Accidental Love (47 page)

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Authors: BL Miller

BOOK: Accidental Love
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Sleepy blue eyes opened to a curtain of gold. Ronnie smiled, enjoying the feel of Rose's hair upon her face. She stretched in place, reveling in the feel of skin against skin. It was a wonderful feeling and one which she had no wish to end soon. She glanced at the clock and groaned. She was torn between studying the sleeping woman or waking her up before Maria arrived.
I have the
rest of our lives to watch you sleep.
"Rose…honey, time to wake up." A gentle shoulder shake…nothing. "Rose…Rose…" The sleeping lump groaned and burrowed under the covers.

"No no no," Ronnie chuckled. Hooking her fingers on the edge of the blanket, she pulled it away to expose their naked bodies to the cool morning air. Rose's hand automatically reached out for the missing warmth only to be caught by Ronnie's larger one. "Good morning." She pulled the hand up to her lips and began kissing each knuckle. "I…love…you…Rose."

"Mmm, love you too," she replied, turning bleary green eyes up to look at her dark-haired lover.

"How about we sleep in today, hmm?"

"I'd love to but Maria is going to be here soon." She ran her finger down the length of Rose's cheek. "I didn't wake up in time to call and tell her not to come," she apologized.

"It's okay. You didn't know that we would…" She blushed. "You know…"

"Make love?" Ronnie offered, rolling them over until she was on top. Her hair hung down, bushing against Rose's cheek. Unable to resist, she lowered her lips for a kiss. "I love you." She reluctantly pulled back. "But right now I have to pee…bad."

"Better make it quick 'cause I'll be right behind you," the young woman said, reaching out for her crutches.

When Rose returned from the bathroom, she discovered Ronnie half dressed. Feeling a bit awkward with her own nakedness, she crossed over to her dresser and began pulling out clothes to wear. She sat down on the edge of the bed and reached for her panties. The next thing she knew, she was flat on her back with six feet of raw woman lying on top of her. "Do you have any idea how much I love you?" Ronnie breathed, blue eyes darkened with emotion. Lips lowered and were met halfway by an equally eager pair. Soft moans of pleasure filled the air as the kiss deepened and tongues danced together. Rose's hands were happily playing across the broad expanse of back and had just slipped down to cup Ronnie's ass through her clothes when they heard the sound of Maria's car pull into the driveway. New lovers being what they were, the kiss did not end until they heard the sound of the car door shutting. "I suppose we have to stop." The executive's tone made it clear that stopping was not what she truly wished to do.

"If we must," Rose replied, leaning up for one more quick kiss before her tall lover stood up.

"Unless you want to give Maria an eyeful." Ronnie pulled a gray cotton T-shirt over her head and tucked it into the waistband of her sweats. "I'll go keep her company while you get dressed." Unable to resist, she stole one more sweet kiss before leaving the room.


"Good morning, Ronnie," the housekeeper said as she stepped inside and closed the sliding glass door. "Oh, it's cold out there this morning. I thought we'd seen the last of the snow this season."

"Oh, there'll probably be one more good storm to annoy us before spring arrives," the executive said, taking the daily paper from Maria's hands. At that moment Tabitha ambled into the kitchen, looking for her morning meal. "Mrrow? Mrrow?"

"And where do you think you're going?" Ronnie asked as she scooped the feline up in her arms.

"Hmm? What's that? You want sliced turkey for breakfast, did you say?" The answering purr and finger lick caused both women to laugh.

"That cat is so spoiled," Maria said as she headed for the laundry room to hang her coat up. "I know both of you slip pieces of meat under the table for her when you're eating. That's why it's so hard to keep her out of the kitchen."

"Oh, and it has nothing to do with the scraps you 'accidentally' drop on the floor while you're cooking, right?"

"Good morning," Rose said as she entered the room. "Oh Maria, I hope you're planning on making a hearty breakfast because I'm starving this morning. Morning, Tabitha." Leaning her armpits against her crutches, she stood directly in front of Ronnie and began stroking her cat, although her eyes never left the smile on her lover's face. "I hope you slept well," she whispered.

"The best. How about you?" The executive's voice carried the same soft tone that had soothed Rose after their lovemaking and the young woman reacted to it without thought, pressing her head against Ronnie's chest and drawing a startled squawk from Tabitha.

"Wonderful." She pulled back and petted the cat, turning the purr motor back on. "Wonderful and hungry."

"I'll have breakfast ready in about twenty minutes," Maria said without looking up from the eggs she was whisking. When she turned her back to begin making coffee, Ronnie took advantage and leaned down to give Rose a gentle kiss. Tired of being squished between the lovers, Tabitha wormed her way free and padded out to the living room.

Maria turned to ask a question but found herself speechless at the sight before her. The two women were kissing deeply, Ronnie's hands buried in Rose's hair. Turning away quickly, the housekeeper refused to turn around again until she heard the sounds of chairs being pulled out and the newspaper being opened up. Pleased that the coffee maker had a pause option, she pulled the pot out and filled two mugs.

"Here you go, Rose," she said sweetly as she set the steaming cup down in front of the young woman.

"Thank you."

"Ronnie." She set a yellow mug down and returned to the island to check on the eggs. A sable eyebrow raised at the unfamiliar cup and Ronnie exchanged a quizzical look with Rose before shrugging and returning to the stock market report.

A short while later Maria returned to the table with two plates. Ronnie's plate contained a small cheese omelet and toast while Rose's was laden down with a stuffed omelet, a slice of fresh melon, and toast with grape jelly.

"Thank you, Maria. You know exactly how I like it." The young woman beamed, earning a smile from the housekeeper.

"Yes I do. Now if you ladies will excuse me I do have to get going on the laundry." She took an empty basket from the laundry room and went to collect the dirty clothes. The lovers returned to their breakfast before a thought went through Rose's mind. "Ronnie, she's gonna see the clothes tossed all over the room." Her face began to color with embarrassment.

"I hope she checks under the bed. I think that's where your underwear ended up," Ronnie replied, wiggling her eyebrows lecherously.

"Ronnie!" She swatted the muscled arm. "It's not funny."

"I know it's not," the executive apologized. "Come here." She moved her chair slightly and pulled Rose against her. "Honey, she's going to find out sooner or later."

"Think she'll be okay with it?"

"Of course. I've known Maria since I was a little kid. She knows how much you mean to me. I'm sure she'll be happy," Ronnie said confidently.

But the housekeeper was anything but happy. She returned with a basket full of dirty laundry just as the women were finishing their meal. "Veronica, I need to speak with you," she said testily before going into the laundry room. The washer lid opened then closed with a bang. The dryer suffered the same abuse. "What's going on?" Rose asked worriedly.

"I don't know but I'll go find out." Ronnie threw her napkin down and entered the laundry room, shutting the door behind her.

"What's going on, Maria?"

"You know it would be a lot easier for me if I didn't have to look all over the place for your clothes." She kept her back to her employer, seemingly matching up clean socks.

"You wanted to talk to me about leaving my clothes on the floor? I've left them lying around before and you never got this upset." Ronnie stepped closer. "You were upset before breakfast. My mug isn't dirty. You gave me that ugly yellow thing on purpose. Why?"

"I'm not a fool, Veronica. I have eyes." Wrinkled hands held sweat socks in a death grip. "How could you do this?"

"I assume this has nothing to do with clothes and stop with the Veronica crap. You're talking about Rose and me." She waited for a response but her housekeeper continued to forcefully fold the socks. "What's the problem, Maria? It's okay to be a lesbian as long as I don't act like one?"

Maria turned and leveled an angry glare. "I have always been supportive of you and your choices. How dare you think otherwise."

"Then what is it?" Her jaw tensed in anger. "Rose has been living here for over three months. You had to know that we were sleeping together."

"Sleeping, Ronnie, sleeping." Maria jerked the sheets out of the basket and stuffed them into the washer. "You certainly weren't 'sleeping' with Rose last night." Detergent was haphazardly tossed in and the lid slammed shut. "It's wrong, just plain wrong what you're doing to her."

"Why is it wrong to love her? Why is today any different than yesterday? Help me understand why you're so upset because right now I don't understand!" Ronnie slammed her hand on the dryer, the noise reverberating through the small room. "She isn't like Christine, Maria. This is Rose we're talking about."

"I know she's not like Christine. I never said she was. Rose is a sweet, kind, gentle woman who deserves all the best that life can give." She huffed over to the counter and began sorting the clean clothes. "She's been hurt enough."

"What?" Ronnie shook her head. "What are you talking about?" She put her hands on the housekeeper's shoulders and turned the older woman to face her. Maria's eyes were shiny and Ronnie softened her tone. "I love Rose. I would never hurt her."

"You don't think keeping the truth from her is going to hurt her?"

"And just what truth am I keeping from her?" she asked hesitantly.

"I know about the accident…I saw the Porsche before Hans fixed it."

The color drained from Ronnie's face and she leaned against the dryer, hoping her legs would keep her upright. "Oh God," she whispered. She looked at her lifelong friend and housekeeper with panicked blue eyes. "Maria, you can't say anything. You can't tell her."

"Tell her?" The older woman ran her fingers through her short salt and pepper hair and shook her head. "No Ronnie, I won't tell her. I know my position well." She turned back to the pile of clothes. "Besides, it's not my place to say anything, it's yours." She paused for a moment. "Or are you going to just let her continue thinking you're her knight in shining armor?"

The words stung but Ronnie could not deny them. "I…I can't tell her. I can't lose her. I can't." Her voice hitched and she had to look away. "I would give up everything to be with her but I can't do that."

"Better she should go on believing some drunk hit her and you came to her rescue than to admit you were responsible." Maria paused, debating whether she really wanted to ask the next question or not. "Were you drunk?" At the lack of response, she turned, reading her answer in the tall woman's face. "Dear God…you were."

Long dark hair formed a curtain as Ronnie lowered her head and nodded ashamedly. "It was snowing and I…I never saw her until it was too late." She took several breaths before speaking again. "I would give anything to change what happened that night." She looked up, blue eyes shining. "But I can't. Please, you can't say anything to her."

Maria looked away and for a minute nothing was heard but the thumping of the dryer as both women wrestled with their thoughts. After what seemed an eternity to Ronnie, the housekeeper sighed and nodded.

"I'm not going to be the one to ruin that child's happiness, even if it is a lie. She's had too many ugly truths already." She turned to face Ronnie. "I won't be the one to tell her."

Ronnie released a deep breath "I love her, Maria. I love her more than I have ever loved anyone in my life and I can't lose her." She stood next to the older woman and leaned her elbows on the pile of fresh linens. "If I can…" she stared at the wall, "…I'll spend the rest of my life making her happy. Please give me that chance."

"The longer you keep the truth from her the worse it will be when she does find out. You owe her the truth, Ronnie."

"I know," she acknowledged. "But I can't. Not yet."

"You go see to her. I have things here I need to do." At Ronnie's questioning look, she said "Go on, I'll be fine once I'm done in here. I just need a few minutes."


"What was that all about?" Rose asked when Ronnie returned.

"She's just having a bad day, that's all," she lied. "I think Tommy's death still has her upset."

"Are you sure it's nothing I've done?"

"I'm sure it's nothing you've done, Hon." She leaned over and gave Rose a quick kiss on the head. "Come on, I'm sure there's a few Judge Judy tapes lying around that I haven't seen yet." She lowered her lips until they were level with a shapely ear. "I'd love to cuddle up on the couch with you."

"I thought you didn't want to give Maria a show?" Rose queried.

"What?" She put her hand to her chest as if to say 'who me?' "You don't think I can keep my hands to myself?"

"No." The blonde woman smiled and, balancing on one foot, set the crutches aside. She wrapped her arms around Ronnie's waist and moved in close. "I'm not sure I can keep
hands to myself." She reached down and grabbed a handful of soft rear. "See what I mean?"

"Have I turned you into a sex addict overnight?"

"No, of course not." Rose blushed and leaned her head against Ronnie's chest. "I just enjoy touching you so much and I know you like it too."

"Very much so," the dark-haired woman murmured.

"You know…" Green eyes looked up and became helplessly lost in blue. "I don't care what we watch as long as I can be in your arms." Lips brushed together just as Maria came out of the laundry room. There was no mistaking the love passing between the two women. It mollified the housekeeper somewhat and she was able to put a smile on her face when Rose turned to look at her. "Maria, I'm sorry about the clothes, I'll make sure to put them in the hamper from now on," she said, thinking that the messy clothes were the reason the housekeeper was so upset.

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