Ace in the Hole (6 page)

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Authors: Marissa Dobson

BOOK: Ace in the Hole
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ce leaned against one of the command vehicles while they waited for Lieutenant Mac García to finish dressing down one of the newest team members, Petty Officer Cannon Bailey. From the look of Cannon when he arrived, he’d been out late partying and overslept. The Lieutenant was already going to ride them hard during the training for the scene at the bar the other night, and Cannon’s lateness was going to make things worse. Even knowing the next week might resemble
hell week
all over again, Ace didn’t care…he could only think about getting back to Gwen.

Damn, that woman had him all turned around with need and desire. Fantasies of getting her naked haunted him day and night. The only thing that had kept it from happening was promising they’d take things slow. After this mission, she’d trust him more and he could get her into his bed.

“How’s your instant family?” Boom leaned against the vehicle, watching the other men load the final things onto the plane.

“Don’t call Gwen that.” Ace glared at Boom and tried to keep from hitting his best friend.

“Man, you left her for a reason. Why are you setting both of you up to get hurt? She deserves better than that.”

“I was young and stupid.” He was still upset after the last time they had this conversation and didn’t want to get into it again with Boom. “I’m not going to screw this up.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Just drop it, Boom, this has
to do with you.” Ace’s anger was starting to seep into his voice. He was tired of Boom’s attitude, and he was sick of the instant family comment. The only thing that stopped him from saying more was García strolling toward them.

Time to get this going…


ith a deep sigh, Gwen tossed her purse and keys on the table. The first appointment with her new OBGYN had gone well. Her baby girl was healthy and developing right on schedule. In less than five months, she’d have a child to make a life for. So it was now or never for her and Ace to work things out. If he screwed up this time, that was it.

With her feet killing her, she strolled around the living room to the sofa and plopped down. Kicking off her heels, she leaned back against the soft throw pillows and longed for a nap. The flashing of the answering machine caught her attention.

Maybe it’s Ace.
She leaned forward and pressed the glowing red light. Instantly, Ace’s voice filled the room.

“I’ve only got a minute but I remembered you mentioning your appointment was today. Hope everything went great and you can tell me about it soon.” Something in the background of the call made Ace pause before continuing. “Don’t wait up. It will be late tomorrow when I get back. I miss you.”

Just that brief message served to lighten her heart, knowing he was safe. It made her long for him to be with her, to have him share in the moment of her pregnancy, even though it wasn’t his child. Finally, she understood how her mother felt anytime there was word from her father, even if it was only a message or a letter. Her dad had missed so many important moments in her life, including most of her parents’ anniversaries, and still their family stayed strong, even though the times were tough. Her mom always said military families were made stronger, or else they wouldn’t get through it.

The front door creaked open behind her. With no doubt in her mind who it was, she didn’t bother to turn around.

“Gwen, you back?” Wynn called out, stepping into the foyer.

“In here.”

Wynn sauntered in as if she was hot off a catwalk, always so put together and ready to take on the world. Owning a fashionable boutique—Roll of the Diamond—just off the boardwalk, she had to flaunt her designs. It was perfect for Wynn because she wouldn’t be caught dead in jeans and a T-shirt.

How the two of them became inseparable was beyond Gwen. They couldn’t have been more different. Where Wynn was a girly girl, Gwen was slightly tomboyish, and preferred her jeans rather than slacks or dresses.

“I brought Pete’s Pizza.” Wynn sat the box down on the coffee table, and pulled two bottles of water from a bag. “Have you heard from Ace?”

“Today, he’ll be home tomorrow late night.” Gwen leaned forward and opened the pizza box, revealing the delicious square slices. The squares were thick like pan pizza but crispy and light, and each one could have its own toppings. It was her favorite pizza place and one she’d missed when she moved away.

“Normally he’s not able to call much, so it’s nice he was able to this time,” Wynn said.

“He called the day he left too.” She grabbed a slice before leaning back against the sofa, and took a bite. “I know it’s not always like this, and there will be times he’s gone for a lot longer where I won’t hear from him, but it was nice he called.”

“I only mentioned it because I want you to understand what you are getting yourself and your daughter into. Is Ace really the man you want?”

“Oh, Wynn.” Suddenly disgusted by the pizza, she tossed it back into the box.

“Think of me as a friend, not as Ace’s sister. Don’t get me wrong, it would be amazing to have things work out for you two and to have you as a sister-in-law, but I just want you to know what you’re doing. I remember how distraught you were when he cut ties between you two. I don’t want to see you go through that again.”

“I never stopped loving him. All this time there’s never been anyone else, only him.”

“You mean…”

“No one.” She nodded. “I’ve dated occasionally but there’s never been anyone else I’ve been intimate with. Why do you think I chose to have a sperm donor? I had no other choice. Other men didn’t compare to Ace. They did nothing for me. My heart and body belonged to him.”

“You grew up in a military family, are you sure you want that for your daughter?” Wynn perched on the edge of the recliner.

“You didn’t grow up with it being engraved into your life like I did. Dad only retired because his health started to decline, otherwise he’d have stayed in until he died. It was his life.” She ran her hand over her stomach. “Dad was away a lot and even when he was home he worked crazy hours, but that didn’t change how I felt about him. When he was there, he spoiled mom and me, and every moment with him was even more special and cherished.”

“You didn’t answer me, is that what you want for your daughter?” Wynn pushed.

“I want a life where we’re happy. My daughter should grow up surrounded by family and love, where she can become whatever she wants. I’m going to take things one step at a time with Ace, and we’ll go from there. If things work out, wonderful…if not, my daughter will have me and I’ll have to be enough.” She cracked open one of the bottles of water and took a sip. “Ace doing his duty for the country, keeping each of us safe, is an amazing thing. It wouldn’t diminish his role in our lives but would make it stronger. We would cherish the time we have with him. He’s a hero.”

Wynn smirked. “Don’t take me asking as I’m trying to keep the two of you apart. You’re my best friend, and like a sister to me, I don’t want to see you get hurt again. The last time it caused a riff in the relationship between Ace and me, and we’re just getting back to where we were. I don’t think it can take another hit like the last time, and I don’t want to have to beat the shit out of him again.”


“Mom and I went to see him for a weekend, it was a couple weeks after you received the letter.”

“Tell me you didn’t.”

Wynn nodded. “I confronted him. Words weren’t enough, but when it turned to a fight, it was only my fists flying. He ended up with a black eye and busted lip. It would have been worse but Mom stopped it.”

“You shouldn’t have done it.”

“Why?” Wynn leaned forward, putting her elbows on her knees. “He did wrong by you. A damn letter? Seriously? Mom taught all of us better than that. You should have heard the lecture Dad gave him.”

“I never wanted to cause problems in the family.” She hated the idea that his family said something to him about what happened. It should have stayed between them, but since she confided in Wynn, it got back to the whole Diamond family. “He did what he thought was best.”

“Don’t defend his actions, he broke your heart.”

“What’s more important is he’s mending my heart now.” Gwen ran her hand down the bottle, wiping away the moisture. She didn’t want to think about the past. Right now was a time for new beginnings. In order to do that she had to give up the ghosts of the past.

“What if he breaks it again?”

“Then that’s it. I’ll pick up the pieces and move on for the sake of my daughter.” She set the bottle aside and met Wynn’s gaze. “Could we please drop this? The past is what it is. Nothing can change that, but this is a second chance for Ace and me. Couldn’t you just be happy for us?”

“I want to be, but I keep thinking about that damn letter.”

“I appreciate your concern, but I want to give this a try. I love Ace.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she knew it was true. The love for him never ceased or diminished. She loved him and wanted this to work out. They’d make it work.


t was just after two in the morning when Ace pulled into the driveway of his house. Only the light above the door glowed bright through the dark night, welcoming him. For the first time in his career, there was someone waiting for him to come home. Never before did the idea of having someone there appeal to him.

He opened the truck door, thinking of slipping into bed next to Gwen. The notion of feeling her warm body pressed against his hardened his shaft with desire. He reached across the seat and tugged his duffle bag out with him. When he turned around, the front door opened and Gwen stood in the doorway wearing gray yoga pants, a skimpy tank top, and a blanket around her shoulders.

“You didn’t have to wait up.” Seeing her sent a rush of energy through him. There was a lightness to his steps as he came up the pathway to the house.

“I was in bed when I saw your lights.” She stepped out of the way, giving him space to enter. There was an uneasy smile etched on her face, almost like she wasn’t sure how to handle the homecoming.

Wanting to ease the tension quickly, he tossed his bag on the floor, kicked the door shut, and went to her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her tight against him. “I’ve missed you.” He almost told her he loved her, but the last thing he wanted was for her to run out the door scared.

“You mean you were gone?” She teased, clinging to him. She ran her hands up his back, as if she was trying to convince herself he was there.

“I know that look in your eye. You missed me.” He kissed the top of her head. “Come sit for a moment and tell me how your appointment went. Did you find a house this past week? How much did you miss my arms around you?” He spouted off the questions before she could answer them.

She pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders and moved to the sofa. “Everything is fine with my pregnancy. My daughter is healthy and growing right on schedule. Though this made me realize I need to figure out a name for her. Other than the appointment, the week was rather quiet. I did see two other places, but the condo next to Lucky’s is still my first choice.”

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