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Authors: NM Facile

Across The Hall (28 page)

BOOK: Across The Hall
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bother me, but I didn’t want the thought of Sylvia with anyone else in my head either.

She sat up a little straighter, and then listed to her side so that she was propped against the back of the couch facing me. She choked back a

sob then gave a little giggle. Her eyes flashed the hint of sparkle and then went dim again. “It was al before I knew you were coming back. You were

gone.” She was real y slurring her words. I’d known this was going to happen. I took the flask from her and shook it a little. Not much left in there. I

took the lid off and threw the rest of it back. It burned like a motherfucker. I put the lid on and let it drop to the floor. Al the while Sylvia was stil

mumbling about me being gone.

She looked so forlorn, looking up at me, asking my forgiveness. I was the one that needed the forgiveness, not her. Whatever had happened in

the last few years was my fault. I reached out for her and she practical y fel into my arms. Her warm cheek was pressed against my heart and her

arm was around my waist. Those damn cat ears were tickling me so I gently pul ed them off and dropped them.

Sylvia was stil sniffling a little bit, but was starting to calm down. She snuggled tighter in to me and I wrapped my arms around her. I wanted

nothing more than to run my fingers through her hair as I told her it was alright and that I was sorry too, but that damn braid had it al bound up. I felt

around looking for the end of it. Once I slipped it off I began systematical y unwinding it with one hand, just letting my fingers twine through it. I

realized I was zoning out and once I focused on what Sylvia was saying.

“I just couldn’t let him hurt you.”

What? Who hurt me? I stopped undoing her hair. “Sylvia, who was going to hurt me?” I had a good idea who she was talking about.

“Beau.” She wasn’t crying at al anymore and her breathing was slowing down. I was worried she was going to pass out on me.

I straightened her up so I could get a good look at her and her at me. I wanted to be sure she understood this. I held her gently by her shoulders

facing me. Her eyes were a little unfocused, but she seemed to understand that I wanted her to pay attention to me. “Sylvia, no one is going to hurt

me. Not Beau or anyone else.”

“But he said if he ever caught you looking at me, he would end you.” That sounded like it had to have been a direct quote from the prick. “And

then I thought about that night, and how the blood made me sick and...” The blood made her sick... what? Did that bastard hurt her?

“Sylvia. Did he hurt you?” I looked around her arms to see if there were any marks. There didn’t appear to be any, and that striped dress was

covering everything else up. I felt the anger rising up again. Why didn’t I hit him when I had the chance? I should have just taught that asshole a


She shook her head. “Not me. The guy at the bar. He didn’t even do anything and the blood was everywhere and Beau just kept hitting him.” Her

shoulders shook a little as she shivered. She must have been seeing it al again. From the look of horror on her face, I knew it must have been bad.

I pul ed her to my chest and held her tight. I felt her take a deep breath and knew she was smel ing me. I smiled, thinking about how she used to

do that al the time and thought I didn’t know about it. I went back to unbraiding her hair. It was so soft, fal ing through my fingers. I felt her warm

breath against my neck and I knew I wanted this girl again. I had to have her back. I ached with the knowledge that tonight wasn’t the night.

“Sylvia, I promise I can take care of myself. No one wil hurt me. I’m more worried about you. I don’t want him coming back and hurting you.” I

bristled at the thought of him coming back. I was sure that Reed and Sloane would have made sure he was gone tonight, but we couldn’t watch her


Sylvia pul ed back from me with panicked eyes. “I don’t feel wel .” Her eyes were darting around the room.

I knew she would get sick. God damn Reed. I helped her up from the couch and guided her down to the bathroom. I flipped the light on and

helped her over to the toilet, lowering her so she wouldn’t slip and crack her head open. “Sylvia, I’m going to go get you some water. Are you going

to be okay?” She nodded and I backed out.

I took off the stupid tux jacket and vest. The tie was already loose so I pul ed that off, too. I left them al on her dining table and went into the kitchen

for a glass of water. She didn’t have a fridge dispenser so I started the water in the sink. Not even thinking about it I opened the same one that had

my glasses at home and sure enough that is where she kept them. I took some ice out of the freezer and added it to the glass and fil ed it. Once the

water was off I could hear her in the background.

I went back to the bathroom and knelt down by her. She looked over at me and was blushing brighter than the pink of her dress.

“I’m sorry. You don’t have to help me. I’l be alright.” She turned her head back and put it down on her arm which was across the toilet. I smoothed

her hair back and leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving you again.” We sat there like that for a few minutes. Sylvia didn’t throw up any more and I finished taking

the braid out. I kept it brushed away from her face with one hand as I rubbed soft circles on her back with the other. I was thinking about what Sylvia

had told me. Obviously, Beau had threatened her. I wondered if there was more to it. I couldn’t honestly see what Sylvia saw in him. Every encounter

I’d ever had with the prick, he’d acted like he’d owned her. That was so different than the independent Sylvia I knew. I wondered what he was

holding over her.

“I think I’m going to be okay now.” Sylvia’s voice was so hoarse. She sat up straight and I gave her the water glass. She smiled weakly at me.

“Do you have any Tylenol or anything?”

She nodded. “In the kitchen. I can get it.” She moved to stand up. I took her arm and helped her up.

“Sylvia, why don’t you go change and I wil get it for you.” I led her into her room and turned to the kitchen. I checked her door and locked that, too.

I was staying the night. I didn’t care what she said. I wasn’t leaving her alone. I texted Sloane before getting the Tylenol.

Sylvia will be ok - very hung over but ok. Is he gone? - Q

I found the bottle and fil ed two more glasses of water, one for me and one for her. I took a drink of mine and my phone buzzed.

Reed led him right to his truck and he took off. Kai said to stay with Sylvia just in case. - S

I planned to. We need to talk tomorrow. - Q

I went back to Sylvia’s room and found her laying face down on the middle of her bed, stil in her costume. I knew it was wrong to be looking at her

like that, but that dress was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen on her. With the way she was laying on the bed it was hitched up in the back,

barely covering her ass. I briefly thought about what it would be like to run my hands up under it and feel her smooth, soft skin. I couldn’t let myself

think about that.

I rol ed my eyes. Of course she would pass out before changing. I set the water glasses and Tylenol down on the table beside her bed. I stood

there a few seconds, debating if I should just leave her there like that and go sleep on the couch or change her into something more comfortable. It

wasn’t like I hadn’t seen her naked before. Hel , it had only been two weeks since the last time I had. I couldn’t leave her there like that.

I went over to the dresser and opened a couple drawers before I found one with t-shirts. I noticed she had many from high school in there. I smiled

even bigger when I saw a faded blue one with
on the back. It was from our junior year softbal game against the seniors. It was a

requirement that everyone in the class be on the team. Sylvia and I hated every minute of it. She said the only good thing to come out of that was the

shirt in my hands. I knew this was the one to put on her.

I moved back to the bed and laid the shirt down beside her. I slipped the little slipper shoes off her. I knew Kai picked out her costume and I was

pleased to see that she didn’t try to force her into heels. Sylvia, heels, and alcohol would not be a good combination. I suspected Kai had learned

that lesson at some point. Once the slippers were off, I rol ed down the sock-like things on her legs. I wasn’t sure what in the hel they were for. They

just covered her legs and not her feet. Once those were on the floor I moved up to the zipper on the back of her dress. I hesitated, took a deep

breath and undid the zipper. I hoped Sylvia wouldn’t be pissed at me. I raised her shoulders up a bit and inched the dress down her body and over

her legs. I dropped it on the floor with the shoes and leg things.

She was now laying there in nothing but a smal shiny strapless black bra and panty set. I groaned. I should have left her. I would never get this

image out of my head. The pale skin against the black reminded me of pearls in a black velvet case. She was so beautiful, even like this. I knew this

was a good time to check to make sure she didn’t have any bruises elsewhere. I swept my gaze over her and didn’t see any. I exhaled in relief and

crawled up on the bed next to her. I pul ed the shirt over her head and then put each arm through. I pul ed it down over the rest of her body and then

reached back under and unhooked her bra. I lifted her and turned her to me. I pul ed the bra off and laid her back on her pil ow.

I moved to get off the bed and pul the covers over her. She moaned a little and whispered “Quinn,” so softly I wasn’t sure I heard her at first. Her

eyes were open though. “Stay.”

I smiled down at her. “I’m not going anywhere but to turn the light off.” I stood and kicked my shoes off and pul ed my socks off after. I walked down

the hal and turned the other lights off and then the one in her room.

She was stil awake when I came back to the bed. She rose up letting me pul the covers back. I laid down next her and gathered her into my

arms. She snuggled in, nestling her nose into the crook of my neck. Her leg bent over mine.
How did I ever let this go?

I raised my head back up and rested it against the pil ow. I kept my arms around her, tracing patterns up and down her arm and across her back. I

stil hadn’t told her how I felt. I hoped at least my actions tonight would show her that I wanted her back in my life. Of course she needed to hear that,

too. But this was a start.

My mind turned to Beau. He would come back. I was sure of it. I needed to talk to Reed and Sloane in the morning and see what they thought

about it. I didn’t think threatening him would do any good. I was sure now that Sylvia had to see what an ass he was. I would be sure to tel her again

not to worry about me. It made sense that he would use something like that against her. Sylvia always thought of others first. She always took care

of those around her. Now it was our turn to take of her.

I wrapped my fingers in her hair and pul ed her into me tighter. I knew she was asleep, yet I stil needed to tel her. “I love you more than the world,

Sylvia.” I whispered against her head as I kissed her again. “If you let me in, I wil never let you go again. I wil be yours forever.” I let myself drift off,

relishing the feel of her warmth against me. I desperately hoped that, come morning, she would stil want me there.

Chapter 15 - Sylvia

The four of us -- Kai, Sloane, Quinn, and I -- were sitting outside a smal ice cream shop close to campus. The others were chatting away about

something. I wasn’t sure what it was. I was too entranced with the amazing things the bright sunlight was doing to Quinn’s hair. In the shadow it was

its normal deep brown and even black. Then the sun would peek out from behind a cloud and it would shine a deep shade of bronze with hints of

copper. It reminded me of watching autumn leaves change through time-lapse photography.

Kai gave me a little nudge. I knew I was busted when she smirked at me and pointed at my caramel sundae. “Are you going to eat that, or drink


I wrinkled my nose at her and took a bite of my sundae. It was starting to melt, but it was right where I liked it. Frozen enough that it didn’t drip off

the spoon, yet soft and creamy and melting as soon as it hit the tongue. I took a second bite and leaned back against my chair. They had al

resumed whatever it was they were discussing before. I glanced from Kai to Sloane to see if I could catch up with them. On my second pass

through, I realized I didn’t understand anything they said. I looked towards Quinn to see if he would be any help.

He must have just been listening to Kai and Sloane and not joining in with them. He was leaning back in his chair, his long legs kicked out in front

of him. His feet were al gimpy as one pushed against the pavement, causing his chair to rock back. The other was almost laying sideways,

crossed over the first. I tilted my head, trying to figure out how he could get his foot in that position. I started at the foot and moved up to see if his

ankle had the answer. Of course I couldn’t just stop at the ankle; I proceeded on up his legs. What was supposed to be a deep blue was now faded

and washed out to slate in some spots. There were hints of tears along the sides and visible holes along the pocket. The left knee had a rip from

one seam to the other, leaving a hint of skin showing through the frayed bands stil intact.

I studied the jeans, trying to figure out how they got so dirty. I counted eight separate spots, the largest of which was on his thigh, which may have

BOOK: Across The Hall
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