Accepting Eva [Slick Rock 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Accepting Eva [Slick Rock 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You are so fucking tight and wet, baby, and you feel so damn good,” Quin rasped.

She could see sweat forming on his brow and knew then that he was taking things slow for her. Her heart clenched and warmth suffused her chest knowing that he was taking such good care of her. With his cock seated, he placed his hand back on the ground next to her shoulder. Quin’s face was tense and twisted with pleasure and he rocked forward and back, gaining more depth in her pussy. At first her muscles resisted, but when the slight erotic burn turned to bliss, she whimpered and reached for his hips. By the time Quin’s cock was buried in her pussy balls-deep, Eva felt as if she was on the very edge of climax once more.

He moved again. This time he sat back on his haunches between her legs, hooked her limbs over the crooks of his elbows, and then shifted over her with his arms once more, leaning on the blanket next to her shoulders. Folded in half like this, she felt every inch of him as he slid deeper inside her than before. As he began to move his hips, dragging and pushing his hard shaft in and out of her pussy, he increased the pace. Every breath that left her mouth sounded like a sob, and even though she tried to hold the sounds back, it was impossible.

Tension began to form along her inner walls, coiling the muscles tighter and tighter and tighter. The more Quin moved, the faster he thrust until the sound of their flesh slapping together along with their panting were the only things she could hear.

With each forward pump of his hips, his balls slapped against her damp ass and enhanced her pleasure. Fingers plucked both her nipples at the same time, and although she knew Pierson and Gray were both touching her and she wanted to look at them, she couldn’t look away from Quin. There was so much emotion in his eyes that Eva found herself mesmerized. His mouth twisted as if in pain and then he slammed into her hard and fast, repeating the action again and again. With each thrust, he twisted his hips as his pelvis met hers so that his pubic bone brushed against her sensitive clit.

The desire coursing through her escalated, sending liquid warmth traversing through her womb, deep into her pussy, and down her legs. Her clit throbbed and twitched. Eva arched her neck, closed her eyes, and screamed as she reached ecstasy.

In quick succession her pussy clenched down hard and released on the thick cock shuttling in and out of her vagina, again and again and again. She couldn’t seem to get enough air into her lungs as rapture tore her body apart and then seemed to put her back together again. Just as the contractions and shivers began to wane, Quin’s fingers applied pressure to her clit and squeezed gently. As she cried out, Eva’s voice sounded hoarse even to her ears, her body spasming when another orgasm washed over her. Fluid rushed from her sex, coating her ass cheeks and no doubt Quin, too. Only vaguely aware of Quin roaring his completion, she felt his cock jerk inside her and warmth spewed into her channel.

As her body began to cool, she became aware of Quin slumped down over her. His face was buried against her neck and her arms were wrapped around his shoulders. She stroked her palms up and down his back, relishing his warm, slick, sweaty skin beneath her fingers. Her pussy gave the occasional shudder and twitch until finally her internal muscles stilled. Quin pressed up to his elbows and brushed her damp hair back from her face.

“Are you all right, baby?”

“Yeah,” Eva sighed.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”


“Good.” Quin kissed her lips and then rolled them both onto their sides. Her back brushed against Gray and she turned her head to see him watching her with a wistful smile. She smiled back and lifted her arm back toward him. He lay down behind her and cuddled up close to her back. Looking over Quin’s shoulder, she reached out to Pierson and held his hand when he took hers.

In that moment, with Quin’s softening cock still inside her and his arms wrapped around her, Gray cuddling her back, and Pierson’s hand in her own, she felt loved, cherished, and wanted for who she was, bum hip and all, for the first time in her life.

Sighing with contentment, she lowered her head back onto Quin’s bicep and let her eyes close. She was surrounded by their warm bodies and totally satiated with the sun streaming down through the trees and touching her face. Eva felt like she was in love for the first time in her life.

She smiled and relished the closeness she felt with them until she was in danger of falling asleep. Although she was sandwiched between two men, the sun was going down and the air was cooling off. Since she was naked, she was beginning to feel chilled.

Quin’s flaccid cock had slipped from her body, and she was feeling a little sticky. Sighing with resignation, she kissed his lips and then pushed against his chest, levering herself into a sitting position.

“Wait, Eva,” Quin said and turned away to rummage in the picnic basket. He pulled out several paper napkins and gently wiped between her thighs and then began to dress.

Not used to such caring but intimate actions, she felt her cheeks heat as she blushed and quickly reached for her clothes. Gray handed Eva her panties since they had been just out of reach and Pierson handed over her bra. After she was dressed and all their picnic things were cleared away, they all made their way back to the truck. Quin carried the basket and blanket while Pierson and Gray each held her hands. When they reached the truck she stood back and watched the men secure everything.

They were standing in a circle of sunlight, and their hair and bodies seemed to glow. Her breath caught in her throat. To Eva it felt like God approved of her relationship with the three Badon brothers and gave His blessing.

Chapter Ten


Pierson wrapped an arm around Eva’s shoulders and pulled her against his side as her eyelids slid closed. He inhaled her clean, womanly scent and tried to shift and relieve the ache in his cock without disturbing her. He couldn’t get the vision of her and Quin making love in the open air out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried.

The image of her as she was in the throes of climax would be forever etched into his heart and mind. She had looked so sweet and innocent yet sexy and wanton at the same time. Eva had looked surprised the first time she climaxed and he wondered if her previous boyfriend had ever taken the time to learn her body and discover the woman inside her. From what she had told him and his brothers about her ex, Pierson didn’t think so. Maybe she’d never had an orgasm from a man before. If not, then that would explain the bewilderment that crossed her face right before she reached orgasm. Once she had come down from her first climactic high, she had looked at them all with hunger and he knew she hadn’t even been aware of how much she was letting them see.

He’d worked out how their beautiful woman thought after the last couple of weeks. Evana Woodridge liked to think she didn’t display her emotions for all to see. She liked to be in control of her life and keep people at arm’s length. She was the love of his life, but he didn’t think she was ready to hear how much she meant to him even if she needed to.

Quin slowed the truck and rolled to a stop close to the house. Eva didn’t even stir. Pierson handed Eva off to Gray while Quin opened the door to the house.

Pierson followed Gray to Eva’s room and watched his brother lay their woman on her bed. He helped remove her shoes, and then the two of them placed her under the covers and pulled them up. He smiled over at Gray when she sighed in her sleep and rolled over onto her side. As she clutched the pillow, he heard her whisper all three of their names.

Back downstairs, he and his brothers made some stew. Pierson put on a pot of coffee and it had just finished brewing when a high-pitched feminine cry rent the air. Pierson was on his feet and running before thought even entered his head. The heavy footsteps reverberating behind him let him know Quin and Gray followed.

Pierson barged through Eva’s bedroom door, his eyes searching her out. She was lying on the bed, but instead of finding her in the throes of a nightmare, he saw that Eva had pushed the quilt down and was writhing in pain, her hands gripping the lower half of her right leg. Tears were streaming down her face, which was contorted with agony.

“Fuck,” Quin snapped. “Get the massage oil, liniment, and heat packs.”

Gray turned toward their bathroom, where Quin had insisted they have the necessary supplies on hand for just this purpose. Pierson moved toward the bed and gently pried her hands from her leg.

“Let go, darlin’.” He spoke calmly, hoping his low, even voice would help calm her. “We need to get your jeans off so we can help you.”

Eva removed her hands from her leg and clutched at the sheet below her body. Pierson could tell she was trying to stay still so they could help her, but she was having a lot of trouble. Her body twitched and jerked in pain. Finally with Quin’s help they got her jeans and socks off and Gray reappeared with the massage oil.

Pierson crawled onto the bed above and behind Eva, pushing pillows behind his back. Once settled he grasped her under the arms and pulled her into the
of his legs. Wrapping his arms around her chest, beneath her breasts, he spoke quietly into her ear, trying to calm her down.

“Shh, darlin’, try and relax. Let Quin and Gray work those nasty kinks out for you.”

Pierson hated that Eva was in such pain. Every muscle in her body was tense and taut, and she was sobbing and whimpering as tears streamed down her face. Lavender and vanilla permeated the air as Gray rubbed his oil-slicked hands together, warming the liquid, and then his brother began to work on Eva’s right leg while Quin began at her foot.

He could see her toes curling under as the muscles in her foot and leg spasmed, and he knew she must be hurting a lot. She gave a cry as Gray’s fingers worked into the muscles in her calf, pushing hard and deep. Pierson just wished he could take her pain away and suffer it himself. He hated that Eva was going through so much discomfort and tried to help the only way he could think of. Smoothing his hands up and down her arms and massaging her shoulders, he crooned nonsensical noises, trying to take her mind from her suffering.

“Shit,” Gray snapped. “Her muscles are too far gone. I can’t get them to let go.”

“Heat,” Eva sobbed.

“I’ll run a bath.” Quin frowned at Eva as she arched when another bout of torment assailed her.

“Hurry,” Pierson growled.

“I know,” Quin called back over his shoulder. “I hate seeing her in such agony, too.”

Pierson sighed with relief when he heard water running in the tub, but Gray didn’t let up on kneading her leg as he tried to get her muscles to stop spasming. Before long Quin called from the other room, “Bring her in.”

Pierson shifted out from behind Eva, and when he had his feet on the floor, he bent over the bed, scooped her up into his arms, and carried her to the bathroom. He lowered her into the water, careless of the fact that she still had on her shirt, bra, and panties. Once he let her go, he began to strip off. The tub was a large spa bath, more than capable of holding all of them without being cramped. When he was naked he climbed into the tub and pulled her onto his lap. Quin and Gray quickly removed their clothes and hopped in with them.

Another cry emerged from her mouth, and her whole body arched with distress. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he tried to hold her steady while Quin and Gray began to work on her again. The water was slick with oil, which made it easier for his brothers to massage her skin and knead her contracting muscles.

After what seemed like an interminable amount of time, Eva slumped against him. Her body was tired from fighting the convulsive muscles for so long. The muscles in her leg had stopped spasming, thank God. Sighing with relief that Eva was no longer in pain, he pulled her in tight against his chest and she huffed out a breath, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Are you okay, baby?” Quin asked, his hands and fingers still working on her lower leg.

“Yeah,” Eva said on an exhale. “Thank you all for helping me. I’m sorry to be such a bother.”

“Don’t,” Gray bit out then must have realized he sounded angry. “Sorry. You’re no bother, Eva. We just hate it that you have to suffer so much. Is there anything that can be done to stop you from having these debilitating cramps?”

“No.” Eva rubbed her cheek against Pierson’s pectorals. “There is nothing to be done. All I can do is keep taking magnesium tablets and try not to strain my muscles too much.”

“Shit,” Quin growled. “We pushed you too hard today, didn’t we?”

“No!” Eva pressed against his chest and sat up straight. “It has nothing to do with what I did today. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to what brings the cramps on.”

“Are you sure, darlin’?” Pierson asked, still uncertain he and his brothers hadn’t contributed to her pain.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Let’s get you out of the tub, baby,” Quin said and offered her a hand after he stood. “You must be feeling hungry after such a long day.”

Eva took his hand and let him help her from the bath. The three of them dried her off and dressed her. After Pierson pulled his clothes back on, he grasped her hand and led Eva toward the kitchen.

“What can I do to help?” Eva asked when he checked and stirred their dinner.

“Just sit down and relax, darlin’.”

Quin and Gray entered the kitchen and began to get out bowls, silverware, and a wineglass. Then they grabbed three beers and opened a bottle of wine.

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