup.” Doug grinned. “A lot of stuff.”

“Sounds like it might take some time to teach me.”

Doug’s grin got wider. “About ten days, I think. You good with that?”

“Yes, sir,” Gideon said with a smile.


Logan Zachary

very July, I returned to active duty to play solider once again for the last two weeks of the month. The reserves met, and I was back to the Army. I threw my duffle bag on the ground as I locked my Honda Civic’s door and headed to the barracks.

Sweat dripped off my brow and burned my eyes as I crossed the parking lot. The first day was always difficult when the guys regrouped. Everyone talked excitedly about their children and wives. Being a single, gay man in the Army should have been better after Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was repealed, but it wasn’t. I was in my midforties and still unmarried, so I tended to worry about how the other guys perceived me. The confirmed bachelor seemed to be an extinct being.

The sun baked down on the asphalt, making waves of heat rise up. I doubted the barracks were air-conditioned, and if they were, the AC would suck. The units tended to give out more noise at night than cool air. If I was lucky, there would be plain fans to circulate the air.

There were always a few nights of camping and sharing a pup tent with another guy. Hopefully, the heat would break, or at least the evenings would cool off.

I opened the door and entered the blast furnace. I saluted the man with the clipboard and gave him my name: Staff Sergeant Thomas Clay reporting for duty.

I found my locker and quickly made my bed. All my gear was stowed and ready for inspection or whatever they had in store for us. Every summer it was the same and different. We were assigned a buddy to spend the two weeks with. We did everything together and shared the living space.

Sometimes we were paired with guys we knew, and sometimes, due to vacations and transfers, we met a new solider. This year I had a new partner, Sergeant Joe Harris. I hoped he wouldn’t be a talker. Telling me his entire life story and expecting me to spill my guts to him. Whatever happened to loose lips sink ships? I’m sure the Navy wouldn’t share their motto with us. Or showing me picture after picture of his kids, his dog, his wife, his boat, his…

I ran my hand over my new buzz cut. I had gone to the little Korean man at my neighborhood barber shop and told him to scalp me, before the service did. Twelve bucks for a haircut: very cheap for Minneapolis establishments. I always gave him a twenty. A nice tip, and he was always happy to see me.

The sun had bleached my blond to almost white, and my skin was golden brown. I worked construction all summer as I was off my regular teaching job. Three months to either fix my place up or get hired out to fix someone else’s. I wished my teacher’s salary was a big as a pro athlete’s, but the reserves added to my net worth.

Once all was unpacked, I headed over to the mess hall and
waited for dinner. Guys milled around, and I recognized a few. I ate quickly and headed out to the night, hoping to catch a cool breeze. But the evening was dead silent, except for the frogs and the crickets that prayed for rain.

Sergeant Harris lay across his upper bunk working on the daily crossword puzzle when I came in for the night. He wore a loose-fitting T-shirt and sweats. Standing, he offered me his hand. “Nice to meet you, Thomas. I hear we’re partners for the next two weeks.”

His hand was warm and firm as he took mine. He shook it with power and authority, but not with pure power to show me how strong he thought he was. His hair was dark brown with a slight curl to it. Blue eyes, even white teeth and what appeared like a muscular body. He topped out at six foot even, five inches taller than me.

“Nice to meet you. You’re a lot taller than I am. Would the bottom bunk work better for you?”

Harris smiled as he let go of my hand. “If you’re fine with this body lying above you all night, I’m fine with it too. I’d hang over the end of the bed above or below you.”

Images flashed through my mind, as I struggled to keep them in check. I yawned and pointed to the bathroom. “I’m about ready to call it a night.” I moved over to my locker to get my toothbrush and paste.

“I’m almost done with my puzzle, and I was headed that way myself.” He bounded back into bed with his paper and pen and watched me head to the latrine.

Our morning started with our physical training, and after our five-mile run, we headed to the mess hall for breakfast.

I ate and hurried back to the barracks to shower before our
next class started. I didn’t want to be all sweaty for our CPR recertification. I had turned off the water and was starting to dry off as Sergeant Harris entered the shower room.

“I turned my back to you, and you disappeared.” He tossed his towel over a hook and walked straight at me. His thick penis bounced off each leg as he walked. His low-hanging hairy sac swung easily between his long hairy legs. He looked like a model on the runway. He smiled at me and I felt my dick start to swell.

How could I be partnered with him for the next two weeks? This was going to be hell.

“I need to be clean before I can do CPR. I see you do too. I don’t know how anyone can concentrate when they’re sweaty and stinky.” He turned on the water, and the spray cascaded over his body, making the hair darker against his tan body. A square-cut swimsuit tan line showed a white ass and pelvis. He turned to face the water and his perfectly sculpted ass dimpled as he moved. His cheeks were smooth as could be and as he bent over, a tight pink pucker winked at me.

I fumbled the towel as I dried between my legs and tried to hide my swelling penis. “Did they change the rules again this year?” My voice sounded squeaky as I asked.

“Isn’t that the point? Change it each year so we have to learn it and test out of it.” He looked over his shoulder. His torso twisted to reveal a lean form of rippling muscles. The bronzed skin showed each muscle to fine definition.

I wrapped the towel around me and headed back to my locker. I jumped into my boxers, still damp as I tried to pull them up over my ass. I struggled to get them up, but the elastic waistband rolled and bunched up underneath the towel.

A hand slipped into my underwear and brushed my hairy butt. The fingers rolled the material flat and smoothed it out,
before pulling it up in back. He patted my bottom and moved over to his locker.

“My kids always get stuck in their clothes.” Harris dried his back with his towel, still flashing his amazing backside at me. With each step, the glutes flexed and dimpled.

“I guess I haven’t grown up yet either.” I pulled the damp towel from around my waist and ran it over my dripping head.

Harris bent over into his locker and pulled out a pair of boxers. He stepped into them, making his white cheeks disappear.

My heart seemed to sigh in my chest. “I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I hear the AC is out and the classroom is in direct sun.”

“Crap. Why do we have training in the summer? Can’t we get a cold month for a change? I hate losing two weeks of my summer. My kids complain, and they want to come with me.”

“They love to camp?” I asked as I pulled my T-shirt over my head.

“They would rather be here than me. Give me the mower and a cold beer.” He pulled on a pair of baggy shorts over his boxers. He found a sleeveless shirt with large openings on each side of it. His naked torso was framed in the cotton.

I bit my lower lip as I found my shorts and socks.

He sat on his bunk to pull on his socks and I noted his long, hairy toes. As he sat, his shorts leg peeked open and revealed a hairy testicle dangling along one of his legs.

I bit down harder. How the fuck was I going to be able to concentrate now?

“Did they give you a Red Cross CPR book?” Harris uncrossed his legs and switched feet.

I tried not to look, but I couldn’t help it. I was weak. His thick cock dangled down his other pant leg.

Double damn.

I knew my shorts would be pitching a tent sooner than we needed one.

Harris knelt on the floor over the mannequin as he started CPR. His shorts hugged his ass, deep into the crease and tight over his muscular buttocks. The waistband slipped down a bit to show a triangle of hair in the small of his back.

I wanted to comb my fingers through that patch of hair so badly. I dropped the CPR booklet and lost my page.

“How many compressions am I supposed to do?” Harris looked up at me, expecting an answer.

I flipped through the book, trying to find the page.

Harris rose up and I noticed his shorts had ridden up and a pink, hairy orb peeked out of a leg as he reached across the mannequin. A white band of skin contrasted from his tan as his shorts and shirt parted.

“Get down here and help me,” he demanded.

I moved to the opposite side of the mannequin. I looked into his deep blue eyes and smiled. “I don’t have a clue where it is.”

He reached over and grabbed the book from my hand and then sat back on his feet. His shorts were pulled tight over his groin and outlined his package. One testicle had slipped down and the rounded furry tip peeked out.

He arched his back and thrust his pelvis even farther into my line of view.

Was he doing that on purpose? Was he coming on to me?

“It’s your turn to pump and blow, pump and blow. I want to see your technique.”

What did he mean by that? I swallowed hard and started CPR.

* * *

Next day, we had our orders and headed out to camp for three days: setting up, building a latrine and cooking our own food, as we played war games and worked on strategies of warfare.

I crawled into our tent and settled into my sleeping bag. The night was hot and humid and not a breeze blew in the evening sky. I usually slept naked at home, but since I had to share quarters, I kept on a pair of boxers and a T-shirt.

Sergeant Harris unzipped the tent and entered. He smelled of Crest toothpaste and a shower with Irish Spring. I inhaled deeply and stopped suddenly. I worried he would hear me and figure out what I was doing.

“Hot one tonight.” Harris unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off one shoulder and then the other. He wore a wifebeater underneath and pulled that off too. His muscles rippled underneath his bronze skin. A reddish tinge from the sun covered his chest and back.

“It’s only for two days.” I rolled over onto my side to watch him undress.

He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. His hairy belly filtered down into his boxers waistband. His fly winked open to reveal thick, curly hair inside.

I lay back down and stared at the peak of the tent. A spot in the canvas held my attention as Harris struggled in the cramped space to get his pants off.

He sat down and brought his legs up, pulling his pants off the rest of the way. He kicked his hairy legs, making his muscles stand out as he stretched. His feet sprang free, and he flopped down on his back onto his sleeping bag. He let his legs drop, allowing them to spread wide, and one foot landed on my sleeping bag. His toe brushed against my leg.

My leg felt as if it burned from his touch. Instinct almost
made me pull it away, but desire forced me to keep it there. The air in the tent was hot and humid. A sheen of sweat covered my body. The night had done little to cool the heat of the day away.

“Man, I’m beat. What a day. I’m sure the heat and humidity are kicking my butt.” Harris rolled on his side to face me.

I could feel his eyes on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as he adjusted himself in his boxers. I knew I couldn’t be rude, so I rolled on my side to face him. “Camping can be fun, but this seems like a lot of work.”

“If we’re ever in combat, I’m sure they want us to be able to survive in a tent.”

My sleeping bag was cooking me alive. I pulled my underwear away from my balls and out of the crack in my ass before taking my arms out of the bag and letting them air out. “At least it’s only for a few nights.”

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