Aced (24 page)

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Authors: Ella Frank,Brooke Blaine

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Gay

BOOK: Aced
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“Thought so.” And thank fuck for that, because I wanted the man sitting beside me more than I’d ever thought possible.

“So where
you taking me, if it’s not to dispose of my body?”

As we continued along the dusty road, there were no cars, trucks, or anything in sight but yuccas standing tall and smattered across the flat terrain. The desolate expanse gave the area an eerie feel, but I wasn’t worried. I’d paid good money to have the place cleared out because I was about to give Dylan something he wouldn’t get anywhere else.

As I guided my car down the final turn, a frown appeared between Dylan’s eyebrows and I gave a hearty laugh.

“You look so worried,” I said, recapturing his attention.

“Not worried, more…curious. You certainly have me curious, Mr. Locke.”

It was then that I reached across the console and took his hand in mine. “You told me you wanted to drive my car.”

As my words penetrated his brain, Dylan’s mouth fell open in shock.

“I thought this would be a good place to do that,” I said as he threaded his fingers through mine.

Dylan squeezed my hand and flashed a brilliant smile my way, and I wanted to dive across the seat to take those lips with mine. But I refrained. Instead, I maneuvered the car to a stop and then cut the engine.

As the silence engulfed us, I unbuckled my belt and held up the keychain with the automatic starter on it. “So, whaddya say?”

Dylan looked out the windshield at the miles and miles of empty road ahead of us. “Where the hell are we?”

“El Mirage Lake.”

“Uhh…?” Dylan said. “And where exactly is

I followed his line of sight. “The Mojave Desert. It’s a dry lakebed. People come here to race their cars, motorcycles, and for film shoots. That’s how I first found out about it. We were filming out here for
Hell’s Fury.

“Wow,” Dylan said as he looked back at me and the starter dangling from my finger. “And you brought me out here to drive your car.”

I nodded as he reached for the keychain and slid it off my finger.

“Didn’t trust me around other cars, huh?”

“That’s not it.”


I shook my head. “No.” Then I leaned over and curled my fingers around the lapels of his jacket, tugging him to me where I said against his lips, “I wanted you to be able to really let loose on her.”

Dylan’s gaze lowered to my mouth, and who fucking knew talking about him driving my car would get me so riled up.

“Let loose on her? As in, I can ride her hard and fast?” he asked.

Dylan was going to have me begging to get naked before we’d done what I’d brought us there to do. And while that wasn’t a horrible idea, I wanted to give him this. I wanted him to be able to get behind the wheel of my car and gun it up the long strip of road ahead until every inch of our bodies were vibrating from the adrenaline.

“How is it this place is empty?” he asked, breaking me from his stare. “I assume there are usually people all over.”

I couldn’t stop myself from tasting him in some way, so I kissed the corner of his lips and then flicked the edge of them with the tip of my tongue. As Dylan groaned, I told him, “I paid for it to be empty.”

He pulled his head back then, and a positively immoral expression crossed his features. “So we have this entire area to ourselves? Are you serious?”

I nodded.

“Damn, Ace, that’s some power you have at your fingertips. You can just call someone up and have half a desert at your disposal.”

disposal,” I corrected. “So? Want to see how she handles?”

Dylan didn’t think twice before he answered, “Fuck yes. Let’s do this.”

* * *

I WASN’T AN idiot.
No siree.
So when Ace was dangling a temptation such as flooring his beast of a car up an unimpeded strip of road, you bet your ass I was on it. I took the starter key from him, not that I needed it, then climbed out of the car.

As I rounded the back of the vehicle, I saw Ace sauntering toward me in his jeans and tank top, and the smile on his face was smug, full of arrogance, like he knew he’d just given me the best gift on the planet—and really, he had.

This was going to be fucking unreal.

As we met at the back of the car, he stopped in front of me and reached for the collar of my jacket. He flipped the material up at my neck and then fingered the middle of my sunglasses before pushing them up my nose. He then gave me a quick kiss.

“See,” he said when he raised his head. “You look perfect to go full throttle in this bad boy.”

I placed my hand on his massive chest and smoothed my palm over his tank top, and down to his rock-hard abs. “
bad boy?”

“I was referring to my car.”

“Oh, I know exactly what you were talking about. But you look like some sort of wet dream dressed like this, and now you’re giving me permission to drive your Lamborghini. I’m not sure I’ll be able to restrain myself from attacking you.”

As the words left my mouth and Ace released me to head to the passenger side, I turned to watch him go, another idea firmly taking root in my mind as I headed to the driver’s side of the vehicle.

We both got in the car, and once the doors slid shut, locking us in the tight confines, I reached across Ace’s large frame for the seatbelt and buckled him in.

Once he was secure, I kissed his ear and whispered, “Thank you for this. I’ll take real good care of her.” Then I brushed my palm over his groin and squeezed. Ace groaned and let his head fall back on the headrest as I added, “Then I’ll take you home and take care of you.”

He nodded and moved to put his hand over mine where it rested between his legs, but I pulled away with a wink, and settled into my side, determined to drive before this attraction bubbling to a boiling point exploded.

I buckled up and grazed my hands over the steering wheel the same way I would a lover, and couldn’t stop the sigh that slipped free.

“Aren’t you going to turn her on?” Ace asked, his voice deeper than usual. It was clear that arousal was now riding him the same way it was me, and that made what I was about to do even hotter.

The side of my lips quirked and I answered reverently, “Of course. That’s why I’m petting her first.” I then pressed the ignition button and let the rumble of the engine vibrate through me before it settled and throbbed. The deep-throated thrum of the vehicle flowed over me, and my body’s reaction was intense. My balls tightened as though they were being fondled, and my cock began to pound. I hadn’t lied when I’d told Ace his car was pure sex, because sitting there behind the wheel of it had me wanting to reach into my jeans and grip the base of my dick to calm it down.

With one last look at my passenger, I gave Ace an illicit smile as I put the car into gear and then punched the accelerator. The steering wheel trembled under my hands and sent a shot of electricity straight up my spine as the Lamborghini took off up the deserted expanse of road like a gun shooting from a barrel.

From zero to a hundred in two-point-eight seconds, the power of the machine I was controlling was the biggest fucking rush I’d ever experienced. I whooped and hollered as I shifted gears and continued to eat the dust under the belly of a car as we sped to the end of the road in less than three minutes.

As I braked and came to a stop, my heart was thundering in my chest and my hands were shaking. I still had a death grip on the steering wheel, and when I looked over at Ace, the air in the vehicle practically sparked as it hissed and crackled with electricity.

Ace had one hand up, holding the
oh shit
bar, and the muscles in his bicep were bulging as though he’d been gripping it for dear life. But he wasn’t scared.
Fuck no.
There wasn’t one trace of fear in the eyes that were locked with mine. They were full of fever and excitement, an intensity I’d never witnessed before. Ace’s entire body looked taut as his chest heaved up and down with every labored breath he took.

Fucking hell.
He was all muscle and power as he sat there in the luxurious interior of his outrageously expensive car, and as quickly as I could get my seatbelt undone, I was reaching across the console for him.

He released his grip on the handle at the same time and met me halfway. One of his hands went to the back of my neck, pulling me forward, and I held his chin in place as I crushed my lips to his.

Ace parted for me in an instant and I dove in, not wanting to waste time on pleasantries. I had a sudden need to be inside this man in any way I could get there. I sank my tongue deep between his lips, and he grunted and ran his fingers up to cradle the back of my head as he angled his mouth to heighten the kiss.

I twisted my fingers in the material of his shirt and hauled him as close to me as I could get him, and as the gear stick dug into my side I wrenched my mouth from his. “

Ace’s eyes were blown as his nostrils flared and his mouth glistened from my own, and I looked beyond his shoulder and out the window to the empty surroundings. As the same idea from earlier struck, I wondered if it was too outrageous for the man sitting mere inches away looking as though he wanted to consume me. There was only one way I was ever going to find out, and if I didn’t take this opportunity now, I doubted the perfect situation would ever present itself again.

Gathering every ounce of confidence I possessed, I leaned back across the console with my eyes on Ace, and slicked my tongue along his lower lip. When a muffled groan escaped him and he went to reach for me, I slipped away and popped open the car door. As it slid open and the heat from outside blasted the interior, I raised an eyebrow at him and said, “Get out of the car, Ace.”

He glanced over my shoulder, his expression wild, then a flush hit the taut skin stretched over his gorgeous cheekbones as he slowly opened his car door.

Oh yeah,
Ace knew exactly what I was about, and when he reached for the button of his jeans and unfastened it before climbing out of his seat, I swallowed back a growl and followed suit.

Once I was out of the vehicle and under the scorching afternoon sun, I hit the lock button on the keychain and shoved it in my jacket pocket as I tracked Ace, who was walking toward the hood of his car.

Jesus, is he really about to let me do this?
My cock hoped so.

I headed in the same direction and shrugged out of my jacket, knowing in about two seconds I would be hotter than hell from both the sun and what I was about to do. When I stopped in front of Ace and fingered the open snap of his jeans, I then looked down at the hood of his car and frowned.

“A little low for what I had in mind,” I told him, and started to walk forward. I placed my hand flat on his chest and shoved him back as I went, until he was following my lead and we were back on his side of the vehicle by the passenger door and windshield.

Here, the vehicle was hip height, ass height, and as I encroached on Ace’s personal space so he was leaning back against it, I thought,
Fucking height.

“Now this,” I said, and gently laid my jacket over the roof of the car. “This is fucking perfect.”

Ace caught the pun in an instant, if the way his jaw clenched was any indication. I stepped forward between his legs, which he spread farther apart, and once we were connected hip to hip, chest to chest, and mouth—
ahhh yes
—to mouth, I slipped my tongue between his lips and brought my hands up to his face.

Ace’s palms were on my waist in an instant. He tugged me forward, and I ground my painfully hard cock against the erection I could feel inside his jeans, wanting the friction, and needing to relieve the ache that had been building since I’d left him in his bed earlier this morning.

Knowing exactly where I wanted this to go, I knew I needed his permission before I continued. So I tore my mouth free from his and said, “Are you sure?”

We both knew exactly what I was asking, and as Ace’s eyes darted around us, and then came back to me, he gave a quick nod and let go of me to unzip his jeans.

. If I had dreamed this up I wouldn’t have believed it. But when Ace shoved one side of his jeans and briefs over his hip and reached inside to fist his stiff length, my mouth fell open. He was so fucking beautiful, lounging back on his sexmobile with his cock in hand, masturbating for me as if we were alone in a room instead of standing in the middle of the fucking desert.

I could feel the sweat beading at my temples as I continued to watch his very public display for me, and I took in a ragged breath as I shoved my hand inside my own jeans to stroke my dick.

“Turn around,” I said, and barely recognized my own voice. I sounded like a man who’d been driven to the very edge of his sanity, and honestly, that was how I felt.

Between coming out here with Ace, being given permission to drive his vehicle, and now being offered the use of such a spectacular body like a fucking gift, any control I might have possessed had vanished. Just as Ace’s inhibitions had, apparently.

Ace pushed off the car and turned around, and before he could change his mind I was right there plastering myself to his back. I crowded in until his hips were up against the car and mine were glued to his ass. He flattened a palm on the frame of the windshield and the other on the hood as he looked back over his shoulder at me.

His blue eyes were dark with edgy desire, and I knew he was as tightly strung as I was, and as I shoved my erection against his ass, he pushed back on me and I growled.

“Brace yourself, buttercup,” I taunted by his ear, using the same endearment he’d thrown my way earlier. And when he cursed and his arms flexed, I chuckled. “’Cause I’m about to take
on one hell of a joyride.”

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