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Authors: NM Facile

Across The Hall (40 page)

BOOK: Across The Hall
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“Sure, Grandpa. What did you want to talk about?”

“You and Sylvia.” I figured that was it. It was what everyone wanted to talk to me about. “I know your grandma gave you her ring. She has been

waiting years to give that to you. She always said she knew you would give it to Sylvia one day.”

I smiled thinking of how much my family loved Sylvia.

“When I gave that ring to your grandmother my grandfather gave me some advice. I’m going to pass it on to you. Learn to answer ‘yes dear’ and

mean it. Always listen to her. What she says is important, and you never know when your life may depend on it. Make sure you kiss her good

morning every day and good night every night. Then you wil never have to wonder whose bed she’s in. Never go to bed mad at each other. You do

and it guarantees you won’t be getting any that night.” Grandpa smiled conspiratorial y at me. I couldn’t believe he was talking to me about sex.

“Make her happy first and she wil make you happy. Your grandma likes it when I use...” He was holding up his pinky finger. I couldn’t listen to

anymore and jumped up. I stumbled over the chair in my haste to get to the door.

“Thanks for the advice, Grandpa. I think I’m good on the rest.” I stuttered out quickly. I looked back to see him smirking before I headed out the

door. I didn’t think I ever wanted advice from my grandpa again.

Final y we said our goodbyes and I was able to take Sylvia home. We stil had five whole days to ourselves before the others came back from

their family visits. We even had New Year’s Eve alone together. I already started forming a plan for it.

We were in my car driving back and Sylvia was very cuddly, even more than she had been al weekend. I wasn’t complaining. I just wanted to get

us back to her place that much quicker. She rubbed her hand up my thigh and over me. I sucked a breath in, half hoping she would go farther and

the other half hoping she would stop until we got home.

I felt her hot breath against my ear. “Let’s go to your place when we get back.” I stepped on the gas a little harder when she bit my earlobe as she

squeezed the growing bulge in my pants. I had wanted to get Sylvia back to my place at some point. I smiled, happy with the knowledge that she

wanted that as wel . The rest of the ride home I battled images of Sylvia in various states of undress and in various positions al over my apartment.

It didn’t help that Sylvia continued to massage me al the way home.

We left our bags in the car when we got back. I told her I would go get them later. For now I just wanted her in my bed. The sooner that happened,

the better. We made our way upstairs, holding hands and exchanging kisses, giggling like teenagers. Once we were inside, we went straight to the

bedroom. Clothes were shed, with kisses and touches being given on the way.

As much as I would have liked to have taken it slow and worship her body, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. After a long weekend of having her

close with nothing but stolen kisses and quick caresses, I had to have her. A naked Sylvia standing before me was my undoing. I leaned down

taking her nipple into my mouth while I teased the other one. She had perfect breasts. I couldn’t get enough of them. She moaned and pul ed away

from me.

“Quinn, I can’t wait. I need you.” The combination of her husky voice with her moving onto her hands and knees on the bed in front of me had me

even harder. Then she looked over her shoulder at me with her eyes half closed as she wiggled her ass at me. “Please,” she begged. I pul ed her

hips to me and was in her in one thrust.

God, it was good. So perfect. Ugh. I could have just died happy, right there in Sylvia. She groaned and I began to move. It wasn’t slow or easy, yet

she urged me on. “Harder and faster”. I’d never heard Sylvia so vocal before. She begged for more and told me how good it felt as she moaned

and cried out. It turned me on more than anything had before. I was completely focused on Sylvia, the feel of her heat massaging my cock as I

slipped in and the slight pul as I slid out.

It was hardly any time before I felt her clench around me holding me in tight. She cal ed out my name fol owed by a scream. I held on to her hips

stroking along them as she came down. She dropped down to her elbows, changing the angle, al owing me to go deeper.

“Please come for me, Quinn.” She pleaded breathlessly as she reached back below us and took my bal s in her hand. She rol ed them and

tugged them. It felt amazing. I felt my own release building as al my muscles tightened up. With my own unintel igible groan of her name I came

hard. I stayed in her like that for a few seconds as my body slowly relaxed.

After I pul ed out and col apsed next to her, I felt like my limbs had turned to jel y. We both laid there catching our breath, basking in the heat that

was between us. I felt Sylvia shift around until her body was curled up next to mine. She lightly ran her hand over my chest as she sighed.

“It’s never been like this before,” She whispered to me. “Never like it is with you.”

I smiled smugly. It was good to know that I could make Sylvia feel that way. When she cal ed out my name and begged me for more, I felt like a

god. I laid there savoring the feel of her naked body against mine as I listened to her breathing calm back down. We were lost in our own bliss, each

silently thinking of the other. At least that’s what I thought until Sylvia asked, “how many others have there been for you?”

I groaned. “Is this real y something you want to talk about right now?” I felt her head nod against my chest. I sighed. I didn’t have any secrets, and

real y there wasn’t anyone else. I just knew she’d had other guys in the past. One, I didn’t real y want to talk about them and two, I didn’t want her to

feel bad about that.

“Please, Quinn. You know about mine.” I didn’t know any specifics except for Beau and I would rather not know any.

“There were no others,” I answered her quietly.

She sat up and looked at me. “What do you mean?” She looked at me like I hadn’t understood her question.

“I mean I have never been with any girl other than you.” I reached up and caressed her check. She pul ed away from me. With a confused look she

glanced at the side table then back at me.

“What about the condoms in your drawer?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sylvia, I’m a 22 year old guy. Why wouldn’t I have condoms on hand?” She continued to appraise me with distrustful

eyes. “What?” I was starting to feel self-conscious.

“Did you plan to get me back into your bed?”

“Oh, Jesus, Sylvia. You’re kidding right? I didn’t even know you were here. We’ve been over this. Please, please let this go. I had no idea when I

moved here and then once I did I never thought we could be more than friends. Not until the weekend you stayed here did I even hope there could

be more between us. Seriously I just had them in case I ever needed them.” I brought my hand up and ran it through my hair. Of al the things she

had to be worried about, I couldn’t believe this was it.

I glanced back over at her and she was biting her bottom lip. I knew she was thinking over what I had just told her. I smiled when she dropped her

head back down to my chest and snuggled in.

“So you didn’t date anyone after me?” I felt her lips curve up into a smile and could hear the smug tone in her question.

“No. I dated a couple a girls, but that’s al they were. Just dates. There was never anything more.”

“Oh,” her voice lowered and I felt her smile fade.

“None of them were you. I know now that no one could ever replace you.” I wrapped my arms around her and pul ed her tightly to me. We laid

there quietly for some time, lost in our thoughts. Soon our hands began to roam over each other and our lips soon fol owed. Before I knew it we

were wel into round two.

Our days alone together were like that. It seemed we spent them naked or at least mostly naked. We occasional y came up for air and food. Time

meant nothing to us. We ate when we were hungry and slept when we were tired. We moved from my place to hers and back again, it just

depended on what we wanted or needed at the time. The whole time my heart sang out joyful y.
Sylvia loves me.
The grin seemed to be a

permanent fixture. We spent hours talking, catching up on what we missed in the other’s lives and just reacquainted ourselves with each other. We

also talked about the future. We made no concrete plans but I knew we would be together from now on.

Then there was the sex. It didn’t matter what we were doing, there would be a look exchanged or something said and we would be al over each

other. This must be what newlyweds are like. We’d never had this much alone time before. We couldn’t keep our hands or mouths off each other.

We christened every room in my apartment and hers as wel . There were showers shared and food left uncooked or burned. There was hot,

passionate sex and slow lovemaking. There were hours of just exploring each other’s bodies. We may have known each other’s bodies and likes in

the past, but it was al new again. We tried things I would never have thought of in high school. It was al good and it was ours.

New Year’s Eve rol ed around and I knew we needed to leave our little bubble of paradise. Sylvia stil had to buy gifts for our friends, who would

be home in two days. We would have our own little Christmas party when they were al back. I knew the girls had talked to Sylvia a few times while

they were gone, but I was sure they would al be happy to see the change in her. She stil had moments of sadness, but they were fewer and farther

between. She had started talking about going back to work, too. I didn’t want her to push herself too hard, but she felt the obligation to return with

the new semester starting soon.

I suggested we go out in the late afternoon and do some shopping. After that, I had reservations for a nice quiet dinner for the two of us, and then I

wanted to take her back home and ring in the New Year together. Fortunately, Sylvia agreed to go. I told her about the reservation so she wouldn’t

be surprised and so she could dress appropriately. She was beautiful in a deep green sweater that was so soft I couldn’t help but rub my hands

over her. Of course the deep v of the neck line didn’t hurt either; it gave me a fantastic view of her cleavage.

As we pul ed out of the parking lot, I checked my right for traffic before checking my left. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and my

stomach tightened. I swear I saw Beau’s pickup out of the corner of my eye. When I looked again it was gone. I didn’t say anything to Sylvia but I

found myself looking around al afternoon. Sylvia noticed of course.

“What is going on with you? You’re so jumpy.” She playful y punched my arm.

I debated on whether or not to tel her. In the end I figured it was best that she knew. “I think I saw Beau’s truck outside the apartment.” Her eyes

went wide and I think fear flashed in her eyes before she drew herself up as she sucked a deep breath in. I didn’t want to alarm her so I hurriedly

continued, “I’m not sure it was him. I just can’t shake the feeling that it was.”

Sylvia closed her eyes and took another breath. When she opened them she looked me in the eyes and grabbed my hands. “I swear I haven’t

heard from him since Thanksgiving. I doubt it was him.” At my incredulous look she quickly added, “that doesn’t mean I won’t be careful or on the

lookout too. I promise if he does try to contact me you wil be the first to know.” I squeezed her hands to reassure her that I trusted her. I nodded and

tried to let it go. I didn’t want her to worry needlessly or pul back into herself.

“Let’s just finish shopping. What do you need to get yet?” I knew she had gifts for Sloane and Reed. She planned to get the girls gift certificates to

a spa. I thought I would get her one, too, so she could go with them. I knew she would protest but a little pampering and some girl time would be

good for her.

“Hmmm. I just need to get a couple things. Can we meet back here in an hour?” I didn’t real y want to let her out of my sight. “I have my cel phone

with me and we’re in a crowded mal . Nothing is going to happen to me. Real y, I need to go my own way for a bit.” She was chal enging me with her


I huffed. “I suppose. But don’t be gone too long, and pay attention to your surroundings.”

She rol ed her eyes. “Yes, dad.” As soon as she said it I saw the hurt pass over her face. I pul ed her in for a hug. She sniffed against my shoulder.

When I felt like she was okay I stepped back and looked into her eyes. The sadness was there, but not as prominent as it had been.

“It’s okay. I’m going to be okay.” She said it to herself as much as to me. I reluctantly let her go after that. I wouldn’t have, but I wanted to get

something for her, too. In addition to the spa I had thought I would get her a new soft blanket to replace her old one. I set off in search of one.

Sylvia and I met back where we agreed. I only noticed her carrying one big bag. I tried to subtly check and see where it was from but she caught


“Nuh-uh, Lobato,” she chided as she jerked it from my view, “No peeking.”

I had slipped the blanket in with Reed and Sloane’s gifts so she wouldn’t be able to see it. It didn’t stop her from trying.

“The same for you, O’Mara.” I joked as I kissed her.

We made our way out to the car and I had the eerie feeling that we were being watched. I surreptitiously looked around. I didn’t want to alarm

Sylvia. I didn’t see anything. I tried to chalk it up to paranoia, yet there was a tiny seed of dread growing within me. Maybe I was just worried that

BOOK: Across The Hall
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