Accidental Love (39 page)

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Authors: BL Miller

BOOK: Accidental Love
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"Never," the dark-haired woman said vehemently. "I never want to do anything to make you feel that way."

"And you wouldn't. I know that." Rose's face turned serious and she sat back slightly. "I bet you wish I'd hurry up and make up my mind about whether I liked trucks or not." It was a thought that played itself constantly in the back of her mind, especially after some rather heated kissing exchanges.

"Hey," Ronnie whispered, "That's something only you can decide."
Screw the euphemisms.
"I know we don't talk about it much but…" She hesitated, not at all certain she wanted to broach the subject with the object of her desires sitting on her lap. "It's more than just caring about another woman." She held up a finger to silence Rose's protest. "Put your feelings about me aside for a minute. Think about what it means to be a…lesbian." After so many years of being shamed for who she was, Ronnie found it hard to actually speak the word out loud.

"It is more accepted these days," Rose said softly.

"Not in my world." She said the words more harshly than she had intended, bitterness coloring her tone. In a lower voice she added, "Not in my family." Her mind flashed back to that fateful day in her father's study when she was forced to accept her lifelong punishment. Looking down at her beloved, Ronnie decided that if that were the only thing holding her back, she would walk away for a chance to be with her Rose. The thin white scar and the remaining plaster turned the deadbolt on that door.

"Nothing has to change," the gentle voice said quietly. "We're both happy and no one is being hurt." Ronnie felt soft arms wrap around her and squeeze gently. She happily returned the embrace. "Come on," Rose said. "Your sister is going to be here soon and I'm sure you don't want her to see us like this." She tried to move off but found herself held in place by Ronnie's strong hands.

"I don't want to let you go." The words held far more meaning than just that moment and Rose knew it. She leaned forward and kissed the dark-haired woman.

"I am not going anywhere." Their lips brushed together again and fear was lost in the face of love. As it always liked to do, the grandfather clock chimed the hour and broke the moment. With Ronnie's help Rose stood up on her right leg and slipped the crutches under her arms.

"Where did you put the markers? You know the boys are going to want to decorate the new cast."

"I think they're in a drawer out in the kitchen. Speaking of which, we should probably make some cookies for the boys."

"And for the girls?" Rose leaned her armpit against the top of the crutch and used her free hand to pat Ronnie's belly.

"Well," the executive ducked her head and gave a sheepish grin. "I think there's another roll of chocolate chip ones in the fridge." They started toward the kitchen.

"Don't count on it unless Maria bought groceries yesterday," Rose said. They entered the kitchen just as Susan's minivan pulled into the driveway.

Ronnie opened the sliding glass door and waved them in. "Outta my way, me first," twelve-year old Ricky said as he stormed past with the PlayStation in hand. Ten-year old Timmy and six-year old John quickly followed both making the same amount of pre-teen boy noise. Rose quickly backed herself up against the island to avoid being run over by the trio. "No running in my house," Ronnie called out uselessly.

"I don't know about them. They never listen," Susan said as she stepped inside, followed by Jack. She spotted Rose and smiled. "Rose dear, Ronnie said you were up on crutches." She walked over and held her hand out. The young woman balanced herself on her right foot and returned the gesture. "So you're doing better?"

"Yes, everything is going well according to Doctor Barnes. Just waiting for my ankle to heal fully."

"Well good, I'm glad you are doing better. You shouldn't stand up for so long though." She shot her older sister a look and pulled out a chair. "You just sit down right there. If you want anything, I'm sure Ronnie will get it for you." Rose started to protest but decided it was easier to give in. To her surprise, Susan sat down in the adjoining chair. "Jack, go see what the boys are up to. I don't want to replace any of Sis' things." Once he left the room, the redhead motioned at the empty chair. "Come sit down, I don't want the boys to overhear this." Rose and Ronnie exchanged confused looks as the dark-haired woman sat down.

"What's going on? Everything all right with you and Jack?"

"Of course everything's fine with us. We've been happily married for thirteen years," Susan replied.

"So what's the problem?" Ronnie decided it was best not to mention the affairs she knew about, including the current one.

"You know that diamond broach that Daddy gave Mother on their twenty-fifth anniversary?" The oldest Cartwright nodded. Her father had spent an extravagant amount, even for a family as rich as they were. It was one of Beatrice's most prized possessions. Susan looked down at the lace tablecloth. "It's gone."

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Ronnie's eyes were wide with disbelief. "She keeps it in her safe when she's not wearing it, doesn't she?"

"She said she put it in there. Only four people know the combination. Mother, you, me…" The sisters looked at each other, then slowly nodded in agreement.

"Tommy." Ronnie's hands bunched into fists. Rose had never heard a name said with so much loathing, as if it were a curse. Without thinking, she reached over and placed her hand over the larger one. She realized her mistake immediately when she felt the flinch and withdrew. They exchanged looks before Ronnie spoke again. "When did she discover this?"

"Yesterday. You won't like this," Susan began. "She said she had gone to her friend's house for bridge Tuesday night and when she got back she noticed the picture frame was not flush against the wall but she didn't think anything of it."

"Is the safe behind the picture?" Rose asked.

"When was the last time Tommy was there?" Ronnie asked, nodding at the same time to reply to her beloved's question.

"Saturday night." The redhead sighed. "I think he took it and I told Mother that too."

"You told her?" The eldest Cartwright did not bother hiding her surprise. "You told her that her precious Tommy might have stolen from her? What did she say?"

"Just what you would think she'd say," Susan replied. "She accused me of teaming up with you against him. She said that we didn't understand how difficult things were for him. But I think she believes me." She turned to Rose. "Our mother doesn't always see things as clearly as she should."

"That's one way to look at it," Ronnie said, secretly pleased that her sister had invited Rose in on what was obviously a family discussion. "More accurately, she sees only what she wants to see and anything that disturbs her vision is wrong." She sighed and scratched her head in frustration.

"Nothing we can do about what she thinks. What about the broach?"

"We'll pay on the claim, of course. That's not the problem."

"No, the problem is a boy who thinks that drugs make him a man. Why didn't you call me about this?"

"I only found out about it yesterday and I didn't want to disturb your weekend." She looked at Rose pointedly. "Besides, I knew I'd see you today."

Ronnie ignored her sister's blatant implication. "So what are we going to do about him? Now he's stealing from his own mother."

"I had the locksmith come by and change the combination on her safe. Cartwright Insurance will pay the claim. There really isn't anything else we can do."

"Is that all he took, just her broach?"

"Yes," Susan nodded. "All the other jewelry was still there. But only we would know that the broach was the most expensive piece in there. She's got that necklace that looks like it's worth more than it is and it was untouched."

"Tommy knows what everything is worth. Mother only takes it out on special occasions. He probably figured she wouldn't notice right away." Ronnie looked over at Rose, silently wishing they were alone. A deep anger welled within her and only the young woman's embrace could ease it.
The hell with it, you already think we're lovers.
She took a deep breath, reached out, and wrapped her hand around Rose's smaller one. Susan gave what was clearly an uncomfortable smile.
You started it.
Ronnie squeezed her friend's hand once, then withdrew. She glanced sideways to see Rose's surprised and questioning look. She smiled and hoped the blonde woman would understand.
Sometimes I just need to touch you.

"So…um…let's talk about other things." Susan said. "Did you get the recipe from Maria for the stuffed chicken?"

"I did, but I'm not in the mood to fuss around with that tonight. You'll have to come over during the week and have her make it."

"Do you mean that one with the broccoli and that sauce?" Rose asked. "That's delicious. Maria said you always liked that."

"Well, Ronnie liked it too." The young woman's disarming smile caused Susan to return one in kind. "Maria makes absolutely the best stuffing."

"Yes she does," the eldest Cartwright agreed. Rose smiled to herself remembering the red box that said 'Stove Top' sitting on the counter one evening. She decided to keep the housekeeper's secret. Besides, she had tried making Stove Top before, when she lived alone, and it never turned out as well as Maria's.

With the subject off the physical gesture and on to a more familiar topic, Susan visibly relaxed.

"That's why Ronnie got to keep Maria. She cooks so well, if she worked for me I'd be as big as a house."

"Sometimes I feel that way too," Rose said, patting her stomach. Just then John came scampering out into the kitchen.

"Mommy, I want some soda."

"You need to say please and you have to ask your Aunt Ronnie," his mother said. He looked over at his tall aunt and repeated his question properly.

"Of course."

"Aunt Rose, can I sit on your lap?" Startled eyes met his innocent question. "Please?" he added, thinking that was the problem.

"Um well…"

"If Aunt Rose wants to let you sit on her lap, that's up to her," Susan said. She looked at Ronnie and nodded.

"Sure, if you want to, that's fine." Rose pushed her chair back a bit to give him some room. He quickly climbed up and pulled her arm around his middle to keep from sliding off. "Are your brothers letting you play with them?" she asked in his ear.

"No, they're no fun to play with," John pouted.

"Jack's no better," Susan said. "I swear the instant that controller gets in his hand his age drops thirty years." The sounds of boys arguing drew their attention. "I'd better go see what they're up to before one of them kills the other." She stood up and held her hand out to her youngest son.

"Come on, John."

"We'll be there in a minute," Ronnie said, standing close to Rose's chair. Once they were alone, she leaned down for a kiss. "I think Susan's warming up to you."

"I don't know. When you touched me, she looked like she swallowed a bug."

"But even after that she let John sit on your lap and call you Aunt Rose."

"Mmm, that's true." She allowed Ronnie one more kiss before reaching for her crutches. "Did you call for the pizzas yet?"

"Damn, I knew I forgot something. What did everyone want?"

"Two large mushroom, two supreme, and you wanted your pepperoni and mushroom," Rose said. Susan's shrill voice came from the living room. Apparently there was a battle of wills going on between her and her twelve-year-old son, Ricky.

Ronnie shook her head. "I had better get out there Can you call it in for me? It's three on the speed dial."

"Sure." Rose picked up the phone and pressed the button while Ronnie went to prevent World War Three. She got through on the first try and placed the order. She hung up and had just positioned her crutches under her arms when the phone rang. Thinking it was the pizza place calling back, Rose picked it up. "Hello?"

"R-Ronnie?" She did not recognize the voice but she certainly understood the tone. The woman on the other end of the phone was crying.

"No, this is Rose."

"Would you please tell Ronnie that her mother is on the phone? I-it's very important," Beatrice sniffed.

"Hold on just a second." Realizing she couldn't hold the phone in one hand and use her crutches, Rose set it down on the counter and worked her way into the living room.

part 10

Susan had hold of Timmy and Jack was holding Ricky as the two boys hurled insults at each other. "You cheated."

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

"Enough!" Ronnie's voice boomed over the squawking. "I don't care who cheated or who's turn it was. If you two can't play nice I'm going to shut it off." The threat had not stopped the two brothers from bickering again and again.

"But he started it."

"Timothy!" Both his parents yelled.

"Ronnie." Rose leaned on her crutches. "Your mother is on the phone." As the tall woman passed her, she spoke in a lower voice. "She sounds like she's been crying." That caused the dark-haired woman to hesitate for a second before picking up the phone. A crying parent never meant anything good.

"Mother? Mo-…Mother…Mother, stop crying. I can't understand you." She silently motioned for Rose to get Susan. "Okay, tell me again, slowly." The redhead entered the kitchen just as Ronnie was piecing together what her hysterical mother was trying to tell her. "Are they sure? Okay, okay Mother, slow down…what did he say?" She turned her back to the other woman and leaned against the island. "Mother, listen carefully to me. Did he say for sure that it was Tommy?" At the mention of her brother's name, Susan's hand went to her mouth.

"Did something happen?"

"Who called you?" Ronnie asked as she waved her sister away. She had enough to do trying to understand what Beatrice was telling her. "No, Susan's here. We'll stop by and pick you up. Yes Mother, we'll be there in fifteen minutes. No. Don't call anyone else. If they need to be called, I'll do it later. No, don't call a cab. We'll be right there. Yes, I promise…bye." She pressed the off button and set the phone down on the counter.

"Ronnie?" Susan took a step forward. "Did something happen to Tommy?" There was no response. "Ronnie?"

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