ACHE (Naked, Book 5) (10 page)

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Authors: Kelly Favor

BOOK: ACHE (Naked, Book 5)
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“What do you mean?” he asked. “What did she do?”

“I’m not sure. But she did something.” Caelyn wracked her brain for the answer.

She knew it was vital to figure it out, as Elijah pulled to the side of the road and the cop car pulled behind him.

“I’m clean,” Elijah said. “No weapons, drugs, money—nothing. Just like I promised you.”

“I believe you,” Caelyn said. She could hardly breathe.

The police officer got out of his car and came over to them, as Elijah rolled down his window.

“Did I do something wrong, officer?” Elijah asked, as he handed the cop his license and registration.

“You’re Elijah Daniels?” the cop said, studying the license.

“Yes sir.” Elijah looked confused.

“Would you mind stepping out of the vehicle, Mr. Daniels?”

“Did I do something?”

“I have probable cause to suspect that you have stolen property in your possession, sir. Now please get out of your vehicle.” The cop put a hand on the butt of his gun.

Elijah shook his head. “This is crazy.”

Caelyn was dumbstruck, watching it as if in slow motion. Elijah got out of the car and the officer proceeded to pat him down, asking him if he had any drugs, needles or weapons on him.

Elijah said that he didn’t.

Just then, the cop reached into the pocket of Elijah’s jacket and pulled something out of it. “Sir, do you know who this belongs to?” the officer said, showing Elijah whatever he’d pulled from his pocket.

“That’s—I didn’t take that,” Elijah said.

“Mr. Daniels, please put your hands behind your back.”

“She must have planted it on me,” Elijah said.

“Put your hands behind your back. You’re under arrest for possession of stolen property.”

Caelyn shrieked. “Elijah!”

Elijah turned and looked at her. “Deena put her credit card in my jacket pocket,”

he said, his face pale. He seemed devastated in a way that surprised even Caelyn.

She’d never seen him look so defeated before.

“Mr. Daniels, you have the right to remain silent,” the police officer began.

Elijah laughed bitterly. He looked at Caelyn again. “I’m going to jail,” he told her.

She couldn’t speak.

“But you know that I love you, right?” Elijah asked.

“I love you too,” she said, not sure he’d heard her. The police officer began leading him back to the patrol car.

She watched as Elijah was forced into the backseat. She could see his dark silhouette inside the car.

Her heart was breaking.

He’d finally said the words.

And now he was gone.



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