Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)
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Zoran listened with half an ear as his brother went on to discuss some of the other things Ariel had told Mandra he could do. He could feel the rage building as one of the men put his arm along the back of the couch Abby was sitting on while the other picked up her hand and brought it to his mouth to press a kiss to her knuckles. Zoran had enough when the arm on the back of the couch moved and picked up a piece of Abby’s hair to smell it. He felt his dragon’s snarl even as the heat began to build inside him.




Abby pulled on her hand again trying to break the surprisingly strong grip of the man, she couldn’t remember his name, who had been bothering her for the last ten minutes. Where was Zoran? He went to talk to one of his brothers a little while ago. He should have been back by now surely! Abby leaned forward as the other man, his name was Buta, put his arm on the back of the couch. She was trying in vain to stubbly move away from where he was rubbing his fingers along her shoulder. When he reached over and grabbed a piece of her hair, it took everything in her not to elbow him in the gut. It was one thing for Zoran to put his hands on her, it was quite another for other men. When Mister-I-Don’t-Know-Remember-His-Name started tonguing her knuckles, she had enough. Standing up, Abby started to move away only to find herself trapped between the two men, one in front and the other behind her.

“Please move away.” Abby asked quietly feeling very uncomfortable as more men began to move around her.

“Move or die!” Zoran snarled as he pushed his way into the growing circle of men surrounding Abby.

Zoran wrapped his arm around Abby, growling at the men, “Mine!”

Buta stepped forward, “She is in heat. According to law, any female in heat is available to any male who wishes to satisfy her needs.”

Zoran thrust Abby behind his back, “She is my true mate and not subject to the laws of an unmated female.”

Another male growled, “I want to fuck her. Share her with us as is our custom.”

“Never!” Zoran snarled his face beginning to elongate as he half shifted to his dragon.

Another male reached over the couch and grabbed Abby around the waist, pulling her up and over against him. Abby screamed and tried to grab for Zoran as a pair of huge arms grabbed her from behind. Zoran whirled around leaping over the couch and slamming his fist into the man’s face.

“Mine!” He roared louder.

Abby soon found herself surrounded by Zoran’s four other brothers and to her surprise Cara, Trisha, Carmen, and Ariel. Cara had grabbed a pair of pot lids and was holding them up in front of her, Trisha and Ariel had each grabbed a set of knives off the table and taken a defensive pose as Carmen stood straight, her arms by her side and her feet slightly parted. What was scary was the expression on her face, as if she was begging the men to give her an excuse to kill their asses.

“Zoran, you better get her the hell out of here until she is finished.” Creon said in a low voice, his eyes never leaving Carmen. He growled at Carmen, “Get your ass over here next to me now, Carmen.”

Zoran moved slowly back towards the huge double doors, snarling and showing his teeth to any male who moved towards him and Abby. He pushed Abby gently behind him until they were both out the door. Once they were free of the room, Zoran turned and scooped Abby up into his arms and began running for their suite calling for his symbiosis to prepare for both of them. Slamming the door behind him, he set Abby down and bolted the door.

“Go pack a few things. I need to take you away from here for a few weeks.” Zoran said darkly as he moved towards their bedroom.

Abby stood in stunned silence for a moment before she followed Zoran. Her gaze followed him as he moved back and forth between their closet and dresser drawers, watching as he pushed items randomly into a large bag. He looked furious as he walked quickly back and forth muttering curses under his breath.

“What the hell just happened?” Abby asked quietly.

The tendons in Zoran’s neck stood out as he fought to control his rage. “You are in heat.”

“I’m in
?” Abby asked in astonishment.

Zoran looked at Abby, his face softening at the surprised look on her face. He walked over to her and pressed a kiss to her lips. Sniffing deeply, he couldn’t contain the low rumble of his dragon’s response to her. “You are in heat,
You smell so damn good all the males what to fuck you.”

“You can
me?” Abby squeaked.

“Oh, yes. And so can every other male within a mile radius. The first heat is the most intense but it wouldn’t matter, they would all still want to fuck you like I want to right now.” Zoran moaned quietly as he pressed his hot arousal against the palm of Abby’s hand.

Abby blushed a bright red, “They could smell me?” She whispered, her fingers curling around Zoran’s hard length.

“Yes. I have to get you away from here until you are finished, otherwise, I will be fighting off every male in the palace.”





Chapter 23

The trip would take about half a day to get to the mountains. Zoran’s mother symbiosis had transformed into a type of hover craft and was waiting for them outside their balcony. Zoran helped Abby into the golden craft, then climbed in beside her after throwing their bags behind the seats. Abby asked why they couldn’t just shift into their dragon forms and flown themselves. Zoran growled out that every male capable of shifting would have followed them. He didn’t have to explain his fears, the dark look on his face more than told the story of what would happen if they did. They left heading south but after a short period Zoran turned them to the west then to the north and increased the speed. He wanted to make sure they wouldn’t be followed.

“Where are we going?” Abby asked as she gazed in fascination at the landscape they were flying by.

“To our family retreat in the mountains. Mother lives there now. No one knows where it is except for our immediate family.” Zoran responded turning with a small smile. “You know, my symbiosis knows where we are going, my hands are free, and you smell delicious. Come,
sit on my lap.”

Abby shook her head. “No way. You may not care, but I do. There is no way I am going to make love to you in this symbiosis!”

“Why not?” Zoran asked incredulously.

“Zoran, it’s alive.” Abby whispered.

Zoran leaned forward and smiled mischievously. “I know.” He whispered back.

Abby let out a small gasp as gold straps suddenly appeared around her wrists and ankles. Her seat moved making a type of reclining bed. As Zoran moved between her legs the straps holding her ankles moved further apart giving Zoran more room and forcing Abby’s legs further apart.

“Zoran!” Abby gasped as she felt Zoran’s hands reach under the silk shift she was wearing to grasp her panties the seamstress create for her. With a growl, Zoran ripped the fabric of her panties away.

Zoran threw the destroyed material to one side as he gripped the top of her shift in both hands and ripped it down the middle. “You should not be wearing clothes, especially the garments underneath them. It takes too long to get to you.”

Abby arched as the straps holding her wrists move up, forcing her to stretch out fully in front of Zoran. Zoran rose up enough to pull his shirt off over his head and release the stays holding his pants on. Pushing his pants down to free his cock, he rose up over Abby rubbing it against her wet clit. With a groan, he pushed the swollen purple head of his cock into Abby’s sweet cunt watching as it disappeared into her. Zoran’s whole body shook as he struggled to retain control of his desire. He wanted to take Abby hard and fast but he wanted her to enjoy it, even more than his own selfish pleasure. His glance flicked up to Abby’s face watching as she flushed and pushed at the restraints on her ankles trying to open even further for him.

“Look at me, Abby.” Zoran whispered. “I want to see your eyes as I take you.”

Abby’s eyes flew open and were snared by the golden glow of Zoran’s. Zoran pushed in another inch, watching as Abby’s eyes grew larger than heavy with desire.

“No!” Zoran snarled when Abby’s eyes started to close. He pulled back until he was almost out, ignoring her whimper. “Open your eyes.”

Abby fought to keep her eyes open as the waves of fire began building in her blood. She could feel the heat of her dragon combine with her own desires. Zoran pushed in again, a little further this time. He snarled something to his symbiosis and Abby felt the straps on her wrists tighten and move a little higher while the ones on her ankles spread her even wider.

“I’m going to fuck you, Abby. For the next two weeks that is all we are going to do. Anyway and everyway possible. I am going to fuck your tits, your mouth, your pussy, and your ass. I am going to claim you as mine so no other male will ever doubt who you belong too.” Abby cried out as Zoran touch, flicked, and tasted each part of her as he told her what he was going to do. When his hand slid back up to her stomach he rested it there for a moment. “But most of all, Abby, I am going to plant my seed in your womb. I want you to see who is claiming you, who is loving you, and who the father of your children is as it happens. Do you hear me?”

Abby glared at Zoran. She was incredibly horny and frustrated and all he was doing was teasing her and talking. “Shut up and fuck me, Zoran. Or, find me a male who will.”

Zoran growled at the threat of another male; thrusting his cock in hard and fast, pushing it as far as it would go. He felt Abby’s climax at the sudden possession and roared in triumph at his domination of her. Ignoring Abby’s cries, Zoran rode her, pushing in deeper and deeper until he could go no further. Abby climaxed again and again, begging Zoran over and over for more. Zoran felt his own release building. He waited until it was upon him before shifting enough to elongate his teeth. Abby arched as if offering her body as a sacrifice and Zoran bit down on the side of her breast pouring his dragon fire into her. The combination of the dragon fire in her blood and her own dragon’s heat caused a wave of desire so intense, Abby screamed in pleasure/pain as it swept through her locking her in a mind-blowing orgasm that caused her vision to blur and made it difficult to breathe. Zoran’s own groan of pleasure/pain followed as Abby’s body locked down on his cock making it impossible for him to withdraw from her, squeezing every last drop of his seed from him and deep into her womb. Zoran could feel the precise moment when her womb opened and accepted the new life he was offering. Shudders flowed over him as he pulled Abby close, giving the order for his symbiosis to release her so she could wrap her arms and legs around him. They stayed connected until it was time to land.




Abby blushed again as she picked up the scrap of material off the floor of the symbiosis and tossed it into the bag Zoran was digging in. He grinned in triumph when he pulled out one of his shirts and tossed it over to Abby. Abby glared at him but pulled it over her head.

“If we meet anyone with me looking like this, I swear I won’t talk to you for the next two weeks!” Abby said fiercely as she pulled the shirt down around her hips.

Zoran’s grinned grew wider, “I plan on keeping your beautiful mouth too busy to be doing any talking. Unless, it is to talk dirty to me.”

Abby just glared over her shoulder trying to keep Zoran from seeing her own silly grin. Damn, but he was an awesome lover. Abby may not have had any experience to compare him to but she honestly couldn’t imagine any man, human or alien, who could make her feel so much pleasure she practically passed out from it. Abby ran her fingers through her hair trying to make herself somewhat presentable. She really hoped they didn’t run into Zoran’s mom before she had a chance to bathe and dress properly. She looked like she had been well and truly made love to. She felt it too! She had to fight with the mother symbiosis; then, threatened the little off-spring that appeared around her neck and wrists to NOT move any lower where she was a little sore. The damn thing hadn’t listened to her, though. As soon as the seat reformed under her, she could feel it moving between her legs. She screamed and Zoran had the nerve to chuckle as she hit him for laughing at her. He simply said it was the symbiosis’ responsibility to make sure she was ready for what he planned on doing to her later. After all, he had only fucked her pussy and he had a lot more places to fuck before their two weeks were up. Abby shivered at the thought. What on Earth, or this case Valdier, had she gotten herself into?




“Abby! Zoran! What a wonderful surprise.” Morian exclaimed as they walked up the steps of the most beautiful place Abby had ever seen. “Abby, what on Valdier are you wearing? Zoran, can’t you even provide the poor child with decent clothing?”

Abby shot Zoran a dirty look and had to bite back a chuckle at watching his cheeks turn a dull red. “Mother, Abby has decent clothing and she is not a child! Her shift was damaged on the way here.”

“Oh dear, how was it damaged? Zoran, you didn’t have anything to do with that, did you?” Morian asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Zoran’s cheeks turned even redder at his mother’s stare and he mumbled under his breath he was going to take their bags to the room they would be using while they were there. Morian chuckled as she watched her oldest son scurry away.

“Payback for all the mischief he was in when he was a boy. I swear, it was all I could do not to pull my hair out when those boys were growing up. Now, how about a lovely bit of refreshment while he tries to find the courage to come rescue you from me?” Abby just nodded her head as Morian threaded her arm through hers and followed the wily woman into a large marble foyer.




Abby tucked Zoran’s long shirt under her legs as she curled them under her. She was very self-conscious about her lack of dress and the fact she was sure she looked like she had just been made love to. Morian didn’t appear to notice as she handed Abby a steaming cup of tea. Morian guided Abby through a large foyer into a room that looked out over a breathtakingly, beautiful garden. No doors or windows blocked the view. The garden was filled with brilliant colors and a small waterfall fell in the background, flowing into a huge basin. Abby had never seen anything so beautiful in her life, not even on her own mountain.

BOOK: Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)
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