Accidently Married

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Authors: Yenthu Wentz

Tags: #romance, #romantic comedy

BOOK: Accidently Married
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Andrea Nickerson

Accidently Married

“Will you marry me?” It’s not every
day that a man gets proposed to, especially by his


“So I’ve already pre-ordered the flowers, table
cloths, and the tables. When you get here we can discuss what cake
you want and get you fitted for your dress. I’ll send you a few
samples for the place cards; let me know which ones you like best.”
My mother said enthusiastically over the phone as she droned on and
on about the wedding.

“Mom, it doesn’t matter. Just go ahead and pick
one, you know I’m not picky.” I sigh into the phone. “Look mom, I’m
at work and can’t talk about this right now. Can I call you

“Sure honey, oh I took the liberty of buying
you your plane ticket back here for this Tuesday so we can have a
few days together for preparations for your wedding next

“Wait! What?!” I shriek in panic, “When did I
decide on Saturday for the wedding date?”

“Well sorry honey but you were taking forever
to decide so I just picked a date. Besides, I’m not going to be
here much longer so I want to see you married as soon as possible.
I have a doctor’s appointment now, so I have to go. Oh, and bring
that fiancée of yours! I can’t believe you haven’t introduced us
yet. Well, gotta go, love you. Bye.”

“Wait!” I cry into the phone but it was too
late, I can already hear the dial tone. I set the phone back into
its cradle and lean back in my chair exhausted.

“What am I going to do?” I mumble into my

“Is everything ok?”

I peek through my fingers to see Mr.

Matthieu Livingston, founder and CEO of Mahidol
Technology or MT, is thirty years old, 6’2” fit, with chocolate
brown hair, green eyes and has a smile that can bring any woman to
her knees. Even me. To tell you the truth I have been in love with
him for past two years ever since I saw him entertain the client’s
son when the client had to leave him there after an

My name is Gweneviere McAllister, age 25,
working as an “Executive Assistant” to Mr. Livingston here in New
York. I am 5’8” with black hair which is always tied into a messy
bun, brown eyes hidden behind big glasses, and what most people
would say a very “librarian style” sense of fashion. If you
couldn’t tell, I have a problem, my wedding is on Saturday and I
don’t have a groom!

“Hello? Ms. McAllister? Are you ok?” I come
back to reality as Mr. Livingston looks at me worriedly. And then
it came to me. If I can’t find a real groom, I’ll just have to
create one. As I stand up, my skirt gets caught on the wheel of the
desk chair making me fall to one knee. Matthieu reaches forward to
help me up. I clasp his hands and look him in the eye.

“Will you marry me?”


I kneel there in an awkward position as I wait
for his reply. I looked up to see him standing there stunned. He
clears his throat and says, “Well Ms. McAllister, I didn’t know you
liked me so much but don’t you think we’re taking this a little
fast? Not to mention I do have a fiancée.”

I feel myself turn three shades of red as I
stammer, “No…I mean…Its just…my mom...” I stop, stand up and take a
deep breath to steady myself and say, “I’m sorry, let me start at
the beginning. You see, my mother has cancer and she wants to see
me married before she passes away. I told her I had a fiancée so
she would stop sending me on these ridiculous blind dates and now
she has set a date for the wedding for next Saturday. I don’t have
the heart to tell her the truth and all you have to do is pretend
to marry me, all of it will be fake, and we don’t even have to tell
your fiancée about it if you don’t want to.”

Why don’t you just ask that guy
your dating from marketing? The one you go to lunch with every
Tuesday?” he askes, as if he were trying to give me more

“John?! I’m not dating him! He’s my

“Cousin? Really? I’m glad.” He said as if he
were relieved. He then clears his throat and continues.

“Well how bout one of the boys from the
development department? Oh I know, why don’t you ask that one guy,
what’s his name? The one with the curly hair and glasses?” he asked
waving his hand in the air as if he could conjure up his

“Leslie Goldstein?”

“Yeah! Him.”

“You sent him to China. The branch in China
needed a new developing manager.” I said.

Michael from

“Vacationing in Rome.”

“Peter from the mail room?”

“He’s 17!” I exclaim.

“Well I give up, I can’t think of anyone else.”
He said, throwing his hands up in defeat.

“Exactly my point” I said

With hands clasp together I beg for a miracle
as I say, “That’s why I’m begging you to do me this favor. It will
only take a few days out of your time. I’m leaving this Tuesday to
Colorado to help my mom but you don’t have to be there until
Thursday or Friday and we can leave directly after the

As I stood in front of him waiting for his
reply, he asks me something very unexpected.

“Are you good with children?” He

“Uh…umm…yeah I guess. Why?” I ask

“Well if you want me to do this favor for you,
I need something in return.”

Being hopeful I said, “Of course, I would do

“Good. My brother and his wife are in town
today and they are going to see something on Broadway and they need
someone to watch my niece and nephew.” He explains as he reaches
for a pen and paper. “Here is their address, be there in an hour
and watch the kids and I’ll do what you ask.”

“Really?! That’s it? I just have to watch some
kids and you’ll marry me?” I ask surprised. “Thank you so much Mr.
Livingston!” I yell joyfully as I jump to give him a big

“Excuse me? It seems that someone is
getting a little too familiar with her
.” I hear in a very familiar
southern drawl. I look up to see Roxy, Mr. Livingston’s fiancée.
Roxy is a very beautiful blond with blue eyes but not exactly Mr.
Livingston’s type. He usually goes for the more elegant brunette
and he shocked us all when he announced his engagement to Roxy. She
was born and raised in Texas and come to find out, her real name is
actually Regina Holiday. She is also younger than me by two

I first met “Roxy” at the company barbeque. She
had come with Jonathan Tomas, Mr. Livingston’s best friend, a 33
year old clichéd image of a god. He stands at 6 ft and has sandy
blond hair with blue eyes and a body any 20 year old male would be
jealous of. She seemed really nice then, I guess I did over step
the boundary when I hugged Mr. Livingston though. When I saw Roxy
at the party she looked as if she was really infatuated with
Jonathan but the next thing I knew, she was engaged to Mr.
Livingston. I guess hearts can be fickle.

“How long do you plan on holding my fiancée
like that?”

I come back from my inner thoughts only to
realize that I am still hugging Mr. Livingston.

“S-sorry, we just…I was um…ex-excuse me I have
a babysitting job I have to go to.” I stammer as I blush another
two shades.

The last thing I hear is Mr. Livingston
chuckling and asking Roxy where she would like to go for dinner as
I walk toward the front door.


I unlock the door to my apartment almost
falling through the doorway, exhausted from the two most
hyperactive kids I have ever met in my life. They were so
rambunctious it took most of my energy to keep them entertained but
I loved it. Kelly and Tyler were just so cute it made me a little
envious. I, of course, would love to have kids someday.

I head toward my shower hoping to revitalize
myself. I still need to get all my work things in order for the
next few days so I can take Tuesday to Saturday off without there
being any problems while I’m away.

For the next couple of days I spent all my time
working so that there won’t be any problems. As Tuesday morning
rolls around I grab my luggage that I packed the night before and
head toward the door. I am wearing my usual comfortable close, big
grey t-shirt, blue jeans and my black slip-on shoes.

I open the door only to find Mr. Livingston
with his right had raised, ready to knock. This is the first time I
have ever seen him dressed so casually in a blue t-shirt and a pair
of jeans. They fit him so well I was practically gawking. He looks
as if he belongs in these clothes.

“Mr. Livingston what are you doing here?” I ask

“I figured it would be more convincing if we
arrive together rather than separately. Also you should probably
stop calling me Mr. Livingston if you really want this plan to

“Oh, right. So M-matthieu, shall we get going?”
I ask shyly.

The ride to the airport was met in complete
silence and it didn’t get any better when we finally arrived. As we
board our plane I start to head toward the back of the plane where
the economy seats are when Matthieu says, “Where are you going? Our
seats are right here.”

I look around confused, “but this is first
class, I booked an economy flight.”

“I know and I changed it, your seat is right
here next to mine.”

“But I can’t afford this!” I said

“No worries, remember? I’m your fiancée and we
are getting married in a few days so what’s mine is yours.” He said
straight faced.

“Haha very funny.” I said sarcastically, but I
sat down next to him. No use arguing I already know how stubborn he
can be. We settle in as the flight attendant starts the in flight
movie. I must have fallen asleep because I slowly realize that
there is a blanket covering me and I am next to something warm. I
snuggle closer only to find out that I am snuggling closer to
Matthieu. I jerk awake quickly, my hands flying to my hair trying
to make it neat and hoping I didn’t snore.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.

“It’s ok. You look cute when you’re sleeping;
you even have a cute snore.” He said chuckling.

I blush and cover my face in shame as I mumble,
“On no. please tell me I didn’t snore.”

Smiling Matthieu said, “Only a

As I was about to retort the flight attendant
came on the speaker and said, “Thank you for flying United
Airlines. We would like to welcome you to Colorado. The time is now
11 a.m. we hope to fly with you again, thank you and have a good

After we grab our luggage we head out toward
the gate. As we approach the gate I see my sister holding a sign
that reads, “Welcome home soon to be Mr. and Mrs.

Oh god. This is going to be one long

We greet my sister and head toward my childhood
home in Black Forest, Colorado. As we pull up, I see my mother
walking out of the house smiling. We get out of the car and she
gives me a hug, she then turns to Matthieu gives him a big hug and
says, “It’s good to finally meet you. My name is Adeline McAllister
and to tell you the truth, I didn’t think you actually exist. Now
come into the house, we have a lot to discuss.”


For the next few days my mother dragged me to
dress fittings, food and cake tastings, and flower shops. By Friday
night I was exhausted. My mother put Matthieu and I in separate
rooms as is tradition in our family. So I haven’t seen him since we
arrived. I wonder what he is doing.

I head toward my room to change when on my
right the bathroom door opens to reveal Matthieu, naked and
dripping wet from his shower with only a small towel wrapped around
his waist. I must have been staring a little too hard because he
smirked and said, “Like what you see?”

“Umm…no…I mean…yes…umm…” Bright red, I try to
get words to form in my dry mouth but before I could say anything I
hear, “What the hell is going on here?”

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