Accidentally in Love With a God (2012) (39 page)

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Authors: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Tags: #Paranormal/Romance

BOOK: Accidentally in Love With a God (2012)
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“Yes. The other gods must agree, but, yes. I mean—if that’s what you want.”

Well. That was a no-brainer. See my parents again? Be able to help the Uchben fight the Maaskab and free the other Payals? Not die of old age or die a virgin? “One condition,” I muttered.

Guy stroked the side of my head. “Emma, can’t we negotiate later? The process doesn’t work so well on the dead, and we don’t want another Chac on our hands.”

The little boy I’d seen near the cenote. Chac. He’d been changed after he’d died? Couldn’t wait to hear the explanation on that one. Pocket.

“Tommaso. Cure him,” I whispered.

“What? Have you lost your mind, woman? Absolutely not. Never. No.” Guy shook his head.

“Guy,” I pleaded. “It’s not his fault. He’s infected. Doesn’t he deserve to be saved, just like anyone else?”

Guy growled and there was a rumbling of voices behind him. Guy looked at each one of his brothers’ and sisters’ faces, and then turned back to me.

“It’s one thing to let him live, I could put him in our prison. But the only way we know to maybe—and I mean—maybe cure him, would be to make him immortal, too,” Guy said.

“Do it,” I said.

“But you—you and he…” Guy looked mortified.

“Now it’s your turn to trust me. This is the right thing to do. Cure him.”

Guy nodded solemnly. “Okay, my sweet. For you. I will do it.”






“How are you feeling, my love?” I felt a rough hand jog the length of my sternum, between my breasts, and then up again toward the hollow at the base of my neck.

My eyes eased open and settled on an incandescent set of turquoise eyes. I sighed, transfixed by their glint. “I love this dream,” I said with a breathy voice and stretched my arms above my head, enjoying Guy’s warm hard body pressed against mine. “It’s my favorite.”

I reached out and skimmed my fingertip down the ridge of his proud nose, and then trailed the pad of my index finger over his full, sumptuous lips, watching as the corners curled into a smile. A smile that made my heart flutter erratically.

“As much as I love being the star of your erotic little fantasies, my sweet.” Guy tucked a stray lock of his chin-length hair behind one ear. “This is real.”

Nooo. This had to be a dream. My body hummed with a euphoric, serene energy. There was no pain or soreness. I was floating on cloud nine. Except for the noise. It sounded like the loud roar of an engine and was completely ruining the tranquil, sexy bliss of the moment.

My eyes darted around the large, dimly lit cabin of the…plane? “Christ!” I sat up, whip-lashed into reality. “What happened?” Guy was snugly wedged between me and the window, stretched across a fully-extended sleeper seat, the kind I always saw on British Airway commercials. Except, Uchben sized. That's because we were on Uchben Airways.

The plane was completely empty. Except for me and Guy. And I supposed the pilots. “How did I get here?” I ground my palms into the sides of my head.

“Ah, my sweet.” He eyed me like a fresh baked cookie. “We have so much to talk about, yet, oddly enough, seeing you like this pushes talking to the bottom of my list. You’ve taken to your new body with unprecedented success.” Guy positively glowed.

“New body?” My hands began frantically hopscotching over the red, silky fabric covering my parts—arms, neck, thighs, heart. Check! Everything was still in its proper place, and I still felt like me.

“Yes. New, but not necessarily improved; one cannot improve that which was perfect to begin with.” His gaze lazily savored my curves. “But before my ability to produce a coherent thought dissipates,” Guy said. “I must inform you that while you have been infused with the light of the gods, and therefore technically immortal, you can still die if your body is destroyed. Think ‘vampire.’ Those S.O.B.’s live forever as long as no one stakes them. They’re such a pain in the ass.”

Vampires? I wasn’t about to ask; my mind was still stuck on the word “immortal” anyway. Then I remembered the horrific knife wounds in my stomach. I tore open the front of my robe and released a sigh of relief. No more holes. In fact, my skin was flawless, smooth, and glowing with a slight golden hue. Were my pasty, Bullfrog days finally behind me?

I heard a low groan from Guy who stared longingly at my bare breasts, his smile replaced by a hungry, primal blaze—a look I knew, a look I loved, a look I’d do anything for. He reached out his hand and skimmed his fingertips over my nipples. He watched with eager fascination as they pulled into tight little pearls.

Cliff! Cliff! Cliff!
My naughty-voice began to chant.

“Mmmm,” he rumbled, not taking his eyes off his prize.

“Time to cut the ribbon?” I asked nervously.

Guy’s attention suddenly shifted. He pulled me down and rolled me on top of him. His erection strategically nestled between my legs.

Oooh, I guess that’s a “yes.” Cliff. Cliff. Cliff!

He devoured my lips with a kiss so filled with frantic need that goose bumps exploded over every square inch of my skin. As he ground his hardness into my cleft, his tongue plunged deep inside my mouth, lapping and stroking, ravenous. His hands floated over my back to my neck and then worked their way underneath the silky soft fabric of my red robe. All I could think of was the flood of arousal pulsing relentlessly through my core.

His hands languidly moved over the bare skin of my shoulders and then peeled away the robe from my arms. The sash, hardly tied to begin with, slid apart, and the thin fabric drifted to the floor.

his touch
I thought as he relished my bare back with his rough hands then moved them lazily down to cup my ass.

He pulled me into the thrust of his hips and it took every ounce of restraint I had not to tumble down the orgasm-cliff right there. I pulled back, just an inch, then noticed he was wearing a thin, black…kaftan?

“Oh, Lord! I planted my palms on his chest and raised my upper body away from him. “Take that disgusting thing off! That’s what your brother was wearing when he…when he….Are you trying to completely ruin this?” I climbed off him and covered my face. “Take it off!” I shrieked.

I couldn’t stand any reminder of Chaam. That beast tortured me in ways that would haunt me for my new eternity. And what was with the gods and kaftans? Was there a sale during the Seventies and they all stocked up?

“I had no idea, Emma. I’m so sorry.” There was a muted rustle. “There. Open your eyes.”

Guy was poised in front of me naked, his head bowed against the cabin’s ceiling, fists clenched at his sides. Of course, I’d seen him nude before, but not like this. Not fully aroused and waiting for me.

“Um-wow,” was all I could manage. My eyes traveled over his buttery, caramel skin. I wanted to bathe in the sight of his raw, gorgeous masculinity. His tight, hard muscles pulsed with anticipation, and his nostrils flared with each rapid draw of breath into his heaving chest. He looked like a wild, adrenaline-pumped lion, ready to take down its prey.

I couldn’t wait to explore every inch of him, starting with the lean muscles that sloped from his powerful neck, down to his broad shoulders. I would work my way down his thick, strong arms then over the two firm mounds of pecks, jeweled with two, plum colored nipples, which begged to be first in line for licking, closely followed by the rippling muscles cascading down his stomach that faded into patch of coarse black hair. And last, but certainly not least, his…

I swallowed hard and tilted my head to one side as my eyes truly registered the size of his pulsing erection. It was like the rest of him, double the size of any human man. “Guy? That’s—that’s really…are you sure this is going to work?” I asked.

He crossed his arms over his smooth, perfectly chiseled chest. Gods, he was gorgeous.

He flashed a devious smile. Then it melted away. “Have I ever let you down?”

The hesitation I felt dissolved instantly. It was ironic when I thought about it: where we'd started, where we'd been, where we were going. There was once a time when he was my protector. As I grew, he became my tormenter, and we fought—for years. It nearly destroyed me. Then I became a woman. A strong one at that. But somehow, I still couldn't breathe without him. He was my everything, and when he looked at me, I knew he felt the same.

So once again he'd been right. I. Needed. Him. I didn't just need him in a sexual or survival kind of way, I needed him to make me whole. “Never. You've never let me down, Votan. God of Death and War, I love you.”

He pulled me against him. His thick erection pressed deliciously into my stomach. As he bent his head to kiss me, a thought flickered through my head.

“Wait,” I said.

He raised one black brow. “Yes, Emma?”

“I have a question.”

“I’ve been waiting for you my entire existence, can we talk later?” he asked.

“Where are we going?”

“To New York, to see your parents. I’m pretty sure you can take care of any threats on your own now, but I wanted to meet them in person. Time to put faces to those voices I've heard for so long.”

Damn. I really love him
, I said to myself. “And, Tommaso?” I asked.

He frowned. “Now
trying to ruin the moment.”

I waited.

“Okay,” he said. “Tommaso is safe, healthy, and on his way to Rome.”

Oh, thank heaven. “Votan?”

He rolled his eyes and dropped his arms. “Yes, my sweet?”

“Be gentle?” I asked.

He smiled. “Absolutely not. You’re immortal now, and I have seventy-thousand years of pent up frustration. Gentle is the one thing you will not get from me until the fifth or sixth time.”

Hmmm. That sounded really, really promising. “Fine. But cut the ribbon slowly, I want to remember this.”




After Guy picked up the phone to the cockpit and informed the pilots that disturbing us prior to landing in New York would be a mistake punishable by death, he pulled out several blankets from the overhead compartment and laid them over the narrow bed. It could have been a hammock for all I cared. I just wanted every surface of his body raking against mine. Now. He was meant to be my first, my only. I'd waited long enough.

He led me by the hand and we lay down next to each other. At first, he took his time, languishing kisses over my aching breasts and sensitive neck. But something wasn’t right, wasn’t fitting the moment. I felt his body tremble furiously as he held back. God or not, being unable to quench his male thirst for seventy-thousand years must have been torture, and to show that kind of restraint in an effort to make the moment memorable for me was truly heroic.

Slowly, he began trailing kisses down my stomach, over my belly button, and to the curls between my legs. His fingers slid up along my inner thigh until they reached my slick folds and exposed my entrance. His tongue dipped inside and a wave of ecstasy washed over me instantly.

He didn’t flinch as my hands ran through his thick soft waves of hair and dug into his scalp. “Emma, you taste so sweet,” he whispered as his tongue plunged inside my cleft. I gasped as he slid his thick fingers inside me, nearing me to the second wave of release.

I then realized his reserved touch was a sacrifice; he was holding back. And he’d waited so long…for me. I wanted to give him everything he needed. It was long overdue, and there’d be years for leisurely love making. “I want you. Now.”

He looked up from between my thighs and flashed his trademark, devilish smile. “Okay, but cut the ribbon slowly, I want to remember my first time,” he said.

“I knew it! You’re a—”

I was about to say “virgin” and make a huge fuss, but he cut me off.

“I was waiting for you.” He crawled over me, locking his eyes to mine. He positioned his thick pulsing shaft at my slick hot entrance. “I love you, Emma. You are my light.”

He must have known how resilient my new body was because when he thrust, he didn’t stop until he was deep inside. But there was no pain, only delicious tremors of ecstasy.

Supporting the weight of his body with his bronzed arms, he raised his head towards the heavens and released a groan so primal, so piercing, that it shook the depths of my soul. The sky rumbled in response with a defending thunder and the plane dipped. But I could care less; I was utterly lost in the mind-blowing surge of energy pulsing between our two bodies.

My heart literally stopped for the space of one breath, then began pounding furiously. I felt a powerful burst of light course through my veins, and in an instant, I saw every moment of his life all at once. An eternity of struggle and violence, of fear for the fate of the world. Through his eyes, I saw it all. Every battle, every death, every moment he’d lived. Darkness.

Then, I saw something amazing. Something I never expected: each moment of our lives together through his eyes. Light.

I heard each word we shared—the fights, the laughter, and the years he listened quietly to the world through me, lovingly savoring each moment. I felt his heart racing as he pulled me from the dark pool, when he saw me for the first time and pressed his lips against mine. My mind vibrated with the passion, desperate need, and the raw emotion he felt for me. I relived his joy as he carried my unconscious body into the portal, knowing he would give me immortality. I would be his forever.

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