Accepted Fate (15 page)

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Authors: Charisse Spiers

BOOK: Accepted Fate
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I lean forward, getting closer to her face. I can feel her breaths coming out short and quick. I can tell I'm having an effect on her. She brings her knees up beside me, the bottom of her feet flat on the bed, opening her spread wider. Her eyes are slightly hooded. I place my mouth right beside her ear. "One point for me."

With a big grin on my face, I release her hands and sit back up grabbing the remote and pressing the play button. She quickly sits up and moves back to the head of the bed. I'm starting to worry she is mad but then she smiles. "Not a chance. Payback's a bitch."

We lay there watching the movie. It's mostly quiet, with the occasional small talk. She seems to be more comfortable around me now than when she first got here. The more I talk to her, the more I realize how down to earth and likable she is. We seem to have a lot more in common than I originally thought.

I look at her, lying back on a pillow watching the movie. Her hair is fanned out behind her head. She has one leg bent in the air, the bottom of her foot flat against the mattress with her hand resting on the thigh of her bent leg and the other laying flat against the bed. I notice the same anklet she was wearing at the beach. It must be a favorite piece of jewelry or something meaningful. She is beautiful. I wish I could take a picture with my phone so I'll have something to remember her by when I go back home.

"Ryland said something about a pool party Presley is having tomorrow. Are you going?" She turns toward me and rolls onto her side propping her upper body onto her elbow.

"Yeah, I have to help set up. She has one at the beginning of every summer. Her parents go all out and have it catered. It's kind of become a tradition. Pretty much everyone from school will be there. Presley has me running around picking things up while she sets up at the house. I guess you could say I'm the chauffeur for all the supplies."

"Do you need some help? I don't have any plans tomorrow. I think Ryland said he had some stuff to take care of for school before the party anyway so I'll just be stuck here or following him around."

She is looking me in the eyes. She doesn't answer for a moment. I wish I knew what was going through her mind right now. She finally answers smiling, "Yeah, okay. I could use some of your muscle."

We haven't heard much out of Presley and Ryland since they changed the movie in the other room. I assumed they finally finished taking care of business until we start hearing Presley calling out his name. Kinzleigh looks to the door, "You have got to be kidding me." She looks back at me. "Does it take everyone that long?" Her face flushes at the question.

I glance at her lips being sucked between her teeth. I love how her innocence shows. I meet her eyes with my own. "Only if you're dealing with a real man. A real man cares about the pleasure of his woman and not his own. A real man waits on his woman to be satiated before he is himself. A real man holds out as long as necessary. Only a boy is concerned with his own pleasure being met."

I notice the slightest moan escape her lips. It's so low I wasn't even sure I heard it. Presley starts up again, louder this time. I can tell Kinzleigh is getting really uncomfortable. Me, I don't get bothered by it. Being on the football team, you hear and see so much it doesn't even phase you after a while. There is a door in the bedroom that leads outside. "Come on," I say. "Let's get some fresh air."

We get up at the same time and she follows me outside the door. The door comes out on the side of the house so we walk back to the pool. "It must be nice to have these views every day," I say standing at the edge of the pool.

"It is," she replies. "I love it here. I'm going to miss this place. I'm going to try to come back after senior year for college." She stops behind me. My tattoo must be slightly showing from the sides of my shirt because she starts tracing the outline. The light caressing of her finger sends chills down my arms. "Usually people our age don't have tattoos, what does it mean?"

I usually don't talk about my tattoo because it's mine and mine alone. Something I don't want shared with the world. I've never told anyone what it means; not even Ryland. That's the reason it's in Latin. She whispers, "Infragilis."

For some reason though, I want to tell her. "Unbreakable. It's Latin." I expect her to ask me a lot of questions; to quiz me on the meaning, but she surprises me when I hear nothing at all, just a sigh of contentment.

She runs her finger down my back. She clasps her small hands around my waist. The feel of her so close makes me close my eyes. I begin to turn around when she pushes me off the side, causing me to fall into the pool.

I come up for air, completely soaked, to her bent over laughing. "What was that for?" I'm trying hard to sound mad, but her laughter is contagious and before I know it I'm laughing along with her.

She stands upright, placing her hands on her hips. "That's for earlier." She winks. "I don't get mad; I get even."

I come to the edge, placing my palms flat on the cement, pulling myself up. She doesn't realize she just made this a game. I can do this all night. It's in my competitive nature. I'm trailing water as I stalk towards her. She is still laughing a little until she looks me in the eyes. Her eyes widen as she realizes what I'm doing and takes off running.

I chase after her around the yard. She's pretty quick to be so short and dainty, but no match for me. I play baseball and football back home and I'm one of the fastest guys on the team. I'm not even breaking a sweat and I'm on her heels. I'm giving her a few minutes lead just to toy with her, allowing her to think she's won. Right before she gets to the gate, I increase my stride and wrap my arm around her waist causing her to scream out. When she realized it was a little loud, she slaps her hand over her mouth trying not to cause a commotion with Ryland's parents.

I pull her backward towards me and scoop her into my arms, cradling her. She places her arms around my neck for stability, but begins kicking her legs trying to break free from my grasp. "There's not a chance I'm letting you get away now, sweetheart. I always love a good challenge."

She looks at the pool getting closer with each step and turns back to me. "You wouldn't dare." She narrows her eyes. "Breyson, no!"

"Oh but I would," I say and take off running towards the pool. I jump off the deep end of the pool with her in my arms. Breaking through the water, I release her so we can come back up for air.

She breaks the surface, brushing her hair back out of her face laughing. "The water is freezing. I can't believe you did that!" She splashes water at me. "I didn't bring any extra clothes."

Her thin satin top is clinging to her body, revealing the outline of her bra and cleavage. For the top to be so conservative, reaching all the way to her neck in which it connects with the back fabric; this is by far the sexiest view I've ever had. There is something to be said about a woman that leaves a little to the imagination. When it's all out there for the world to see, for some reason it's less appealing.

"I wouldn't worry about clothes. I'm sure we can find you something. She is wading in the middle of the pool and I am closer to the farther side. I begin making my way towards her, my eyes never leaving hers. She has the slightest smile on her face. When she sees me coming towards her, she begins swimming backwards slowly. "You trying to run from me?" I begin grinning because she is getting closer to the side, leaving less room for her to go.

"You trying to catch me?" She counters sarcastically. You gotta love a girl with a little spunk. Her back finally reaches the corner of the pool, not far from the diving board. She turns around noticing that she is now trapped and I have her right where I want her. She bites the corner of her lip.

I stop right before her, grabbing the edge of the pool in hand on each side of her. "Maybe I am. I know a good catch when I see one." Her eyes are slightly hooded like earlier, giving me the answer to the question in my head. She is giving me the consent that she feels the way I feel right now. I close the distance between us; the warmth of our bodies mingling around us. The water isn't so cold anymore. I wrap one of her legs at a time around me to support her against the wall. I remain holding one edge of the pool and place the other on her neck.

I lean in closer, our lips just a breath apart. "Stop running Kinzleigh." Her eyes close as she releases a sigh. I can't stop myself anymore. I don't want to. I don't care if I have to go back home in a few days. I would rather have a few days I'll never forget than spend the rest of my life in regret. I softly kiss her lips before sucking the droplets of water from them slowly, savoring her taste. They are so full and soft. She slowly relaxes, letting me suck and pull at her bottom lip. I can feel her inexperience as she allows me to lead her lips where I want them. I slightly lick her lip requesting entry in which she grants. As I slide my tongue inside I seek out hers; it's warm and moist entangling with mine.

I run my hand from her neck down the seam of her body, stopping at her waist, just before testing the waters and cupping her bottom. It feels as good as I envisioned it would feel and it's covered in denim. I can't imagine how it would feel bare. I continue to kiss and suck her lip, guiding her tongue in the perfect rhythm with mine. As she slides her tongue inside my mouth, I clench it in my lips and lightly suck it and release. The lowest moan escapes her perfect lips.

My hormones are raging. I can't help it. Holding her by the butt, I pull her closer at the waist. My erection is pressing between her legs. Even in this pool of cool water, I can feel the heat radiating from inside the opening at her thighs. A growl comes from within my chest, causing her to slightly bite my bottom lip. Oh damn, for the first time in my entire life I feel like I could release my seed right here and she hasn't even touched me. She brings her arms up around my neck interlocking her fingers at the back.

I lightly rub my erection over the jeans pressed against her, between her legs. She rolls her head to the side giving me access to her neck. I kiss just below the lobe of her ear and run my tongue lightly down her neck, stopping at the top of her exposed shoulder.

She begins to get a little bold and sways her hips from side to side. "If you keep doing that, I'm going to lose my control and I won't be able to stop."

She lifts her head and looks at me, smiling mischievously and kisses the area on the front of my neck between my collar bones. She lightly trails kisses higher up my neck. "Kinzleigh, you're playing with fire," I warn. She clamps her legs tighter behind my back and clenches the muscles between her legs that are pressed against me.

I can't take it anymore. Without thinking, my hand goes for the button of her pants as I take her lips, more roughly this time. I finally pull away to look her in the eyes. I rest my forehead against hers. "I'll have to go inside and get a condom from my wallet if you want to go any further." I look in her eyes and her breathing is quickening. She looks like she is thinking about it, which only tells me one thing.       "Kinzleigh, you have had sex before right?" I really thought Ryland was blowing smoke up my ass when he was talking about her being inexperienced with guys, but I really didn't think he meant literally none. I will not be the one to take her virginity. That is a connection and attachment I stay away from. Plus, she doesn't deserve that. Her first time should be with someone who has a warm beating heart; mine turned to ice a long time ago.

She isn't looking at me. As a matter of fact she is staring at the water. She releases my neck. "No, I haven't okay. Does it really matter whether I have or not. Since when do guys care about that sort of thing? It's just sex right. Maybe it's time I stop trying to be so perfect. Look at where it's getting me. Nothing is going the way I planned. A few weeks from now my life will be over as I know it. Maybe I should just live for myself and have fun like everyone else. It's kind of perfect really, if you think about it. You can help me get it out of the way and then we won't ever see each other again once you leave. No lies, no expectations, just fun."

Dammit! Why on earth does she have to be a virgin? I run my fingers through my wet hair. I want her; so bad I can't stand it. I've never turned down a girl that looks even half as beautiful as her and I'll probably hate myself for this. She may not want any attachments, but I can't do it to her. She deserves better. I want to claim her as my own; mark her mine, but at what costs? "Let's go inside and change clothes and we'll continue this there." I kiss her softly and lift her to sit on the side of the pool. I lift myself out of the pool and standing up, I reach for her hand. "Come on beautiful."

Walking into the bedroom, I grab two towels from the linen closet. I hand her a towel, along with a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. "Thanks, I'll be right back," she says as she turns and disappears into the bathroom. I remove my wet clothes and put on a pair of dry boxers. I sit on the edge of the bed, leaning forward, resting my forearms on my thighs. I can't stand the thought of someone else being her first, but for once, sex alone isn't enough; at least not with her. For once, I can't be selfish. I have to think about her and not myself.

The door to the bathroom opens. She saunters towards the bed. She has now tied her wet hair up on top of her head. As she gets into bed, she yawns. I pull back the comforter for her to lay down. Crawling in, she lays down on her side, facing away from me. I wrap my arm around her waist, placing my hand against her belly and I pull her towards me until our bodies are aligned. "What time is it? I should probably check on Presley so we don't miss curfew."

Pulling the blanket over our bodies, I nestle her in the nook of my curled body. She fits like a glove; like we were cut from the same cloth and now coming back together. "Just lay with me for a while, please." She doesn't say another word; just relaxes beside me. If I were breakable, this girl is possibly the only thing that could do it. That scares the hell out of me. That's the last thought I had before falling asleep with her in my arms.


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