Abuse of Chikara (book 1) (28 page)

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Authors: Stanley Cowens

BOOK: Abuse of Chikara (book 1)
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Lately since the spirit was inhabiting his body, his dreams were more realistic in some manner that he couldn't explain. He was in some wooden area like a forest or something. There were no marking or signs that he recognized. He wandered around for a bit until he came in contact with a young, white woman holding a small child. The woman was named Barbara, and she was in her mid-20s. Seemed she had joined some type of cult or something. They had all given up their lives to come live in this forest area and live off the land. The leader was a rich Chinese man in his late 50s, who had become some kind of spiritual leader. He had gone around in different nation’s building these large underground caverns. These caverns had separate living areas hollowed out. They had everything they needed to survive with a minimal amount of technology. This man spurned anything, but the most basic technology. No TV, Internet, cell phones or video games. The only real exceptions was medical technology to deal with sickness. To be sure he did not hate technology or try to force his followers to adhere to spurning technology.

His teaching were that man should seek knowledge, but to benefit human lives not rule it. Around his late 40s he had become obsessed with technology to the point he felt it was taking over his life. He had long considered how people became obsessed with technological gadgets. He was in China one day watching one teenager assault another teenager over an expensive cell phone. This had made him see that we had started to worship technology, and someone needed to create some balance. The idea of simple people living off the land with as little technology as possible was born. He had written up a list of rules concerning behavior of people living on his land. Manners and respect were mandatory. Violence and any type of abuse was not tolerated. Racism was not something he believed in, and he did not tolerate it. These rules and many others had become a sort of Bible, which he had written and actually had printed up into a book named the way. This guy did visit all his little encampments around the world. He had started them everywhere, except in a few Muslim nations, as one of his rules was equality between men and women.

In the dream he could hear Dirty Red even though he could not see him. Red told him the man actually had some powerful extra sensory abilities that he did not understand. His abilities were latent, but could be very powerful if ever triggered. Funny how these people were very open, very friendly, even with outsiders. They were eager to encourage people into taking up their way of thinking. He had to admit that everyone here seemed happy. There was no evidence of abuse or child molestation like in some cults. Their leader was not saying only he could sleep with all the women or advocating older men sleeping with pre-teen girls. Seems like this guy was the real deal. This type of set up was not to his liking to be honest. He loved violence and carnage, and lived for the shit actually. These guys did not believe in drugs, alcohol or violence. They drank some type of healthy drink made up of fruits and vegetables they grew themselves, which they sweetened a little bit with honey. He would have left, but Dirty Red’s voice was constantly in his head begging him to stay for a few days. Some small event would be happening here soon that he wanted to wait for.

Dirty Red said the Chinese leader sensed the darkness in Psycho Boy and thought he could help turn him around, maybe counsel him or something. It would be a waste of time, of course, but he had no problem with letting the man try. This guy had him meditating with him and talking about his feelings and crap. The group actually had anger management classes that were voluntary. Most people in the group did participate, however. This Asian man was very persuasive. If he were a normal guy, he would have been persuaded to join and take up their lifestyle. He had done anger management BS back when he was a teenager. He always went along with the garbage and laughed afterwards. It was not all bad, though. He had hung out with some of the Mexican kids in the classes after school and smoked weed. Come to think about it, he had banged some hot Mexican chicks that was taking that crap also.

He would go along with this junk for a few days longer to keep Dirty Red happy. Red did not appear to him like he usually did. He seemed to think this man would somehow sense his presence if he did. He only heard Reds voice and that was when the Asian man was not around. It was an interesting little fact that he would file away mentally. It could be useful if they ever had a major disagreement. He felt really sick to the point that his stomach started cramping. Bending over to his knees, he starts to vomit. Now there is searing pain shooting through every part of his body. He had never felt pain like this before. He had been sick from too much drugs and or alcohol before, but this took the cake. It felt like his entire body was reshaping itself in favor of a new form. In fact, that’s exactly what was happening. His hands now had long claws coming out of them and were covered by black, long fur. At this point he pretty much went into a semi- state of awareness. It was like watching his own body from a distance in the third person. He is not easily rattled, so he watched himself in this third person perspective. It’s almost like his awareness was floating over his own body. He was now a giant wolf looking creature. They used to call them werewolves in the horror films. Psycho knew a little about these things. They were powerful beings that could only be killed by silver bullets or so the story goes. He watched his now 7-foot body sniff the air and start to salivate. Soon the giant wolf was running towards a group of young white kids. This werewolf was more in the shape of the ones from that movie; the howling rather than the older looking versions that were more human looking. His wolf self did not seem to care what these were kids. Soon he was biting off heads, arms, legs and whatever he could get his mouth on.

Many of the parents and other children came to see what all the commotion was about. Big mistake on their part. His wolf incarnation effortlessly cleaved entire bodies in half with his long 14-inch claws. These claws protruded from the front of each finger, but were metal looking rather than bone. They seemed to cut just as well though. His werewolf form cut countless people down in an orgy of death. No one was spared contact from his claws, slicing and dicing various body parts. There was nothing left, but large piles of dismembered body parts and bloodstained cave walls. His wolf form stopped to consume every bit of human flesh. In all, he must have just killed over 30 people. Prowling the caves he finds other sleeping areas and kills at least another 30 people. These undergrounds caverns are pretty big and capable of housing well over 300 people. Psycho is now counting the number of kills as his wolf form rampages around the underground area. He counts at least 150 kills.

This place was large and many of the people did not even get to scream before they died. There was a great deal of confusion about what to do and who was in charge. Soon an older white male named Dave took charge. Dave was a former cop and was used to dangerous situations. He did not believe the stories of a werewolf for a second or the idea that so many had been killed. Most likely a wolf had gotten in some- how and had bitten a person or two. Once they capture it, they would check the other areas of the cavern. Fortunately they had tranquilizer guns for just this type of emergency. Dave led a posse of 20 men of various ages, shapes and sizes with him. Most were armed with tranquilizer guns as well and some with nets. After some searching they found a giant, hulking wolf with claws a foot long or more. These claws were metallic rather than bone. Some of the men with him urinated in their pants and at least three of them ran. Dave could see why the sight of this thing covered in blood, and bits of human flesh stuck to its fur, would frighten lesser men. He let loose with his tranquilizer gun as did the remaining men. No effect at all on the beast. The darts did not seem to even pierce the creature’s flesh from what he could tell. He did what every intelligent leader did in this situation and ordered a retreat. Many of the men with him did not even get the chance to run or retreat. He could not believe the speed and gracefulness of this creature. It was a wild beast, but it was not mindless or had some type of highly developed hunting instinct at least. When it caught a man, it cut off a leg or stabbed the man through the belly. The wounds were always something that would stop the person from running away as it went for the others. Obviously, it wanted to catch as many people as possible. It could always go back and eat the others later. A man of 53 thanked god he had spent the last three years here working out extensively. Their Asian leader had stressed physical health as well as spiritual health. Regular visits to the a doctor, diet and plenty of exercise was a big part of their life here. He was in much better shape than he had been in his 40s. Unfortunately, some of the men here had not taken up the exercise programs with the gusto he had. This creature was most likely easily able to out run any human, but it could not catch everyone at the same time. The slower, overweight men were caught first. Every time it maimed someone, it had to slow down to stop for a few moments. Their leader was not someone who believed in weapons, but he was not out to lunch mentally either. Weapons were kept in a secured locker in case of extreme emergency. This had to merit the definition of extreme emergency. By the time he made it to the emergency area where the guns were kept, only three men were left with him. They were grabbing machine guns, shotguns and handguns when another small group of 10 burst into the room with the same idea.

No one argued with Dave about who would be in charge. Dave was the designated undisputed leader, picked by their founder to handle emergencies and disputes. He quickly dished out ammo and weapons. He refused to believe the creature was some horror movie monster despite what he had seen himself. If it was an actual werewolf they were screwed because he did not have any silver as far as he knew. They ran the hallways looking for the beast. It was not hard to locate as they just back-tracked and found a bloody trail leading off into another direction. For some reason the beast had decided it liked other prey. When he heard children screaming he knew why. This area was a large room about the size of a school gym, set apart for children to play. The thing must have smelled the children and decided it wanted young, tender meat over the flesh of older men. It was in the play area all right, consuming a young girl’s upper body as the other part lay on the floor.

Dave ordered the men to surround the creature and be careful not to shoot each other. He gave the order to fire. They emptied at least five clips apiece into this thing. He was not a violent man, but had to admit he enjoyed hearing this monster screaming and howling as the machine gun and shotguns blasts ripped it apart. Finally the beast fell out on the ground and did not seem to be moving. Dave and two others emptied another round into the monster’s head for good measure. He did not want to get close to the thing, but somebody had to check out its pulse or heart beat and find out if it was living. He finally worked up the courage to get close enough to the beast to check its heartbeat and pulse. He found no pulse from checking the monster’s wrist. It did not seem to have a heartbeat and it was not beating. He organized the men into different groups. One group would see how many survivors were left, and start the process of getting things back to normal; the other group would stand guard over the remains of the monster. He would need as much information as possible when the authorities got here. Good thing they had an emergency two-way radio to call for help. The police would be here in a few hours. The thing was to control the situation and restore things to some sense of normalcy. He doubted things would be the same here. Many would likely want to leave because of this. His job now was to keep focused and deal with the situation.

Paul, Doug and two others sat around keeping an eye on this overgrown critter. Why he had to keep an eye on it Doug did not know. The thing was not going to get up and do anything or come after anyone with all that ammo in its body. He was shocked that it was still in one piece mostly. He was hungry and so were the others. He and Paul went to grab some food in the main kitchen, which was about three minutes away. They would be back before anyone knew it. The men left watching the monster, hardly wasted anytime actually doing that job. The two younger men were engrossed in conversations about cute girls and who they would date. If they had paid attention, they would have noticed that the creature’s wounds were mostly healed. They would have noticed it standing up. They might have been able to move before it spewed yellow fluid in both their faces. The fluid, vomit, bile or whatever it was did not sting or feel unpleasant. In fact, it felt really good. One of the young men remembered this being the same feeling he got when he used to get high back when he was younger. He had not done drugs for years, but missed this feeling.

He felt different about this werewolf thing now after being covered in the yellow fluid. He understood that he should help it feed now. The wolf was not a mindless beast; and even though it had an animalistic nature, its core was still human and retained much of Psycho Boy’s intelligence. It could reason and think, and was not a mindless beast in any way. Before Paul and Doug came back into the room with food, it laid back on the ground. The other two made a show of taking food from them. When their guard was done, the two grabbed them and held them as the wolf rose and spewed the same fluid into their faces. They to felt a sense of satisfaction and contentment now, and would do anything to help the werewolf feast on the flesh of the other humans.

Dave was finished explaining the situation to the police when he heard machine gun fire and men screaming. The only thing that could have happened is that the creature was not dead like he had thought, and was attacking the men he had left back in the children’s play areas. He grabbed five men and ran back to the play areas huffing and puffing like a madman. They finally found the play area and no one was there. The animal and the men were gone. He still heard weapons fire and followed the sound as best as possible. On the way he found countless bodies riddled with bullet holes. Some had what looked like shotgun wounds. This was puzzling because the monster did not have ballistic weapons that he had noticed. It could not be possible that that thing could use a gun, could it? Five minutes later they were at the back entrance of the cave that housed the large storage lockers. This was probably the largest area in the facility. Once again he found countless dead bodies lying around filled with bullet wounds.

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