Across The Hall (11 page)

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Authors: NM Facile

BOOK: Across The Hall
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“Sylvia, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Kai’s concern was a little overwhelming right now.

“Yes, I’m fine. I just don’t want to think about it right now.” My voice was flat. I tried to hold to that, but I just couldn’t. I had to get it al out. “I don’t

know what to do real y. I guess there real y isn’t much I can do. So he lives across the hal from me. I just have to accept that. I can’t move. I can’t ask

him to move. It’s not like I have to interact with him on a daily basis.” I realize I was spil ing al my thoughts out unfiltered, but I needed to get it out.

Maybe putting a voice to them would help me work through the confusion. Thankful y, both Kai and Kerri just listened to me, not stopping my verbal

diarrhea. “I can do this. He doesn’t have to affect my life if I don’t let him.” I was trying desperately to reassure myself.

Kai piped up, “We won’t have anything to do with him either. I can’t believe that we didn’t know it was him.” It was good to have friends to back

me up.

“It’s okay, Kai. He’s changed a lot from the picture you saw. Do you think he knew I lived here?” My eyes went wide with that thought. Had he

known? I looked from Kai to Kerri. Kai had her lips pursed like she was thinking it over. Kerri was looking off at the boys suspiciously.

“I don’t know, but I have a good idea of two people who do.” Kerri said, pointedly glaring at Reed and Sloane.

Kai caught on quickly. “That’s what’s been up with those two al week, isn’t it? They knew. When I get my hands on them...”

I should have felt bad for Sloane and Reed with Kai on the war path, but I just couldn’t find it within myself to care right then. Not wanting to talk

about it anymore, I changed the subject. “Are you going to Jason’s tonight?”

“I think so. Reed wants to go.” Kerri answered off-handedly. She was stil distracted, probably contemplating ways of torturing Reed for

withholding information from her.

I glanced over at Kai for her input since she was, for al intents and purposes, the group coordinator. “Yes, I think it would be good for al of us to

go. Are you going to bring Beau?”

I looked over at the guys, seeking Beau out. He was laughing at something Reed said. “Yeah. He seems to be getting along with them pretty wel .

I want Jason to meet him. You weren’t planning on inviting Quinn were you?” I gazed back worriedly towards Kai.

“No. At least I hadn’t said anything to him. I would hope that those two idiots would have the sense not to invite him there, either. They knew that

you would be going. Not only that, but Jase would rip him apart if he recognized him.”

I hoped Kai was right. “Good, because I real y need to drink tonight.”

Beau and I left for Jason’s as soon as I was done helping pack the rest of the food up. I just wanted to get out of the park, so I had Kai tel Beau to

meet me by his bike. He looked at me questioningly as he walked up to me, flicking aside the cigarette he’d just finished. “I just want to get out of

here. I have another friend who’s having a party tonight and I planned on going. Would you like to come with? Reed and Sloane wil be there.” I was

real y hoping he would say yes. I truly believed without him there today I would have fal en apart. The others knew my history with Quinn and I didn’t

even want to think of what my reaction would have been with just them there. I wouldn’t let myself break down in front of Beau. Quinn was the past,

and while I didn’t know what Beau was to me yet, I did know that for right now he was the present.

Beau was quiet for a second thinking it over. “Wil Quinn be there?” He asked suspiciously.

“Definitely not,” I answered quickly.

“What’s the deal between you two? He was eye fucking you al afternoon.” His voice had an accusatory edge to it.

He was? I hadn’t noticed that. I paused before answering that loaded question. How much should I tel him? “Quinn and I dated in high school. We

split up when we went to col ege. Today is the first time I’ve seen him since the day after high school graduation.” I kept my tone flat and

unemotional, hoping he would just let it drop.

Beau scrutinized my face trying to decide if I was tel ing the truth. His deep blue eyes dril ed into mine, but I didn’t squirm. He must have liked

what he saw. He flashed me the biggest smile I had ever seen from him. He pul ed me to him and leaned in close. “Wel then we’l just have to make

sure he knows you’re no longer interested.” His lips met mine and I could taste the cigarette. I didn’t care. I was just relieved that he wasn’t upset by

the whole Quinn ordeal. I kissed him back, demanding more, showing him that he was the one I was interested in, not Quinn.

Once his name popped into my mind I paused momentarily to push it away. Beau picked up on the pause and pul ed back peering into my eyes


I tried to cover my lapse by saying, “We should probably get going. I told Jason I’d be over as soon as the picnic was over, and I’d like to get

there before the others.”

Beau nodded, asked me for directions, and we took off. I wrapped my arms around him and forced myself to think of Beau and the fact that it was

his body I was holding onto, not the one I’d held so long ago.

Jason’s house was in a neighborhood ful of col ege students. Its proximity to campus and the size of the houses -- which al owed for maximum

tenants -- made it an ideal location for off-campus housing. Almost every house had a party going on. The whole block was a complete cacophony

with music pouring in from several different places. People were out in yards, both front and back. For only being late afternoon, several were

notably intoxicated. I had every intention of joining them.

We had to park over a block away from Jason’s big blue two story house. During the walk to the house Beau asked me, “So who is it that’s

having this party?”

“Jason. He’s a friend from back home.” Kerri’s pissing comment came to mind and I felt like I needed to add a disclaimer. “He’s like my younger

brother.” I peeked over at him to find him studying me with one eyebrow quirked. “He’s having the party as a welcome for another friend from back

home. I actual y think Colby wil be my younger brother someday. My dad has been seeing his mom for a while now, even though he doesn’t think I

know it.” I laughed at the thought of my dad thinking he was getting away with hiding his and Shel y’s relationship.

Beau smiled again and draped his arm across my shoulders as I pointed out the house. We headed up the sidewalk and around the house to the

backyard where I knew everyone would be. Once we rounded the corner I paused, taking in the sight in front of me. Jason’s roommates were there,

of course, along with a couple of their girlfriends. There were probably about a dozen more people I didn’t recognize. Off to the side of the cement

patio, standing next to a keg, was the group I was looking for.

The group stood out from the rest. In al there were four of them. Four of the biggest al -American farm boys you would ever see. Al tal , muscular

with varying shades of blond hair. Al could be confused for Norse gods come to life. They were al laughing at something. I couldn’t tel what. I

moved a little closer and saw that Colby was already swaying heavily, the beer splashing out of the cup he was holding as he moved his arms

around animatedly as he talked. I couldn’t believe they’d let him get this drunk already. Wait, I could believe it. In fact they probably encouraged it. I

laughed at that and Colby looked up at me.

“Syl l viaaaa!” He slurred loudly, almost fal ing on his face as he ran up to me. He plucked me up off the ground in a big bear hug. I could barely

breathe, he was squeezing me so hard. “I’m so happppy ta seeee youuu. Ya need ta get beeeer. It’s goooood beeeer. I had lots ofit taday.” He was

almost incomprehensible, he was so drunk. He swung me around; swaying as he did so and Ben grabbed me out of his arms.

“Damn, Colby. Be careful, you’l drop her.” Ben held me just as tight as Colby had. “Syl y. It’s good to see you.” He handed me over to Danny and I

got my greeting hug from him too before he set me down in front of Jason.

“Hey Sylvia.”

I slapped his chest. “What are you thinking? The afternoon is barely over and Colby is sloshed.” I reprimanded him. He shrugged and gave me a

slightly guilty grin. I chuckled at it. “Now it’s my turn. Where’s my beer? I’m not leaving here until I’m in the same condition as Colby.” After the day I’d

had, I needed this release. I ful y planned to use the vast amounts of alcohol that would be available to my advantage. I reasoned that the drunker I

was the less I would think about my new neighbor.

I introduced Beau to the guys and got us both a drink. He didn’t look real thril ed at having watched me being passed around by al of them. I let it

go, he just didn’t know them yet. Once he did he would see that they were just like my siblings.

Beau stayed by my side al night, only leaving to get me more to drink. He didn’t real y talk to anyone other than me. He wasn’t being impolite, just

more reserved. I think he was sizing up my friends and getting a feel for us as a group. I hoped he was having a good time. He didn’t act bored or

like he was anxious to leave. He just fol owed my lead around from one group to another, while I made sure I talked with everyone. I didn’t get to see

Ben and Danny often, and I’d missed them.

Colby passed out early and they dragged him off to Jason’s room to sleep it off. That didn’t stop the rest of us from having a good time. True to

my word, I did drink plenty. Usual y Kerri or Kai cut me off before I could get as drunk as I was. Tonight they just stepped back and let me go.

Beau was actual y the one to suggest I stop. We had taken his motorcycle here and if I continued at the pace I was on, I wouldn’t be able to stay

on it on the way home. I definitely wanted him to take me home. In fact, the more I drank the more I wanted him.

He was just fine with my overt public displays of affection. He encouraged them. At one point I went down the hal to use the restroom and he

fol owed me. We were alone in the hal and he grabbed me around the waist from the back, pul ing me to him. He rubbed his hard cock against me

and growled into my ear. “Feel what you’ve done to me? Why don’t we slip into the bathroom there and you can do something about it.” It was more

of a command than a suggestion. Somewhere in my alcohol hazed mind I knew I should have been offended, but at the time, the drunk girl was in

charge and she was al for it.

I gave a little giggle and reached back up around to his neck and pul ed him in for a kiss. It was a wet open mouth kiss with our tongues slithering

around the other’s, more outside of either of our mouths than in. His tongue trailed along my jaw to my ear and I let my head rol to the side, al owing

him better access to my neck. He found that spot just under my ear that made me melt and began to suck there. I let out a low moan as he began

nipping at it.

He ground into me, pushing his length harder against my ass. I trailed my free hand down his side working its way between our bodies to cup him

in my hand.

The bathroom door opened and Reed let out a whistle “Damn, Sylvia if you’re going to give a live sex show you should at least charge for it.”

Normal y, that would have me blushing and pul ing away. But by this point I was equal parts drunk and turned on. I just glared at him and told him

to go find Kerri.

“Seriously, Sylvia get a room or go home.” He walked away shaking his head and chuckling at me.

“That’s a good idea. Why don’t we go back to your place and finish what we started the other night?” Beau whispered in my ear before taking

one last nibble on my ear.

“Mmmm, let me just go say bye to Jason and we can go.” By this time I had completely forgotten why I started down the hal in the first place.

“You don’t need to say goodbye to anyone. They’l figure it out or I’m sure Reed wil let them know. Come on, I don’t want to wait anymore for you.”

He rocked against me once more, pleading his case to leave quickly.

It was colder now and starting to mist. Neither of us had a jacket and the night air should have been cutting on the ride home. I didn’t feel it. I kept

myself pressed tightly to his back, teasing him the whole ride home. I stroked my hands up and down the length of his thighs and up over his chest. I

just ghosted my hands over the bulge in his jeans, just enough to keep him wanting my touch.

We pul ed into the parking lot and a slight wave of nausea hit me as I slid off the bike and into Beau’s arms. He unstrapped the helmet and pul ed

it off me. I took a deep breath and felt a little better. He strapped the helmet on the bike as I teetered from side to side. He snickered at me and

wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Steady there, little one. We stil have to make it up to your place.” As we walked, I felt the hand on my waist slip into my pocket, withdrawing my

keys. I looked up at him questioningly. “Just want to make sure we make it inside this time.”

As I waited for him to unlock the door I glanced over at Quinn’s. I briefly hoped his door would open. That he would see that someone wanted me,

even if he didn’t.

Once we were inside my door, Beau turned me to him and crashed his mouth to mine. His lips were hard against mine. When he opened his

mouth he took my bottom lip between his teeth and pul ed at it, scraping it with his teeth as he let it pop out. His hands were at the bottom of my shirt

pushing it up over me. I raised my arms letting him pul it completely off me.

His hands came back down, cupping my breasts roughly, pushing them together. He pinched my nipples between his thumb and forefinger

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