Accused (Amish Romance Mystery) (Amish Secret Widows' Society #3) (2 page)

BOOK: Accused (Amish Romance Mystery) (Amish Secret Widows' Society #3)
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Chapter 3.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Hebrews 11:3


Emma had prepared one of her upstairs bedrooms for Angela’s stay. She had freshly washed the sheets, washed the floor, dusted the furniture and opened the window to air the room out. It had been a long time since Emma had visitors.


Emma heard Wil calling her name from the bottom of the stairs.

“Hello, Wil. I’m expecting Angela here shortly. I’m just upstairs fixing her room. I’ll be down there in one minute.”

Emma hurried down the stairs, anxious to see Wil. Even though they saw each other every day, her heart still skipped a beat whenever she saw him.

“It’ll do you
to have someone staying with you. I’ll make myself scarce. I’ve just brought that broken kitchen chair back to you.”

, Wil. It looks as
as new.”

“It is. I’ve put new rods in the sides. It’s stronger than when it was new. Do you want it back in the kitchen?” Before Emma could open her mouth, Wil was walking into the kitchen carrying the chair.

in the kitchen.” Emma placed her hands on her hips as she watched Wil’s strong body walk away from her. She knew things hadn’t been easy for Wil. He wanted to marry her way before now, but Emma was worried that an acceptable time hadn’t yet passed after Levi had died, to marry. She was thankful that Wil had been patient.

“I’ll go before Angela comes, so you two can get to know each other by yourselves without me around.”

, you don’t have to do that. Stay and have the midday meal with us.”

“I’ve got errands to run this afternoon and I’d best start them now.” Wil walked toward Emma and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before he strode out the door.

Emma stood on the porch and watched Wil’s buggy drive up the road. Just as his buggy was a speck in the distance, a taxi appeared beside it traveling toward Emma’s
I wonder if this is Angela,
Emma thought. The taxi continued right to her front door. Emma stepped down from the porch to meet Angela.

Angela opened the taxi door. She had a dark green dress in a full style, which was more gathered than most of the Amish women wore in Lancaster County. Emma noticed that the prayer
was a little smaller and made of sheer material. The white apron she wore was the same as the aprons that Emma was used to. Angela was a tall girl with dark hair and dark eyes. She was not unattractive.

Emma reached out her hands. “Angela?”

, and you’re Emma?”

The two ladies gave each other a small kiss on the side of the cheek. The taxi driver dropped a bag at Angela’s feet. “Would you like me to take it inside for you?” he asked Angela.

. I can do it,

“Here let me take it.” Emma picked up the bag and Angela followed her into the
as the taxi drove away.

“I’ve got you in one of the upstairs bedrooms. Follow me,” Emma said.

As Angela followed her up the stairs and said, “I can’t thank you enough for this, Emma.”

Emma glanced back at her. “It’ll be
to have some company.” Emma passed her own room and saw that Growler was asleep in the middle of the bed. She stopped in the doorway and nodded her head in his direction. “That’s my cat, Growler. He’ll most likely ignore you. He ignores me most of the time unless I’m late with his dinner.”

“By the look of him I would say that you’re never late with his dinner. He must be the largest cat I’ve ever seen. My cats are nowhere near that size.”

Emma continued to the next doorway. “This is your room.” She placed the suitcase on the bed. “You can unpack now if you like and come down when you’re finished. The midday meal is nearly ready.”

, it’s a lovely room.” Angela walked to the window. “Such a pretty view from here.”

Emma looked out the window. “I know. I should appreciate it more, but there always seems so much to do and so little time.”

“I’ll help you while I’m here. You just tell me what you’d like me to do,” Angela said.

Emma smiled. “There’s not much to do today. Are you hungry?”

“A little hungry.”

“Leave the unpacking then, and we’ll have the meal now.”

They made their way downstairs. Emma had already prepared most of the meal ahead of time and only had to heat a couple of things on the stove. “Cup of meadow tea?” Emma asked.

. Let me get it,” Angela said.

Emma showed Angela around the kitchen, so she knew where everything was kept. Moments later they sat at the kitchen table sipping hot tea.

“Elsa-May tells me that you’re to meet Robert Geiger soon.”

Angela pulled a face. “I’m a little nervous. He’s arranged for me to meet him tomorrow. He’s even sent me money to get a taxi from here.”

“I could’ve driven you.”

Angela gave a high-pitched giggle. “It’d make me more nervous if someone else was there. What if we didn’t like each other at all? Then things would be really awkward.”

“I suppose so. Has he told you all about himself?” Emma asked.

“He told me he’s got his
son, Jacob, living with him. He said that he’s a very smart boy.”

“I’ve heard Jacob can be a little bit of a handful.”

“What do you mean, Emma?”

, nothing to worry about, I’m sure. You heard of how Jacob’s parents died?”

“In a buggy accident, wasn’t it?” Angela asked.

Emma nodded. “Unfortunate circumstances. Jacob’s
was Robert’s
I’d say Robert hasn’t married up until now because he’s been too involved with looking after Jacob.”

, that’s what his letters as
as said. It must be awful for Jacob. He’s blessed his uncle took him in. From his letters I can tell that Robert adores him.”

“You’re going to visit Robert tomorrow then?”

, I’ve got his address. Elsa-May said it’s not too far from here.”

“Not far at all,” Emma said.

Angela leaned forward. “Is there anything you can tell me about Robert?”

Emma thought for a while. “
, I don’t know him well enough.”

Angela took a deep breath. “That’s all right. I guess I’ll just have to see for myself.”

Emma could imagine how nervous Angela would be after months of writing to a man and now finally about to meet him.


Chapter 4.

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,

which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matthew 7:14


Angela sat with Robert and tried to get over the shock of Jacob being the one to write the letters. Despite the shock, she did feel a little more comfortable than when she had first arrived.

“It was my
Elsa-May who suggested I write you.” Angela felt the need to explain that to him, since he hadn’t had the benefit of reading any of her letters.

Robert smiled. “I recall she did try to tell me of someone who might suit me, on more than one occasion. I did try to tell her about the boy and how it complicates things for me.”

Angela did not quite know why he thought he could not be married because of Jacob. Jacob had said himself that he wanted Robert to have a

“I heard you took Jacob in when his
were killed in a buggy accident.”

Robert stared straight ahead and took a mouthful of tea. “Jacob’s
was my
, Ross. What you might not have heard was that my
had been charged with murder and was out on bail when he and Jacob’s
were killed in the accident.”

, I didn’t know about that.”

“I’ve been trying to clear Ross’ name for the sake of the boy. That’s what Ross would’ve wanted.”

“Does Jacob know that his
was accused of such a thing?”

Robert shook his head. “If he’s heard things here and there, he hasn’t mentioned anything to me.”

“How far have you gotten trying to clear his name?” Angela asked.

“Not very far. I’ve got small pieces of information and that’s all.”

“Elsa-May’s had some success with things like this in the past. Have you considered getting her help with it?”

Robert tipped his head back and laughed. “Dear old Elsa-May being of help in a matter like this?”

“It might seem unlikely, but it’s true. Elsa-May and her
, Ettie, have had success; they even know detectives. In fact, one of their nephews is a detective.”

Robert drummed his fingers on the long, wooden kitchen table. “Really?”

Angela nodded enthusiastically.

“Your coming here might be an answer to prayer, Miss Bontreger.”

Angela’s heart beat faster when he looked at her. He was a handsome man and even more so when he smiled. She had been waiting on a time like this, a time where
favor would shine upon her.

Robert was silent as he slowly raised the hot tea to his lips. He took a mouthful, placed the cup carefully onto the table and looked once more into Angela’s eyes. “Write a
letter, did I?”

Angela smiled. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

Angela and Robert laughed, which eased any leftover tension between them.

“I’m staying at Emma Kurtzler’s
, and Elsa-May and Ettie are coming for dinner tonight. Why don’t you tell me everything you know and I’ll pass it on to Elsa-May and see what she makes of it?”

Robert ran his fingers over his chin. “Wouldn’t hurt, I guess. I kept in contact with the police for a time, but I think they came to see me as a pest at some point. They’ll hardly speak to me now when I go in there. They certainly don’t listen to anything I have to say. I’ve given them new information, but I think they don’t want to put any effort into the case. They appear to be happy to leave things as they are.  Every time I’ve been to there to talk to one of the police, I’ve overhead at least one of them grumbling about paperwork. I came to realize that all they want to do is drink coffee and eat donuts.”

Angela smiled at his comment. “They’re not all like that.”

Robert rubbed his right eyebrow and then looked back at Angela. “Why don’t I take you back to Emma’s
and I’ll tell you everything on the way?”

Jah, denke.”

Robert leaned his body back slightly. “Forgive me. I’ve put you in an awkward position. You came here expecting something quite different and now I’m saddling you with all my burdens.”

Angela instinctively put her hand on his arm. “
, not at all. I’m happy to be of help.”

Robert sat up straight, put his fingers lightly on her hand and stared into her eyes. Angela pulled her hand away and looked down. She wanted to keep her hand there, but she did not want him to think that she was anxiously looking for a husband. The last thing she wanted was to appear to Robert as though she were desperate.

“I’m sorry, Angela. I’m not used to a woman’s soft hands against my skin.”

Angela smiled and kept her gaze away from him. “Robert, you must stop apologizing to me; it’s not necessary.” Angela could scarcely breathe as she felt his gaze upon her. She stood up. “Should we go now?”

“Visit me tomorrow? I mean, to tell me what Elsa-May makes of the whole thing?”

, I will.”

Before Angela could say more, Robert called out to Jacob who was still in his bedroom. “I’m going out now, Jacob. You can come out of your room. I’ll be back later. I’ll tell you of your punishment when I return.” He turned to Angela. “Let’s go.” He walked out the door toward the barn with Angela hurrying behind him.

Angela leaned against the barn door and watched Robert as he hitched a buggy to one of his horses. She scrutinized his strong arms lift the buggy and strap the leather onto the horse. He spoke to the horse in a low, soothing voice as he worked. Angela liked people who were kind to animals.

Elsa-May was right; this could be the mann for me
, she thought.
We both felt something as we sat in the kitchen just now; I’m sure he felt it too. His touch sent tingles right through me; surely that means something.

During the ride home, Robert told Angela everything he knew about his
case wherein he was falsely accused of murder. Angela wrote everything down so she wouldn’t forget anything.


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