Abby's Last Stand (2 page)

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Authors: Michelle Marquis

BOOK: Abby's Last Stand
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"I just got off one. I was hoping to settle here for a while, maybe find some work."

The barkeep returned with two shot glasses and a bottle.

The gunfighter placed one of the glasses in front of her and poured her some whiskey. He downed two shots. "What do you do?"


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

"I'm a seamstress." She stared down at her glass. She'd never drunk hard liquor before. She was raised to believe it was the devil's drink. "I don't mean to be rude, but I don't drink."

The gunfighter shifted on his stool and tossed back two more shots. "What does a seamstress do?" His eyes were impossible to see under the flat-brimmed hat, but she could see them shine every now and then.

"I repair clothing that is torn or frayed. I'm hoping to get good enough to be a dressmaker someday."

"That so?"

A big, barrel-chested man moseyed over and stood right between her and the gunfighter. The energy in the room seemed to spike. "What 'chew got here, Bear?"

The gunfighter took a drink and in the next instant pulled his revolver. He pointed it at the big man and pulled back the hammer. "You need to sit down and get back to your poker game before your luck runs out."

"Okay, okay, Bear," the big man said, holding his hands up in surrender. "I was just trying to be friendly like. I didn't mean to get you all riled up." The man returned to his table and picked up a deck of cards. Someone started playing a festive tune on the piano.

Abby swallowed, feeling small and vulnerable. "Is Bear your Christian name or a nickname?"

A strange grin softened his features. "It's Bear. Bear Tooth McCoy. It's an Indian name."

"My name is Abby, Abby Wimple." She grabbed her bags and eased out of the stool. She needed to put some distance 14

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by Michelle Marquis

between her and this very dangerous man. "Well, um . . .

Mister Bear Tooth, I'm very grateful for your kindness, but I should be going. I need to find a position."

"As a seamstress?"

"Yes, sir."

He turned his stool around to face the patrons and rested his elbows on the bar. "Take a good look around you, Abby.

You see anyone here that might be in need of your services?"

She scanned the room and saw quite a few men with dirty, torn shirts and pants. "A few, yes."

"And how many of those people do you think are gonna take you up on your offer? Well, before you answer that, let me tell you. Not a one. The only services these men want from you are the ones you couldn't tell your momma about."

Abby's stomach dropped to her toes, and she was feeling very ill.
Someone's got to want to employ me. I really need
the money. He can't be right about everyone!
She tried not to panic. "Surely there must be other good people in this town who have need of what I have to offer."

"You believe that and you're just lying to yourself. This is a town of cutthroats, gunfighters, thieves, and nothing else. If you had any sense, you'd sit your pretty little ass outside and wait for the next coach."

Hunger gnawed at her belly. She let out a defeated sigh. "I can't leave town. I have no money. Besides, I have business here."

"I get it. This was as far as your money would take you.

Didn't you have a plan to survive after you got here?"


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

"Getting a job
my plan. I've never had a problem finding work."

Bear put the cork back in the bottle of whiskey and picked it up. "You better come on with me then."

"Where are we going?"

"Back to my hotel room."


"You just told me you ain't got no money. You want to spend the night here?"

Abby didn't need to think that one over. "No, of course not."

He shrugged. "Up to you. You can come, or you can take your chances." He grinned. "I'm sure one of these men will be happy to take you in."

He was right. What choice did she have? Abby quickly fell into step behind Bear, ignoring the obnoxious catcalls from some of the men in the saloon. Some of these men were nothing but swine.

* * * *

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Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

Chapter Three

Snake Eyes McCoy lit what was left of his cigar and went over to the window. His brother Bear should have been back by now. He hoped Bear hadn't gotten into a fight at the saloon. He hated having to drag his ass out late at night to bail him out of a jam. Unfortunately, it was looking like that's exactly what he was going to have to do. He'd give his brother a few more minutes, and then he was going to have to go out after him.

The door opened, and Snake whirled around and pulled both his pistols. He found he was pointing them at the prettiest woman he'd ever laid eyes on. Bear wasn't far behind the lady. Snake gave an apologetic grin and holstered his weapons.

"Sorry, ma'am," he said.

Bear closed the door behind them. He glanced at Snake's shirtless chest. "Why don't you put some clothes on? We have a guest."

Snake smiled. "Is she a guest, or are we her clients?"

"She ain't that kind of guest," Bear grumbled.

Snake was disappointed. Some female company was just what he and his brother needed to take the edge off. Too bad she was a real lady and not a business woman, so to speak.

He pulled on a white button-front shirt and leaned against the wall. The lady wouldn't look him in the eye. She kept her gaze on the floorboards just like a good girl should.

"I'm decent," Snake said. "You can look at me now."


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

The woman glanced up and met his gaze and then quickly looked away. She was a hell of a looker, that was for sure.

She had long, brown hair tied up in a loose bun and soft brown eyes. The lady was kind of thin but gave the impression she was stronger than she looked.

Bear unbuckled his holster and hung it up on the wall nearby. The woman remained standing by the door as she held two huge carpet bags.

Snake approached her. "Here, let me take those for you."

He grabbed the bags before she could protest and tossed them in the closet. He gestured to a wing chair by the window. "Won't you sit down?"

Bear removed his hat and hung it up next to his guns.

"Well, what do you know about that. You got some manners after all."

Snake ignored the jab. "Who is this?"

Bear settled into a chair. "This here is Abby. Abby is a seamstress."

"What, like mending clothes and stuff like that?"

"Yes, sir," Abby replied.

Bear gestured to Snake. "This here's my brother, Snake Eyes McCoy."

Abby nodded shyly.

Snake sank down in his chair. He took a puff on his cigar and squinted at his brother. What the hell was this all about?

Bear brought this woman here for what exactly? "You gonna have her spruce up your wardrobe?"

"I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with her. She couldn't stay at the saloon, and she ain't got no money to go 18

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by Michelle Marquis

nowhere else. If I'd left her, Buck would have had her warming his bed before the sun come up."

"I wouldn't have done it," Abby said softly.

Snake studied her lovely face. Kind of spirited little thing, but she still seemed so young and lost despite her big talk.

"Honey, he wouldn't have given you a choice."

Her eyes widened in understanding. "What a disgusting bully."

Bear nodded his agreement. "Sad part is he ain't the worst of them. But you're safe enough with us. Snake, you mind making her a bed on the floor next to us?"

Snake smiled, and her eyelashes fluttered like two black butterflies on the same flower. Her cheeks turned a charming bright pink. "I'd be delighted to," he said.

Maybe the evening wouldn't be so dull after all.

* * * *

[Back to Table of Contents]


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

Chapter Four

Abby didn't consider herself the lusty sort, but these two dangerous brothers were definitely very attractive. Bear, the taller and darker of the two, was a broody, deep-voiced, roguishly handsome man. His hands were so big and powerful, he could easily have choked the life out of another man with just one. His face was tan and hard with a noble nose and strong chin. There was also a strong Indian influence in there somewhere.

In contrast his brother, Snake, was paler and had long, dirty blond hair and the bluest eyes Abby had ever seen.

Although still a big man by anyone's standards, he gave the impression that he was tough as nails. He threw a few extra pillows on the floor and added the extra blanket.

"I'll be fine there, thank you."

Bear finished washing his face in the water basin and came over. As he wiped water off his hands he stared down at her bedding then glanced at the king bed. "It don't seem right putting her on the floor like that. The bed's big enough. Why don't we just put her in between us?"

Abby's throat went bone-dry. She started backing toward the door.

"Now look what you done," Snake said as he got between her and the exit. "You scared the daylights out of her." He lifted her chin to look at him. "You ain't in no danger from us, honey. Like I told you, no one's gonna do anything to you against your will. That's especially true of us."


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

Bear came over, and, for the first time, Abby saw warmth in his dark eyes. "Our momma was taken from her frontier home by our Comanche father when she was nineteen. She was the first white woman my father had ever seen, and he immediately fell in love with her and her exotic blonde hair.

But their match wasn't a happy one. When we were young, we would have to listen to him force himself on her. It left a definite impression. My brother and I vowed we would never treat a woman that way nor allow anyone else to in our presence."

Snake had a grim expression like he'd been forced to remember something he would have rather forgotten. He shook his head as if he tried to rid himself of a bad memory and went to the water basin to clean up.

Abby smiled at Bear. She took a deep breath that lifted her shoulders. "Thanks for that. I know it wasn't an easy thing to tell, but it makes me feel better."

"Good; then why don't we all get some sleep?"

"Okay," Abby said.

* * * *

For Abby, sleep was impossible. As it grew later, the saloon across the street got even louder and more rambunctious. Add to that the occasional gunshot and the fact that she was sandwiched between two of the most gorgeous men she'd ever laid eyes on and you had a recipe for insomnia. She opened her eyes and stared at Bear's massive back. The knotted muscles along his shoulder blades gracefully folded into the indentation of his spine. Even in the 21

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by Michelle Marquis

bedroom's dim light she could see the round scars of two bullet holes on his right side.

She wanted to touch those strange, round scars. She wanted to run her index finger along the scarred edge and feel the notch in his flesh. She imagined a few scenarios where he'd gotten those scars and immediately felt compassion for him.

Snake shifted behind her. She turned around found herself face to face with him. He smiled, and it was charming. "Hello.

Having a hard time sleeping?" he whispered.

"I guess so. So much has happed so quickly I can't seem to relax."

"Why don't I give you a back rub? That always works to calm me down when I'm all riled up."

Abby knew she should say no, but the truth was she secretly
to be seduced. The thought of this man's rough hands on her back was just too tempting to refuse. So, without saying a word, she turned her back to him and lifted up her nightdress until it was just covering her breasts.

Warm hands rested on her shoulder blades and kneaded.

Sweet, delicious pleasure filled her. Snake seemed to know exactly where she ached because he sought out every sore place and rubbed hard. Minutes flew past, and soon his hands were straying from her back to around her ribcage. A few passes moved over the side of her breasts. She should stop him now, but how could she? A potent need was taking her over, demanding she let this man do as he pleased because everything just felt so


Abby's Last Stand

by Michelle Marquis

She knew a proper woman shouldn't even be in this room with these two men, but she'd decided when she left on this journey she wasn't going to be proper anymore. All that garbage was behind her. She had a new life to embrace and a grim purpose for being here.

To her great embarrassment, Bear turned around to face her. Snake's massage must have woken him, or maybe he wasn't as asleep as she thought he was. She expected him to scold her for letting Snake touch her, but he seemed more aroused than anything else.

"You like that?" he asked in a deep, smoky voice. "You want him to stop?"

"No." It came out softly like a whispered sin. "I like it."

Snake's hands dared to move under her nightdress and over her breasts. His tender caresses, coupled with the way he paused to toy with her nipples, fired her passion. A tiny sigh escaped her.

Bear stared into her eyes. "Kiss me."

Abby reached up and cupped his cheeks with her hands.

They were rough even though he'd shaved before they went to bed. Beneath rough flesh the muscles of his jaw flexed.

She leaned forward and kissed him once. Her cheeks burned with nervous shame.

Snake was only massaging her breasts now. He took his time, squeezing the mounds with just enough pressure to cause complete delight.

Bear placed one huge hand behind her head and pulled her into another kiss. Despite his sexual aggression, he was very 23

Abby's Last Stand

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