Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC (8 page)

BOOK: Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC
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Tammy- : I’m Okay; I will be going home soon. Viper wanted to talk. And I think this was past due; we need to talk about what the hell is happening because I am sick of this.

Checking her text, I shake my head. I can see Tammy now chewing into Viper. Laughing, I head to the bathroom to wash my face. I look in the mirror; I don’t see what people see. I don’t see a girl that people tell me they see. I don’t see how beautiful I am. Getting into bed, hopefully I get some sleep.

I hear the front door open and close. Looking at my clock; the angry red numbers read three AM.
What the hell?
Tammy said she was going to be home soon, and that was at eleven thirty. Getting out of bed, I go check on Tammy.

I head down the hallway to the kitchen, I see Tammy getting a drink from the fridge. Her hair is a mess. I clear my throat, and she spins around, she has a look on her face like a doe in headlights. She knows I caught her.

Smirking, “What happened to being home soon, Tammy?”

Tammy’s face goes beet red, “Sorry, got caught up talking with Viper.”

Oh, I’m sure they were just talking, but by the way her appearance is, I’m pretty sure they got lots of talking done…with their bodies.

Giving Tammy my best mother look I can come up with ‘That is not all that happened’ look. She finally decides to open her mouth and tell me that they did talk, but then it lead to a heavy make out session and then they ended up sleeping with each other. And not the kind of sleep you think.

“Tammy, you’re an adult. If you want to sleep with Viper, I’m not going to tell you no. I’m not mom or dad. But I just want you to be careful. You were pissed at Viper earlier, and then you slept with him. I’m just worried about you.”

Tammy walks up to me and gives me a sisterly hug, “I know, Alison, thank you for caring for me, but everything will be fine, we worked some things out.”

Tammy heads to bed after our talk. My eyes start to feel heavy; I decide to head back to bed. I can’t wait to hear from Ace. Hopefully, I’m not wrong by giving him a chance.

A Week Later…

The alarm clock is ringing in my ear, groaning as I wake up, another day of work. I haven’t heard from Ace since the night I left the clubhouse. I’m so confused; did I get mixed signals from what he wanted? Or am I just thinking too much about it? I’m not going to dwell on it. My world shouldn’t revolve around him.

I was my own person before I met him, and I am not going to be one of those girls that will follow the guy around like a little lost puppy dog. No way. Shaking my head, I head to the bathroom to jump in the shower before I head to work.

Tammy is already gone and doing God knows what, she doesn’t work today, she has the night off.

I don’t think I would be able to do her job that is for sure, she works at a strip club called ‘The Bare Essentials’ and yeah, I know, the name is original. She doesn’t strip though, she’s a waitress there. She would never get undressed in front of a bunch of men. But still being around all those naked women and the men that are hands on with the grabbing and touching.

No thanks, I wouldn’t be able to work there all the time like my sister does, but it pays very well she says, I’m just going to have to take her word for it.

I check my phone once again to see if Ace has texted me, and nothing. Frustrated, I shove my phone in my purse. Hopping into my car, I turn the radio on and “Cheap Thrills” by Sia is playing. I love this song. I need a night out, to distract me from thinking about Ace, a night of dancing and drinking.

As I pull into work, I park my car in my usual spot. I head into the diner; Joe is nowhere to be seen.

Maureen is working at the cash register. A new girl starts today, I’m pretty sure her name is Sarah. She’s around my age.

Getting my apron on and notepad, I’m ready to get to work. Work is pretty quiet till lunch hour hits, and then the place gets packed. I’m getting people's orders down, and bringing them out as fast as they come in.

Joe finally shows up and heads to his office in the back. He comes out for a couple of minutes and talks to George quick and then turns to me.

“Hey Alison, can you come to my office?” Oh crap, what did I do? Did I forget something?

“Sure, no problem, be right there.” Heading to Joe’s Office, I knock on the door.

Joe yells, “Come in,” Turning the handle, pushing the door open, I close the door and sit on the chair in front of his desk.

Joe is looking at a sheet on his desk and then looks up at me and smiles, “Alison, I was wondering if you and Tammy would like to get out, there’s a new club opening tonight in town? I thought after this week, we all need to head out and have a good time.”

“Club Edge, if I recall the name of the club. It’s just opening tonight, and it’s going to be huge.” He shoots out.

“Sure, I’m sure Tammy will be up for it. I would love to go; I was just thinking of doing something tonight this morning.”

Joe smiles wide, “Great, so it’s settled. Would you like me to meet you and Tammy there or should I pick you guys up?”

Well, I know for sure Tammy is going to drink and I need a drink, so we won’t be driving. And I’m pretty sure Joe will have a drink or two.

“How about we take a cab? That way we don’t have to worry about who drinks and who drives us.”

Nodding his head, “That works. So I will meet you at your place at eight thirty. We should get there around nine; the place will be packed since its opening night.”

I head back to work, I see that I have half an hour till I finish work, and then I’ve got to get home and get ready for a night on the town with Tammy and Joe. Tammy will be happy. She hasn’t seen Joe in a while; they’ve always been good friends. That is how I got the job in the first place was because of my sister.

As soon as the last customer leaves, I wipe down the table they were sitting at and head to the cash register. I pull out all my tips, forty-five dollars. Pretty good day if I must say so myself. I’m lucky to get thirty in tips most days. Today there was a swarm of college kids, middle aged couples, and old men coming just for their afternoon coffee.

I say goodbye to Maureen and Sarah, Sarah did well today for her first day; she didn’t make any mistakes. As I head to my car, I check my phone to see if I’ve received a text, there is one new text message; smiling thinking it’s from Ace. It's Tammy letting me know that Joe texted her about tonight, and she will pick up some booze to have before we go, seeing the text message my shoulders slump forward.

I have a feeling that Ace doesn’t want to be bothered, well I can’t be bothered either. I am not going to sit around home waiting for him to decide ‘Oh today I will get with Alison’ well fuck that.

As I get home, I make my way to our apartment door and try to turn the handle; it’s locked. Well, I guess Tammy isn’t home yet from her booze run.

Grabbing my keys from my purse, I unlock the door. I lock the door once I close it, putting my keys on the counter in the kitchen. I head to the bathroom for my shower.

I can’t keep my mind from wandering; I think of Ace and the kiss, him not texting or calling. I can’t dwell on the fact that he probably decided I’m not worth the effort.

Once I have finished my shower, I head to my room to see if I have anything to wear. Just as I get my closet door open, Tammy bursts into my room, my hand is on my chest, and my heart is pounding so hard.

“Ahhh, Jesus Tammy. You scared the shit out of me.”

She’s laughing her ass off. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you,” She says between laughs.

I start throwing shirts on my bed, looking to see if there is anything okay for tonight. Tammy is sitting there looking at the pile shaking her head.

“Alison I know for a fact that you have something sexy to wear, I know because I got it for your birthday last year and you’ve never even worn it. You need to live a little.”

I roll my eyes, God she can be a pain in my ass. The dress she wants me to wear is shorter than hell, and it's skin tight, the only thing I like about it, is that it’s my favorite color blue! Tammy grabs the dress out of my closet and hands it to me.

“Go... Try… It…On… Now.” I grab the dress from her hands.

“Fine, I’ll try it on, happy?” My tone playful but yet annoyed.

“Yes, now move your ass. Joe will be here soon, and I want to get a shot or two in before we leave.”  I make my way to the bathroom to try on the dress, hoping it doesn’t look too bad. I really need to go shopping to get some nice clothes. Don’t get me wrong, I have lots of clothes but nothing fancy or sexy.

Stepping into my bedroom, Tammy is playing with her phone and doesn’t hear me. Clearing my throat, Tammy whips her head around and stares at me, her jaw drops.

“Holy shit, my baby sister is fucking hot.”

I feel my cheeks getting hot. I don’t get what the big deal is with this dress. I still look like me. Shaking my head, I walk around to my full-length mirror, closing my eyes just before I reach it, taking a deep breath I open my eyes.

“Holy shit,” I gasp out.

I don’t even know what to say; I’m speechless. Tammy’s right; this dress is amazing on me.

Tammy insists that I have to get my hair and make-up done. She takes over and gets me ready for our night out. When we’re all done, I look into the mirror staring at myself I’m totally blown away. “Thanks, Tammy” I say as we head to the kitchen for a couple of shots before we go.

Tammy grabs two shot glasses and puts them in front of her; she grabs the tequila bottle.
Oh shit!
Tequila and I don’t mix very well. Not because I get sick from it, but because I get wild, I tend to loosen up more.

Tammy is on a mission tonight to get me to stop thinking about Ace. She knows that I haven’t heard from him, and she is pissed off. She hasn’t heard from Viper either, but that hasn’t stopped her from going out and having fun, so why should it stop me?

Just thinking of Ace makes me upset about not hearing from him, damn it. I don’t like feeling this way. As I reach for the bottle of tequila, I fill my shot glass once more, licking the salt off my hand, I down the shot and grab the lime and bite down.

God this stuff will mess me up if I keep taking shots. Tammy is texting away on her phone with God knows who.

“Alison, Joe is here. He’s outside waiting for us, come on let's go.” I pout, so much for taking another shot.

BOOK: Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC
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